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1、英数周周三英数周周三2021/10/1011.I have 6 different books,3 with red covers and 3 with blue covers.In how many different ways can I arrange these books on a shelf so that no two books of the same colour are next to each other?2021/10/1022.Assume that a ball dropped from any height rises half the distance on t

2、he rebound.If a ball is dropped from 100m,what distance will the ball have covered by the time it hits the ground the 4th time?2021/10/103 3.How many 3 letter”words”can be made using the consonants B C D,and the vowels A and E?A“word”is definded to be any sequence of 3 letters containing two consona

3、nts and one vowel in any order (allowing letters to be repeated).For example,ABC and CCE are both“words”.2021/10/104 4.A set of 1*1*1 cubes is used to construct a hollow 10*10*10 cube whose shell is two layers of cubes in thickness.How many cubes are needed?2021/10/105 5.What is the next number in t

4、he sequence 1,2,3,4,6,9,13,19,28,.?2021/10/1066.The prime numbers between 10 and 20 are added together to form the number Q.What is the largest prime divisor of Q?2021/10/1077.Jim drives 60 km south,40 km west,20 km north,and 10 km east.What is the distance from his starting point to his finishing p

5、oint?2021/10/1088.In how many different ways can seven numbers be closen from the numbers 1 to 9,inclusive,so that the seven numbers have a sum which is a multiple of 3?2021/10/1099.An ant walks inside a 150cm by 18cm rectangle.The ants path follows straight lines which always make angles of 45to th

6、e sides of the rectangle.The ant starts from a point X on one of the shorter sides.The first time the ant reaches the opposite side,it arrives at the midpoint.What is the distance,in centimetres,from X to the nearest corner of the rectangle?2021/10/101010.How many five-digit integers,divisible by 9,can be written using only the digits 3 and 6?2021/10/1011答案:1.722.275m3.544.7845.416.57.50 km8.129.310.102021/10/1012

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