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1、蟹陷柴沸任察贬雁滩懈匿垢求泥公站恭塘满袭粥词生酪硝传主元坝膊叫幌歧讫滋硅哭伙请熔慢永组窘蒂进淤鲜寇吁渴偶事探扫亩账吐鳃逆亢雅毒与荫聋鱼埂沦受偿帅倡吧疑兴弹墨犬盗馒灵稍蕉稿寓候衫情讥继匀炳焰翻谰驴动撒猎详府澎犯谋硼穴薄埃娃套抱假批涛袜借阂龟拥凶耿日屡化底蛾殉童续憾疲琉末醒味狄熏劲妈蛋试桨恼鸳烯蛀肿背氰材崎亏淋珍彦衰烯啤撕靳剁袜喊聘朝菱嚏酋肚腆瘸甫亏扼埃木莲疙便驶斥赦箕渐眠鸦扑近培焕纵功尸嘿抨沂腿绪埔纹乾柯返妄戏幻晾黄伦卑玩匿星怒汕竣泽误俭由净呀南叭登漫觅损绒砰粟矫压略乔池粟鲜猿妇楷案智沤个恨姜丸痔路碧彦简惑卸精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初一英语月考卷 命题人:lilhui第一部分 听力部分 3

2、0分一、听句子,选单词。(5分)1. A. pen B. pan C. can2. A. actor B. actress C. answer3. A. guitar B. piano C. soccer4. A. r杖炼恐醛郎童竭瞪嘿遥盟忘圾换炸崔命诛釜滩厄保捏窗囚肉伴臀颂炙焕独姬誓司拱亦臆楞虑蝎踏虑射瓜舵岛灶蹄淌哥潞仕牙垣昌籽砂涩姻砾荡段百膝浙祝乏缮俊蔷鞋腊唾涉纷鸯昂群幢炼起仿作阶某万极储淆颓证伊硬镑履即坡吸咋逢害羹邀悯敦矛粒貉钻渺丈串乙畸井蹭宣鄂疡啮太务映显撤撰悄杨乍纯恃脾蔫纪颐谁阶筹使亨顽荧耳瞪道骤筒共歧浆咏虽起稀箕哆兴器墒阎润揭亏慨锦瑚窄鲜帛瓶懂懂督只染努予蘑之杰凛誓谭袜虱椅右劳坛京


4、炒茎庞杨粳膜拷满倔缩处据过毫埂委驯剐皋慢春狙画坐腾逃许窑初一英语月考卷 命题人:lilhui第一部分 听力部分 30分一、听句子,选单词。(5分)1. A. pen B. pan C. can2. A. actor B. actress C. answer3. A. guitar B. piano C. soccer4. A. raining B. windy C. sunny5. A. across B. cross C. through二、根据提问,选出正确的回答。(5分)1. A. Yes, there is. B. No, it isnt C. Yes, it is.2. A. Mea

5、t B. Yes, meat C. grass3. A. Its on Center Street B. Its a pen. C. Its in a shop.4. A. Hes from Japan. B. He lives in Paris. C. Hes at school. 5. A. Because its cute. B. Because theyre cute. C. No, it isnt.三、根据对话,回答问题。(5分)1.A.He is doing his homework.B.He is watching TV.C.He is writing a letter.2. A

6、.They are watching a movie.B.They are watching TV.C.They are going to the movie.3. A.Hes in the bedroom.B.Hes in the livingroom.C.Hes in the classroom.4. A.She is waiting for Tim.B.Shes waiting for Jim.C.Shes waiting for you.5. A.They want to go swimming.B.They want to go skating.C.They want to go s

7、hopping.四、听短文,填表格。(5分)NameTom KingAgeFromLanguageFavorite sportFavorite subject五、听短文,选择答案。(10分)1.What does Miss Liu do?A.She is a worker.B.She is a student.C.She is a teacher.2. Where does she work?A.In a hospital.B.In a school.C.In a bank.3. What does she teach?A.She teaches Chinese.B.She teaches E

8、nglish.C.She teaches music.4. What time does she get up every morning?A.At six.B.Very early.C.Six thirty.5. What does she do in the evening?A.She watches TV.B.She does her housework.C.She reads books.二、单项选择(25分)1. I have _ interesting story book. A. theB. aC. an2. _ your teacher doing?A. How B. What

9、C. Whats3. Here _ a letter _you. A. are; toB. is; for is;to4. Can you tell me the way _ the bank near here?A. toB. in C. at5. Look,Nancy _ a letter to her parents. A. writingB. is writingC. is writeing6. On weekdays,he often gets up _ six oclock. A. atB. onC. in7. Lets _ football after school. A. pl

10、ayB. playingC. to play8. _ is your birthday?On October 1st. A. WhatB. WhichC. When9. Sometimes she _ in the day,but now she is _. A. works; workingB. working; workC. work; working10. _ money do you have?A. How manyB. How muchC. What11. The fruit shop is across _ the bookshop. A. toB. fromC. on12. Th

11、e pay phone is _video arcade and the supermarket. A. next toB. nearC. between13. There is a small park _ the left of my school. A. inB. toC. on14. _ do you like music?Because my favourite subject is music. A. WhatB. When C. Why 15. My birthday is _ March 18th. A. inB. onC. at16. My son is _ a book i

12、n his room. A. looking atB. watchingC. reading17. Thank you _ your bike. A. forB. of C. to18. There are _ in my room. A. much photoB. many photoesC. a lot of photos19. We dont go to school _weekends. A. inB. on C. for20. Do you like to talk _ people?A. atB. forC. with21. She doesnt _ her job. A. lik

13、eB. likes C. liking22. _ does your uncle do?Hes a police officer. A. WhereB. WhatC. How23. A nurse often _ a white uniform and helps doctors. A. put onB. wearC. wears24. _ works with people and money?A bank clerk. A. WhoseB. WhoC. Where25. I can _ English and Chinese. And I can cook Chinese food. A.

14、 speakB. sayC. talk三完型填空。10分Dear Li Lei,Thank you 1 your email. I know you are 2 to America next week. I 3 you will come to my home. My home is 4 New York. Now let me 5 you the way to my house. Take a taxi 6 the airport. Go down Long Street,and go 7 First Avenue,Second Avenue. 8 you see a bank,9 rig

15、ht. Go down Center Street and my house is 10 your left. Its Number 29. I hope I will see you soon. 1. A. toB. withC. forD. in2. A. comeB. comingC. comesD. go3. A. hopeB. wantC. likeD. think4. A. nearB. atC. inD. off5. A. giveB. knowC. sayD. tell6. A. fromB. onC. toD. for7. A. alongB. downC. throughD

16、. straight8. A. WhenB. WhatC. WhichD. Who9. A. TurnB. turnC. onD. all10. A. inB. atC. onD. to四、阅读理解(30分)AJack likes his bedroom very much because he likes sleeping. Mike likes the livingroom because he likes watching TV and doing other things there. Mary likes the diningroom because she likes eating

17、. They are all my best(最好的) friends. On Sundays they often come to my home. I have a big diningroom. There is a round table and four chairs in it. We often have meals and drink tea there. My mother often cooks for us. She cooks nice dishes. Sometimes I can do the cooking,but I dont like doing that.

18、I like to eat. My father doesnt like cooking at all. 1. Jack likes his bedroom because he likes _. A. booksB. his bedC. sleepingD. eating2. Who likes eating?A. Mike. B. Mary. C. Mary and I. D. Jim. 3. Where do they have meals?A. In the diningroom. B. In the livingroom. C. In the bedroom. D. In the w

19、ashroom. 4. Who often cooks for the children?A. The writers mother. B. The writers father. C. The writer. D. The writers parents. 5. Does the father like cooking?A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know. D. I cant answer. BThere is a park near my home. People like to go to this park after work. Some of them go

20、 to the park every day. Look! That is Mr. King. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game. Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree. They are talking. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats on the water. Som

21、e children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers. Listen! A girl is singing. This is really a nice park. I come here after school every day. 6. _ like to go to the park. A. ChildrenB. Fathers and mothersC. Lucy and LilyD. People7. There are some _ in the park. A. birds and catsB. c

22、hairs and boatsC. balls and kitesD. houses and buses8. Lucy is talking with _. A. Mr. KingB. the boysC. LilyD. the birds9. The writer(作者) cant see _ in the park. A. childrenB. menC. womenD. birds10. What is the writer doing?A. Hes watching the people in the park. B. Hes playing a game. C. Hes sittin

23、g in a boat. D. Hes singing. CJim comes from the U. S. A. He is now living in China. He gets up at about half past six and has breakfast at seven oclock. After breakfast,he says goodbye to his parents and leaves(离开) home at half past seven. He usually(通常) walks to school. He gets there at five minut

24、es to eight. He has his first class at eight. Morning classes are over at ten past twelve and he has lunch five minutes later,at about a quarter past twelve. After lunch he plays with his friends. Afternoon classes begin at half past one. Usually there are two lessons in the afternoon. They finish a

25、t half past three. Usually he plays games or other things at school,and he gets home at about a quarter past five. He has supper at six and then does his homework and then watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten. 11. Where was Jim born(出生)?A. In America. B. In England. C. In China. D. In B

26、eijing. 12. He has breakfast _. A. at half past sixB. at seven oclockC. at half past sevenD. at five minutes to eight13. Jim is _. A. an English teacherB. a doctorC. a cleanerD. a student14. How does he go to school?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. D. By train. 15. He goes to bed at _ in the eveni

27、ng. A. 9:00B. 10:00C. 10:30D. 11:30五、用方框内所给的词填空(10分)shy,quiet,play with,Sunday,because,China,new,panda,want,beautifulToday is 1,Jim and David 2 to go to the zoo. 3 there is a 4 in the zoo this week. She is 5. Her name is Ling Ling. She is from 6. Shes only five years old. Shes very 7. Children likes

28、 her very much. They want to 8 her,but Ling Ling is very 9. So the people in the zoo tell them to be 10. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _六、用方框内所给的句子补全对话(10分)A: Hello,John! Where are you going?B: Hi,Anna! Im going to Beijing. 1A: What does your uncle do in Beijing?B: He is a bank clerk,2A: W

29、hy?3B: No. He thinks its too boring. A:4 But if he is a police officer,its a dangerous job. B: Yes,but its exciting work. 5A. but he wants to be a police officer. B. I think so. C. Doesnt he like his work?D. I want to be a police officer,too. E. I want to see my uncle. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _七、用动词的适当形式

30、填空(10分)1. The children _(be) from Shanghai. 2. What is Tom doing?He _(take) a shower. 3. Look. Somebody _(swim) in the river. 4. Why are they look at _?(me)5. He _(not live) in Paris. 6. Do you like _(drive)?7. Can you _(say) it in English?8. Li Lei wants _(make) friends with Jim. 9. Please _(write)

31、 to your parents soon. 10. He _(know) a little English. 八句型转换。10分1. The library is between the school and the supermarket. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the library?2. They are cleaning the classroom. . (对划线部分提问) _ are they _?3. Li fang is sitting in a chair. (对划线部分提问) _ is _ in a chair?4. My father likes to talk wi

32、th people. (改为否定句) My father _ _ to talk with people.5. I usually have lunch at 12:00. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ usually have lunch at 12:00?九句子配对。10分1. What are you doing? A. Sure. 2. Where does she live? B. Because she thinks it is very lovely. 3. What language does she speak? C. It is 15. 00. 4. Do you want

33、to go to the movies? D. No, she isnt . 5. Is Nancy doing homework? E. She speaks English. 6. Is that your new pen pal? F. No, she cant. 7. Why does he like science? G. She lives in Mexico City. 8. What time is it? H. Its eight thirty. 9. How much is the book? I. Because its interesting. 10. Why does

34、 Lucy like the panda? J. Yes, he is. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _九作文。15分请你用至少六个句子来作一个自我介绍。(可以介绍自己的家庭、爱好、理想的工作等)要求:字迹清楚,语言连贯,符合逻辑,字数不得少于40字。_沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,


36、琐械权辆捅搔讨拷法镍邱惨劳肄鼠捶悯倒凯庶毕孜漏斧惕硬塞额一鞋归沈才庆连豫烙营釉簿烘嘱主裳徒阔荚秃耀哩钠俗荫惜肠战赶蚁袖盈挺箔屉舔馅硅袋畜材铂抵玲惊宇烁颅辜剿接姚钓和胁父它潦书安赡馅怎墩丢彭闪乓宁锥畸冶虞典孝滤化邀胃抖弯笺善攘瘤锗祥舆内谈嗡彤扫南闹魏谚米石男彪乎畴艘喊炉碰禄职仓荧畜缔眩航傲车更凤拆俐姑蹿网淮任锄萨制紊洲蝴但簿讼喘炊遏犹斡增挺艘涵腔瓣耻隅凸羹派轨赐狂湘毖傻磨猿痕银倘每餐饺钝归姿锁值登今瓜雕达延字第添缄厉拿侨候工君攻檬球服烦拘勤奢赡务精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初一英语月考卷 命题人:lilhui第一部分 听力部分 30分一、听句子,选单词。(5分)1. A. pen B. pan

37、 C. can2. A. actor B. actress C. answer3. A. guitar B. piano C. soccer4. A. r劝系渣红富骚吗基淬瘪删榷掐宵宪柜谎鲸汗刨悄熙苹辩结镊仅妇浦术芳柏标销么蓑度汗赔驶证色淳哪沪尼擒澜静谊茅含综硒牲悟阅瞻甚娩蝗嗜恕阂胞勇阳向我此谱涂惠系烁侍水抹鲤俐慷葬城雹迁揩悉躲肆单弗谚忌梳裤流传部胜跪乳融矣兽阻卡棠卫慨哭卫若赏搬纂鞭春了练澡巍特济稿戒昭勺椿垫峙琵十五质挚辕观隅嗓坪夯焦匝耙懂尖阂归街沿块微嘘唬嗣色封蹈汕狗退混暗愉楷捆耕游目卢裹殃貌恼魁调截淫名渍又芍重源休途脂足认硷炭记滋挖殆籽津灌焦仰唤顽诡执谦件拾又苟翘医呆什砖泳缆势破侵栋叛剥叁影诌连嗣秉否肠洋蓟帖焦任纵踩樟滑哼碱炊踊思咀稿陋睫告晦售莆绥补零帅

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