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1、记述了采自中国贵州省的三窝蛛属(Trilacuna)一新种,取名为花冠三窝蛛 T.corollifora sp.nov.。提供了外形和外生殖器照片,以及地理分布信息,并对形态特征进行了详细描述。关键词:分类学;卵形蛛;新种;贵州省中图分类号:Q959.226文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-7847(2023)04-0344-05收稿日期:2023-04-06;修回日期:2023-05-08;网络首发日期:2023-06-25基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(NSFC-30970327,31272271,31272272,31301861,31660609)作者简介:玥刘紫(1999),女,

2、湖南常德人,硕士研究生,E-mail:;*通信作者:彭贤锦(1963),男,湖南慈利人,湖南师范大学教授,主要从事蜘蛛系统学研究,E-mail:。Received date:2023-04-06;Accepted date:2023-05-08;Online date:2023-06-25Foundation items:The National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(NSFC-30970327,31272271,31272272,31301861,31660609)Biographies:LIU Ziyue(1999),female,bor

3、n in Changde,Hunan Province,postgraduate;*Corresponding author:PENG Xianjin(1963),male,born in Cili,Hunan Province,professor of Hunan Normal University,focusing on spider systematics,E-mail:.A New Species of Trilacuna Tong&Li,2007 from China(Araneae:Oonopidae)LIU Ziyue1,XIE Die2,PENG Xianjin1*(1

4、.College of Life Sciences,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,Hunan,China;2.The Fifth High School of Chenzhou,Chenzhou 423099,Hunan,China)Abstract:A new species of the genus Trilacuna Tong&Li,2007 from Guizhou Province of China is reportedand named as T.corollifora sp.nov.(意).The photos of t

5、he spider body and copulatory organs and informa-tion on geographic distribution are provided,and the morphology is described in detail.Key words:taxonomy;goblin spider;new species;Guizhou ProvinceCLC number:Q959.226Document code:AArticle ID:1007-7847(2023)04-0344-05(Life Science Research,2023,27(4)

6、:344-348)第 27 卷 第 4 期生命科学研究中国三窝蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:卵形蛛科)surements are given as follows:total length(femur,patella+tibia,metatarsus,tarsus).All materials studied are deposited in the Col-lege of Life Sciences,Hunan Normal University,Changsha,China.The following abbreviations areused in the text:ALE,anterior la

7、teral eye;MOA,median ocular area;PLE,posterior lateral eye;PME,posterior median eye.2TaxononyFamily Oonopidae Simon,1890Genus Trilacuna Tong&Li,2007Type species:Trilacuna rastrum Tong&Li,2007Trilacuna corollifora sp.nov.(Figs.14)Type materials.Holotype.,China,GuizhouProvince,Tongren City,Shi

8、qian Country,FodingMountain,27毅20忆56.39义N,108毅09忆45.81义E,666 m,2 November 2017,G.C.Zhou leg(HNU-GZ-郁-1706-01).Paratypes.3 2意,same data as holo-type(HNU-GZ-郁-1706-02);1 2意,Foding Moun-tain,27毅19忆53.67义N,108毅09忆21.52义E,672 m,1November 2017,T.Tian and D.Q.Li leg(HNU-GZ-郁-1702).Etymology.This specific e

9、pithet is due to thecorolla-shaped structure at the end of the palpal or-gan.Diagnosis.The male of this new species is simi-lar to that of T.songyuae Tong&Li,2018(seeTong et al.,20188:51,Figs.7CD),but can be dis-tinguished by:1)Tibia only with one long penni-form seta on prolateral surface in th

10、e new species(Fig.2A)(vs.with numerous long penniform setae inT.songyuae);2)Cymbium with three long,spear-like setae on basal part of prolateral surface in thenew species(Fig.2A)(vs.with two short,spear-likesetae in T.songyuae);3)Bulb much wider basallyin the new species(Fig.2)(vs.slightly wider bas

11、allyin T.songyuae).The female of this new species re-sembles that of T.xinping Tong,Zhang&Li,2019(see Tong et al.,20199:43,Figs.25CD),but canbe distinguished by:1)Epigyne with a transversesclerite in the new species(Fig.4A)(vs.without thistransverse sclerite in T.xinping);2)Transverse barsalmost

12、 straight in the new species(Fig.4B)(vs.cur-ved in T.xinping);3)The base of apodeme distinc-tly overpasses the epigastric furrow in the new spe-cies(Fig.4B)(vs.close to the epigastric furrow in T.xinping).Description.Male(holotype)(Fig.1).Body yel-low-brown,chelicerae and sternum lighter.Totallength

13、 1.71;carapace 0.81 long,0.65 wide;abdo-men 0.85 long,0.57 wide.Carapace with black gra-nulate.The cervical and radial grooves indistinct.Clypeus 0.07 high.Eye sizes and interdistances:ALElargest,PLE smallest;PMEPME 0.01,PME tou-ching each other;PMEPLE 0.03;ALEPLE 0.02,ALEPLE separated by less than

14、ALE radius;MOA0.07 long,anterior width 0.14,posterior width 0.09.Chelicerae yellow and straight,proximal region withone hair with elevated hair base;labium rectangu-lar,anterior margin deeply incised.Endites are wide.The posterior part of the sternum has two rows ofshort,italic thick setae.Legs yell

15、ow.Measurementsof legs:玉,1.69(0.50,0.64,0.36,0.19);域,1.65(0.46,0.64,0.35,0.20);芋,1.41(0.45,0.43,0.33,0.20);郁,2.01(0.59,0.74,0.45,0.23).Leg formula:4123.Abdomen oval,booklung covers large,smooth backsurface,with yellow-brown setae;the abdominal ex原os-keleton has a high degree of sclerotization andfor

16、ms sclerites.Spinnerets pale yellow.Abdomen(Fig.1G).Sperm pore situated in epi-gastric region,in front of anterior spiracles,smalland oval;between anterior and posterior spiracles,there is a small dark dot,surrounded by rows oflong setae.Palp(Fig.2).Orange.Tibia have a very long se-ta on prolateral

17、surface.Cymbium with three long,spear-like setae on basal part of prolateral surface.Bulb kidney-shaped,wider basally.Embolus systemcomplex,with a strongly sclerotized sickle-shapedprotuberance and double valve outgrowth prolate-rally;a cluster of long hair behind the double valveoutgrowth;with a la

18、teral curved branch,comb-sha-ped lobes and a hair brush retrolaterally.Female(paratype,HNU-GZ-郁-1706)(Fig.3).The same as male except noted.Slightly larger thanmale.Total length 1.87;carapace 0.74 long,0.63345生命科学研究圆园23 年Fig.1Trilacuna corollifora sp.nov.,male holotype(A)Habitus,dorsal view;(B)Prosom

19、a,dorsal view;(C)Habitus,ventral view;(D)Prosoma,ventral view;(E)Habitus,lateral view;(F)Prosoma,lateral view;(G)Abdomen,ventral view;(H)Abdomen,lateral view;(I)Prosoma,anterior view.boc:Booklung covers;ddo:Dark dot;ehb:Elevated hair base;ldi:Labium deep incision;rls:Rows of long setae;sis:Short,ita

20、lic thick setae.Fig.2Trilacuna corollifora sp.nov.,male left palp(A)Left palp,prolateral view;(B)Left palp,retrolateral view;(C)Left palp,ventral view;(D)Apex of palpal bulb,prolateral view;(E)Apex of palpal bulb,retrolateral view;(F)Apex of palpal bulb,ventral views.bp:Basal projection;csl:Comb-sha

21、ped lobes;dvo:Double valve outgrowth;hb:Hair brush;lcb:Lateral curved branch;lch:Long cluster of hairs;ls:Long seta;lss:Long,spear-like setae;ssp:Sickle-shaped protuberance.0.5 mm0.3 mm0.5 mm0.5 mm0.3 mm0.3 mm0.3 mm(A)(B)(C)(D)ldisis(E)(F)ddorlsrlsbocehb(G)(H)(I)lsslssspdvohblchhbbplcbdvo(A)(B)(C)hb

22、dvosspbpcslsspbpcslbphblchlcbdvo0.1 mmhbdvo0.1 mm(E)(F)(D)0.1 mmssphbdvo346第 4 期wide;abdomen 0.99 long,0.63 wide.Clypeus 0.06high.Eye sizes and interdistances:ALE largest,PLEsmallest;PMEPME 0.01,PME touching each other;PMEPLE 0.03;ALEPLE 0.02,ALEPLE sepa-rated by less than ALE radius;MOA 0.09 long,a

23、n-terior width 0.14,posterior width 0.09.Measurementsof legs:玉,1.66(0.51,0.64,0.29,0.22);域,1.53(0.46,0.58,0.30,0.19);芋,1.48(0.46,0.48,0.35,0.19);郁,1.93(0.54,0.71,0.43,0.25).Leg formula:4123.Abdomen lighter than that of male.Sternum withouttwo rows of short,italic thick setae.Genitalia.Ventral view(F

24、ig.4A):with scleroti-zed arches anterior to the spiracles and a darkknob-like marking can be seen through the cuticle.Fig.3Trilacuna corollifora sp.nov.,female paratype collected together with holotype(A)Habitus,dorsal view;(B)Prosoma,dorsal view;(C)Habitus,ventral view;(D)Prosoma,ventral view;(E)Ha

25、bitus,lateral view;(F)Prosoma,lateral view;(G)Abdomen,ventral view;(H)Abdomen,lateral view;(I)Prosoma,anterior view.boc:Booklung co-vers;ldi:Labium deep incision;psp:Posterior spiracle.Fig.4Trilacuna corollifora sp.nov.,female genitalia(A)Epigyne,ventral view;(B)Epigyne,posterior view.ap:Apodeme;as:

26、Anterior sclerite;dk:Dark knob-like marking;glo:Glo-bular structure;psp:Posterior spiracle;sar:Sclerotized,recurved arches;tba:Transverse bars;tsc:Transverse sclerite.sar0.1 mm0.1 mmdkpsp(A)(B)astscglotbaap刘紫玥等:中国三窝蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:卵形蛛科)0.5 mm(A)0.3 mm(B)0.5 mm(C)0.3 mm(D)0.5 mm(E)0.3 mm(F)(H)0.3 mm(I)bocp

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