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1、Unit2TheOlympicGames2021/5/271Do you know which city will hold the next Olympic Games in 2012?2021/5/272The 29th Beijing Olympic Games2008August 88 p.m.2021/5/273gymnasium(体育馆)(体育馆)stadium(露天体育场)(露天体育场)2021/5/274Michael Phelps won eight gold medalsgold medals altogether in Beijing Olympic Games.Meda

2、l2021/5/275_help people from all over the world.Volunteers2021/5/276brainstormFrom what we learned what words on the Olympics can you think of?the Olympic Gamescompete against/forcompetition,competitorevents:running race,horse riding,skiing,skating,swimming,sailing,team sports,a special village,gymn

3、asium,stadiummascot,mottomedal,olive wreath,prize money,athletes,women,slaves 2021/5/277An InterviewPausaniasA Greek writerLi YanA volunteer Pausanias Li Yanon March 18th,2007to find out about the present-day Olympic Gamesinterviewing访问访问WhoWhenPurpose 2021/5/278Can you find some questions Pausanias

4、 ask?1.How often do you hold your Games?L122.Winter Games?L173.Do you mean the Greek world?L264.Where are all the athletes housed?L335.Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games?L366.Do you compete for prize money?L50scanning2021/5/279The text mainly _ the Olympic Games,especially the _ and _ betwee

5、n the ancient Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games.introducesimilaritiesdifferencesWhats the main idea of the text?2021/5/27101.How often do you hold your Games?L:Every 4 years.Careful reading1Q1:How many kinds of Olympic Games now?2 sets of games,the Winter and the Summer Olympics Q2:Will any

6、 athlete be admitted as competitors?Why?No,only those who have reached the agreed standard for their event.?2021/5/2711?Think Only someone who reach the agreed standard will be admitted as competitors.So do you think the competitions are very fierce(激烈)?激烈)?What do you think is the most important an

7、d valuable in these competitions?Winners are not always measured(衡量)衡量)in medals and victories,but in the efforts they make.Friendship,strength and courageWho are the real winner?2021/5/27122.Winter Games?Q1:Why we call them the Winter Olympic Games?There are competitions like skiing and ice skating

8、 which need snow and ice.Q2:Which events do the Summer Olympics have?Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races,together with swimming,sailing and all the team sports2021/5/2713?Some knowledge about the Winter OlympicsThe Olympic Winter Games has developed over a long period of time,

9、with some sports disappearing and others being added.Some,such as curling(冰上溜石),have recently returned.Others,including ski jumping(跳高滑雪)and figure skating(花样滑冰),have changed and still are part of the program.Figure skating is the only sport which has always been open to women while,ski jumping are

10、still men-only events.curlingski jumpingfigure skating2021/5/27143:Do you mean the Greek world?modern Olympic Gamesancient Olympic Gamesathletes_ country can take part if their athletes are good enough._ are not only allowed,but play a very important role inOnly _ cities,no other countries could joi

11、n in,nor could _ or _.amazed,unbelievablefeelingGreekslaveswomenAnyWomen2021/5/27154:Where are all the athletes housed?a special village to live in,a reception building,some stadiums,and a gym as well.5:Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games?1.a great responsibility but also a great honor to be

12、chosen2.There is as much competition to host as to win 2021/5/27166.Do you compete for prize money?Its still aboutthe motto of the Olympics “Swifter,Higher and stronger”2021/5/2717Ancient Olympic Games Modern Olympic Games How many kinds What events(项目)项目)Athletes Host city Prizes 2(Summer&Winter Ol

13、ympics)running races,horse riding and so on over 250 sports,skiing,ice skating and so on any athletes reaching the standard medals differencesolive wreath only men in the Greek world any city in the world 1 (summer Olympics)cities in Greece Careful reading22021/5/2718Similarities?1.How often:every 4

14、 years2.Some events are same:running,horse riding3.Not compete for money 4.Motto:“Swifter,Higher,and Stronger”2021/5/2719Answer these questions 1.What aspects of the Olympics are talked about in the text?How,what,_,_,_,for whatwhowherewhy2.Whats Li Yans attitude towards the Modern Olympics?A.disappo

15、inted B.uninterested C.proud C3.Where can you probably find this kind of article?A.novel B.newspaper C.magzine B4.How does the writer introduce the Olympics?A.by comparing B.by giving examples C.by explainingA5.Which word can best replace the word“basis”?A.theory B.practice C.disciplineB2021/5/2720W

16、hich expressions do you like best in the text.L5:I lived in what you call“Ancient Greece”L15:Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.L22:Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races,together withL27.No other countries could joi

17、n in,nor could slaves or women!L30.Women are not only allowed,but play a very important role in L40.Theres as much competition to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.2021/5/2721Having learned the interview,have you noticed some expressions such as conjunctions?1.But,of course,and,instead,earl

18、iertogether with,as a matter of fact,Certainly,and after,so,2.May I ask?Do you mean?I see.Does anyone Oh,yes.You know Well How.2021/5/2722.Read the short passage.The ancient Olympic Games started in 776 BC and stopped in 393 AD.The ancient Olympic Games were held every four years in summer in Greece

19、.Only Greece free-citizens(公民公民)could take part.Slaves were not allowed to compete.And only men and boys could compete in the ancient Olympic Games.Women could take part in chariot races(敞篷马车比赛敞篷马车比赛)with horses but this was the only time they could join in.Married women were not even allowed to wat

20、ch the games.If they try to watch the games,they could be put to death.The winners got wreaths made of olive leaves.They didnt receive money but they could get presents from their hometowns.There was no Winter Olympic Games in the ancient Olympic Games.There were many events,such as boxing,running,h

21、orse riding,wrestling(摔跤摔跤).And the motto of the ancient Olympic Games was also“Swifter,Higher,Stronger”.Post reading 2021/5/2723Try to make an interview,Li Yan is now interviewing Pausanias about the ancient Olympics.Li Yan:My name is Li Yan.I am a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games.May I ask you

22、 some questions about the ancient Olympics?Pausanias:Yes,I heared that Beijing Olympic games is great.What would you like to know?Li Yan:When and where did the first Olympic Games start?P:Li:How often|.?P:Li:I know women were not allowed to compete,could they watch the games?P:L:P:L:Thank you so muc

23、h for your time.2021/5/2724When you watch the Olympics,I hope you will remember more than the history of the games.You should pay attention not just to the winners.but to the people who dont win the gold medal.Think about what they took to get there,the dedication(奉献)(奉献).2021/5/27251.Goals determin

24、e what you are going to be.Julius Erving 目目标标决定你将成决定你将成为为什么什么样样的人的人 朱利叶斯朱利叶斯欧文欧文2.Success grows out of struggle to overcome difficulties.S.Smiles 成功来自克服困成功来自克服困难难的斗争。的斗争。S斯斯迈迈尔尔斯斯3.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say“impossible”B.Napoleon 凡是决心取得凡是决心取得胜胜利的人是从来不利的人是从来不说说“不可能的不可能的”。B拿破拿破仑仑appreciating 2021/5/2726Homework 1.Review the text and learn more about the ancient and modern Olympics2.Write down an article of your feelings after you read the text.2021/5/2727

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