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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?Section B(5th period)Hilltop Language Schoolflight attendantsPairwork Look at the questions in activity 2a and role play the interview.Answer with the information that is true for you.A:Good morning.Are you Leonardo,the new exchange student?B:Yes,I am.A

2、:Welcome to my class.I need to ask you some questions.When I was a your girl,all I ever wanted to do was traveling,and I decided that the best way to do this was to became a flight attendant.Ive been a flight attendant for two years now.Its a really interesting job because I travel all over the worl

3、d.I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well,so I studied English at 发现发现要求要求 the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant.It was because I could speak English that I got the job.Thank you,Hilltop Language School.Mei Shan I want to be

4、a tour guide.In fact,its all I have ever wanted to be.I want to travel,especially to English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia.However,I know that I have to improve my English,so Ive started taking lessons at the Hilltop Language School.导游导游特别地是特别地是例如例如 The Hilltop Language

5、School has really helped me learn English.Ive been a student here for a year now,and I really love it.Maybe when I leave school Ill think about becoming an English teacher rather than a our guide!David Feng离开离开考虑考虑而不是而不是Language points1.All I ever wanted to do was traveling 我想做的所有事情就是旅游我想做的所有事情就是旅游.

6、I ever wanted to do作为作为all的定语的定语,意思是意思是”我曾经想我曾经想做的所有事情做的所有事情”.All 后可以加上引导词后可以加上引导词that.我现在拥有的一切就只有你的支持我现在拥有的一切就只有你的支持.All I have now is only your support.2.I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.我觉得外出旅游的我觉得外出旅游的最好方法最好方法就是就是成为空中乘务员成为空中乘务员.Way n.方法方法/方式方式,常用于句型常用于句型 a(

7、the)way to do或或 a(the)way of doing The best way to become more healthy is to do some exercises.=The best way of becoming more healthy is to do some exercises.3.It was because I could speak English that I got the job.正是正是我能说英语我能说英语,我我才才获得这份工作获得这份工作.这里使用了一个强调句型这里使用了一个强调句型,即即”it is/was+被强调部分被强调部分 that/

8、who+句子其它部分句子其它部分”而在例句中的被强调部而在例句中的被强调部分是一个原因状语从句在实际使用过程中该句型可以用分是一个原因状语从句在实际使用过程中该句型可以用来强调来强调主语、宾语、状语主语、宾语、状语等,但等,但不能用来强调谓语动词不能用来强调谓语动词.另外句中的引导词另外句中的引导词that/who不能用别的词替换不能用别的词替换.It was Mike who bought the cake yesterday.(主语主语)It was a mouse that Tom shot just now.(宾语宾语)It was on Saturday morning that w

9、e had an exam.(状状语语)我时时刻刻想起的都是你我时时刻刻想起的都是你.It was you that I thought of all the time.4.Ill think about becoming an English teacher rather than(becoming)a tour guide!我会考虑成我会考虑成为一名英语教师为一名英语教师,而不是而不是一名导游一名导游.rather than“而不而不”,用于连接两个并列结构用于连接两个并列结构.He ran there rather than walked there.I decided to watch

10、 TV rather than play computer.These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.I am going swimming rather than going skating.动词不定式的用法,可以充当宾语、定动词不定式的用法,可以充当宾语、定语、表语和除谓语外的其他成分。语、表语和除谓语外的其他成分。To get on well with the classmates is important for me.The most important thing is to save lives.Who wants to hav

11、e another try?(作主语作主语)(作表语作表语)(作宾语作宾语)The teacher asks the student to read every day.The next train to arrive is from London.Dad went to the hospital to see his friend.(作宾语补足语作宾语补足语)(作定语作定语)(作状语作状语)1.What does Mei Shan do?2.How long has she had the job?3.Why did she want the job?4.How long did she s

12、tudy English?5.What kind of job does David want?6.Has he ever been to an English-speaking country?1.Shes a flight attendant.2.She has had the job for 2 years.3.She wanted to travel.4.She studied English for five years.5.He wants to be a tour guide.6.No.7.Hes been a student for one year.8.He might become an English teacher instead.The answers to 3a Write an article about yourself for the school magazine?the kind of job you want how long you have been studying English why you started studying English what you like best about studying English

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