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探寻更加充满活力的中非关系 (1).pdf

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1、16特别策划IN FOCUS非洲有一句谚语:“如果想走得快,就独自前行;如果想走得远,就并肩前行。”我认为,这句话最好地体现了中非之间的牢固关系。作为一名在新华社工作了近27年的外国专家,我自觉很幸运。通过翻译、润色、编辑中非关系的相关报道、文章、采访等,我见证了中国与非洲国家之间诸如成就、合作、团结和支持等许多伟大时刻。一天,当我沉浸在工作中时,中国在2021年11月发布的新时代的中非合作白皮书中的一句话让我对中国对中非关系作出的承诺深深触动。白皮书中表示:“中国始终把发展同非洲国家的团结合作作为中国对外政策的重要基础,这一点绝不会因为中国自身发展和国际地位提高而发生变化。”在父亲的图书角中

2、,我阅读了中非关系的书籍我来自非洲大陆的埃及,对早年上学时广泛研究非洲与世界各国包括中国的关系记忆犹新。中非关系的稳固让我着迷,尽管两者之间相隔万里。因此,在对古老的中华文明和中国文化的深深热爱的驱使下,我在开罗家里父亲精心布置的图书角中,深入阅读了更多关于中非关系的书籍。通过阅读我了解到,1955年4月,万隆会议在印度尼西亚召开,中非领导人跨越山海首次握手,拉开友好交往的序幕。此后,中An African proverb goes,“If you want to go fast,go alone;if you want to go far,go together.”I firmly beli

3、eve that this saying is the best example that embodies the strong relations between China and Africa.As a foreign expert who has been working in Xinhua for nearly 27 years,I consider myself fortunate to have witnessed many great moments of achievement,cooperation,solidarity,and support between China

4、 and African countries through my work in translating,refining,and editing stories,articles,and interviews related to China-Africa relationship.One day while engrossed in work,I was deeply touched by Chinas commitment to its relationship with Africa when I came across a phrase in a white paper title

5、d“China and Africa in the New Era:A Partnership of Equals”released by China in November 2021 saying that“China has always considered solidarity and cooperation with African countries to be an essential element of its foreign policy.This will never change,not even when China grows stronger and enjoys

6、 a higher international status.”Reading about Sino-African relations from the books meticulously in my fathers books cornerComing from Egypt and belonging to the African continent,I have vivid memories of extensively studying the relationships between Africa and various countries worldwide,including

7、 China,during my early years in school.I was extremely fascinated by how strong the Sino-African relations are,despite the significant geographical distance that separates them.As a result,I found myself delving deeper,driven by my deep love for old Chinese civilization and culture,into reading more

8、 about Sino-African relations from the books meticulously arranged in my fathers books corner at my familys home in Cairo.Through reading,I learned that in April 1955,the Bandung Conference was held in Indonesia,where Chinese and African leaders shook hands,marking the beginning of friendly 探寻更加充满活力

9、的中非关系文/哈莱米特瓦利(Hala Metwally,埃及)译/张佳艺Exploring the More Dynamic China-Africa Relations17INTERNATIONAL TALENT国际人才交流20237国一直支持非洲反对帝国主义和殖民主义、争取民族解放的正义事业。同时,非洲国家支持中国恢复在联合国的合法席位。几十年来,世界见证了中非互利合作的不断深化,缔结了深厚的友谊,迎来了许多发展机遇。特别是新时代的十年,中非关系朝着更为牢固的中非命运共同体方向步入快车道,从对接发展战略到实施“十大合作计划”“八大行动”和“九项工程”,双方在各领域的合作不断深化。此外,近十


11、平、促进经济增长,并提高非洲农业领域的生产力和竞争力。还记得那是一个炎热的夏天,我很想喝上一杯清爽的埃及冰橙汁。在我家附近一家新开的超市闲逛时,我惊喜地发现了这种以特殊的甜度和汁水饱满而闻名的橙子。事实上,在中国各地的许多超市里,我甚至一年四季都可以找到非洲特产,比如来自埃塞俄比亚的咖啡、坦桑尼亚的腰果、科exchanges between the two sides.Since then,China has supported Africas just cause of fighting against imperialism and colonialism and for national

12、 liberation.Meanwhile,African countries supported China in restoring its lawful seat in the United Nations.Day after day,the world witnessed that China and Africa have enjoyed a deepening and mutually beneficial cooperation,forged profound friendship,and embraced many development opportunities.In pa

13、rticular,the past decade of the new era has seen the relations get on a fast track toward a stronger China-Africa community with a shared future,and the cooperation between two sides in various fields has been deepening from docking development strategies to implementing the“Ten Cooperation Plans”,“

14、Eight Major Initiatives“and“Nine Projects”.Moreover,in the past decade,The Chinese President Xi Jinping has visited Africa four times,attached great importance to the continent and played an important leading role in promoting Africa-China relations.Xi also has,together with African leaders,charted

15、the course for these relations which witnessed many successes of cooperation in the new era.What touched my heart the most was the reality that under the principles of sincerity,real results,amity and good faith,and pursuing the greater good and shared interests put forward by China in 2013 to guide

16、 its cooperation with Africa,Chinas efforts have greatly improved African peoples life quality and well-being and strengthened African countries development capacity.Have a drink of iced Egyptian orange juice in BeijingAs an Egyptian who has been living in China for years,I have witnesed Chinas effo

17、rts to enhance agricultural cooperation with Africa and actively promote the import of agricultural products from the continent.In recent years,the export of agricultural products from Africa to China has gained significant momentum,benefiting both African economies and the Chinese market.This symbi

18、otic trade relationship has the potential to uplift African farmers,boost economic growth,and enhance African agricultural sectors productivity and competitiveness.I remember one scorching summer day when I found myself longing for a refreshing glass of iced Egyptian orange juice.Upon visiting a new

19、ly opened supermarket located near my house,I was pleasantly surprised to find this type of orange,known for its exceptional sweetness and rich juice content.In fact,in many supermarkets across China,I can also find 18特迪瓦的可可。它们不断加入中国各地商店货架上的“非洲制造”产品名单之中。经济方面,统计数据显示,中国已经连续14年成为非洲最大的贸易伙伴。近年来,中国从非洲进口的农

20、产品也在增加,中国已成为非洲农产品出口的第二大目的地。中国和非洲见证了在包括跨境电商在内的新商业模式下贸易的蓬勃发展。在我和中国同事一起报道中国国际进口博览会时,我注意到我采访的所有非洲出口商都表达了类似看法。他们强调,非洲农产品进入中国市场的增加在支持他们作为生产者的发展和扩大市场多样化的努力方面发挥了关键作用。这一趋势也为非洲的经济可持续发展作出了巨大贡献。中国杂交水稻在非洲土地上播种事实上,贫困和粮食短缺持续困扰着全球许多地区,非洲也不例外。然而,中国杂交水稻技术的进步已经成为许多非洲国家的希望之光。African specialties such as coffee from Ethi

21、opia,cashew nuts from Tanzania,and cocoa from Cote dIvoire,even available throughout the year.All of them have been added to the number of“Made in Africa”products appearing on store shelves across China.Economy-wise,statistics show China has remained Africas largest trading partner for 14 consecutiv

22、e years.In recent years,Chinas imports of agricultural products from Africa have also risen,and China has emerged as the second largest destination for Africas agricultural exports.China and Africa have seen booming trade in new business models including cross-border e-commerce.While covering the Ch

23、ina International Import Expo in Shanghai with my Chinese colleagues,I noticed that all the African exporters I interviewed expressed a similar sentiment.They highlighted that the increase in African agricultural products entering the Chinese market has played a crucial role in supporting their grow

24、th as producers and expanding their market diversification efforts.This trend also contributes significantly to Africas sustainable economic development.The cultivation of Chinese hybrid rice in AfricaIn fact,the prevalence of poverty and food insecurity continues to haunt many regions worldwide,wit

25、h Africa being no exception.However,the advancement of Chinese hybrid rice technology has emerged as a beacon of hope for many African countries.For years,China has been helping African countries develop productive and resilient rice farming by introducing its hybrid rice known for withstanding clim

26、atic stresses,pests and diseases.It has also supported addressing food shortages on the African continent through various means,such as dispatching agricultural experts and technicians and constructing demonstration villages.Through these efforts,it is evident that China holds great vision that in a

27、ny developing country,for people to get out of poverty,it starts from agriculture.In Africa,rice growing is considered strategic as it has the potential to contribute to increasing rural incomes and improving food and nutrition security.Official studies showed that the hybrid rice can yield up to 10

28、 metric tons per hectare compared to the conventional rice which yields 4.5 metric tons per hectare.In my opinion,Chinese agriculture technology brings new growth drivers to China-Africa cooperation in eradicating hunger,alleviating poverty and benefiting the African farmers,who are very grateful to

29、 the Chinese as Chinas hybrid rice 特别策划IN FOCUS6月29日至7月2日,第三届中国非洲经贸博览会在湖南长沙举行。图为7月1日,在中非经贸合作促进创新示范园(湖南高桥大市场),家长带着小朋友挑选非洲水果(新华社记者 陈泽国 摄)19INTERNATIONAL TALENT国际人才交流20237杂交水稻具有抗病虫害、高气候适应性等优点,多年来,中国通过传授杂交水稻技术帮助非洲国家发展高产和有弹性的水稻种植,它还通过各种方式支持非洲大陆解决粮食短缺问题,如派遣农业专家和技术人员、建设示范村等。通过这些努力可见中国目光长远,因在任何一个发展中国家,想要摆脱贫


31、国专家的共同努力下,中国杂交水稻在马达加斯加的累计种植面积已超过5万公顷,平均每公顷产量约7.5吨。从某种意义上说,马达加斯加已经向粮食自给自足迈出了一大步,水稻产量低下或因稻瘟引起的作物全面歉收已经成为过去时。我还记得一位接受新华社采访的布隆迪农民Charles Ngendakumana。他非常兴奋地看到在开始种植杂交水稻后,自己的农田面积从0.5公顷增加到5公顷,每公顷的产量也增加了两倍。在肯尼亚、乌干达、尼日利亚和安哥拉,杂交水稻种子已经或即将播种,帮助农民实现更高的产量和收入。值得一提的是,源自中国干旱的黄土高原的全膜双垄沟播技术已结合当地情况被应technology was the

32、key to better their food security and higher incomes.One day,a news feature article highlighting the significant humanitarian contributions of Chinese people on the continent profoundly resonated with me.It was on the 65-year-old Chinese hybrid rice expert Hu Yuefang who since 2008 has been studying

33、 hybrid rice varieties adapted to local natural conditions and helping local people find the best way to increase their production in Madagascar.Thanks to the joint efforts of Hu and other Chinese experts,the cumulative area of Chinese hybrid rice cultivation in Madagascar has exceeded 50,000 hectar

34、es,with an average yield of around 7.5 tonnes per hectare.In this respect,Madagascar has taken a major step toward food self-sufficiency.Their poor yields or the threat of total crop failure caused by rice plague becomes a thing of yesteryear.I also remember Charles Ngendakumana,a Burundian farmer w

35、ho was interviewed by Xinhua.He was very excited to see his farmland increase from half a hectare to five hectares,and the yield per hectare also tripled after he started growing hybrid rice.In Kenya,Uganda,Nigeria and Angola,hybrid rice seeds have been or are to be sowed,helping farmers achieve hig

36、her production and higher incomes.Of course,it is important to mention that the all-film double-furrow sowing,an agricultural technology originating from Chinas arid Loess Plateau,has now been applied to agricultural production in Kenya and other countries based on local conditions to help relieve t

37、he impact of severe drought on food production.The obvious thing is that the commitment of Chinese agricultural experts in conducting trials and demonstrations of new varieties and technologies,as well as providing training to staff,engaging in industrial development,and planning and implementing la

38、rge-scale projects,has been highly valued by numerous Africans as it can create employment opportunities,boost incomes for farming communities and have significant economic benefits.On the other hand,Cavince Adhere,a Kenyan International Relations scholar,said that Chinas use of technology to help t

39、argeted poverty alleviation is an inspiration for developing countries.Chinese companies involvement in infrastructure development is profoundly changing Africas landscapeThanks to cooperation mechanisms such as the Forum 20用于肯尼亚等国的农业生产,帮助缓解严重干旱对粮食生产的影响。显而易见的是,中国农业专家在非洲开展新品种、新技术的试验和示范,开展工作人员培训,参与产业发

40、展,规划并实施大型项目等方面的贡献,创造了就业机会,提高了农业社区的收入,具有显著的经济效益,得到了非洲人民一致的高度评价。另一方面,肯尼亚国际关系学者Cavince Adhere表示,中国利用技术帮助定向扶贫的做法对发展中国家是一种启示。中国参与的基础设施建设正深刻地改变非洲的面貌得益于中非合作论坛和“一带一路”倡议等合作机制,非洲的基础设施建设发生了巨大变化。中非双方共同建设并投入使用的铁路超过1万公里,公路近10万公里,另外还有一系列重要的基础设施项目,包括机场、码头、桥梁和发电厂。今天,在坦桑尼亚和赞比亚之间广阔的热带草原上,象征着中国人民对非洲人民诚挚友谊和真诚援助的坦赞铁路仍在夜以


42、雷西部的六层议会大厦和苏丹的麦洛维大坝,到摩洛哥的穆罕默德六世大桥、埃及的新行政首都中央商务区项目(简称埃及新首都CBD项on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC)and the Belt and Road Initiative,Africas infrastructure development has undergone tremendous changes.The two sides have together constructed and commissioned over 10,000 km of railway,nearly 100,000 km of

43、highway,and an array of important infrastructure projects,including airports,docks,bridges and power plants.Today,across the vast savanna between Tanzania and Zambia,the Tazara Railway,a symbol of true friendship and sincere assistance of the Chinese people toward the people of Africa,is still runni

44、ng day and night.In the 1970s,some 50,000 Chinese joined the Tanzanian and Zambian people in building the Tanzania-Zambia Railway which covers 1,860 kilometers from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Kapiri Mposhi in Zambia.Facing challenges including food shortage,diseases,and lack of medicines,those Chi

45、nese engineers and technicians worked side by side with their African brothers to complete this project.I consider this infrastructure project to be a game-changer for the entire African continent,along with three other China-assisted rail lines:the Djibouti-Ethiopia,Mombasa-Nairobi railways,and the

46、 Standard Gauge Railway of Tanzanias central line,which have also been put into operation.These projects represent significant strides towards unleashing Africas economic and social potential.Actually,when it comes to infrastructure,it would not be an exaggeration to say that Chinese companies invol

47、vement in infrastructure development is profoundly changing Africas landscape.From the six-story parliament building in west Harare and the Merowe Dam in Sudan,to the Mohammed VI Bridge in Morocco,The Central Business District(CBD)of the New Administrative Capital in Egypt and Diplomatic Academy pro

48、ject in Tunisia,many other flagship projects jointly launched by China and their African counterparts have become landmarks in those African countries.I am eagerly looking forward to visiting the(CBD),a flagship project under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and home to 20 commercial an

49、d residential skyscrapers,among which is the 385-meter high iconic tower,the tallest building in Africa.Being implemented by China State Construction Engineering Corporation(CSCEC)and covering an area of about 特别策划IN FOCUS21INTERNATIONAL TALENT国际人才交流20237目)和突尼斯的外交学院项目,中非同行共同推动的许多其他旗舰项目已成为这些非洲国家的地标性建

50、筑。我 热 切 期 待 着 有 一 天 能 参 观 埃 及 新 首 都CBD。这是“一带一路”倡议框架下的一个旗舰项目,拥有20座商业和住宅摩天大楼,其中385米高的标志塔是非洲最高的建筑。由中国建筑集团有限公司实施的埃及新首都CBD项目占地约50.5万平方米,是中国积极与非洲国家分享其在建筑、工程和技术转让方面的专长和知识的具体证据。在新时代,中国正以最新技术为非洲基础设施的发展作出贡献,一位与中国建筑集团有限公司一起建造标志塔的埃及工程师在施工现场接受新华社记者采访时说:“建造这样一个巨型项目在埃及是一种新的体验中国正在将这种经验传授给埃及。”鲁班工坊促进非洲国家提升自主发展能力人才发展在

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