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1、A Letter To My Friends英语作文140词带翻译 Dear friend,As we all know, We are what we eaf. Thevefore, its very important for us to form healthy eating habits. In our school, I can see some students dont eat breakfeast and very like eating snack they alsways particular about and eat more food. Some people,esp

2、ecuolly gvrls,choose to go on a diet to look good, it has a bad imffuence on their health.Many people are cencerned about their health, So it is neccessany for us to keep a balanced diet. First of all, we should eat some difference foods eneryday in order to keep ear healthy. Secondly we should eat food on time. we should more vegetables, which contain lots of vitamin and less meat.In my opinion, students behavisrs is very bad. We should make our bady health. I hopse veryone can keep a balamced diet. Because of bodly is ourselves.

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