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1、洲洲际酒店集酒店集团领导能力能力成成长的空的空间Cluster 类别Definition 定定义Competencies 能力能力Team Focused 关注团队Working together effectively to meet business goals faster通通过有效的有效的协同合作,更迅速的同合作,更迅速的实现企企业目目标Fostering Collaboration 全面协作Leading and Developing People 领导和发展员工Action Oriented行动导向Driving to achieve ambitious targets in an

2、 efficient way以高效的方式推以高效的方式推动长远目目标的的实现Drive for Results 成效驱动Turning Vision into Action 将愿景转化为行动Passionate工作热情Caring passionately about our guests and business partners,and changing to meet their needs关注客关注客户和商和商业伙伴的需求,伙伴的需求,积极做出极做出变革革Guest/Customer&Market Focus 关注客户与市场Championing Change 主导变革Savvy业务技

3、能Knowing what it takes to beat our competitors,both now and in the future了解了解现在和将来要在和将来要击败竞争争对手所需要的条件手所需要的条件Strategic Thinking 战略思维Understanding our Business 了解业务Winning Ways致胜之道Demonstrating Winning Ways across the business whether we are assisting guests,working with business partners,or helping e

4、ach other在工作的各个在工作的各个领域,不域,不论是服是服务宾客、与商客、与商业伙伴的合作,伙伴的合作,还是同事是同事间的的互助,都互助,都显示出致示出致胜之道的行之道的行为准准则。Do The Right Thing 做对的事Aim Higher 追求卓越Show We Care 体现关爱Celebrate Difference 求同存异Work Better Together 协作共赢洲洲际酒店集酒店集团领导能力能力Team-Focused 关注关注团队“Working together effectively to meet business goals faster”“通通过有

5、效的有效的协同合作,更迅速的同合作,更迅速的实现企企业目目标”Level 级别Summary 要点要点Behaviours 行行为Hotel Employee酒店员工级Corporate Band 8总部办公室8级Supports colleagues给予同事支持Understands that helping colleagues is important 理解为同事提供帮助的重要性Focuses on completing own tasks,but responds quickly to requests for help 以完成自己的工作任务为重心,但对需要帮助的同事做出迅速反应Ide

6、ntifies how to help others complete their tasks 明确怎样帮助他人完成工作任务Hotel Supervisor酒店主管级Corporate Band 7总部办公室7级Supports colleagues给予同事支持Builds support and shares information as needed with others within and outside of the organisation 为组织内外的同事提供所需的支持,分享所需的信息Offers help 提供帮助Participates in teams 参与团队合作Pro

7、vides assistance and support as needed to ensure projects are co-ordinated 提供所需的协助和支持,确保项目的协调Shares information with others readily 愿意与他人分享信息Hotel GMs 1/21/2级酒店总经理Hotel Exec teams and department heads酒店行政委员会及部门经理Corporate Bands 5/6总部办公室5/6级Actively partners with colleagues积极与同事全面协作Recognises others

8、agendas and adapts behaviour to different situations 认可他人的日程安排,针对不同情况调整自己的行为Builds a network across different levels of the organisation and stays in touch with people 与组织内各级同事建立关系网络,并保持联系Asks questions,tests assumptions and openly discusses issues 提出疑问、检验假设、开诚布公地讨论问题Acknowledges the contributions o

9、f others by listening and building on suggestions 通过聆听和征求建议表示对他人所做贡献的认可Actively shares information and encourages others to do the same 积极分享信息,鼓励他人也进行分享Works with others to reach consensus and resolve differences of opinion or conflict 与他人协调沟通,达成一致意见,解决意见分歧或冲突Hotel GMs 3/4/53/4/5级酒店总经理Corporate Band

10、s 3/4总部办公室3/4级Motivates others to collaborate激励他人全面协作Establishes strong working relationships with people across different levels of the organisation(e.g.,with senior management,with subordinates and with peers)and manages these relationships to achieve results 与组织内各级同事建立牢固的工作关系(例如,与高级管理层、下属和同级别同事),

11、并运用这些关系实现成效Actively seeks input in decision-making 决策过程中积极寻求意见建议Shows others how their objectives align with their own 向他人展示工作目标如何与个人目标统一Anticipates the implications of decisions and actions for other areas of the organisation and actively takes account of these perspectives 预测到决策和行动对组织的其他领域的影响,并积极考

12、虑这些因素Anticipates and plans for how different cultures will react to initiatives 预测不同文化对项目的反应并制定计划Proactively looks to involve and inform others and build strong and lasting relationships 积极寻找机会让他人参与和了解,并建立牢固持久的关系关注关注团队:全面:全面协作作Team-Focused 关注关注团队“Working together effectively to meet business goals f

13、aster”“通通过有效的有效的协同合作,更迅速的同合作,更迅速的实现企企业目目标”Level 级别Summary 要点要点Behaviours 行行为Hotel Employee酒店员工级Corporate Band 8总部办公室8级Develops self,and gives clear directions as needed发展自我,并能根据需要给予清晰的指示Works to understand own development needs and seeks help to address them 努力了解自身的发展需求,并寻求获得这些发展所需的帮助Tells people wh

14、at they need to do where appropriate 在任何适当的场合,能够告诉员工需要做什么Expects people to follow appropriate instructions without needing a lot of supervision 期望员工会正确遵循指示,而不需要大量监督Looks for opportunities to develop own skills 寻求机会发展自身技能Gives constructive feedback on what people are doing wrong and how to improve 对员

15、工的错误提供建设性的反馈意见和改进的方法Hotel Supervisor酒店主管级Corporate Band 7总部办公室7级Explains what to do and why阐述工作任务及其原因Communicates goals and objectives and makes links with organisational goals 沟通传达目标和目的,并与组织的目标建立关联Assigns tasks,setting clear,specific performance objectives,standards,and accountability 分配工作任务,设定明确具体

16、的绩效目标、标准和责任Tells people what they did right and wrong and explains what good would look like 指出员工在工作中的正确和错误之处,并对期望的最佳表现给予详细说明Hotel GMs 1/21/2级酒店总经理Hotel Exec teams and department heads酒店行政委员会及部门经理Corporate Bands 5/6总部办公室5/6级Allows input from the team愿意接纳团队的贡献Considers the input of others in decision

17、s that affect them 制定对他人有影响的决策时考虑他人的意见Considers others capabilities when assigning activities and projects 分配活动和项目时考虑他人的能力Holds self and others accountable for achieving results:establishes specific and efficient follow-up mechanisms to track progress 由自己和他人对实现绩效负责:建立具体有效的跟进机制,对项目进度进行跟踪Provides spec

18、ific and constructive feedback when results are not up to expectations 当结果未达到预期目标时,提供具体而有建设性的反馈意见Helps others develop their skills 帮助他人发展个人技能Hotel GMs 3/4/53/4/5级酒店总经理Corporate Bands 3/4总部办公室3/4级Actively involves the team积极鼓励团队参与Actively engages the team to develop plans and resolve issues through c

19、ollaborative problem solving 通过合力协作解决问题,使团队积极参与计划的制定和问题的解决过程Gains commitment using logic 运用合理的逻辑推理,获得员工的承诺Understands and leverages the major strengths and weaknesses of team members 了解团队成员的主要优势和不足,并加以平衡运用Monitors ongoing performance and progress and stays focused on what is critical to team success

20、 监督当前的绩效和进度,保持对团队成功核心因素的关注Appropriately recognises and rewards individuals and the team for their achievements 正确认可和奖励个人及团队所做贡献Provides behavioural feedback linked to systematic personal development 提供与个人发展的系统规划相关的行为反馈意见关注关注团队:领导和和发展展员工工Action-Oriented 行行动导向向“Driving to achieve ambitious targets in

21、an efficient way”“以高效的方式推以高效的方式推动长远目目标的的实现”Level 级别Summary 要点要点Behaviours 行行为Hotel Employee酒店员工级Corporate Band 8总部办公室8级Works hard to perform assigned tasks努力完成所分配的工作任务Clearly understands assigned roles and responsibilities 清楚理解所分配的工作角色和职责Stays focused and follows through on work priorities 明确和坚持工作重心

22、并贯彻完成Works hard to perform work assigned without needing supervision 无需监督,努力完成所分配的工作任务Applies appropriate level of speed to completing tasks 以适当的速度完成工作Hotel Supervisor酒店主管级Corporate Band 7总部办公室7级Strives to deliver consistently力争始终如一的完成工作Takes immediate action when needed consistently working without

23、 close supervision,making effective decisions independently 需要时能够立即行动,无需近距离监督而能保持始终如一的工作状态,独立进行有效的决策Strives to meet commitments to others despite difficulties or obstacles 面对困难或障碍力争兑现对他人的承诺Closely monitors goals,acting promptly to help goals be achieved 密切关注目标的进程,迅速行动帮助达成目标Hotel GMs 1/21/2级酒店总经理Hote

24、l Exec teams and department heads酒店行政委员会及部门经理Corporate Bands 5/6总部办公室5/6级Consistently delivers始终如一的完成工作Committed to meeting tough deadlines,delivering work with sufficient time to make changes,and can always be relied upon to meet commitments to others 尽职尽责的在紧张的期限内完成工作,给予充裕的时间进行修改,在兑现对他人的承诺上始终可以信赖Pe

25、rsists in the face of obstacles,working to achieve quick and effective resolution of outstanding issues 面对障碍坚持不懈,努力做到迅速有效的解决问题Consistently uses specific performance measures to track progress and improve future performance 不断使用具体的绩效评估方法跟踪进度,并提升将来的绩效水平Puts into place preventative measures and alterna

26、tive plans to pre-empt crises 准备预防措施和备用计划以防范风险Focuses self on achieving results and is not easily distracted 注意力集中在达成绩效上,不会轻易分心Puts in extra effort and time to meet organisational goals 投入额外的努力和时间,达成组织的目标Hotel GMs 3/4/53/4/5级酒店总经理Corporate Bands 3/4总部办公室3/4级Delivers beyond expectations工作完成超出预期Sets a

27、nd achieves challenging goals in order to increase revenues and results beyond what is expected 设定和达成有挑战的目标,从而增加收入和成效,超出预期水平Is motivated by beating goals;efforts are focused on improving results 以达成目标为推动力;努力重心放在改善成效上Challenges orthodox thinking and actively seeks out opportunities to explore and exp

28、eriment with different,novel or new ways of doing things 挑战传统思维,积极寻求机会探索和实验不同的、创新的处理方式Efforts are clearly focused on exceeding results;is dedicated and focused and makes personal sacrifice in order to exceed expectations 努力的重心显然是放在超越绩效上;致力于做出个人牺牲,以超越期望水平Sets high personal standards for own performan

29、ce;monitors performance against peers 设定严格的个人绩效标准;与同级同事比较,对个人绩效进行监测行行动导向:成效向:成效驱动Action-Oriented 行行动导向向“Driving to achieve ambitious targets in an efficient way”“以高效的方式推以高效的方式推动长远目目标的的实现”Level 级别Summary 要点要点Behaviours 行行为Hotel Employee酒店员工级Corporate Band 8总部办公室8级Understands the importance of the job

30、 理解工作的重要性Knows their job and the requirements needed to deliver it 了解工作以及完成工作所需要的条件Takes accountability for own performance and works to the required standard 对个人绩效和工作达到所要求的标准负责Hotel Supervisor酒店主管级Corporate Band 7总部办公室7级Personally focuses on details and standards 关注个人工作的细节和标准Checks work in a carefu

31、l manner to ensure accuracy and quality 仔细检查工作内容,确保准确性和质量Follows through on tasks and takes steps to deliver high quality work 坚持完成工作任务,采取措施高质量完成Pays close personal attention to the details of an operation and process;checks things out to ensure they are done right.密切关注一项运作和进程的细节;检查确保各项工作处理正确。Hotel

32、GMs 1/21/2级酒店总经理Hotel Exec teams and department heads酒店行政委员会及部门经理Corporate Bands 5/6总部办公室5/6级Monitors others ongoing performance to ensure adherence to standards监督他人的当前绩效,确保符合标准Keeps others informed of activities well in advance to ensure efforts are seamlessly coordinated 让他人始终事先了解活动的情况,从而确保大家的努力得到

33、妥善协调Consistently takes steps to follow through,ensuring tasks are fully completed;independently checks to ensure accuracy and quality 不断采取措施,确保工作任务全部完成;独立检查并确保准确性和质量Develops plans to ensure dead lines and standards are met 制定计划确保按时、按标准完成工作Follows up on progress against process improvement plans,and

34、checks they are having the desired impact on driving business performance.根据进度改善计划跟踪进度,并检查这些计划是否对推动业绩发挥预期的作用。Keeps careful track of whether performance meets high standards or not and why.Follows up to ensure things are happening.仔细跟踪,确定绩效是否达到高标准要求,并研究其原因。跟进并确保各项工作都得到落实。Rigorously follows up on impl

35、ementation initiatives to ensure planned results are achieved within financial and time constraints 严密跟踪计划的实施,确保在财务和时间限定内获得预期的成效。Hotel GMs 3/4/53/4/5级酒店总经理Corporate Bands 3/4总部办公室3/4级Sets up controls or goals to ensure adherence to standards设定对照标准或目标,并确保达成标准Develops and follows realistic plans,actio

36、n steps and timetables for projects and priorities;ensures completion on time and to high standards 为项目和工作重点制定并跟进实际可行的计划、行动步骤和时间表;确保准时、高标准的完成Plans broad action steps and timetables and generally follows these through to completion of tasks or projects in a timely and efficient way 制定主要的行动步骤和时间表,以及时高

37、效的方式从总体上跟踪任务或项目的完成Sets specific,clear performance objectives,standards,accountabilities,and process goals for individuals or groups,with measurements 为个人或团队设定具体、明确的绩效目标、标准、责任、进度目标、以及相应的测评方法Ensures Standards Are Met:Ensures that everyone adheres to defined business processes,including reporting proce

38、sses and standards 确保达成标准:确保每个人严格遵守规定的工作流程,包括报告流程和标准行行动导向:将愿景向:将愿景转化化为行行动Passionate 工作工作热情情“Caring passionately about our guests and business partners,and changing to meet their needs”“关注客关注客户和商和商业伙伴的需求,伙伴的需求,积极做出极做出变革革”Level 级别Summary 要点要点Behaviours 行行为Hotel Employee酒店员工级Corporate Band 8总部办公室8级Resp

39、onds appropriately to guest requests and builds knowledge as needed 正确响应客户的要求,积累所需的相关知识Performs duties with the guests/colleagues perspective in mind 履行职责时牢记客户/同事的想法Works to resolve guest problems 设法解决客户的问题Will respond to guest/colleague requests in an appropriate manner 能够正确响应客户/同事提出的要求Knows immedi

40、ate working area e.g.Hotel Operations 了解直接的工作领域,如酒店运营Hotel Supervisor酒店主管级Corporate Band 7总部办公室7级Understands guests and the market理解客户的需求和市场Gathers information in order to build basic understanding of the market and how guests use IHGs products and services 收集信息,从而建立对市场以及客户使用洲际酒店集团产品和服务情况的基本了解Unders

41、tands and communicates who their guests are and their current needs 了解和沟通谁是客户以及他们当前的需求Works effectively to meet commitments to guests/colleagues 积极有效的兑现对客户/同事的承诺Responds to feedback and seeks ways to improve service 对反馈意见做出响应,并寻求改进服务的途径Hotel GMs 1/21/2级酒店总经理Hotel Exec teams and department heads酒店行政委

42、员会及部门经理Corporate Bands 5/6总部办公室5/6级Knows own market well,and delivers against guests needs充分了解市场,并满足客户的需求Develops detailed understanding of the market and guests needs 培养对市场和客户需求的详细理解Proactively gathers and utilises guest feedback to constantly improve the quality of customer service 积极收集和利用客户的反馈意见,

43、不断提升客户服务的质量Acts in a timely manner to translate industry and market trends into valuable programmes and strategies 及时行动,将行业和市场趋势转化为有价值的计划和战略Consistently meets agreed levels of customer service and guest expectations 始终如一的达到约定的客户服务水平和客户期望水平Communicates good and bad news to guests/colleagues in a time

44、ly manner 及时将好消息和坏消息与客户/同事沟通Hotel GMs 3/4/53/4/5级酒店总经理Corporate Bands 3/4总部办公室3/4级Knows market and guest perspective intimately and anticipates requirements透彻了解市场和客户的想法,并预见他们的需求Anticipates evolving market and guest needs and how the organization can address them with current or new products/services

45、 预测市场和客户需求的进化趋势,以及组织能够如何以现有或未来的新产品/服务加以应对Understands how the guest perceives their own business relative to competition or market 了解客户在竞争或市场方面如何看待其自身的业务Looks for new ways of exceeding guest expectations 寻找超越客户期望值的新途径Understands business partners organizations/cultures,and how things get done 理解商业合作伙

46、伴的组织结构/文化,以及运作模式Develops measurable guest-specific key performance indicators 建立针对客户的可衡量的关键绩效指标工作工作热情:关注客情:关注客户与市与市场Passionate 工作工作热情情“Caring passionately about our guests and business partners,and changing to meet their needs”“关注客关注客户和商和商业伙伴的需求,伙伴的需求,积极做出极做出变革革”Level 级别Summary 要点要点Behaviours 行行为Hot

47、el Employee酒店员工级Corporate Band 8总部办公室8级Supports required changes支持所需的变革Understands things need changing sometimes 对事物有时需要改变能够理解Handles plans to change things in a constructive and practical way 通过建设性且实际可行的方式处理变革计划Implements change when asked what to do 需要时根据要求实施变革Hotel Supervisor酒店主管级Corporate Band

48、7总部办公室7级Creates a positive environment for change为变革创造一个积极的环境Shows openness to new ideas and opportunities to improve current practices 乐于接纳有助于改进目前工作方式的新想法和机遇Adapts readily to changing priorities and work demands 工作内容的优先顺序和要求改变时,乐于自我调整和适应Expresses positive feelings about change 面对变化表现出积极的态度Hotel GMs

49、 1/21/2级酒店总经理Hotel Exec teams and department heads酒店行政委员会及部门经理Corporate Bands 5/6总部办公室5/6级Makes change happen落实变革Challenges the way things are done:identifies areas requiring change and suggests ideas to support the change 挑战传统的工作方式:发掘需要变革的领域,并提出建议和意见支持变革Provides communication about reasons for chan

50、ge and outlines course of change 提供需要变革的理由,概括性阐述变革的过程Motivates team to take part actively in making change successful 激励团队积极参与变革,从而使变革能够获得成功Anticipates the difficulties in change and helps stakeholders make the decisions needed to move change forward quickly 预见变革将面临的困难,帮助相关人员做出迅速推进变革所需要的决策Hotel GMs

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