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1、Chapter 6Writing about results School of Information Science and EngineeringCSU uFunctions of results sentencesuVerb tense in Results sections OutlineuGeneral description1authors write the most important findingsthe findings will form part of the Discussion section.In writing sentences about results

2、:only highlight the main points dont repeat results in tables or figures u General descriptionEffective authors Published advice from editors&researchers 2To check the journals Instructions to Contributors To see which format they preferTo examine articles selection when the Instructions are not exp

3、licit.Results Presented separately from the Discussion Combined in Results and discussion section 3If the separate style is used4To confine any comments in the Results section To explain what the numbers showDont compare the numbers with other researchDont suggest explanationsauthors sometimes compa

4、re with previous workthe point relates to a component of resultsit will not be discussed in detail in the DiscussionIn general,keeping Results and Discussion sections separate is more common.In the Results section5The text of a Results section typically:Highlights the important findingsLocates the f

5、igure(s)or table(s)where the results can be found Comments on(but doesnt discuss)the results uFunctions of results sentences6 Elements that highlight and locate combined in the same sentences appeared in separate sentences.Examples of combined highlight+location styles:7pMeasurements of root length

6、density(Figure 3)revealed that the majority of roots of both cultivars were found in the upper substrate layers.pThe response of Lucerne root growth to manganese rate and depth treatments was similar to that of shoots(Figure 2).Example of a separate location statement:Figure 17 shows the average num

7、ber of visits per bird.8SA:Quality of Service Interworking over Heterogeneous Networks in 5G Figure 8 shows traffic sent/received for video conference and VoIP traffic for Scenario 1.Figure 10 shows HTTP traffic sent and received for Scenario 1.Task 6.1 Separate location sentences in Results section

8、s9Answer:Kaiser et al.(2003):no separate location sentences occur.Britton Simmons and Abbott(2008):only one separate location sentence occurs,and it is written in the style of highlight sentence:We plotted the proportion of plots in each treatment combination that were successfully invaded as a func

9、tion of propagule pressure(Fig.3).SA:The traffic received for Scenario 1 is reduced compared to other scenarios(Figure 9-a).However,traffic sent and received for Scenario 1 are almost identical(1.5%packet loss)as shown in Figure 9-b.uVerb tense in Results sections 1Thinking of a reason for the use o

10、f different tenses in different sentences.2 Summarize your findings using the following sentence starters:In Results sections,the past tense is used to talk about The present tense is used in sentences Modal verbs are used 10Task 6.2 Verb usage in Results sections Past tense(either active or passive

11、 voice)is be used when the sentence focuses on the completed study:what was done and found.11Common use of tense in Results sections:SA:Jitter for video conference traffic for Scenarios 3 and 4 are almost zero,while jitter in Scenarios 1 and 2 is slightly increased and reached 4.5 and 4.1 ms respect

12、ively.The packet loss rate for HTTP traffic started at 225 Sec and the loss rate was 1%,this value increased to 7%at the end of the simulation.Present tense is used:To describe an“always true”situation;When the sentence focuses on the document12SA:In this simulation study,QoS metrics end-to-end dela

13、y,jitter and packet loss are collected and analyzed.End-to-end delay is the latency between the source and destination which directly affects user satisfaction.Packet loss rate is the percentage of packets which failed to reach the destination.Modal verbs(e.g.may and could)may be used in comments,es

14、pecially in clauses13SA:For an ideal system,jitter should be zero,which means there should be no delay variation in the time for the received packets.Ideally,there should be no packet loss for VoIP14.In these sentences,should is inappropriate in a SA.Choose one subsection of the Results section in y

15、our SA.Answer the following questions and discuss your findings with a colleague.For each verb in the subsection,why do you think the author(s)chose to use the tense they did?Do the authors use tenses in the ways discussed in the section above?If not,what reasons can you suggest?Hint:Example papers

16、from your own discipline provide the most accurate guidelines for you.14Task 6.3 Analyzing your SA Results section for verb usage Suggestions:Impossible to write a book accurately To give you tools and questions to analyze To refine the guidelines making them accurately 15 Begin to draft a Results s

17、ection for your own paper(OA),writing about the tables or figures you have worked on previously.16Task 6.4 Drafting your own Results section Research of brain-computer interface based on multi-feature integration and BP neural network4 Experiment and result analysis4.1 Design of experiment systemThe

18、 EEG acquisition system structure as shown in Fig.2,the recovery of EEG signal acquisition electrode,through the amplifier amplification of weak signals,filter interference,and then through the AID conversion for digital signal processing is sent to the host computer via bluetooth.4.2 Experimental c

19、onditions and methodsThe electrode position is placed in accordance with the Montreol method and the international standard lead 10-20,as shown in figure 3.The electrodes were placed on the prefrontal cortex of the subjects to collect Alpha waves,and the arrows referred to the electrode placement,an

20、d the ear clamp used as the reference electrode was clipped on the left and right lobes.In order to ensure the accuracy of data acquisition,this study uses Shure special grid method,before the experiment,the subjects attention to a large number of training.4.3 Experiment processThe experimental subj

21、ects were male youth,healthy,corrected vision normal,right handedness.The lab is quiet and room temperature is normal.Electrodes for EEG acquisition using dry electrodes.Before collecting the experimental data of EEG,the Alpha wave blocking experiment should be performed to verify the correctness of

22、 the acquisition of Alpha waves in EEG signals,as shown in Fig.4.In the experiment,the subjects performed the motor imagery task according to the experimental paradigm shown in Fig.5.Half an hour before the start of the experiment,the subjects left the actual movement sensation in the brain through

23、the actual movement of the left and right hands and left and right legs.In the experiment,the subjects sat in a comfortable chair,relaxed naturally,and completed the movement imagination of the left hand,right hand,left leg and right leg according to the screen prompt.4.4 Data processing and results

24、The time of each motor imagery data was 30 s,and the sampling rate was 512 Hz,and the original data(Raw data)was shown in Fig.6.First the original data into the band pass filter,filter out the Alpha wave,and then enter the 50 Hz notch filter,filter the power line interference,and finally wavelet packet de-noising,so that the data can better process.The filtered image of the raw data is shown in Fig.7.The raw data are filtered and processed,and the feature values are extracted and classified.Table 2 is the classification accuracy of motion imagery in all directions.Thank you!Thank you!

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