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1、Chapter 2 The Rise and Evolution of Tourism第二章 旅游的兴起和演变I Learning objects: (学习目标)l Study the evolution of mass tourism and different phases with reference to the model of the tourism system参照旅游系统模型,研究大众旅游的演进过程和不同阶段l Interpret the definition of mass tourism and its characteristics解析大众旅游的定义及其特征l Discu

2、ss the importance of disposal income and disposal time for the emergency of mass tourism讨论可自由支配收入和可自由支配时间对大众旅游兴起的重要性l Understand the role of the Industrial Revolution on the rise of mass tourism了解工业革命对大众旅游兴起所产生的作用l Differentiate the Grand Tour and modern mass tourism区分“大旅游”与现代大众旅游的不同之处l Explain the

3、reasons why Thomas Cook is regarded as the “father of early modern tourism” 解释托马斯库克为什么被称为“近代旅游之父”的原因Ability goals: 能力目标l Case study: 案例分析:马罗卡岛的大众旅游l Reading Box: 阅读分析:Thomas Cook托马斯库克II Emphasis and difficult points ( 教学重点、难点) 知识要点掌握程度相关章节definition of mass tourism大众旅游的定义重点掌握本课文与第1单元、第3单元、第5单元、第7单元、

4、第10单元、第12单元、第13单元、第15单元相关内容有联系。disposal income and disposal time可自由支配收入和可自由支配时间重点掌握The Grand Tour“大旅游”一般了解The Industrial Revolution工业革命重点掌握development of tourism sectors旅游产业的发展重点掌握package holidays包价度假一般了解inbound and outbound markets入境和出境旅游市场一般了解 III The arrangement of this chapter (教学安排) ( 4 课时)Chap

5、ter 2 The Rise and Evolution of Tourism (4 periods)definition of mass tourism大众旅游的定义1 perioddisposal income and disposal time可自由支配收入和可自由支配时间The Grand Tour“大旅游”1 periodThe Industrial Revolution工业革命development of tourism sectors旅游产业的发展1 periodpackage holidays包价度假inbound and outbound markets入境和出境旅游市场1

6、periodIV The teaching method of this chapter (教学方法)讲授、头脑风暴、案例分析V Major teaching points of this chapter(教学要点)1. Introduction1.1 What is mass tourism?Mass tourism is the product of mass leisure. It refers to the large-scale packaging of standardized leisure services that are sold to customers at fixed

7、 prices. The main feature of the mass tourism is standardization. It provides a package tour that covers transportation, accommodation, guides, food and other goods and services. The travel is pre-paid, based on a strict time schedule, and the price is affordable because of the cheaper cost created

8、through large customer volumes. 1.2 Conditions for appearance of mass tourism Disposable income Disposal time Accessibility Travel regulations Hospitality industry 我国学界将人类旅游活动在产生和发展过程中大体分为以下三个阶段:19世纪40年代以前 古代旅行阶段;1840年第二次世界大战 前近代旅游阶段;第二次世界大战后 现代大众旅游阶段。2. Ancient tourism (before 1840)Characteristics特

9、点:(1)从旅行的形式看:第一,商务旅行居主导地位;第二,其他非经济目的的旅行活动(文人漫游、公务旅行、宗教旅行、帝王巡游)中,又以宗教旅行为主要形式。(如,伊斯兰教规定:有经济能力的穆斯林平生都要作一次长途旅行,到麦加去朝觐);(2)从参加旅行的人数及其成员看:参加人数较少,主要是统治阶级、少数富人和一部分文人;(3)从旅行活动的发展看:封建社会已经开始出现为旅行活动服务的交通、旅店、饭馆等旅行服务行业。2.1 MesopotamiaIt is the first place in the world which experienced travel patterns. The agricu

10、lture development fostered the formation of wealth and the emergence of a small leisure class. The availability of discretionary time and discretionary income were probably the two most important factors that enabled leisured elite to engage in tourism. Mesopotamia was the birthplace of many fundame

11、ntal inventions and innovations that introduced both the demand and ability to travel for tourism-related purposes.2.2 Egypt and the Indus ValleyThe trappings and consequences of civilization gradually spread from Mesopotamia westward to the Nile Valley and eastward to the Indus Valley. It is from a

12、ncient Egypt in particular that some of the earliest explicit evidence of pleasure tourism is found.2.3 Ancient GreeceTourism in ancient Greece is perhaps best associated with national festivals such as the Olympic Games. The transit process in ancient Greece was not a pleasant or easy process, beca

13、use of the highway robbers or pirates, and the poor-condition road and accommodation. The propensity to engage in tourism was socially sanctioned by the prevalent philosophy of the culture (applicable at least to elite adult male citizens).2.4 Ancient RomeWith its impressive technological, economic

14、and political achievements, ancient Rome was able to achieve unprecedented levels of tourism activity that would not be reached again for at least another 1500 years. The reasons are as follows:A. The large population of the Roman Empire;B. The large selection of destination choices;C. The high leve

15、l of stability and safety achievedD. The remarkably sophisticated network of Roman Military roadsAccompanied by ample discretionary wealthy, the Roman elites propensity to travel on pleasure holidays gave rise to an industry of sorts (that supplied souvenirs, guidebooks, transport, guides, accommoda

16、tion and other goods and services to the traveler). The number of specialized tourism sites and destination regions also increased substantially (the spas, the beach resort, second homes or villas).For Romans wealthy enough to travel a long distance, the historical sites of earlier cultures, especia

17、lly those of the Greeks, Trojans and Egyptians, held the most interest. The geographical sophistication of the Roman would view is depicted in the world map compiled in the second century AD by the Roman geographer-astronomer Ptolemy (see the Ptolemys world map of the second century AD).2.5 The Dark

18、 Ages (c.5001100)Travel infrastructure deteriorated. The sizes of the elite classes and urban areas declined dramatically. The relatively safe and open Europe of the Romans was replaced by a proliferation of warring semi-states and lawless frontiers.2.6 The Middle Ages (c.11001500)Christian pilgrima

19、ge was prosperous:A. Even the poorest people participated in this form of travel, given the perceived spiritual and physical benefits to be derived from the journey.B. The part of most pilgrims were willing to accept and even welcome a high level of risk as part of the overall experience, since suff

20、ering could confer even greater spiritual rewards upon the participant. The Crusades also contributed to the early development of this travel industry.2.7 The Grand TourThe Grand tour constitutes one of major links between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourism. Many young men from the aristocrati

21、c classes of the United Kingdom and the other parts of northern Europe undertook extend trips to continental Europe for educational and cultural purpose. There was no single circuit or timeframe that defined the Grand Tour, certain destinations feature prominently.The traditional elite, along with t

22、he emerging merchant and professional classes, displayed a pattern of behavior roughly comparable to what the Romans had achieved 1500 years earlier. Villas reappeared throughout the Italian countryside, new resorts were established (spa resorts and seaside resorts). The improving transportation tec

23、hnologies facilitated long-distance travel within Europe and, gradually, to the European possessions beyond. The Renaissance of Europe was well under way, heralding the emergence of the modern era and the period of early modern tourism.2.8 Seaside resorts Crowded urban areas and difficult working co

24、nditions resulted in a widespread demand for recreational opportunities that would take the workers into a more pleasant and relaxing environment. Domestic seaside resorts emerged to fulfill this demand.Seaside resorts such as Brighton and Scarborough soon rivaled inland spa towns such as Bath as to

25、urist attractions, with the added advantage that the target resource was virtually unlimited, and the opportunities for spatial expansion along the coast were numerous.3. Modern tourism(1840年二次世界大战前)从全世界看,19世纪初期,旅行活动的发展开始在许多方面具有了今天意义上的旅游活动的特点。Impact of Industrial Revolution on the Development of Tou

26、rism: Lots of machines The rapid expansion of were invented the middle class wealth People demand Industrial The upgrading of for moreRevolution the education level recreational tour New power was invented The increase such as steam engines of leisure time重要特征Major characteristics:因消遣目的而外出观光或度假的人数在规

27、模上超过了传统的商务旅行;旅游服务行业作为一个独立的经济部门而逐渐发展起来。Thomas CookThomas Cook is associated with the emergence of tourism as a modern, large-scale industry, even though it would take another 150 years for mass tourism to be realized on a global scale, the first excursion in 1841, the first international excursion in

28、 1863, the first round-the-world excursion in 1872. Those international trips were still very much the prerogative of the very wealthy.托马斯库克和他的旅行社1841年7月5日,托马斯库克包租了一列火车,运送了570人从莱斯特前往拉夫巴勒参加禁酒大会,往返行程22英里,团体收费每人一先令,免费提供带火腿肉的午餐及小吃,还有一个唱赞美诗的乐队跟随,这次短途旅游活动标志着近代旅游及旅游业的开端。 托马斯库克组织的这次活动的特点是:参加者来自各行各业;组织方式同现代旅

29、行社组织的旅游团的情况基本相似;规模空前。这次活动是划分古代旅行活动与现代旅游活动的标志。如今,托马斯库克是全球第二大旅游公司,有33000名员工,年收入180亿美元。业务包括旅游运营,航空和金融服务。旗下航空公司拥有97架飞机。目前市值大约60亿美元。目前托马斯库克业务拓展的重点是中国、印度、俄罗斯等市场。4. Modern mass tourism (1950 onwards)The rapid growth has been experienced by the global tourism industry during the post-World War II era of mod

30、ern mass tourism. The rapid growth can be appreciated by examining the contemporary trend of inbound tourist arrivals and associated revenues.Characteristics of modern tourism现代旅游活动的特征游客的大众性(旅游活动的普及性)表现为: 参加者的范围扩大到普通劳动者阶层; 出现了以团体包价旅游和结伴旅游为主的活动形式; 大量的企业把旅游作为“奖品”来奖励职工; 全世界旅游人数保持快速增长; 旅游已变成人们经常性的活动。5.

31、Mass Tourism in China5.1 Inbound Tourism近五年我国入境旅游发展情况:5.2 Outbound Tourism近五年我国居民出境旅游发展情况:5.3 Domestic Tourism近五年我国国内旅游发展情况:5.4 Chinas ranks among the tourism industry in the world我国在世界旅游业中的排名变化:5.5 Worlds Top Destinations, 2020A Survey from World Tourism Organization世界旅游组织预测2020年世界最主要的旅游目的地:Destina

32、tionTourist ArrivalsMarket Share% Growth Rate p.a. 1995-2020中国China 法国France美国United States西班牙Spain中国香港Hong Kong, China英国UK意大利Italy墨西哥Mexico俄罗斯Russian Fed.捷克Czech Rep.130m106.1m102.4m73.9m56.6m53.8m52.5m48.9m48m44m8.3%6.8%6.6%4.7%3.6%3.4%3.4%3.1%3.1%2.7%7.8%2.3%3.5%2.6%7.1%3.4%2.1%3.6%8.5%4%5.6 Chin

33、as major origin countries 我国主要客源国Short-haul market近程市场:港澳台市场:经济发展水平高,度假已成为传统,无语言及习惯障碍;日本市场:经济发展水平高,与我国有相同文化传统,到我国距离近;韩国市场:经济发展水平较高,到我国距离近,与我国在文化传统上比较接近,两国之间经济与贸易往来正迅速发展;俄罗斯市场:与我国有漫长的边境线,来往方便,两国有友好交往的历史;东盟市场(新加坡、菲律宾、泰国、马来西亚、印尼,等):有大量华人、华侨,他们的富裕程度普遍高于当地居民,来往交通方便;澳大利亚市场:经济发展水平高,距离我国较近,交通方便;中东市场:其产油国在经济

34、上富有,出国旅游者消费水平高。Long-haul market远程市场:北美市场:经济发达,度假已成为习惯,对亚洲丰富多彩的文化和悠久的历史有很大的好奇心;西欧市场:经济发达,度假已成为习惯,对亚洲丰富多彩的文化和悠久的历史有很大的好奇心。5.7 Major characteristics of Chinas origin markets我国国际客源市场的主要特点:(1) Developed countries经济发达国家是我国最有发展潜力的客源市场。我国目前最主要的客源国:日本 美国 俄罗斯到我国的游客占其出游总人数很小的比例,因此具有很大潜力。需要开发的其他发达国家市场:西欧市场、中东市场

35、、韩国市场。(2) Compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan港澳台同胞是我国最主要的客源市场。港澳台同胞占入境旅游人数的比例:1980年:90.1%;1985年:91.8%;1990年:93.3%;1995年:87.1%;1998年:88.6%。(3) Asia-the largest regional inbound market亚洲是我国最大的区域性外国人国际客源市场。外国人旅游市场分类:东北亚市场:日本、韩国为主体;东南亚市场:马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾、泰国、印尼为主体;欧美市场:美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、英国、德国、法国、意大利为主体;大洋洲

36、市场:澳大利亚、新西兰为主体;其他市场:中东、非洲等。Ratio of inbound tourists in China我国入境外国游客的区域分布比例:亚洲市场游客占2/3,洲际市场游客占1/3。(4) Inbound tourist activities:入境游客中观光旅游比重大,会议、商务、探险等旅游少。我国入境游客主要流向:北京的长城、故宫、天坛;上海、广州的城市风光;西安兵马俑;桂林、苏州、杭州山水;长江三峡;丝绸之路;黄山、九寨沟。(5) Distribution of inbound tourists in China入境后流动的空间分布:东部地区的北京、天津、上海、广州、福建、

37、江苏、浙江、广西、山东、辽宁最多;中部地区的的吉林、内蒙古、山西、湖南、安徽、江西、湖北较少;西部地区的陕西、四川、云南较多;西部地区的甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆、贵州、西藏较少。Chinas major origin countries中国主要客源国情況(2011 年)案例研究马罗卡岛的大众旅游分析要点 马罗卡岛旅游资源(自然、人文) 大众旅游(存在前提、影响因素) 马罗卡岛旅游发展的背景 马罗卡岛的环境问题、隐患 旅游可持续发展的措施 马罗卡岛可持续发展的障碍1、马罗卡岛地理位置马罗卡岛位于西班牙东部沿岸阳光海岸附近,是巴利阿里群岛中的一个大岛屿。巴利阿里群岛地处西地中海,位于伊比利亚半岛、法


39、游玩。 卡泰多拉尔建筑在将马罗卡岛从伊斯兰教徒手中夺回来的哈梅一世的主持下,于1230年开始修建的这座卡泰多拉尔,历时300多年,在1601年才修建完成。是一座加隆尼亚哥特风格建筑的杰作。深121米,宽55米,高44米,规模宏大,气势雄伟。在卡泰多拉尔的宝物馆里,展示着镶嵌了价值连城的宝石的圣遗物箱和银制的大烛台等珍贵的文物。另外,中央祭坛的铁制的华盖装饰是出自高迪之手的作品。 马罗卡博物馆卡泰多拉尔的后方过去是犹太人的聚居区,在错综复杂的巷道的各处,有不少过去的贵族或是富商的官邸。在位于其一角的这座博物馆里,展示着从马罗卡岛屿各处出土的考古学文物,马罗卡或是加泰隆尼亚地区的著名画家的作品和陶

40、器等展品也在此展出。 埃尔姆戴纳宫殿这座宫殿是14世纪到15世纪期间修建完工的,曾经是阿拉伯人的要塞。后来被马罗卡王改建为宫殿。现在,这里是西班牙国王的行宫之一。其中,装饰着弗兰德尔的挂毯和绘画作品的豪华的起居室和厨房,以及哥特风格的礼拜堂可以参观。 贝尔维尔城堡在帕尔马城西北方向的小山丘上,有一座曾经是马洛卡王夏季行宫的贝尔维尔城堡。正像它名字所代表的“眺望远景的城堡”意思一样,从这里可以看到帕尔马的城市和帕尔马湾,景色非常秀美。 这里一直到20世纪初还被作为监狱使用,内部至今还保留有被当作犯人投入监牢的19世纪的政治家赫贝里亚诺斯当年被关押的房间。 巴尔德莫萨从帕尔马向北18公里左右,在一

41、个被橄榄树和杏树所包围起来的高地上,有一个恬静的小山村。1838年,肖邦拖着病体辗转疗养的时候,曾经来到巴尔德莫萨这里,与他的情人焦尔洁桑德,为避人耳目一同在这里度过了一个冬天的时光。在他们所居住过的卡尔图哈修道院里,现在还展示着肖邦所使用过的钢琴和他的乐谱手稿以及与他们两人有关的一些物品等。肖邦就是在这里完成雨滴的谱曲,而焦尔洁桑德也在后来给我们留下了马罗卡的冬天这部作品。 德拉克洞窟从帕尔马向东68公里,有一个叫作PoffoCristo的港口小城,德拉克洞窟就位于这座小城的边缘地带。游览这个洞窟大约需要1个小时的时间。在这个大自然所创造的梦幻般的美丽世界里,一定不得不慨叹这巧夺天工的奇妙景

42、象的。在洞窟的里面,有一个世界上最大规模的地下湖泊马尔特尔湖,在湖面上还有一支乐队乘坐在小舟中为大家进行着一场别开生面的小型音乐会演出。 3、大众旅游(1)大众旅游是大众休闲的产物,是指将大规模的标准化休闲服务以一定价格出售给客户。它的出现使大部分人的旅游需求得到满足,但是,在旅游业取得快速发展的同时,它的出现也带来了一系列的负面影响,生态和社会问题不断出现,大众旅游对旅游的可持续发展带来严峻的挑战。(2)大众旅游存在和发展的前提:廉价、便利、安全、舒适。(3)影响大众旅游主要因素:旅游者的可支配收入、闲暇时间、交通工具的技术革新、旅游业不断壮大等。4、马罗卡岛旅游发展背景(1)从20世纪60

43、年代以前到80年代:马罗卡岛从一个荒岛到旅游胜地,达到了旅游发展的鼎盛期,接着,由于严重的经济危机、不断恶化的环境问题等等原因,使马罗卡岛的旅游发展进入了萧条期。(2)马罗卡岛由衰到盛,再由盛到衰的旅游发展过程大致分为五个阶段:马罗卡是西班牙贝里瑞群岛中的一个小岛屿。这里曾经是一个宁静、快乐、和平的海边小村庄。白色的沙滩、美丽的迎客松和枯黄色的胡吉花遍布岛上。20世纪 60年代以前,由于岛上闹饥荒,使一些世代生活在岛上的居民迁移出岛,留下的居民仅靠落后的农业和经济作物维持贫困的生活。60年代后,一些冒险家、艺术家及好奇的游客发现了马罗卡岛。他们欣赏这里的自然风光、未被污染的海滩,以及封闭、平静



46、了大众旅游所带来的繁荣后,进入了萧条期。5、不合理大众旅游模式Mass tourism is the product of mass leisure. It refers to the large-scale packaging of standardized leisure services that are sold to customers at fixed prices. The main feature of the mass tourism is standardization. Some problems have been brought by the mass tourism: Pollution to the environment Waste of the tourism resources Conflict with the local people Be controlled by outside forces which result in high revenue leakage Do harm to the local culture and the community6、Mallorca开发过程:60年代封闭、平静、未污染;70年代设施增加、疯狂开发;后期环境失衡、淡出市场;今天大力整顿。7、马罗卡

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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