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初中英语新目标八年级下册Unit 9 基础知识.docx

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1、第一课时Section A(1a2d).高频词汇检测。A根据首字母和句意完成句子。1Today Im going to take my children to the amusementpark to play.2Im going to somewherewarm to spend my winter holiday.3Ill takea camerato take some photos on the Great Wall.4All these inventionshave changed our world a lot.5Wow,this piece of music soundsvery

2、 wonderful.B用所给词的适当形式填空。6Jim,have you everbeen(be) to the water park in our city?Yes,Igot(get)there yesterday afternoon.7How aboutgoing(go) swimming with me this afternoon?8This is aninteresting(interest) water park,and we all want to visit.9Its a great way tospend(spend) a weekend like that.10Jim p

3、ut up his tent andslept(sleep) in it.11Neither of themcomes(come) from Japan. Theyre from Australia.12How long have you beencamping(camp)?13Are they goingskating(skate) this weekend?14There are more than 1,000inventions(invent) in Edisons life.15Ive neverseen(see) that TV play before.高频短语检测。从方框中选择合适

4、的短语,并用其适当形式填空。16Wetook the subwayto the amusement park yesterday afternoon.17The kids went to the zoo yesterday and theyhad a great timethere.18Look!The childrenare putting upthe tent in front of the mountain.19We all know thathard workleads tosuccess. So you must work hard.20What have youlearned ab

5、outin the study group?.句子翻译。根据括号里的提示词翻译句子。21上周末我和妹妹去那个游乐场了。(go. with. )I went to the amusementpark with my sister last weekend.22我弟弟从未去过海南。(have been to)My brother has never been to Hainan.23过度工作而过少休息经常导致疾病。(lead to)Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.24我们喜欢在山上露营。(camp)We like c

6、amping in the mountains.25咱们今天去不同的地方吧。(somewhere different)Lets go to somewhere different today.第二课时Section A(3a3c).高频词汇检测。A根据首字母和句意完成句子。1This is a perfecttea set and I like it very much.2I collectedsome storybooks for you last week.3He studies hard and makes progressevery day.4Is this your countrys

7、 most serious socialproblem?5She had a strong will and power of rapiddecision.B用所给词的适当形式填空。6There are fiveGermans(German) in the volleyball team.7My uncle traveled to these twoprovinces(province) last year.8Which do you think isthe most interesting(interest) of all the stories?9It isunbelievable(bel

8、ievable) that the 3yearold boy can spell more than 2,000 English words.10Tim is an excellent pianist withunusual(usual) talent.11Mom is always encouraging meto learn(learn) English.12Green Park is a relaxing andpeaceful(peace) place near a river.13There is going to be a tea artperformance(perform) t

9、his weekend.14I wonder how the door opened byitself(it)15It was much moreenjoyable(enjoy) than I had expected.高频短语检测。从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。16I have collectedhundreds ofstamps.17Playing ping pong isasinterestingasplaying football.18He isthinking abouta good way to solve the problem.19I will learn a l

10、ot of science technologyin the future.20Mum alwaysencouragesmetostudy hard.句子翻译。根据括号里的提示词翻译句子。21现在,科学技术进步得如此快。(in such a rapid way)Now science and technology are progressing in sucha rapid way.22我们在考虑去北京旅行。(think about)We are thinking about traveling to Beijing.23米勒先生(Mr. Miller)对茶艺感兴趣。(tea art)Mr.M

11、iller is interested in tea art.24你去过美国的计算机博物馆吗?(have been)Have you ever been to the American Computer Museum?25我要用这套茶具泡一杯完美的茶。(tea sets)I want to use the tea sets to make a cup of perfect tea.第三课时Section B(1a2e).高频词汇检测。A根据首字母和句意完成句子。1.Joe,dont swim in the deep river. Its dangerous.Yeah,youre right.

12、Its not safe.2I dont know whetherhewill come or not. You go and ask him.3My aunt has lived in Japan for 2 years,but she cant speak Japanese.4You can enjoy all the water sports,or simplylie on the beach.5WheneverI hear that song,I think of you.B用所给词的适当形式填空。6They climbed the high mountainsafely(safe)

13、yesterday afternoon.7Its notsimply(simple) a question of money.8I dont like to eatIndian(India) food very much.9There are all kinds of animals in the zoo. Such as monkeys,tigers,foxes(fox) ect.10Have you everseen(see) Disney movies?11His story wasmostly(most) about his travels in foreign countries.1

14、2Threefifths(five) of the people are from that city.13Three quarters of the populationare(be) from China.14Beidaihe is awonderful(wonder) place to take holidays.高频短语检测。从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。15He is too lazy. He sleepsduring the day time.16The temperature is almost the sameall year roundin Hainan,nev

15、er too cold or too hot.17Aboutthree quartersof the students in our class would like to go to the park tomorrow.18Come tomy house and lets have some teano matter whenyou are free.19Thousands oftourists came to our village last weekend.句子翻译。根据括号里的提示词翻译句子。20对我来说,一方面这是一个挑战,而另一方面这是一个学习的机会。(on the one han

16、d,on the other hand)For me,on the one hand its a challenge,but on the other hand its a chance to study.21这儿全年不下雪。(all year round)It doesnt snow here all year round.22他找一份好工作没什么困难。(have any problem in. )He doesnt have any problem in finding a good job.23你无论有什么需要都可以提出来。(whenever)You can ask for help w

17、henever you need it.24我不知道他是在家还是在办公室。(whether. or. )I dont know whether he is at home or at the office.第四课时Section B(3aSelf Check).高频词汇检测。A根据首字母和句意完成句子。1His parents always encouragehim to study hard.2Everyone thought her performance was perfect.3Dont worry!It is safeto cross the river in this boat.4

18、Yunnan provinceis the home of elephants and peacocks.5Protecting the environment is a very important socialproblem.B用所给词的适当形式填空。6Tom was driving his sports car at an/aunbelievable(believe) high speed.7In spring they couldcollect(collection) whole baskets of wild duck eggs.8Mother seemedto know(know)

19、 that. I was worried.9Isimply(simple) wouldnt believe that I couldnt learn it well.10The mother had a lot of problems intrying(try) to get the children to go to bed.11Tony has alreadybeen(be)to the space museum three times.12Dont worry. The plane landedsafely(safe).高频短语检测。从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。13The

20、re arethousands ofbooks in our school library.14Linda went to Beijinga couple ofdays ago.15No matter whenyou go to the park,you can see beautiful flowers.16Can you tell American something abouttea art?17The zoo is quiteclose tothe shop,and you wont miss it.句子翻译。根据括号里的提示词翻译句子。18今天的报纸上没有特别的东西。(nothing

21、 special)There is nothing special in todays newspaper.19无论明天下雨还是不下雨,我都要去参观那个博物馆。(whether. or. )Whether it rains or not,I will go to visit the museumtomorrow.20我妈妈经常鼓励我要天天锻炼。(encourage)My mother often encourages me to exercise every day.21这些野生动物只在夜里醒来。(wake up)These wild animals only wake up at night.22比尔(Bill)跳舞跳得如此好,以至于我不敢相信我的眼睛。(couldnt believe ones eyes)Bill danced so well that I couldnt believe my eyes.

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