2、式,依据汉,语特点,不拘泥于原文形式,对译出部分进行整合,确保,译文通顺和流畅。,1.,英译汉长句翻译步骤,英语句子即使较长,但还是遵照一定基本结构。在翻译时,,能够按照以下步骤进行:,1.1,句法分析,在英译汉中,首先需要理清原文基本句法结构,而且判,断出句子类型,是简单句、并列句还是复合句,并找出主,语和谓语,然后判断出各种修饰成份关系 以及句中代词所,指代对象。,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译步骤,2/30,2,该句主句是,“,Blitzen would tease Grandma,”,。,第一部分,“,Even when young,”,是主句时间状语,第三部分,“,by very selec
3、tively carrying one of her bedroom slippers into the living room,”,是方式状语,第四部分,“,where Grandma sat in her favorite,”,,,“,comfortable chair,”,是定语从句修饰,“,living room,”,。,比如:,1)Even when young,(1),Blitzen would tease Grandma,(2),by very selectively carrying one of her bedroom slippers into the living roo
4、m,(3),where Grandma sat in her favorite,comfortable chair,(4),.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译步骤,3/30,3,经过对四个部分整合,按照汉字时间次序和逻辑次序,该句译文应该为:,四部分分别译成汉字是:,布利茨恩在很小时候就经常戏弄外祖母,当外祖母坐在起居室里她最喜欢那张舒适椅子上时,布利茨恩就有意把她卧室里一只拖鞋叼到起居室。,(1)在小时候,(2)布利茨恩戏弄外祖母,(3)它叼一只她卧室拖鞋来到起居室,(4)外祖母坐在她最喜欢那张舒适椅子上,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译步骤,4/30,4,该句主句是,“,they appeal to peo
5、ple everywhere as funny stories,”,。第一部分,“,Whether these stories are cartoons or jokes,told by a slapstick comedian or a cross-talking team,”,为让步状语从句,第三部分是由两个并列句组成原因状语从句。,2)Whether these stories are cartoons or jokes,told by,a slapstick comedian or a cross-talking team,(1),they appeal to people every
6、where as funny stories,(2),because they have a note of reality to them,and the,unexpected punch line is quite funny,(3),.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译步骤,5/30,5,不论这些故事是漫画还是笑话,是由演滑稽剧喜剧演员说还是由搭档相声演员讲,都为各地人们所喜爱。人们喜爱这些有趣故事,因为它们贴近现实生活,而且里面那些出人意料妙语十分有趣。,(,1,)这些故事不论是漫画还是笑话,是由演滑稽剧喜,剧演员说还是由搭档相声演员讲,(,2,)它们都受人们喜爱,(,3,)因为它们贴近现实生活
7、,而且里面那些出人意料,妙语十分有趣,三部分分别译成汉字是:,按照汉字表示习惯,经过对三个部分整合,并适当增添词语,该句译文为:,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译步骤,6/30,6,伴随我技术进步,我开始加上花样:抛球时让一个球经过其它球上方,或者其它球下方;或者我让一个球弹在我头上或者臂肘上,并继续按原来方式抛球。,2.,英译汉长句翻译方法,英译汉长句翻译所采取主要方法以下:,2.1,原序和换序译法,一些英语长句所表示事情或动作是按照时间或逻辑关系排,列,其语序和汉语基本相同,在翻译时能够按照原序翻,译,这称为原序译法。比如:,1)As I got better,I began to add tric
8、ks,tossing the balls so that one went over the top of the others,or under the others,or I bounced one off my head or elbow and still kept the pattern going.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,7/30,7,五年之后,当我21岁时,母亲在圣诞节期间一天,把我叫到一边说:“丹,你愿不愿给救世军聚餐会演出杂耍?”,2)Then five years later,when I was 21,my mother,called me aside one da
9、y during the Christmas,season and said,“Dan,how would you like to,juggle for the Salvation Army dinner this year?”,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,8/30,8,或者举行“谋杀案侦破晚宴”:一群朋友聚在一起,在餐桌上利用预先准备好关于人物性格行踪线索破解一桩案件。,而一些英语长句在叙述两个或两个以上动作或事情时,其先后次序可能与汉语表示习惯不一致,在翻译时需要调整次序,这称为换序译法。比如:,3)Or there are murder dinner parties,at which g
10、roups,of friends get together to solve a crime over the,dinner table,using specially prepared information,about their character and their whereabouts.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,9/30,9,45分钟以后,我给了孩子们一句忠言,作为节目标结束语:“不论是杂耍还是别,假如你们想成功,就必须不停地努力。你们能做到,只是永远不能放弃。,4)Forty-five minutes later I ended the performance,with my
11、 final word of advice to the children:“If,you want to succeed,at juggling or anything else,you have to keep trying.You can do it.Just never,give up.”,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,10/30,10,我喜欢那个关于一位中学教师和校长因看见学生在学校操场上接吻而感到担心故事。故事并不过火。,2.2,拆分译法,把一些较长英语句子进行分解,译成两个或两个以上汉语句子,称为拆分译法。比如:,I like the somewhat mild story of
12、a school,teacher and a principal of a high school who are,concerned because some boys and girls have been seen kissing on the school playground.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,11/30,11,2)As one who has enjoyed humor since I first,recognized it,Ive made an attempt to explain and,discuss humor with students in such di
13、verse,cultures as Latin America and China,.,我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上了它人,所以我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。这些学生文化差异很大,有来自拉丁美洲,也有来自中国。,What is humor?,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,12/30,12,第一部分是铺垫(即背景),接下来是主干部分(即故事情节),随即便是妙语(即一个出人意料或令人诧异结尾)。假如这个妙语含有一定幽默成份,这个笑话便会很有趣。,3)First is the SETUP(or setting),next is the BODY(or,story line),and these are
14、 followed by the PUNCH,LINE(an unexpected or surprise ending)which will,make the joke funny if it contains some humor.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,13/30,13,全部小说里最有名侦探可能是舍洛克福尔摩斯,他住所是,“伦敦贝克街,221b,号”。现在仍有信件寄到那里,要求他帮忙处理各种各样迷案。,2.3,重组法,指打破原文层次和结构安排,按照汉语行文习惯将原文内容进行一定重新组合翻译方法。这种方法是对上述各种长句翻译方法综合利用。比如:,Letters still get s
15、ent to“221b Baker Street,London”,home of Sherlock Holmes,perhaps the most famous fictional detective of all,asking for his help in solving a variety of mysteries.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,14/30,14,我当体育编辑,最早是为蒙彼利埃(俄亥俄州)企业导报工作,当初我极少收到体育迷来信。所以,一天早晨放在我桌上一封来信把我吸引住了。,2)On my first job as sports editor for the Montpe
16、lier,(Ohio),Leader Enterprise,I didnt get a lot of fan,mail,so I was intrigued by a letter that was dropped,on my desk one morning.,翻译技巧英译汉长句翻译方法,15/30,15,英语长句语法结构、逻辑关系与语义往往比较复杂,且各种词类、非谓语动词以及充当形式主语和宾语,it,等交织利用,要把长句翻译得准确、流畅、实质上需要充分利用各种翻译技巧,并结合上下文语境,或顺译,或倒译,或拆分,或结构转换,或增减词汇,对全句进行综合处理,方便通顺、忠实地传递原文意思。,总结
17、,翻译技巧4.重组法,16/30,16,翻译练习,This elderly,unmarried English lady was between 65 and 70 years of age when she made her first appearance in,The Murder at the Vicarage,in 1930.She appeared in twelve novels and twenty short stories over a period of forty-one yearsmaking her quite elderly by her last case!,T
18、ranslate the following passage into Chinese using the techniques mentioned above.,翻译技巧翻译练习,Section A,17/30,17,In appearance,Miss Marple is a tall,thin woman with a pink,wrinkled face,pale blue eyes and snowy white hair which she wears piled upon her head in an old-fashioned manner.Her harmless appea
19、rance,meandering conversation and ever-present knitting needles often mislead people into underestimating her as simply a“dithering old maid”.Those who really know her recognize that she is a sharp observer of human nature with“an uncanny talent of being always right”.,翻译技巧翻译练习,18/30,18,Despite a li
20、fetime spent in the seemingly dull St.Mary Mead,Miss Marple is quite worldly in her recognition and acceptance that evil is all around us.As she often points out,her village and its environs provide examples of every character trait and evil in human nature that can be found in big cities.Thus,her m
21、ethod of detection consists in finding parallels between life and people in St.Mary Mead and happenings in the outside world.,翻译技巧翻译练习,19/30,19,这位上了年纪而从未结过婚英国女士,在1930年第一次出现在小说牧师住宅谋杀案中时,年纪大约在65到70岁之间。在长达41年多时间里,她出现在12部长篇小说、20篇短篇小说中,最终一次破案时她已经很老了。,从外表上看,马普尔小姐高高瘦瘦,面色红润而充满皱纹,有着一双淡蓝色眼睛,雪白头发在头上盘成传统发髻。她外表看
22、上去不会给任何人造成伤害。再加上她那漫无边际闲谈以及永远都在身边毛线针,她经常会引发人们误解,把她仅仅看成是一位“犹犹豫豫老女人”。那可真是小看了她。那些真正了解她人都明白,她是敏锐人类本性观察者,而且“不可思议地总是正确”。,Sample,翻译技巧翻译练习,20/30,20,即使马普尔小姐一生都生活在看上去枯燥乏味圣玛丽牧场,她却相当老练地明白并接收“我们周围尽是邪恶”这个事实。就像她经常指出那样,大城市能找到人性特征和邪恶,在她住村子及周围也都能找到。于是,她破案方式就是找出圣玛丽牧场和外面世界在生活和人物方面相同之处。,翻译技巧翻译练习,21/30,21,Section B,Direct
23、ions,:,Translate the following sentences into Chinese,using the techniques you learned above.The sentences might be useful when you write the composition.,1)On the other hand,making telephone calls is much faster,so they are more appropriate when you need a quick reply.,其次,打电话更快捷,所以当你需要很快得到一个答复时,电话更
24、合适些。,翻译技巧翻译练习,22/30,22,2)Some of the best letters are written in a burst of inspiration,so keep your writing stuff in one place where you can sit down for a few minutes and write a quick note to a friend.,一些最精彩信是灵感突现时写,所以要把文具放在你能坐几分钟,很快给朋友写短信地方。,3)Such a sweet gifta piece of handmade writing,in an e
25、nvelope that is not a bill,sitting in our friends path when she trudges home from a long day at work,a day our words will help repair.,一封手写信,装在一个不是帐单信封中,在我们朋友劳累了一天疲惫地回家时候等候在她路上,信中话将帮助她消除一天辛劳。这是一份多么美好礼品啊。,翻译技巧翻译练习,23/30,23,4)Sometimes you cannot remember all the comments that are made because calls a
26、re transient,and cannot be kept for reading later like treasured letters.,有时你无法记住说过全部议论,因为电话里说话是转瞬即逝,而且不能像珍藏信件那样,能够保留起来以备以后阅读。,5)What would make so many adults hold on to pieces of paper they had received years before as kids,some of them carrying those pages with them everywhere they went?The answe
27、r is appreciation.,很多成年人一直保留着多年前他们还是孩子时收到几页纸,他们中一些人不论走到哪里还都随身带着。是什么促使他们这么做呢?答案就是观赏。,翻译技巧翻译练习,24/30,24,6)Give others recognition at every opportunity because it will build them up and motivate them.And it will make you a person of significant influence in their lives.,利用一切机会表彰他人,因为这会使他们更自信,激发他们主动性。这还
28、会使你成为一个在他们人生中有主要影响人。,翻译技巧翻译练习,25/30,25,Section C,Directions:,Translate the following sentences into Chinese using the techniques mentioned above,.,The classroom is a mans world,where boys get two-thirds of the teachers attention even when they are in a minority.They,are allowed to tease the girls an
29、d they receive praise for sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls.Boys are accustomed to being teachers pets,and,if girls get anything like equal treatment,boys will protest and even disrupt lessons.,翻译技巧翻译练习,26/30,26,Reference:,教室是男生天下;即使在他们人数并不占多数时,他们仍占据老师三分之二注意力。他们被允许取笑女生,他们作业做得马虎却受表彰,
30、要是女生做这么作业就得不到宽容。男生们已经习惯于做老师宠儿。假如女生也受到相同待遇,男生就会抗议,甚至扰乱课堂。,翻译技巧翻译练习,27/30,27,Section B,Promising new technologies can power our homes,factories and cars with cleaner,more efficient energycutting emissions while strengthening our economy.,Directions:,Translate the following sentences into English.They
31、may be useful in your writing.,1)前景广阔新技术可认为我们家庭、工业和汽车提供更干净、更有效率能源既能降低废气排放,又能促进经济发展。,翻译技巧翻译练习(汉译英),28/30,28,Indeed,unless we reach across borders and face threats to the environment together,the earth may be confronted with an ecological crisis,with half of all species gone,and our grand children end
32、uring deadly floods,droughts and disease brought on by global warming.,2)假如我们不超越国界,共同面对环境威胁,地球将可能面临生态危机:有半数物种将消失,我们子孙也将承受全球变暖所带来致命洪水、干旱和疾病。,Our planet is a biosphere,which demands that nations work in global partnership to solve complex environmental problems such as the long-range transport of air
33、pollutants and hazardous waste disposal.,3)我们地球是个生物圈(biosphere),它要求各国携手,共同处理空气污染物长距离转移,有害废物处理等复杂环境问题。,翻译技巧翻译练习(汉译英),29/30,29,Only 100 years ago man lived in harmony with nature.Today this harmonious relationship is threatened by mans lack of foresight and planning,and by his carelessness and greed,f
34、or man is slowly poisoning his environment.,4)风险是生活中不可防止一部分,或者来自于地震、火灾等罕见事件,或者来自于有害环境迟缓、日积月累侵害。它们可能造成财产损失,甚至生命危险。,Risks are an unavoidable part of life.They stem from rare events such as earthquakes and fires or from slowly accumulating effects of exposure to hazardous conditions and probably cause loss of property,even loss of life.,5)1前,人类仍与自然友好相处。今天这种友好关系正在面临危险。因为缺乏远见、计划不周、粗心大意和贪得无厌,人类正在逐步毒害着环境。,翻译技巧翻译练习(汉译英),30/30,30,