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1、2017年辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试卷一、 单项选择 (共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)1These people are really niceYes,they _ show respect for our feelings()AseldomBneverCalwaysDalready2We had fun and learnt _ new as wellWe had a good time()AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything3_ 2000,this company has seen much new developmentIt has

2、 become one of the biggest companies in the country()AForBInCByDSince4_it is often cold in the mountains,you need to wear warm clothes()AThoughBUnlessCAsDUntil5Look on the bright side of life,and imagine that you _ a happy and successful future()AhadBwill haveChaveDhave had6These light bulbs look th

3、e same,but their _ on the environment are different()AsolutionsBmethodsCeffectsDsecrets7What tools _to make paper cutting?Scissors()Aare usedBusedCwill useDuse8Its hard to hold back the tearsThis is _thing Ive ever heard()AsadBsadderCsaddestDthe saddest9Im worried about the air_There might be heavy

4、pollution()AMe tooBNever mindCOf courseDNot yet10Were discussing why _ for our health()Aare fast food badBfast foods are badCfast food is badDis fast food bad二、 完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项A long time ago,there was a king in IndiaThe kings (11) game was chessOne

5、day,a wise old man (12) to the palace and the king challenged him to (13) gameThe king promised the old manYou can(14) any prize if you win the gameThe old man(15) ,If I win the game,Id like one grain of(16) for the first square of the chessboard,two for the second,four for the (17) ,and then double

6、 the amount for each of the (18) of the squaresIs that all?asked the king,Wouldnt you like gold or silver(19) ?No,just ricereplied the old manThe king and the old man played the game (20) a long timeFinally,the old man won(21) the king ordered his men to collect a bag of riceHe(22) one grain on the

7、first square,two on the second,and so onThe king quickly realized the(23) even with all the rice in the country,he would(24) not have enough rice to put on all the (25) 11AboringBfavouriteCdangerousDfamous12AcameBfacedCbroughtDturned13AanBaCtheD(不填)14AmakeBtryChaveDgive15AtoldBtalkedCspokeDsaid16Asw

8、eetBriceCbeanDcake17AthirdBfourthCfifthDsixth18AwholeBcoupleCpartDrest19AinsteadBtooCagainDonce20AinBatCforDfrom21AButBSoCOrDYet22AfoundBusedCputDtook23AproblemBdecisionCadviceDopinion24AhardlyBstillCjustDalso25AsquaresBbagsCareasDspaces三、 阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)As an exchange student,I must

9、admit (承认) that at first America was a big culture shock for meI stayed with a host family in a small townMy host parents organized a lot of activities in my spare time so that I wouldnt miss home or feel lonelyHowever,life was hard to get used toMy main problem was with the languageI failed to unde

10、rstand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fastThoughI managed to get used to itI still have problems because they used a lot of idioms (习语)Another difference was with the foodMy host family always had bread,potatoes and salad for mealsI really miss the dumplings,rice and delicious

11、 dishes from homeSchool was a big shock tooThey do not require students to wear uniforms,so students can wear almost whatever they likeSome students have strange hairstyles (发型) as wellSome students even have pink or purple hair!By Brad LiMy dream was to see some real snow,so during the Christmas ho

12、liday,we took our passport (护照) and flew over the Pacific to Calgary,CanadaWe took a bus to a ski resort in the Canadian RockiesAs the bus climbed through the mountains,we saw the thick snow on the treesI was dying to get out and play with itAt last,we reached the resort and quickly jumped out of th

13、e busThis was our first experience with snowWe were like little childrenwe made snow balls,and threw them at one anotherThen we check in at the hotelThe next day,we put on our ski suits and gloves,took our skis and went outside onto the snowOur instructor took us to a gentle slope (斜坡),and showed us

14、 some basic skillsTo be honest,the first lesson was not a great successI kept on falling over,and I had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance (平衡)However,the next day,I only fell over a few times,and I managed to do a few rapid runsI felt pleased with myself,and my instructor told me I was doing m

15、uch betterAlthough it was very cold,I spent most of my holiday skiingI had a wonderful timeBy Vanessa26Brad Li seemed to tell us that his host parents Awere very active Bwere very kind Cfelt lonely Dfelt unhappy27Which of the following shows America was a big culture shock for Brad Li? aPeople used

16、a lot of idiomsbHe stayed with a host family in a small towncHis host family always had dumplings for mealsdStudents are not required to wear uniforms at schoolAa; c Bb; d Ca; d Db; c28After landing on Calgary airport,Vanessa went to a ski resort Aby bus Bby train Cby ship Dby plane29How did Vanessa

17、 react (反应) when she saw the snow for the first time? AShe was dying when she got out and played with itBShe was afraid of death to get out and play with itCShe wanted very much to get out and play with itDShe was too nervous to get out and play with it30Which picture shows that Vanessas first lesso

18、n was not a great success? 31The best word to describe the two writersexperiences in another country is Aunsuccessful Bcomfortable Cunforgettable DtiringThough you are a teenager now,there will finally come a time when you start to earn(赚) moneyWhile it may be fun to have your own money to spend,it

19、can also be difficult trying to manage it properlyHere are some tips on how to manage your moneyUse your money wiselyMost teenagers earn money for everyday use,or because they are saving up for somethingSo when they receive their money,they must first decide what they want to do with itHowever,try t

20、o avoid the temptation (诱惑) to spend it all in one go (一口气)!Remember:Money takes a long time to earn,but it goes very quicklyBank your savingsThe money you dont need can be saved at home or in a bankIf you want to save your money at home,get yourself a piggy bank or something else to keep your money

21、 inThe other choice is to save your money in a bankOne of the advantages is that you can earn interest (利息) on itUse the money to make moneyRather than saving your money at home or in a bank,you can use the money youearn to invest (投资) in things to make more moneyFor example,if you are sellingsometh

22、ing around your neighborhood,you could pay someone else to sell your things in their neighborhoodThis way,by spending a little,you can make a lot32The first thing for the teenagers to do after receiving their money is Ato consider how to deal with itBto spend it for everyday useCto let it go very qu

23、icklyDto invest in things correctly33Which of the following can best explainuse your money wisely? ADont earn it for everyday useBIts saved up for somethingCDont spend it all in one goDIt takes a long time to earn34According to the passage,one of the ways to earn interest is Ato get yourself a piggy

24、 bankBto save your money in a bankCto make some other choicesDto leave your money at home35By paying others to sell things,teenagers can usually Aspend less moneyBgive less moneyCwaste more moneyDmake more moneyChildren with no shoes on do better at school than those with shoes on,a study suggestsFo

25、r over 10 years,researchers from universities observed (观察) children in 100 schools from 25 countriesThey found that classrooms were quieter when children took off their shoesIt provided a quieter environment where pupils were more willing to focus on study than those with shoes onChildren are much

26、more willing to sit on the floor and relax if they have no shoes on,said professor Stephen Heppel,a lead researcherThe last place a child would sit to read is an upright chairAnd weve found that 95% of them really dont read on a chair at home,Heppel addedWhen they go on holidays,they read lying down

27、Professor Heppel hopes to bring theshoeless policyto all UKschoolsHe says relaxing conditions at school make children feel as if theyre at homeHe believes all the teachers will be glad to adopt the habit36The best title to describe the main idea of the passage is ASuggestions on shoeless childrenBSu

28、ggestions on children with shoes onCShoeless children do better at schoolDShoeless children looks cool at school37According to the passage,we know that the study was made by Asome university studentsBchildren from 25 countriesCteachers in 1000 schoolsDresearchers from university38Which of the follow

29、ing pie chart can explain Heppels discovery?39Heppel thinks shoeless policy can provide children with Aquiet activitiesBrelaxing conditionsCsome upright chairsDa safe environment40What does the underlined wordadoptmean in the passage? AacceptBrefuseCchangeDthrow四、 回答问题 (共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读短文,

30、然后根据内容回答所有问题Do you always find it is raining when you walk out?Or are you always buying umbrellas and leaving them home when it rains?There is a new umbrella that could solve both problemsThe umbrella will not only tell you the weather,but also let you know youve left it behindHow does it work?The u

31、mbrella will send a message to your smartphoneAnd it saysHey,its going to rain in 15 minutes where you are,so youd better take your umbrellaBesides,if you are forgetful,you may never leave an umbrella on a bus or somewhere else againThe umbrella will send a warning to your smartphone if you leave it

32、 behindThe new umbrella is expected to go on sale soonThough it is a good idea and it looks pretty cool,the umbrella will cost you $185Maybe you will just check the free weather apps (应用程序) on your smartphone and take an umbrella with you when it is going to rain41How many problems can the new umbre

33、lla solve? 42What else can the new umbrella tell you besides the weather? 43Where will the new umbrella send a warning? 44When will the new umbrella be sold? 45Does the writer think the new umbrella looks cool? 46Doris has written a restaurant review on the InternetExcellent English food at the Coun

34、try HouseLast Saturday night,my family and I ate at the Country HouseThe Country House serves traditional English food,we paid about 15 to 20 pounds a person to eat thereThe food was wonderfulThe fish pie reminded me of my grandmaShe used to cook it for meI also had some fish and chips,and it was fa

35、ntasticThe waiters were polite,but a little slowWe were seated at 7 pm,but we did not receive our food until 7:40 pmI would certainly recommend the Country House for good,traditional English foodHowever,you should get there early and be prepared to spend a lot of time waiting for your food46Where ca

36、n you read the restaurant review by Doris? 47How much did Doris and her family pay for the meal each person at least? 48Who used to cook the fish pie for Doris? 49What did Doris think of the waiters at the Country House? 50Why did Doris want to recommend (推荐) the Country House? 五、综合阅读(共2小题,每小题10分,满分

37、20分)阅读短文,然后按要求完成第51-60小题Do you know laszlo Biro?Maybe you do not,but you probably use his invention every day,and you may even have (A)it in your hand right now!Biro was the inventor of the ballpoint penHe was born in Budapest,HungaryIn the 1930s,when he worked as a newspaper editor (编辑),he used a f

38、ountain pen (B)almost every dayHowever,he had to refill it all the timeThe ink also did not dry easily,and it sometimes made a mess on the paperBiro (C)想要更好的笔His brother,George,helped him develop a special inkThe ink dried easilyThen they developed a new type of penThere was a (D)tiny ball at the ti

39、p of the penThe ball rolled ink onto the paper as it movedThey call it theballpointpenThe ballpoint pen was a great successEveryone love itNow (E)millions of people use it all over the world every dayPeople will always remember Biro for his inventionToday in many Englishspeaking countries,people sti

40、ll use the wordbiroto refer to any kind of ballpoint pen51文中画线部分(A)指代的是: 52写出文中划线部分(B)和(D)的近义词或同义词: ; 53将文中画线部分(C)译成英语: 54将文中画线部分(E)改写为several people use it in the world everyday55从文中找出圆珠笔的两种表达法: ; California is one of the richest states in AmericaIt has a large amount of landAnd it also has more pe

41、ople than any other statesIt has plenty of natural resources (资源),tooBut everything (A)_ not perfect thereCalifornia has two major problems:earthquakes and forest firesThe San Andreas Fault runs through California(B)As a result of it,the state gets many earthquakes(C) 其中一些地震非常强烈 For example,there wa

42、s a strong earthquake in San Francisco in 1906It destroyed many buildingsAnd it started a large number of fires(D)More than 3,000 people died after itThere have also been many other strong earthquakesSome people fear that thebig (E)onewill hit somedayThey think an earthquake will cause a huge amount

43、 of damage (破坏)During summer and autumn,much of California is drySo forest fires,or wildfires,often startThose fires can spread (F)rapidlyThey burn many forestBut they can also burn peoples homes and buildingsThey often kill people(G)_ firefighters can put them out56在文中(A)和(G)的空白处填入合适的单词: ; 57写出文中划线

44、部分(B)和(F)的同义词语或近义词语: ; 58将文中划线部分(C)译成英语: 59将文中划线部分(D)改写为: 3,000 people their lives after it60文中划线部分(E)指代的是: 六、 阅读与表达(满分25分)A. 阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填入空白处的短语Students go hungry for charity (慈善)Students at New Point School enjoyed their breakfast today,for it broke a 24hour fast (禁食)for charityDuring the

45、 fast,they could not eat any food(1) ,and they could only drink water,tea and clear fruit juiceThe students all volunteered to go without food for one day to raise money for UN projects to help the poor (2) MrJames Wood,their English teacher,said,The students (3) the idea themselves after seeing photos of hungry childrenThey organized the whole thingIm very proud of themTwentyfour hours did not feel like a very long timeNext year,I might even double (

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