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1、宿迁市2023年初中学业水平考试英语答题注意事项1. 本试卷共10页,满分100分。考试时间120分钟。2. 答案全部写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 答选择题时使用2B铅笔,把答题卡上对应题号的选项字母涂满、涂黑。如需改动,要用绘图橡皮轻擦干净后再选涂其他选项。4. 答非选择题必须用0. 5mm黑色签字笔,在答题卡上对应题号的答题区域书写答案。注意不要答错位置,也不要超界。一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Betty began to play _ violin at the age of four. No

2、wonder she plays so well.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. About 12,000 people took part in the 2023 Suqian Marathon _ April 2.A. atB. onC. inD. to3 Miss Xu goes jogging in Huanghe Park every morning _ it rains.A. unlessB. tillC. sinceD. as4. The girls beautiful pronunciation caught our _ in yesterdays English

3、speech competition. Yes, many students couldnt help cheering for her.A. conditionB. attentionC. inventionD. position5. Hua Huaa panda at Chengdu Giant Panda Base is _ because of her cute looks.A. popularB. publicC. properD. private6. According to the traffic rules, people _ ride e-bikes without wear

4、ing helmets.A. mustntB. needntC. may notD. might not7. Our school will invite Mr. Wang _ us a talk on environmental protection next week. Thats wonderful!A. giveB. to giveC. givingD. gave8. My father and I _ a lot of photos at the same place in the past ten years. Those photos must be your valuable

5、memories.A. have takenB. will takeC. takeD. were taking9. There _ a lot of new magazines in our school reading room. Oh, really? Shall we go there this afternoon?A. isB. wasC. areD. were10. China won all the gold medals at the 2023 World Table Tennis Championships._ exciting news!A. What aB. How aC.

6、 HowD. What11. Sandy is well organized. Exactly. _ in her room is in good order.A. SomethingB. EverythingC. NothingD. None12. The energy from the sun and the wind costs little and will never _.A. turn outB. put outC. cut outD. run out13. Sleeping for a while after lunch can help us study better in t

7、he afternoon. _.A. I cant agree moreB. Id like toC. Dont mention itD. It doesnt matter14. I wonder _. My best friend James.A. how can you spend the coming summer holidaysB. how you can spend the coming summer holidaysC. who will you spend the coming summer holidays withD. who you will spend the comi

8、ng summer holidays with15. Judy, when you are in a strange place, youd better do as the local people do. Thats it. _.A. Practice makes perfectB. Many hands make light workC. When in Rome, do as Romans doD. A friend in need is a friend indeed二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填

9、入空白处的最佳选项。One day, Daniel got lost when he and his mom went shopping in the store. He had thought he was right beside Mom, _16_ when he looked up, Mom was gone. “Mom! Mom!” Daniel called. Many people hurried by, yet nobody _17_ for Daniel. The store seemed very large, and Daniel felt himself very _1

10、8_. Then Daniel remembered something. Mom had told him what he should do if he got lost. She had said that he should find someone who was _19_ at the store for help. Daniel looked around and saw a saleswoman hanging sweaters, so he ran to her for _20_. “Im lost I cant find my mom.” he said. _21_ she

11、 could answer, a customer hurried over, holding a black sweater. “How much is this?” she asked. Now Daniel was _22_. Would the saleswoman help him?“Just a moment, please,” the saleswoman said to the customer. “We have a lost boy here.” She turned to Daniel, “Dont worry.” she said, “I will _23_ Mr. H

12、enson, our store security guard (保安). He will help find your mom.”The customer smiled at Daniel. “I will bet your mom is looking for you. too.” she said. Daniel hadnt thought of that! Mom would be looking for him, and now she would know _24_ to find him. He felt better. While they were waiting for M

13、r. Henson, the saleswoman gave Daniel a green lollipop (棒棒糖). Although green was Daniels _25_, he did not feel like eating at the moment. Soon here came Mr. Henson. He put his hand on Daniels shoulder. “Whats your name, little boy?” he asked. Daniel told him. Then Mr. Henson asked. “Whats your moms

14、name?” “Mom,” but he _26_ that Mr. Henson meant Moms other name, the one adults called her. “Her name is Amy Wilkerson.” he said. “Good job!” Mr. Henson said. The saleswoman smiled. Mr. Henson said he would make an announcement that could be _27_ all through the store. He pushed buttons on a special

15、 telephone, then said, “Will Ms. Amy Wilkerson please come to ladies _28_ on the second floor? Your son is waiting for you here. ”Mr. Hensons voice was strong, and the stores music _29_ stopped playing when he made the announcement. Mom must have heard him. And she really had. Soon Daniel saw her ru

16、nning toward him. Mom held Daniel close “I was worried.” she said. “Me too.” Daniel said. “But I _30_ what you taught me.” He told Mom about Mr. Henson and the saleswoman. Then he gave Mom the lollipop, because green was her favorite, too.16. A. orB. soC. butD. and17. A. waitedB. stoppedC. paidD. hu

17、nted18. A. smallB. oldC. bigD. low19. A. sittingB. chattingC. workingD. standing20. A. helpB. moneyC. agreementD. telephone21. A. UntilB. AfterC. IfD. Before22. A. pleasedB. worriedC. excitedD. amazed23. A. e-mailB. orderC. catchD. call24. A. whetherB. whenC. whereD. what25. A. styleB. favoriteC. si

18、zeD. sign26. A. realizedB. requiredC. acceptedD. agreed27. A. searchedB. postedC. heardD. answered28. A. sweatersB. handbagsC. shoesD. dresses29. A. neverB. evenC. quiteD. ever30. A. forgotB. avoidedC. regrettedD. remembered三、阅读(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选項中,选出最佳选項。ABa

19、daling Great Wall lies in Yanqing County, more than 70 kilometers northwest from the center of Beijing City. It was the earliest part open to the tourists among all the parts of the whole Great Wall. If you want to visit it, the following information may help you. Opening Time*Apr. 1 to Oct. 31: 7:0

20、0 a. m.18:00 p. m*Nov. 1 to Mar. 31: 7:30 a. m.17:00 p. mTicket Price*Apr. 1 to Oct. 31: 40 for adults, half price for students aged 618*Nov. 1 to Mar. 31: 35 for adults, half price for students aged 618Transport*Bus No. 877: DeshengmenBadaling Great Wall*Beijing Suburban Railway Line S2: Huangtu St

21、ationYanqing Station*High-speed railway: Beijing BeizhanYanqing StationContact*Tourist CenterAddress: Badaling Special Zone, Yanqing County, BeijingPhone number: 010-69121226*Website: http:/www. badaling. gov. cn*Wechat official account: Badaling Great Wall31. When does Badaling Great Wall open on N

22、ational Day?A. At 6:00 a.m.B. At 6:30 a.m.C. At 7:00 a.m.D. At 7:30 a.m.32. Where can you take the Bus No. 877 to Badaling Great Wall?A. At Huangtu Station.B. At Deshengmen.C. At Yanging Station.D. At Beijing Beizhan.33. Which part of the newspaper is the passage probably from?A. Travel.B. Sports.C.

23、 Medicine.D. Fashion.BSpring is the season when plants start to grow freely from the ground. In China, wild spring greens are traditionally thought of as a healthy food. They are still common in many dishes today. Chinese toon shoots (香椿芽)Toon shoots are usually the best just before guyu, the sixth

24、of the 24 solar terms (节气). Guyu means that spring is almost to end. This is when the leaves are very tender (嫩的). It is often cooked with eggs to balance the sometimes strong tastes of the leaves. It can also be prepared with tofu. Indian aster (马兰头)The meaning of Indian aster is to make a horse tu

25、rn its head. It is said that its tender-taste could make a horse stop moving on. Perhaps because of the name, the green has become a goodbye gift, cooked when one wants to wish a friend a safe journey, according to the website The World of Chinese. The vegetable is usually boiled in water, cut and m

26、ixed with tofu and sesame oil. Shepherds purse (荠菜)Shepherds purse is a green herb (草本植物) with an unusual smell. It grows early in spring and can be eaten both cooked and uncooked. It tastes a little but bitter (苦的) and sweet and can be used in dumplings and wonton or cooked in soup. In traditional

27、Chinese medicine, it is used to improve eyesight, deal with high blood pressure and stop bleeding. Luhao (芦蒿)Taken as a symbol of spring, luhao was thought highly of by a famous Chinese poet. He said, “When the land is green and luhao is everywhere, spring has truly arrived.”Before or during guyu, l

28、uhao is very tender and is usually cooked with meat. It tastes light and can be simply cooked with ginger, spring onion and a little chilli. Tips for eating wild vegetables Do not eat wild vegetables you dont know. Do not eat polluted wild vegetables. Do not eat wild vegetables which have been kept

29、for a long time. Eat them fresh after picking them. Do not take wild vegetables as a main course. 34. Why do people cook toon shoots with eggs according to the passage?A. To look more colorful.B. To make it taste sweet.C. To balance the strong taste.D. To make it healthy to people.35. What do toon s

30、hoots and Indian aster have in common (有共同点) according to the passage?A. Both of them can be mixed with tofu.B. Both of them are very tender after guyu.C. Both of them are green herbs with usual tastes.D. Both of them can deal with high blood pressure.36. Which of the following dishes might improve

31、peoples eyesight?A. Toon shoots.B. Shepherds purse.C. Indian aster.D. Luhao.37. What can we infer (推断) according to the tips in the passage?A. Do not eat the wild vegetables in spring.B. Take the wild vegetables as a main course.C. Store the wild vegetables as long as possible.D. The unknown wild ve

32、getables might be harmful.CFamily is very important for everyone, no matter where you are from. So in both East and West, people have festivals to celebrate family reunions(团聚). These festivals include the Mid-Autumn Festival in China and Thanksgiving Day in the US. How are they celebrated and what

33、are the differences? Lets take a look. Sharing the moonlightThe Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most important traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival. Its on the 15th day of the eighth month of Chinese lunar calendar. In ancient China, the day was considered as a harvest festival

34、since fruits, vegetables and grain(谷物) had been collected from the fields. All the family got together and had a big dinner. They ate a special festival food-moon cakes and enjoyed the full moon. On that day, the moon is full. The full moon is a symbol for family reunions which mean tuanyuan in Chin

35、ese. Now people also celebrate the festival by getting together and having a big dinner. When it gets dark, people look up at the full moon, eating moon cakes and missing friends and relatives who are far from home. “We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight

36、, even though miles apart!” wrote Su Shi, a famous Song Dynasty poet. Showing thanksThanksgiving Day is one of the biggest holidays in the US. Its on the fourth Thursday of November. People visit their friends and relatives to remind themselves that they are lucky to have happiness, health and famil

37、y and also to have a roof over their heads. In 1621, about 100 English people took a ship, the Mayflower, and arrived in the northeastern US. The winter there was very cold and life was hard. As the American Indians helped them a lot, the English people asked them to have a big meal with then in ord

38、er to express their thanks. The celebration lasted for three days. Today, people usually have a family meal on Thanksgiving Day. They enjoy delicious food such as pumpkin scorn and a big, golden turkey. There are other traditions on the day. For example, the turkey has a V-shaped bone in the breast.

39、 Its called a wishbone. After roasting(烤), two persons each take one end of the bone. They make a wish and then pull it. If one gets the larger part of the bone, he or she will get good luck. The most important part of Thanksgiving Day is to say “thanks” this is the spirit of the holiday People also

40、 like to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV.38. Why did people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in ancient China?A. Because people could eat moon cakes.B. Because people enjoyed the full moon.C. Because people could get together with relatives.D. Because people had a good harvest from the fiel

41、ds.39. What does the underlined part “to have a roof over their heads” in the passage probably mean?A. To have somewhere to live.B. To have food to eat.C. To have friends to talk to.D. To have clothes to wear.40. What is the spirit of Thanksgiving Day?A. To pull the bone.B. To play American football

42、.C. To say “thanks”.D. To watch the Parade.41. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The background to the two festivals.B. The introduction to the two festivals.C. The activities of the two festivals.D. The customs of the two festivals.DIn Flanders, a small town in Belgium, lived a little boy calle

43、d Nello. He became an orphan (孤儿) at the age of two. Then he lived with his grandpa in a small house. Life was harder for them. Their life depended on Nellos grandpa. Every morning, the old man would collect fresh milk from one house to another. He then had to load (装载) the milk on a cart and sent i

44、t to the city. Growing up a little older, Nello would try to help his grandpa to travel from Flanders to the city. One day, as Nello and his grandpa were going home from the city they saw a large dog lying on the side of the road. The dog was motionless. “What happened?” asked Nello. “Is the dog dea

45、d?” His grandpa touched the nose of the dog with his hand and examined the body of the dog. He then said to Nello, “The dog is seriously ill. We have to take him to a vet (兽医), or he will die.” With the words, his grandpa put the dog on the cart and the two went home. The fact was that the dog was a

46、bandoned (抛弃) by his master because of his serious illness. Seeing the dying dog, Nello was heart-broken. The kind hearted boy took good care of him. Even though Nello and his grandpa did not have enough to eat, he would still feed the dog with milk and bread. Day by day, the dog began to stand on h

47、is feet and became stronger and stronger. “We should give him a name,” said Nello one day to his grandpa. “Thats a good idea,” replied his grandpa. “What name do you want to give him? How about Patrasche?” said Nello. “Patrasche is a beautiful name,” said his grandpa. From then on, Patrasche became a member of the family. One day, as Nello and his grandpa loaded the cart with milk and were ready to start their journey to

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