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1、建立供地协议书范本五篇1. 供地协议书范本一中文:供地协议书甲方:市城市建设投资有限公司乙方:建设工程有限公司鉴于甲方是城市建设投资有限公司,乙方为建设工程有限公司,双方为了推动市土地开发项目进展,达成以下协议:一、甲方向乙方供应相应用地1. 供地内容:甲方同意向乙方供应项目用地,详细位置位于街道号。2. 土地面积:供地面积为平方米,具体边界见附图。3. 土地性质:供地用途为工程建设用地。二、乙方在规定时间内履行相应义务1. 工程建设:乙方应在供地后90天内开始工程建设,并于合同约定时间内完工。2. 资金支付:乙方应按照合同约定支付相应的土地使用费和项目建设费用。三、其他条款1. 本协议自双方

2、签字生效,并履行到期自动失效。2. 未尽事宜由双方另行商议解决。以上为双方供地协议书内容,甲乙双方如同意协议,请在文末签字盖章。英文:Land Supply AgreementParty A: City Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd.Party B: Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.In consideration of Party A being the City Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd., and Party B being the Constructi

3、on Engineering Co., Ltd., both parties agree to the following agreement to promote the progress of the land development project in City:1. Party A will supply the corresponding land to Party B1. Land Supply: Party A agrees to supply the project land to Party B, located at Street, No. .2. Land Area:

4、The land area supplied is square meters, with specific boundaries as shown in the attached map.3. Land Nature: The land is for construction use.2. Party B shall fulfill its obligations within the specified time1. Construction: Party B shall commence construction within 90 days after land supply and

5、complete the project within the agreed contract period.2. Payment: Party B shall pay the corresponding land use fees and project construction costs as per the contract terms.3. Other Terms1. This agreement shall be effective upon signature by both parties and shall expire upon completion.2. Matters

6、not covered herein shall be resolved through mutual agreement.The above content constitutes the land supply agreement between the parties. If both parties agree to the agreement, please sign and seal at the end of the document.2. 供地协议书范本二中文:供地协议书甲方:区房地产开发公司乙方:建筑设计咨询有限公司鉴于甲方为区房地产开发公司,乙方为建筑设计咨询有限公司,希望

7、在区规划土地项目的基础上合作,故签订如下供地协议:一、供地方1. 供地内容:甲方同意向乙方供应位于区街道号的建设用地。2. 土地面积:供地面积为平方米,详见土地测绘图。3. 土地用途:供地用途为商业综合开发项目。二、乙方义务1. 建设规划:乙方应根据土地规划要求,编制完善的建设规划方案并报甲方审批。2. 工程建设:乙方应及时开展工程建设,并按照合同约定完成项目。三、其他条款1. 本协议自双方签字生效,自供地完成之日起自动终止。2. 若遇不可抗力,导致供地无法实施,双方应及时协商解决。以上为甲乙双方供地协议内容,如双方同意协议,请在文末签字盖章。英文:Land Supply AgreementP

8、arty A: District Real Estate Development CompanyParty B: Architectural Design Consultancy Co., Ltd.In light of Party A being the District Real Estate Development Company and Party B being the Architectural Design Consultancy Co., Ltd., both parties wish to cooperate based on the land project plannin

9、g in District and hereby sign the following land supply agreement:1. Land Supply1. Land Supply Content: Party A agrees to supply the construction land located at No. , Street, District to Party B.2. Land Area: The land supply area is square meters, as shown in the land survey map.3. Land Use: The la

10、nd is intended for commercial mixed-use development projects.2. Party Bs Obligations1. Construction Planning: Party B shall develop a comprehensive construction planning proposal in accordance with the land planning requirements and submit it to Party A for approval.2. Construction: Party B shall pr

11、omptly commence the construction project and complete it as per the contract terms.3. Other Terms1. This agreement shall be effective upon signature by both parties and shall automatically terminate upon completion of land supply.2. In case of force majeure events preventing the land supply implemen

12、tation, both parties shall promptly negotiate for resolution.The above constitutes the land supply agreement between the parties. If both parties agree to the agreement, please sign and seal at the end of the document.3. 供地协议书范本三中文:供地协议书甲方:集团有限公司乙方:建设工程有限公司鉴于甲方为有限公司,乙方为建设工程有限公司,双方为推进土地开发项目的顺利进行,达成如下

13、供地协议:一、供地事项1. 供地内容:甲方同意向乙方供应区路号建设用地。2. 土地面积:供地总面积为平方米,详见附图。3. 土地用途:供地用途为制造业项目开发。二、乙方责任1. 工程规划:乙方应及时制定工程规划方案,并报甲方审批。2. 工程建设:乙方应按时开展工程建设,确保项目质量和进度。三、其他条款1. 本协议自双方签字日期生效,履行完毕后终止。2. 如有争议,双方应友好协商解决。以上为甲乙双方供地协议内容,双方如同意协议,请签字盖章。英文:Land Supply AgreementParty A: Group Limited CompanyParty B: Construction Eng

14、ineering Co., Ltd.In light of Party A being a limited company and Party B being the Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., both parties aim to facilitate the smooth progress of the land development project and have reached the following land supply agreement:1. Land Supply Matters1. Land Supply Content

15、: Party A agrees to supply the construction land at No. , Road, District to Party B.2. Land Area: The total land area supplied is square meters, as shown in the attached map.3. Land Use: The land is designated for manufacturing project development.2. Party Bs Responsibilities1. Engineering Planning:

16、 Party B shall promptly formulate the engineering planning proposal and submit it to Party A for approval.2. Construction: Party B shall commence construction promptly as per the contract, ensuring quality and progress.3. Other Terms1. This agreement shall be effective upon the date of signature by

17、both parties and shall terminate upon completion.2. In case of disputes, both parties shall resolve them amicably through negotiation.The above constitutes the land supply agreement between the parties. If both parties agree to the agreement, please sign and seal.4. 供地协议书范本四中文:供地协议书甲方:国有土地开发公司乙方:建筑设

18、计与施工有限公司鉴于甲方为国有土地开发公司,而乙方为建筑设计与施工有限公司,为了共同推进地块开发项目计划,特订立以下供地协议:一、供地事项1. 供地内容:甲方同意向乙方供应区路号的建设用地。2. 土地面积:供地总面积为平方米,详见土地测绘图。3. 土地用途:供地用途为综合商业开发项目。二、乙方责任1. 规划设计:乙方应及时制定规划设计方案,获得相关审批。2. 工程施工:乙方应按时开展工程施工,保质保量完成项目。三、其他条款1. 本协议于签字生效,并供地结束后自动失效。2. 如由于不可抗力导致供地无法实施,双方商定变更协议内容。以上为供地协议内容,如双方同意协议,请在文末签字盖章。英文:Land

19、 Supply AgreementParty A: State-owned Land Development CompanyParty B: Architectural Design and Construction Co., Ltd.Considering Party A being the State-owned Land Development Company and Party B being the Architectural Design and Construction Co., Ltd., both parties aim to jointly advance the deve

20、lopment project plan for the land plot and have established the following land supply agreement:1. Land Supply Matters1. Land Supply Content: Party A agrees to supply the construction land at No. , Road, District to Party B.2. Land Area: The total land area supplied is square meters, as shown in the

21、 land survey map.3. Land Use: The land is designated for comprehensive commercial development projects.2. Party Bs Responsibilities1. Planning and Design: Party B shall promptly formulate the planning and design proposal and obtain the necessary approvals.2. Engineering Construction: Party B shall c

22、ommence construction promptly as per the contract, ensuring quality and quantity for project completion.3. Other Terms1. This agreement shall be effective upon signature by both parties and shall automatically terminate upon completion of land supply.2. In cases where force majeure events prevent la

23、nd supply implementation, both parties shall mutually agree to alter the agreement terms.The above constitutes the land supply agreement content. If both parties agree to the agreement, please sign and seal at the end of the document.5. 供地协议书范本五中文:供地协议书甲方:房地产投资有限公司乙方:建筑设备租赁有限公司鉴于甲方为房地产投资有限公司,乙方为建筑设备

24、租赁有限公司,为合作开展相应土地建设项目,达成如下供地协议:一、供地条件1. 供地内容:甲方同意向乙方供应区路号的建设用地。2. 土地面积:供地总面积为平方米,详见附图。3. 土地用途:供地用途为住宅开发建设项目。二、乙方责任1. 设备提供:乙方应按约定提供相关施工设备,并保障设备运转良好。2. 工程建设:乙方应按时开展工程施工,保质保量完成项目。三、其他条款1. 本协议自双方签字日期生效,供地完成后终止。2. 如有不可抗力因素影响供地实施,双方商议解决。以上为双方供地协议内容,如同意协议,请在文末签字盖章。英文:Land Supply Agreement Party A: Real Esta

25、te Investment Co., Ltd.Party B: Construction Equipment Rental Co., Ltd.Considering Party A is the Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd., and Party B is the Construction Equipment Rental Co., Ltd., to collaborate on the corresponding land construction project, they have reached the following land supply a

26、greement:1. Land Supply Conditions1. Land Supply Content: Party A agrees to supply the construction land at No. , Road, District to Party B.2. Land Area: The total land area supplied is square meters, as detailed in the attached map.3. Land Use: The land is intended for residential development const

27、ruction projects.2. Party Bs Responsibilities1. Equipment Provision: Party B shall provide the agreed construction equipment and ensure their proper operation.2. Engineering Construction: Party B shall commence construction promptly as per the contract, ensuring quality and quantity for project comp

28、letion.3. Other Terms1. This agreement shall be effective upon the date of signature by both parties and shall terminate upon completion of land supply.2. In cases where force majeure factors impact land supply implementation, both parties shall negotiate a solution.The above constitutes the land supply agreement content between the parties. If the agreement is accepted, please sign and seal at the end of the document.

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