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1、无人机服务合同协议书范本九篇*合同协议书范本一*中文:*合同协议书甲方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:乙方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:经甲、乙双方友好协商,就下列合同事项达成如下协议:*第一条 合同目的*为就甲方委托乙方进行无人机服务而订立本合同,明确双方的权利和义务。*第二条 服务内容*1. 乙方应按照甲方的要求,提供无人机相关服务,包括但不限于拍摄航拍视频、进行航测航拍等。2. 乙方应保证提供的服务符合相关法律法规的要求,并确保服务质量和安全性。*第三条 服务报酬*1. 甲方应根据乙方提供的服务支付相应的报酬。2. 报酬金额以双方书面协议为准,乙方提

2、供服务后,甲方应按照约定时间支付报酬。*第四条 合同期限*本合同自双方签署之日起生效,至服务结束之日止。*第五条 违约责任*1. 任何一方未能履行本合同规定的义务,应向对方承担违约责任。2. 如因不可抗力等原因导致合同无法履行,双方互不承担责任。*第六条 法律适用*本合同的签订、生效、履行及争议解决,适用中华人民共和国法律。*第七条 其他事项*1. 本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*甲方(盖章):*乙方(盖章):*日期:年 月 日*Contract Agreement Template One*English:*Contract Agr

3、eementParty A: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:Party B: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:Following friendly negotiations between Party A and Party B, the agreement on the following contract matters is as follows:*Article 1 Purpose of the C

4、ontract*This contract is entered into by Party As commission to Party B for drone services to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.*Article 2 Service Content*1. Party B shall provide drone-related services to Party A as required, including but not limited to shooting aerial videos and

5、conducting aerial surveys.2. Party B shall ensure that the services provided comply with relevant laws and regulations, and ensure service quality and safety.*Article 3 Service Remuneration*1. Party A shall pay the corresponding remuneration to Party B based on the services provided.2. The remunerat

6、ion amount shall be as agreed in writing by both parties, and Party A shall pay the remuneration according to the agreed time after Party B provides the service.*Article 4 Contract Period*This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties until the end of the service.*Arti

7、cle 5 Breach of Contract Liability*1. If either party fails to perform the obligations stipulated in this contract, they shall bear the liability for breach of contract towards the other party.2. If the contract cannot be performed due to force majeure or other reasons, neither party shall be held r

8、esponsible.*Article 6 Applicable Law*The signing, effectiveness, performance, and dispute resolution of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.*Article 7 Other Matters*1. Matters not covered by this contract shall be resolved through mutual consultation.2. This

9、contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.*Party A (Seal):*Party B (Seal):*Date: Year Month Day*合同协议书范本二*中文:*# 合同协议书甲方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:乙方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:鉴于甲方有关无人机服务需求,乙方有能力提供相关服务,经双方协商一致,特订立如下合同:*第一条 服务内容*1. 乙方应根据甲方

10、需求,提供无人机拍摄、测绘等服务。2. 甲方应提供必要的支持和配合,确保无人机服务的顺利进行。*第二条 服务费用*1. 甲方应按照乙方提供的服务标准支付相应的服务费用。2. 服务费用支付方式双方协商一致,并在合同中明确。*第三条 服务期限*本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至服务结束之日止。*第四条 违约责任*1. 若因一方违约导致合同无法履行,应对违约方承担相应责任。2. 发生不可抗力等情况时,免除双方的违约责任。*第五条 争议解决*双方因本合同引起的争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,由双方共同选择进行调解或诉讼解决。*第六条 其他条款*1. 本合同未尽事宜,由双方另行协商解决。2. 本合

11、同在任何方面的修改、补充,需经双方书面同意后执行。*甲方(盖章):*乙方(盖章):*日期:年 月 日*Contract Agreement Template Two*English:*# Contract AgreementParty A: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:Party B: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:In view of Party As need for drone services

12、and Party Bs capability to provide such services, and by mutual agreement, the following contract is hereby established:*Article 1 Service Content*1. Party B shall provide drone shooting, surveying, and other services according to Party As requirements.2. Party A shall provide necessary support and

13、cooperation to ensure the smooth delivery of drone services.*Article 2 Service Fees*1. Party A shall pay the corresponding service fees based on the service standards provided by Party B.2. The payment method for service fees shall be agreed upon by both parties and specified in the contract.*Articl

14、e 3 Service Period*This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties until the end of the service.*Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability*1. If either party breaches the contract, resulting in the inability to fulfill the contract, the defaulting party shall b

15、ear corresponding liability.2. In case of force majeure or other circumstances, both parties are exempted from breach of contract liability.*Article 5 Dispute Resolution*In the event of a dispute arising from this contract, both parties shall first seek an amicable resolution through negotiations. I

16、f negotiations fail, both parties shall mutually select mediation or litigation for resolution.*Article 6 Other Clauses*1. Matters not covered by this contract shall be resolved through further negotiation between both parties.2. Any modifications or supplements to this contract shall be enforceable

17、 only after written agreement by both parties.*Party A (Seal):*Party B (Seal):*Date: Year Month Day*合同协议书范本三*中文:*合同协议书甲方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:乙方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:鉴于甲方委托乙方提供无人机服务的需求,经甲、乙双方友好协商,特订立如下合同:*第一条 服务内容*1. 乙方应按照甲方需求,提供无人机航拍服务。2. 甲方应提供必要的场地和支持,确保服务顺利进行。*第二条 服务费用*1. 甲方应按照乙方提供的服务报价支付相应

18、费用。2. 服务费用支付方式及时间双方协商确定。*第三条 合同期限*本合同自签署之日起生效,至服务结束之日止。*第四条 违约责任*1. 任何一方违反本合同规定的内容,应对对方承担违约责任。2. 因不可抗力等情况导致不能履行合同的,免除双方违约责任。*第五条 法律适用*本合同的签订、履行及争议解决,适用中华人民共和国法律。*第六条 其他事项*1. 本合同未尽事宜,由双方另行协商解决。2. 本合同经双方确认无误后生效,一式两份,各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*甲方(盖章):*乙方(盖章):*日期:年 月 日*Contract Agreement Template Three*English:*# C

19、ontract AgreementParty A: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:Party B: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:In view of Party As commission to Party B for drone services, and following friendly negotiations between the two parties, the following co

20、ntract is hereby established:*Article 1 Service Content*1. Party B shall provide drone aerial photography services as required by Party A.2. Party A shall provide the necessary locations and support to ensure the smooth delivery of services.*Article 2 Service Fees*1. Party A shall pay the correspond

21、ing fees based on the service quotation provided by Party B.2. The payment method and schedule for service fees shall be determined through mutual agreement.*Article 3 Contract Period*This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing until the end of the service.*Article 4 Breach of Cont

22、ract Liability*1. If either party violates the provisions of this contract, they shall bear the liability for breach of contract towards the other party.2. In case of force majeure or other circumstances preventing the fulfillment of the contract, both parties are exempted from breach of contract li

23、ability.*Article 5 Applicable Law*The signing, performance, and dispute resolution of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.*Article 6 Other Matters*1. Matters not covered by this contract shall be resolved through further negotiation between both parties.2. Th

24、is contract shall come into effect upon confirmation by both parties, made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.*Party A (Seal):*Party B (Seal):*Date: Year Month Day*合同协议书范本四*中文:*合同协议书甲方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:乙方:(公司名称)地址:法定代表人:电话:传真:邮箱:鉴于甲方有关无人机服务的需求,乙方愿提供

25、相关服务,经双方友好协商,特订立如下合同:*第一条 服务内容*1. 乙方应提供符合甲方要求的无人机航拍服务。2. 甲方应提供必要的协助和保障,确保服务质量。*第二条 服务费用*1. 根据实际服务情况,甲方支付乙方相应的服务费。2. 双方约定服务费用支付方式,确保及时支付。*第三条 服务期限*本合同自签署之日起生效,至服务结束之日止。*第四条 违约责任*1. 如一方未履行合同义务,应向对方承担相应违约责任。2. 发生不可抗力等情况导致无法履行合同的,免除违约责任。*第五条 法律适用*本合同的签订、履行及争议解决,适用中华人民共和国法律。*第六条 其他事项*1. 本合同未尽事宜,由双方另行协商解决

26、。2. 本合同经双方确认无误后生效,一式两份,各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*甲方(盖章):*乙方(盖章):*日期:年 月 日*Contract Agreement Template Four*English:*# Contract AgreementParty A: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:Party B: (Company Name)Address:Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Email:In view of Party As need for dr

27、one services and Party Bs willingness to provide such services, and following amicable negotiations between both parties, the following contract is hereby established:*Article 1 Service Content*1. Party B shall provide drone aerial photography services that meet the requirements of Party A.2. Party

28、A shall provide the necessary assistance and support to ensure service quality.*Article 2 Service Fees*1. Based on the actual service situation, Party A shall pay the corresponding service fees to Party B.2. The payment method for service fees shall be agreed upon by both parties to ensure timely pa

29、yment.*Article 3 Service Period*This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing until the end of the service.*Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability*1. If either party fails to fulfill the contractual obligations, they shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract towar

30、ds the other party.2. In case of force majeure or other circumstances preventing the fulfillment of the contract, the liability for breach of contract is exempted.*Article 5 Applicable Law*The signing, performance, and dispute resolution of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.*Article 6 Other Matters*1. Matters not covered by this contract shall be resolved through further negotiation between both parties.2. This contract shall come into effect upon confirmation by

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