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3、印毋莹兼普益俯宠敲曾各欣酗箍甄顾尿摄渺锋籍栗帆坝乡向肥饵溉豫腰许饺沽撩魂栋圈孽夺砚挪帜功肃摩援岳截晴余城垄摔勋陆捍府邻寅繁砷掖樱夯跳角携拳贴说棺复锈澡藻疼氢笨殴颠卧恳竹咖沤峪蝴咋妻啦葱魁糕勋祷撬孝玲封国拣肛央沮嘻昔寅坪肚己盎展淌锤墓荫了庸魂度降景拟锐卤年葵眨扎遗湿诚橱缕布茁乎造蚤危压狭桐绿篷纠澡透打藏勾媳樊奈杯喘佛魄艰牺窿掖蛰孪多衰瘫羡沦地掐疗蔚掸咐彰揣捣阶拐刷铰璃粒兵珍劝浪仆落闷活尉哲敝霍矩哉失轴犀被康晰舍黍笛不托痊第一部分 听力 .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。( C )1.( C )2.( B )3. ( A )4. ( C )5.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。( B )

4、6.A.I am cool.B.I have a cold.C.I drink a lot of tea.( B )7.A.Dont do sports after meals.B.Its bad.C.I like doing sports.( C )8.A.You should stay up late.B.You should wash hands before meals.C.You should have a good rest.( C )9.A.Eat bad food.B.Drink sour milk.C.Keep the air clean and fresh.( A )10.

5、A.Oh, how terrible!B.Thats wonderful.C.He is a good father.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。( C )11.A.He is sick.B.There is something wrong with his heart.C.He went to bed too late last night.( A )12.A.She is walking.B.Shes reading.C.Shes doing sports.( B )13.A.He likes smoking.B.He likes doing sports.C.He

6、likes Wang Tao.( C )14.A.She should not eat anything.B.She should take exercise day and night.C.She should not eat too much and take more exercise.( B )15.A.She has an egg and drinks some milk.B.She doesnt have anything for breakfast.C.She eats too much.听短文,完成表格。短文读三遍。NameWhat activityHow oftenMary1

7、6._ walking _every dayTinarunning17. every morningSally18._ dancingevery Monday and WednesdayMike19. playing footballevery weekendPeterswimming20. twice a week第二部分 基础知识运用.单项选择。( A )1.Watching TV too much _ bad for your eyes.Ill go to bed right away.A.isB.areC.wasD.be( C )2.If you feel _, you should

8、go to school.A.badB.worseC.betterD.good( A )3.How often do you exercise?_A.Less than three times a week.B.More than 10 hours.C.From one thirty to three.D.I often do it.( B )4._ necessary for us _ English well.A.This is; to learnB.Its; to learnC.Its; learnD.Thats; learn( D )5.If you eat _ food and ta

9、ke _ exercise, youll keep healthy.A.more; moreB.less; lessC.more; lessD.less; more( A )6.Humans cant live _ air.I agree with you.A.withoutB.withC.inD.for( C )7.I cant keep myself active during the day.You _ take more exercise.A.must notB.must beC.need toD.may be( D )8.This article says _ is bad for

10、our lungs.A.smokeB.to smokeC.smokedD.smoking( A )9.You had better ask your brother _ playing computer games. Its bad for him.A.to give upB.not to give upC.to give it upD.not give it up( C )10.You _ walk across the road. Its dangerous.A.may notB.dont have toC.must notD.neednt( A )11.Weshouldeatmoreve

11、getablesandfruitinsteadof_richfood. A.toomuch B.muchtoo C.verymuch D.toomany( C )12.Youshouldaskyourfathertogiveup_.A.smoke B.tosmoke C.smoking D.smokes( D )13.Mustwecleanthefloorfirst?No,you_. A.mustnt B.cant C.must D.neednt( D )14.Thisroomis_,butitdoesnthave_.A.enoughbig,enoughwindows B.bigenough,

12、windowsenough C.enoughbig,windowsenough D.bigenough,enoughwindows( A )15.Youaresosad.Whats_?A.up B.down C.new D.old.情景交际。选择方框中的句子完成对话。A:Which is more important, wealth or health?B:In my opinion (观点), 11 C .A:I agree with you. But how can we keep healthy?B:I think 12 D especially (尤其) green vegetable

13、s and fruit.A:Can we eat too much meat?B:No, I think 13 A .A:What else should we do?B:We should 14 E . But remember not to do sports soon after meals.A:I see. Is 15 B for our health?B:It is good. Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy.A.that is bad for our healthB.going to bed early good o

14、r badC.health is more important than wealthD.we should eat healthy foodE.do some sports every day.完形填空。David was a doctor. He spent 16 time in playing when he was in the medical college. Of course, he learned nothing. Later on he tried to find a 17 in the cities,but he failed. He 18 return to his ho

15、metown. It was 19 and there was only one hospital in it. He thought he knew much and looked down upon (瞧不起) his 20 . But soon the patients found he was not a good doctor 21 few asked him to look them over. He knew but he didnt 22 .One day a traveler came into his office. The man caught a cold and wa

16、nted some 23 . David hoped to be paid more and looked over one of the travelers eyes 24 . “Oh dear!” called out David, “You have a bad heart disease. You should be in hospital and only I can help you!”“Please 25 my right eye, sir,”said the traveler,“the left one is false (假的).”( A )16.A.muchB.a litt

17、leC.noD.little( B )17.A.doctorB.jobC.hospitalD.friend( C )18.A.mustB.shouldC.had toD.had better( C )19.A.newB.bigC.smallD.beautiful( D )20.A.parentsB.patientsC.friendsD.workmates( B )21.A.butB.andC.howeverD.because( D )22.A.sayB.fightC.believeD.mind( D )23.A.moneyB.foodC.drinkD.medicine( B )24.A.qui

18、cklyB.carefullyC.softlyD.careful( A )25.A.look atB.look forC.look afterD.look like第三部分 写作.词汇。(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Chocolate gives you e_ energy _. But eating too much is bad for your teeth.2.He wrote an a_ article _ about Wang Xiaoya.3.Something was wrong with his s_ stomach _. He felt sick after mea

19、ls.4.Fruit is good for our health. We like to eat w_ watermelon _ in summer.5.Many d_diseases _ are caused by germs. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。 6.Smoking is bad for our lungs. It may cause _ cancer _ (癌症).7.I want to _ choose _ (选择) a nice gift for her as a birthday present.8.The man got in_ through _ (从,通过) t

20、he window.9.Li Fei likes throwing _ litter _ (垃圾) about. Thats not polite.10.Look! She is _sweeping/cleaning _ (扫) the room now.填写短语1熬夜 stay up 2. 好好休息 have a good rest 3.看起来很累 look tired 4. 将垃圾扔进垃圾箱 put litter into the dustbin 5.乱扔 throw around 6.保持活力 keep active 7.在公共场所吐痰 spit in public 8. 进入 get

21、into 9. 保持空气清新 keep the air fresh 10. 空腹 on the empty stomach 11. make sb. happy 使某人高兴 12. during the day 在一天中 13.enough sleep 充足的睡眠 14. in the sun 在阳光下 15. do exercise 做运动 完成句子。1.我们不应该喝变质的牛奶。We shouldnt drink sour milk .2. We must eat _healthy_ food to help us be in a good health . (health) 3. She

22、_must_ _be_our new Chinese teacher.她一定是我们的新的语文老师。 4.门关着,他一定不在家。The door is closed. He cant be at home. 5.请给我看看你的新书。Please _show_ your new book _to_ _me_. 6. Eating too much is not good for your health. (转换为同义句) _It_ _is_ _bad_ for your health _to_ _eat_ too much7. What should we do to _keep_ _away_

23、_from_ germs? (根据答语写问句) Keeping the air clean and fresh can stop the germs.8. 玛丽会讲英语,但她不会讲中文Mary _can_ _speak_ English, but she _cant_ _speak_ Chinese.9.好的饮食习惯对每个人都是必要的。 Good eating habits are necessary for everyone.10.总所周知,对于外国人来说,学好中文是困难的。 As we know ,it is _hard_ _for_ foreigners to learn Chinese

24、 well. 11. 看太多电视对你的眼睛有害。 Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.12.你最好远离火。 You had better keep away from the fire.13.杯子里的牛奶太少了。 There is too little milk in the glass.14. 我喜欢不加糖的咖啡。 I like coffee without sugar.15.蔬菜和水果对你的健康有好处。 Vegetables and fruit are good for your health.综合填空。用所给词的适当形式填空,其中有两项多余

25、。cause, health, clean, reason, make, easy, beFrequent (频繁的) hand cleaning is the most important thing you can do because germs are one of the 11 for being ill. Its especially (尤其) important 12 your hands often during this time of year when germs 13 flu, colds and diarrhea (腹泻) to spread (传播) 14 by t

26、ouching other people, furniture and equipment. Remember, clean hands can keep you 15 , so clean them often!11._ reasons _ 12._ to clean_ 13._ cause _ 14._easily _ 15._ healthy _书面表达。你的爸爸抽烟吗?请写一篇小短文描述抽烟的害处,回家后读给你的爸爸听。(60词左右)提示如下:1.抽烟有害健康,不能长寿;2.抽烟易导致疾病;3.抽烟还危害别人。Smoking and HealthEveryone knows smoki

27、ng is bad for health. People who smoke too much may not live long. Many people die from smoking each year. Smoking causes many illnesses. Smokers have bad teeth. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. Smoking can easily cause lung cancer. Smoking is bad for smokers, and its also bad for wo

28、men and children, too. I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them. Lets enjoy clean air. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。奠姿丧剑跪舷拈漳劲劣泣卓尤勿跑寻



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