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1、AUGUST2023Practice TestMultiple Choice1.The new productA.soldC.tricked2.What is the_ of this meeting?A.alarmB.careerC.purposeD.throat3.I am staying in a niceA.actorC.opinion4.He is veryA.convenientC.patient5.DontwakeA.inC.with6.一the ball!A.CatchC.Catching7.Who isSintherace?A.competeC.competing8.My h

2、ead is hot because I have aA.chipC.package9.You can throwA.aboveC.among10.WhatareyourA.changesC.thoughts11.I have a(n)_ to go to Japan!A.cabbageC.reviewwell.B.bikedD.shookB.hotelD.tapewith the children.B.dizzyD.sorethe baby.B.onD.upB.CatchesD.CaughtB.competesD.competedB.microwaveD.feverthe old food.

3、B.aboutD.awayaboutthe movie?B.serversD.neighborsB.opportunityD.basket12.He arranged the stones in aA.patternC.feeling13.Wow!Hot!These noodles are reallyA.centralC.spicy14.Jillherhead and said no.A.shakeC.shakingOclozeRock climbing is a popular sport.You climbup,down or across rocks.You can climbouts

4、ide on_1 rocks.You can also climbinside at a climbing gym.Gyms have one ormore climbing walls.Hand and toe holds ofdifferentcolors_2_ the walls.You use theseholds to climb on the wall.Climbing gyms area great place to start climbing._3_.Theycan climb for exercise or just for fun.Rock climbing should

5、 always be safe.Aropewill make sure you dont fall to the ground.Climbing is also a great way to make you_4_.It is great exercise.1.A.freeC.real2.A.coverC.covering3.A.Rock climbing is not easyto start in agym.B.People can learn and practice theirskills.C.Gyms are expensive,but they are alsogood exerc

6、ise.D.You will need to be in very good shapebefore you start.B.mouthD.parentB.freeD.wildB.shakesD.shookB.grayD.wildB.coversD.covered48 LETS TALK INENGLISHAUGUST2023Look for the answers to this months questions on page 56.4.A.strongC.strongestSmartwatches arewearable technology.They are small,butthe

7、can do a lot!A smartwatch is _5.toa smartphone.But they are connected to aphone.People can answer phone calls on asmartwatch.They can read text _6_ andlisten to music,too.You can set an alarm,too.Many people also use their smartwatches forhealth purposes.They can _7_ their stepsand record health inf

8、ormation.Parents oftengive smartwatches to young children.Thatway parents can contact their children andcheck where they are._8.B.strongerD.too stronge a good example ofpictures.Thousands of years ago,peoplemade large mosaics to decorate floors andwalls of buildings.Over time,people beganto use mosa

9、ics to decorate smaller thingslike crafts and furniture.People love mosaicsbecause they are beautiful and unique.Mosaic lamps are one way people enjoymosaics today.There are many kinds oflamps with different designs.They are madeby gluing small pieces of glass of differentshapes and colors onto the

10、globe of alamp.When the light shines through thecolored glass on the globe,it looks beautiful.Becausemosaiclampsarehandmade(手工的),no two are the same.That makes eachone special.5.A.strongC.sick6.A.concernsC.purposes7.A.trackC.tracking8.A.It can help keep your children safe.B.It can teach children how

11、 to telltime.C.It can teach children to play games.D.It can show you where to go at night.ReadingComprehensionAmosaic(马赛克)isakindof art.Tomakea mosaic,an artist uses small pieces of stone,glass or other things to make patterns andB.similarD.sunnyB.schedulesD.messagesB.tracksD.tracked1.What is this a

12、rticle mainly about?A.Afun activity for your family.B.An impressivenewmuseum.C.An interesting type of art.D.A good way to spend time.2.Why is each mosaic lamp unique?A.They are made with colored glass.B.People make them without machines.C.The artist shines light through the glass.D.Each one is beaut

13、iful and special.3.What does it mean in this article?A.The light.B.An artist.C.Mosaics.D.The lamp.LETSTALKINENGLISH49TRANSLATION中文翻译31James:Ju li e,喝水没有用的。Julie:你说得对,水实在没什么帮助。James:水会加剧那种灼烧感。Julie:为什么?James:因为水会散布嘴里的辣味。Julie:那我该怎么办?我的嘴巴在喷火!James:来,喝点儿牛奶。Julie:哦,好多了。James,谢谢你。会话BJames:乳制品通常有助于减少那种灼热感


15、,”Gary说,“她碰到一些困难。她的侄子没有足够的钱支付学费,她请求我寄给她一点儿钱帮助她侄子。”“有意思,”Carson说,“你朋友的侄子多大了?“我不知道,”Gary说,他愁容满面,“她今早发的电子邮件。我真的很想帮助她,上学很重要。”他这么告诉Carson。“我同意。多跟我说说你这位朋友Vera,”Ca r s o n 说,“你在哪里认识她?”“我们在网上的一个粉丝群里认识的。我们都喜欢同一个足球队,”Gary说,“Vera住在另一个国家。“你们俩见过面吗?”Carson问道。“没有,我就是在网上认识她。但是我们常常通电子邮件。”Gary说。“Vera常常请求你帮助吗?”Carson问

16、道。Gary点头,“上个月Vera的家人需要帮助,我给他们寄了一些钱。Carson想了一会儿,“在世界各地有朋友是很棒的事。但是寄钱这件事你应该谨慎,那可能是个骗局。,今日问题1.Vera住在哪里?2.你平常如何帮助你的朋友?56LETSTALKINENGLISH找找看Vera是做什么工作的?Carson想要保护他的朋友。Gary很慷概,又乐于助人,但他并非时时都很聪明。Carson很怀疑Vera告诉Gary的是事实。“Vera要求你寄多少钱?”Carson问,“很多吗?“挺多的,她需要30 0 美金。”Gary回答。“这个数目还挺大的!”Carson说。“是啊。我是想帮助她,但我不想被骗。”


18、ra的说法?今日问题1.Vera想要多少钱?2.你总是说真话吗?为什么?ActivityAnswers:(from page13)1.C.2.A.3.B.4.C.5.A.ActivityAnswers:1.e2.c3.b4.d5.aActivityAnswers:(from page34)1.boring 2.loud 3.delicious 4.interesting 5.wonderfulActivityAnswers:1.kimchi 2.yogurt 3.spicy Thai salad 4.chicken wings5.hot peppers 6.hot saucePracticeTestAnswers:Multiple Choice:ACBCDCloze:CABB BDAAReading Comprehension:CBD更正:2023年7 期大家说英语P49Cloze第8 题答案为D,R e a d i n g Co m p r e h e n s i o n 中2-3题答案分别为D和B,特此更正。(from page29)(from page 44)(frompage48-49)ACDDCBACD

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