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1、1打电话This is Dennis Smith. (我是丹尼斯史密斯。)Hello, John? 喂,(是约翰吗? )Is this Mr. Dennis Smith? (喂, 请问是丹尼斯史密斯先生吗? )Is this the finance department? (请问是财务科吗? )Is this Dr. Jim Baker s office? (请问是吉姆贝克医生的办公室吗? )Do you mind if I use your phone? (我能借用一下您的电话吗?)May I speak to Mr. Sato?(我想找佐藤先生。)Is Mark there? (马克在吗?

2、 )I m sorry for calling you this late. (真对不起,这么晚了还给您打电话。)I hope I m not disturbing you. (我希望我没打扰您。)I hope I didn t wake you up. (但愿没吵醒您。)It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now.(我有急事要找巴尔先生。)I m calling about tomorrow s meeting. (有关明天开会的事给您打电话。)I m returning your call.(我给您回电话。)2接电话Hello. (喂!)Speaking.( 对

3、,我就是。)It s me. (是我呀。)ABC Business College, may I help you?( ABC商务学院。您有什么事?)Who s calling, please?(您是哪位? )Who in particular would you like to talk to? (您想找哪位接电话? )He s been expecting your call.(他一直在等您的电话。)Which Suzuki do you want to talk to? (您要找哪个铃木? )There are three Suzukis here. (这儿有三位姓铃木的。)Would

4、you mind calling back later?(您能过会儿再打吗? )Extension 103, please. (请转103。)I ll connect you to extension 103.(我给您接103分机。)Hold on, please. (请稍等一下。)I ll put him on. (我让他接电话。)I ll transfer your call.(我把电话给您接过去。)I ll get your party for you. (我把电话转给负责人。)I m transferring your call to the sales department.(我把您

5、的电话接到营业部去。)Mr. Peck is on line one.(是贝克打来的,请接1号线。)You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.(ABC公司米兰先生的电话。)Your party is on the line. (您要找的人来接电话了。)3无法接电话时Her line is busy now. 她正在接电话。I m sorry, she s tied up at the moment. (对不起,她现在脱不开身。)I m sorry, she has company at this time. (对不起,她正在接待客人。)Would you l

6、ike to hold? (您等会儿行吗?)He s away from his desk now.(他现在不在座位上。)He s in but he s not at his desk right now. (他在公司,但现在不在座位上。)I m sorry, he s not in right now.(对不起,他出去了。)When is he coming back?(他什么时候能回来? )He should be back in ten minutes. (他大概10分钟后回来。)He should be back in the office next week. (他应该下个星期来上

7、班。)He s on vacation until next week. (他休假到下个星期。)He called in sick today.(他打电话来说病了。)He s out of town now. (他现在出差去了。)He s out to lunch now. (他现在吃午饭去了。)He s in a meeting right now. (他现在正在开会。)He s off today. (他今天休息。)4留言、接受留言Could you call back later?(您能过会儿再打来吗?)Please call me back in ten minutes. (请10分钟

8、后再打。)May I take a message? (您要给他留言吗?)I ll try again later.(过会儿我再打。)Can I leave a message?(能留个口信吗? )I called but your line was busy.(我给你打电话了,可是占线。)Would you tell him that Lynn Kane called?(请告诉他林恩凯恩给他打过电话。)Please tell him to call me.(请转告他让他给我回个电话。)How can he get a hold of you?(他怎么跟您联系呢? )Your number,

9、please? (请告诉我您的电话号码。)My number is 1234-1234. (我的电话号码是1234-1234。)You can reach me at 1234-1234 until six o clock.(请6点以前打1234-1234跟我联系。)Let me repeat the number. That s 1234-1234.(我再确认一下电话号码,1234-1234,对吗?)OK. I ll tell him that you called.(好的,我转告他您来电话了。)How do you spell your name?(您的名字怎么拼? )Mr. Smith

10、called you during the meeting.(您开会的时候史密斯先生给您来电话了。)I ll have him call you back.(我让他给您回电话好了。)Shall I have him call you back?(是不是让他给您回电话呀? )5挂断电话Thanks for calling. (谢谢您打来电话。)Please call again anytime. (请随时来电话。)I d better get off the phone. (我得挂电话了。)I have to go now.(我得挂电话了。)I guess I d better get goin

11、g. (我该挂电话了。)Nice talking to you. Bye. (能跟您通上话,我非常高兴,再见。)Please hang up the phone. (请挂电话吧。)I was cut off.(电话断了。)She hung up on me. (我还没说完呢,她就把电话挂上了。)The phone went dead. (电话不通。)Thank you for returning my call.(谢谢你给我回电话)6打错电话I m afraid you have the wrong number. (您好像打错电话了。)What number are you calling?

12、(您拨的电话号码是多少? )Who would you like to talk to?(您找哪位呀? )There s no one here by that name.(这儿没有您说的这个人。)There s no Bob Hope in this office.(我们公司没有叫鲍勃霍普的。)I m sorry. I must have misdialed.(对不起,我好像打错了。)7电话留言This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible. (我是加里米尔斯,请尽快跟我联络。)This is Gary Mills

13、 of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 1234-1234.(我是ABC公司的加里米尔斯,请回来后给我回电话。我的电话号码是1234-1234。)This is a recording. (这是电话录音。)8打电话遇到困难时Please speak a little more slowly.(您能说慢一点儿吗?)I can t hear you very well.(我听不清楚。)We have a bad connection.(电话线好像有毛病。)Could you speak up, please?(您能再大点儿声吗? )The lines are crossed. (串线了。)I m sorry to have kept you waiting. (对不起,让您久等了。)Thank you for waiting. (谢谢您等我。)You gave me the wrong number.(你给我的电话号码是错的。)

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