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1、HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 2目录 CONTENTS1、概述.61.General1.1 船舶用途及航区.61.1 Purpose and navigation area1.2 船型.61.2 Ship type1.3 质量控制.61.3 Quality control1.4 适用法规.71.4 Rules1.5 船级.71.5 Classification2、船舶主要技术参数.82.The principal particulars2.1 船型参数.82.1 Ship type particulars2.2 技术指标.92

2、.2 Technical index2.3 吨位.132.3 Tonnage2.4 千舷.132.4 Freeboard2.5 完整稳性.132.5 Intact stability2.6破 损稳性.142.6 Damaged stability3 总布置图.14HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 33.General arrangement3.1 布置概况.143.1 GA drawing3.2 舱室设置.203.2 Space setting3.3 层间高度.233.3 Height between tiers4、船体结构.23

3、4.Hull structure4.1 结构概述.234.1 General4.2 构件尺寸.254.2 Hull scantling4.2.1 外板.254.2.1 Shell plate4.2.2 甲板.264.2.2 Deck4.2.3 船底部分.264.2.3 Bottom framing4.2.4 舷侧骨架.294.2.4 Side framing4.2.5 甲板骨架.324.2.5 Deck framing4.2.6 支柱.344.2.6 Pillars4.2.7 舱壁.344.2.7 Bulkheads4.2.8船 端加强.37HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATI

4、ONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 44.2.8 Strengthening in the hull ends4.2.9脑 腥柱.394.2.9 Stempost and stempost4.2.10 主机座.394.2.10 Main engine foundation4.2.11 上层建筑.394.2.11 Superstructure4.2.12 甲板室.404.2.12 Deckhouse4.2.13 舷墙.424.2.13 Bulwark5、艇装设备.425.Outfitting5.1 锚泊设备.425.1 Anchoring equipment5.2 系泊设备.435.2

5、 Mooring equipment5.3 舵设备.445.3 Rudder and steering gear5.4 救生设备.455.4 Life-saving appliances5.5 航行及信号设备.455.5 Navigation and signal equipment5.6消 防设备.465.6 Fire-fighting appliances5.7门、窗、栏杆、梯、盖设备.505.7 Doors,windows,rails,ladders,covers5.8保 护设备.55HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 55.

6、8 Protection equipment5.9安 全设备.555.9 Safety equipment5.10 其它.565.10 Others附录1.57Appendix 1HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION LJX5806-100-02SM PAGE 61、概述General本船译文如发生歧义时,均以中文为主。If there is different meaning in this translation,please refer to the Chinese.1.1 船舶用途及航区Purpose and navigation area本船为2型散装化学品船兼油

7、船,航区为无限航区。This ship is type 2 chemicals bulk carrier cum oil tanker.The navigation area is unrestricted.1.2 船型Ship type本船为钢质、单甲板、混合骨架式、设有脑、腥楼、单柴油机配齿 轮箱驱动、单桨、单舵、腥机型的2型液体化学品运输船兼油船。This vessel is a steel,single deck,combination framing style,with forecastle and poop,single diesel engine with gear box,s

8、ingle propeller,single rudder,stern-engined,type 2 liquid chemicals carrier cum oil tanker.本船设整体式重力液货舱,按液货舱舱顶蒸气表压0.02Mpa和液货 比重1.025设计液货舱结构。The integral gravity style liquid cargo tanks are provided in this ship.The structure of the liquid cargo tanks is designed based on the 0.02Mpa of the vapour pr

9、essure in the top of the liquid cargo tank and 1.025 of the cargo specific gravity.1.3 质量控制Quality control1)本船及其材料、工艺、装备(机器、设备、管系等)均应得到船 东和船检的认可,并按照CCS批准和经船东确认的图纸的要求建造。1)This ship and the material,workmanship,equipment(machinery,facility,piping,etc.)should be approved by the owner and CCS,and should

10、 be built according to the drawings approved by CCS and the owner.2)本船建造质量按照2005年“中国造船质量标准”的要求实施控HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION LJX5806-100-02SM PAGE 7制。2)The quality of this ship should be controlled according to the requirements of“China Shipbuilding Quality Standards”(2005).1.4适用法规Rules本船遵照的规则、规范如下

11、:The rules and regulations that this ship should comply with are as follows:1)1999年中华人民共和国海事局船舶与海上设施法定检验规则(国际航行船舶)及其修改通报。1)“The Legal Inspection Rules for Ships and Facilities at Sea,(intemational navigation ships)issued by the MSA of the P.R.C in 1999 and the Notes of Amendment.2)2006年中国船级社钢质海船入级规范

12、。2)The Rules and Regulations for the Classification of the Sea-going Steel Ships(CCS 2006)3)中国船级社散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规范(2005)3)The Structure and Equipment Rules for Dangerous Chemicals Bulk Carriers(CCS 2005)在本船完工之前,若上述规则、规范有新的修改条款生效并适用时,本船将作出相应的修改。If there is new amendment in the above rules or regulat

13、ions before this ship is finished,this ship will be changed accordingly.L5船级Class of ship本船入CCS级,并取得以下入级标志:This ship is classed to CCS and obtained the following class notation:CSA CSM,Double Hull Oil and Chemical Tanker,Type 2,F.P.0,252m 纵向 longitudinal L 27.68m船底纵骨Bottom longitudinalcc,-10 x200T22

14、b/1.-12x100船底板Bottom plate14/16428.4解尖舱内的加强Strengthening in the aft peak tank名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks实肋板Floor16/22mm至3650平台Up to 3650HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 39platform4.2.9 艄腥柱 Stempost and sternpost名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks艄柱 Stempost16mm舰柱 Stempo

15、st铸钢cast steel解框底骨Bottom structure of the stem frame 350 X 300mm推进器在航管通出处 的轴毂厚度The propellers shaft hub thicknesswhere the stem tube goes out110mm4.2.10 主机座 Main engine foundation名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks基座纵桁Foundation longitudinal girder面板 Face plate 30mm 腹板 web 22mm横隔板 transversely st

16、rengthened plate一,1614mm/1-16x100肘板 Bracket16x1504.2.11 上层建筑 Superstructure4.2.11.1 艄楼 The forecastle名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks舷侧外板Side shell plate10mm甲板板Deck plate10mm肋骨Frameri6b强肋骨Web frame1 10 x350 12x150#166后端壁end8/10mm 扶强材 stiffener114b内围壁 inner8mm 扶强材 stiffener14bHULL&EQUIPMENT SPE

17、CIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 40enclosure4.2.11.2 解楼 The poop名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks舷侧外板Side shell plate10mm甲板板Deck plate8/10mm肋骨Frameri6b强肋骨Web frame1 10 x300 12x120#36前端壁fore end10mm 扶强材 stiffener ri8b后壁aft end10mm 扶强材 stiffener ri6b4.2.12 甲板室 Deckhouse4.2.12.1 艇甲板 Boat deck名称Item位

18、置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks甲板板Deck plate8 mm横梁BeamL100X75X8甲板纵桁Deck girder 8x300 10 x120前壁Fwd end8mm 扶强材 stiffener L100X63X8侧壁 Side plate8mm 扶强材 stiffener L100X63X8后壁Aft end8mm 扶强材 stiffener L100X63X8内围壁 inner enclosure7mm 扶强材 stiffener L100X63X84.2.12.2居住甲板2Accommodation deck 2名称Item位置及规格Locati

19、on and size备注 Remarks甲板板Deck plate7 mm横梁BeamL90X56X6甲板纵桁Deck girder 8x20010 x80前壁Fwd end8mm 扶强材 stiffener L90X56X6侧壁 Side plate7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 41后壁Aft end7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6内围壁 inner enclosure7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X64.2.12.3 居住甲板 1

20、Accommodation deck 1名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks甲板板Deck plate7 mm横梁BeamL75X50X6甲板纵桁Deck girder 8x200 10 x80前壁Fwd end8mm 扶强材 stiffener L90 X56X6侧壁 Side plate7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6后壁Aft end7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6内 围壁 inner enclosure7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X64.2.12.4 驾驶甲板 Navigation de

21、ck名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks甲板板Deck plate7 mm横梁BeamL75X50X6甲板纵桁Deck girder 8x200 10 x80前壁Fwd end7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6侧壁 Side plate7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6后壁Aft end7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6内围壁 inner enclosure7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X64.2.12.5罗经甲板名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Rema

22、rks甲板板Deck plate7/8mm横梁BeamL75X50X6甲板纵桁Deck girder 8x200 10 x80前壁Fwd end7mm 扶强材 stiffener-12X 120HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 42侧壁 Side plate7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6后壁Aft end7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X6内围壁 inner enclosure7mm 扶强材 stiffener L75X50X64.2.12.6 机舱棚围壁 The engine casing

23、enclosure4. 露天机舱棚 Open engine casing名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks围壁板 Enclosure plate7 mm扶强材StiffenerL75X50X64.非露天机舱才朋 Not open engine casing名称Item位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks围壁板Enclosure plate7 mm扶强材Stiffener腥楼内 In the poop L100X63X8其他 Others L75X50X64213 舷墙 Bulwark名称Ite

24、m位置及规格Location and size备注 Remarks舷墙板Bulwark plate8 mm上缘型材Topside sectional barri4b支撑肘板Bracket8x300805 艇装部分 OUTFITTING5.1 专苗设备 Anchoring equipment本船锚泊设备根据钢质船舶入级规范(CCS2006)的要求配备。This ships anchoring equipments are provided according to the requirements of the Rules and Regulations fbr the Classificati

25、on of theHULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION LJX5806-100-02SM PAGE 43Sea-going Steel Ships(CCS 2006).1)胭装数N=1153Equipment Number N=11532)锚:选配斯贝克锚2只,每只锚重3540kg。Anchor:2 Speke anchors are selected and the weight for each anchor is 3540kg.3)锚链:选配AM2有档电焊锚链直径为6 54mm,锚链总长度为 522.5米,分成2根。右锚链长为275m,左锚链长为247.5m。Chai

26、n cable:The CCS AM2 electrically welded stud chains are selected and the chain diameter is 54mm.The total length of the chain cable is 522.5 m and divided into 2.The right one is 275m and the left one is 247.5m.4)锚泊属具:在锚链筒下口设置锚唇,在锚链筒上口设有导链滚轮,在滚轮与锚机链轮之间设置掣链器。Anchoring accessories:the bolsters are set

27、 at the lower end of the hawse pipes;the chain cable fairleaders are set at the upper end of the hawse pipes;the chain stoppers are set between the windlass chain wheel and the fairleaders.5.2 系泊设备 Mooring equipment1)胴部设80KN液压卧式系缆绞车一台。A 80KN horizontal hydraulic mooring winch is fitted at stern.2)系船

28、索:选配直径72mm八股丙纶索4根,每根长为180m。Mooring lines:4 eight-ply polypropylene fiber ropes,whose diameter is 72mm,are selected and the length for each is 180m.HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 443)另配A450带缆柱2只,A400带缆桩14只,6 300三滚轮导缆 器4只,“300双滚轮导缆器6只,“300羊角单滚轮导缆器4只,C400 X290导缆孔6只,6 72系泊纤维索卷车2只。Other

29、s:A450 bollard 2A400 bollard 14“300 triple roller fairleader 4“300 double roller fairleader 6 6 300 cleat single roller fairleader 4 C400 X 290 mooring pipe 64)72 mooring fiber rope reel 25.3 月它设备 Rudder and steering gear1)采用双支承流线型平衡舵1只,舵面积12.30m2,面积比为1.58%,平衡系数为0.25,展舷比为1.37,舵为钢板焊接组合结构,舵与舵杆采 用法兰连接。

30、One double bearing streamline balanced rudder is adopted.The rudder area is 12.30m2.The area ratio is 1.58%.The area-balance ratio is 0.25.The aspect ratio is 1.37.The rudder is steel welded composite structure.The rudder and the rudder stock are connected by the flange.2)舵杆 Rudder stock舵柄处舵杆直径为中220

31、mm,舵杆直径为中280mm,舵杆顶部以键与 舵机键连接,上舵承为滚子轴承,下舵承为滑动水密下度承。The diameter of the rudder stock in way of the tiller is 220mm.The diameter of the rudder stock is 280mm.The top of the rudder stock and the steering gear are connected by the keys.3)舵机为160kN-m电动液压舵机,自一舷35度至另一舷30度的操 舵时间不大于20秒,上舵承装有滑动轴承,下舵承为水密滑动轴承。The

32、 steering gear is 160KN.m electrical hydraulic steering gear.The HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION LJX5806-100-02SM PAGE 45operation time from 35 degrees of one side to 30 degrees of the other side is not more than 20s.The rudder carrier is sliding bearing and the lower rudder bearing is watertight slidi

33、ng bearing.4)设应急操舵系统一套。One set of the emergency steering system is fitted.5.4 救生设备 Life saving appliances本船救生设备按国际海上人命安全公约要求配备。This ships life saving appliances are provided according to the SOLAS.耐火救生艇(18人)2艘;fireproof life boat(18P)2;A型20人气胀式救生筏2只;20P inflatable life raft(type A)2;救生圈12只(其中6只带自亮浮灯

34、,2只带救生浮索,2只带自亮 浮灯及带烟雾信号)。Lifebuoy 12(6 of them with selfigniting light;2 of them with life line;2 of them with self-igniting light and smoke signal)登乘绳梯2件;embarkation ladder 2;船员救生衣22件。Crews lifejacket 22;抛绳设备1套line throwing apparatus 1 set12支火箭降落伞信号。rocket parachute flare signal 12.5.5 信号设备 Signal

35、equipmentHULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION LJX5806-100-02SM PAGE 46本船前后桅信号设备详见信号设备布置图。For the detail of the signal equipments of fore and aft masts,refer to the drawing of the SIGNAL EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT5.6 消防设备 Firefighting appliances具体布置详见防火控制图For detail arrangement,refer to the FIRE CONTROL PLAN”驾驶甲板

36、上配:5kge。2灭火机1只,6kg手提式干粉灭火机1只,紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)2套。NAVIGATION DECK:5kgCO2 fire extinguisher 1;6kg portable powder fire extinguisher 1;EEBD 2 sets.居住甲板1上配:6kg手提式干粉灭火机1只,9L手提式泡沫灭火 机1只,两用水枪(水雾/水柱型)、消防带、消防带箱及消防栓1件。ACCOMMODATION DECK 1:6kg portable powder fire extinguisher 1;9L portable fbam fire extinguisher

37、 1;Spray/jet nozzle 1;Hose 1;Hose box 1;Fire hydrant 1;居住甲板2上配:6kg手提式干粉灭火机1只,9L手提式泡沫灭火 机1只,两用水枪(水雾/水柱型)、消防带、消防带箱及消防栓1件。ACCOMMODATION DECK 2:6kg portable powder fire extinguisher 1;9L portable fbam fire extinguisher 1;Spray/jet nozzle 1;HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 47Hose 1;Hose b

38、ox 1;Fire hydrant 1;艇甲板以上配:5kge。2灭火机2只,6kg手提式干粉灭火机1只,9L手提式泡沫灭火机3只,两用水枪(水雾/水柱型)、消防带、消防带 箱及消防栓1件。BOAT DECK:5kgCO2 fire extinguisher 2;6kg portable powder fire extinguisher 1;9L portable fbam fire extinguisher 3;Spray/jet nozzle 1;Hose 1;Hose box 1;Fire hydrant 1;舰楼甲板上配:6kg手提式干粉灭火机2只,9L手提式泡沫灭火机 3只,两用水枪

39、(水雾/水柱型)、消防带及消防带箱各2件,消防栓2 件,太平斧一把,紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)2套,消防炮(枪)2只。POOP DECK:6kg portable powder fire extinguisher 2;9L portable fbam fire extinguisher 3;Spray/jet nozzle 2;Hose 2;Hose box 2;Fire hydrant 2;Fire axe 1;EEBD 2sets;Fire monitor 2;HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 48艄楼甲板以上配:太平斧一把

40、。FORECASTLE DECK:Fire axe 1;桥楼以上配:两用水枪(水雾/水柱型)、消防带及消防带箱各12 件,消防栓12件,消防炮(枪)6只,国际通岸接头1只。CATWALK:Spray/jet nozzle 12;Hose 12;Hose box 12;Fire hydrant 12;Fire monitor 6;International shore connection 1.主甲板处配:6kg手提式干粉灭火机2只,9L手提式泡沫灭火机4 只,5kg手提式CO2灭火机1只,两用水枪(水雾/水柱型)及消防带及 消防带箱各1件,消防栓1件,消防员装备品2套,紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEB

41、D)1 套。MAIN DECK:6kg portable powder fire extinguisher 2;9L portable foam fire extinguisher 4;5kg portable C02 fire extinguisher 1;Spray/jet nozzle 1;Hose 1;Hose box 1;Fire hydrant 1;Firemans outfit 2sets;EEBD Iset;机舱平台配:9L手提式泡沫灭火机4只,6kg手提式干粉灭火机3 只,5kg手提式CO2灭火机1只,F135推车式泡沫灭火机1只,F45推 HULL&EQUIPMENT SP

42、ECIFICATIONLJX5806-100-02SMPAGE 49车式泡沫灭火机1只,肩背式泡沫喷枪1支,两用水枪(水雾/水柱型)、消防栓、消防带及消防带箱各1件,紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)2套。PLATFORM IN ENGINE ROOM:9L portable fbam fire extinguisher 4;6kg portable powder fire extinguisher 3;5kg portable CO2 fire extinguisher 1;F135 wheeled fbam fire extinguisher 1;F45 wheeled fbam fire ex

43、tinguisher 1;Shoulder type fbam nozzle 1;Spray/jet nozzle 1;Hose 1;Hose box 1;Fire hydrant 1;EEBD 2set;舱内配:9L手提式泡沫灭火机3只,6kg手提式干粉灭火机3只,紧急逃生呼吸装置(EEBD)1套,两用水枪(水雾/水柱型)、消防栓、消防 带及消防带箱各1件。IN COMPARTMENT:9L portable fbam fire extinguisher 3;5kg portable powder fire extinguisher 3;EEBD Iset;Spray/jet nozzle

44、1;Hose 1;Hose box 1;Fire hydrant 1;机舱逃口围井,机舱棚围壁,机舱区域主甲板结构防火A-60级。For the engine escape trunk,the engine casing enclosure,main deck in the engine room area,the fireproof structure is class A-60.HULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION LJX5806-100-02SM PAGE 50甲板室的梯道必须由A-0级防火材料予以环围,并且设置带自闭器 的A-0级防火门。The stairways

45、in the deckhouse are enclosed by A-0 class fireproof materials and in way of them,the A-0 class self-closing doors are provided.液货舱区域甲板,船员经常工作区域,距液货舱口及洗舱口 1m的 范围内,涂导电油漆,以便人身所带静电能对地释放。The deck in the liquid cargo tanks area,where the crews often work,and within Im from the hatch opening and tank-wash

46、ing opening,is to be painted with conductive paint so that the static electricity of the body can be released to the earth.5.7门、窗、栏杆、梯、盖设备Doors,windows,rails,ladders,covers1)门:doors驾驶甲板上设:ON THE NAVIGATION DECK:驾驶室气密移门扇wheelhouse:airtight sliding door梯道设防火门(A-0)并带自闭器;stairway:fireproof door(A-0)with

47、 self-closing device 居住甲板 1 设:ON THE ACCOMMADATION DECK 1船员室设防火门(B-0)并带有应急通孔;crews room:fireproof door(B-0)with emergency escape浴厕设防火门(B-0);bathroom cum toilet:fireproof door(B-0)梯道设防火门(A-0)并带自闭器;stairway:fireproof door(A-0)with self-closing device 走道设船用风雨密单扇钢质门;passageway:marine weather-tight singl

48、e steel doorHULL&EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION LJX5806-100-02SM PAGE 51居住甲板 2 设:ON THE ACCOMMADATION DECK 2:船员室设防火门(B-0)并带有应急通孔;crews room:fireproof door(B-0)with emergency escape浴厕设防火门(B-0);bathroom cum toilet:fireproof door(B-0)梯道设防火门(A-0)并带自闭器;stairway:fireproof door(A-0)with self-closing device走道设船用风雨

49、密单扇钢质门;passageway:marine weather-tight single steel door 艇甲板设:ON THE BOAT DECK:船员室设防火门(B-0)并带有应急通孔;crews room:fireproof door(B-0)with emergency escape医务室、浴厕设防火门(B-0);dispensary,bathroom cum toilet:fireproof door(B-0)梯道设防火门(A-0)并带自闭器;stairway:fireproof door(A-0)with self-closing device机舱棚设防火门(A-60)并带

50、自闭器;engine casing:fireproof door(A-60)with self-closing device走道、应急发电机室、蓄电池室、充放电室设船用风雨密单扇 钢质门;passageway,emergency generator room,battery room,battery charge and discharge room:marine weather-tight single steel door 腥楼甲板设:ON THE POOP DECK:船员室设防火门(B-0)并带有应急通孔;crews room:fireproof door(B-0)with emerge

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