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1、Orange -success and joy blue-sadness or calm green-energy and nature red-power and strength White-calm and peaceyellow-wisdom and warmth-The woman is wearingRed respresents Maybe she feels She could be I thinkColours and what they represent Wang Mei,Class 1,Grade 9The woman in this picture is wearin

2、g a _ dress and a pair of _ shoes.This is interesting because red and white are very different colours.Red represents _ and _.Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red,or she just wants to make herself look more powerful.Her handbag and _ are white.The colour white represents _ and _.S

3、he could be _ and the colour white helps her feel peaceful.I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed,buit she is wearing the right colours to help herself.Red and white are a good match,as the powerful _ balances the calm _.redwhitepowerstrengthshoescalmpeacestressedredwhiteThe wom

4、an is wearingRed respresents Maybe she feels She could be I thinkColour of T-shirt:_Represents:_Colour of skirt:_Represents:_Colour of hat:_Represents:_Colour of shoes:_Represents:_Moods:_Reasons:_Is it a good fruit juice advertisement?_Why?_greenenergy and natureyellowwisdom and warmthwhite(and ora

5、nge)calm and peace(and success)bluesadness or calmrelaxed,peaceful,bright,fresh,cheerful Colour of shirt:_ Represents:_ Colour of trousers:_ Represents:_ Colour of glasses:_ Represents:_Colour of shoes:_Represents:_Moods:_Reasons:_Is it a good mobile phone advertisement?_Why?_organgesuccess and joybluesadness or calmblackpower and protectionwhitecalm and peacefast,powerful The man(woman)is wearing Green/Red represents Maybe she/he feels She/He could be I think

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