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1、Reading(I)Science Versus Nature生产宝贵的组织和器官第1页These two lovely girls are _.A.twins B.cloned A生产宝贵的组织和器官第2页 Cloning has been the subject of scientific experiments for years.The recent success in cloning animals has resulted in fierce debates between scientists,politicians and public.Dolly and its creat

2、or生产宝贵的组织和器官第3页Matching1.the perfect copy2.clone the first human embryo3.produce valuable tissue and organs4.interfere with nature5.with the intention of6.be genetically related to.7.be desperate to doa.生产宝贵组织和器官b.完美复制品c.克隆第一个人类胚胎d.干涉自然e.基因上跟相关系f.拼命地想做某事g.怀着意图生产宝贵的组织和器官第4页8.push ahead with 9.deliver

3、 a cloned human baby10.deal with the consequences11.end up doing 12.use up Earths resources13.in complete agreement witha.对付各种后果 b.努力推行c.降生一个克隆人类婴儿d.完全同意e.以某事而告终f.用光地球上资源生产宝贵的组织和器官第5页Task1 Theme graspingRead the article and find out the main idea of each paragraph.生产宝贵的组织和器官第6页Para 1Para 2 Para 3c.A

4、n announcement about the first cloned human embryo caused much debate.a.The first cloned mammal was Dolly.b.Ian Wilmut is shocked that some scientists are considering cloning human beingsPara 4Para 5Para 6e.A woman wants to have a cloned baby.f.Cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries,but

5、some scientists still want to clone human beings.d.Chinese scientists continue to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.生产宝贵的组织和器官第7页Part A:What are the different attitudes towards the success of cloning a human embryo?(para.1-3)On the one hand_ On the other hand_ Some people consider t

6、hat_(valuable tissues and organs can be produced and be used to save human lives)(human beings may be on the way to producing a real-life monster)(cloning human embryos with the intention to destroy them shows no respect for human life.)Task 2 Fast reading生产宝贵的组织和器官第8页Part B:What are the different a

7、ttitudes towards cloning human beings?(para.3-6)Representatives Who are theyInformation about their attitudes towards cloning human beingsIan WilumtFaye WilsonSeverino AntinoriChinese scientists a Scottish scientist,who created DollyHe never intends to create copies of humans.Research efforts should

8、 concentrate on curing diseases like cancer.a 41-year-old sales woman who cannot have a babyShe is desperate to have a child that is genetically related to heran Italian doctor,who is one of the leaders in the cloning researchHe wants to be the first to clone a human beingFocus their efforts on clon

9、ing animals and stem cells and have successfully cloned cows and goats.生产宝贵的组织和器官第9页Task 3 Skimming Read the two letters to find out the two readers attitudes towards human cloning.Pauline Carter_ Colin Jake_.believes that human cloning is totally immoral is in complete agreement with human cloning.

10、(Anti-cloning)(Pro-cloning)生产宝贵的组织和器官第10页Task 4 Detailed information Find the reasons why people are pro-or anti-cloning in the article and letters and write them down in the table below.生产宝贵的组织和器官第11页Pro-cloningAnti-cloning1.Produce valuable tissues and _that could be used to save human lives1.It m

11、ay produce a real-life Frankensteins_.2._disease like cancer2.3.3.4.Help those who want to clone their _children4.5.Help those who are unable to have_Create more diseases in the _worldCloning shows no _ for human life.Human life would no longer be_.We should be having fewer babies in order to _Earth

12、s population,not cloning more.organsCurechildrendeadmonsteranimalrespectuniquereduce生产宝贵的组织和器官第12页 Task 5 Discussing and writing Do you think it would be a good idea to clone humans some day?Why or why not?生产宝贵的组织和器官第13页 A:In my opinion,its a good idea to clone human beings.vFirstly,_vSecondly,_.vvT

13、o sum up,_.B:In my opinion,its a bad idea to clone human beings.vFirstly,_vSecondly,_.vvTo sum up,_.生产宝贵的组织和器官第14页Homework1)Write a short passage about whether it is a good idea to clone humans.(100 words or so)Today our class had a discussion about whether it is a good idea to clone humans.Some students think that it is good,forHowever,some other students think it is not a good idea,forIn my opinion,2)Read the text again and try to find out the sentences that are difficult for you.生产宝贵的组织和器官第15页

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