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1、Practice of Simple Algebraic Equations简易方程专项训练河南郑州市惠济区实验小学 陈金金Last week,108 students took part in a long-distance race.Among them,the number of boys is 1.4 times that of girls.How many boys took part in the race?How many girls took part in the race?The two cars set out at the same time from a place

2、280 kilometers away and went in opposite directions.After 4 hours,the two cars met.Car A travelled 30 kilometers per hour.How many kilometers did Car B travel per hour?Tom and Jack set out from two towns 150 kilometers apart by bike at the same time and went in opposite directions.Tom travelled 16 k

3、ilometers an hour.After 4 hours,Tom and Jack haven t met and the distance between them was 30 kilometers.How many kilometers did Jack travel per hour?The difference of subtracting 15 from 6 times of a number is exactly the sum of 4 times of the number plus 5.What is this number?A team of workers are

4、 repairing a road of 5600-meter long,which has been repaired for 12 days,and there is still 800 meters of road left to be repaired.How many meters of the road 40Crazy English the workers repair on average every day?How many days will it take them to f inish repairing this road in total

5、?Davids grandfather planned to use a 400-meter fence to make a rectangular vegetable garden.If the length of the vegetable garden is 80 meters longer than its width,how many meters are the length and the width of the vegetable garden?A group of tourists will stay in a hotel.If 2 tourists live in 1 r

6、oom,36 rooms will be required;If 3 tourists live in 1 room,how many rooms will they need?Nancy paid 42 yuan for two kinds of stamps.One is 2 yuan each stamp,and the other is 8 jiao each stamp.The numbers of the two kinds of stamps are the same.How many 2 yuan stamps and 8 jiao stamps did Nancy buy?T

7、he perimeter of a rectangle is 64 cm,and the length is 3 cm more than its width.How many centimetres is the length and how many centimetres is the width of the rectangle?(参考答案见本期第 54 页)416. are 32 black 6-sided polygons and white 6-sided polygons on the surface of a football in total.3

8、 sides of each white polygon are connected with black polygons.6 sides of each black polygon are connected with white polygons.How many white polygons are there on the surface of a football?enamel n.牙釉质gum n.牙龈absolutely adv.绝对地cattle n.(牛的总称)牛incisor n.门牙lower jaw 下颚alligator n.鳄鱼fang n.尖牙dolphin n

9、.海豚tusk n.象牙actually adv.实际上shark n.鲨鱼species n.物种continually adv.持续地replace v.替代;替换 outermost adj.最外层的functional adj.功能的tens of thousands of 数以万计的sand tiger shark 沙虎鲨biology n.生物学Notes:thousands of teeth in their lifetime.However,a sand tiger shark can have 96 teeth.鲨鱼是唯一一种在 24 小时内牙齿不断脱落并长出新牙的物种。许多

10、鲨鱼的下颚各有515颗牙齿。牛鲨有 50 排牙齿,每排共有 7 颗,其中最外层的一排是功能最强的。所以鲨鱼一次可以长 6000 颗牙齿,一生中可以长数万颗牙齿。然而,一头沙虎鲨会有 96 颗牙齿。Is biology interesting?Are you interested in it?生物学有趣吗?你对生物学有兴趣吗?Keys to Practice of Simple Algebraic Equations1.63 boys;45 girls 2.40 km per hour 3.14 km per hour 4.10 5.They repaired 400 m of the road every day.It will take them 2 days to f inish repairing the road.6.The length is 140 m,and the width is 60 m.7.24 8.15 2 yuan stamps and 15 8 jiao stamps.9.The length is 17.5 cm,and the width is 14.5 cm.10.2054Crazy English

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