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1、-14-血液辐照仪类放射源退役辐射监测与分析 陈 晶 李玮衡 崔 伦 林 晨 贾力博 于慧君 向辉云 (广西壮族自治区辐射环境监督管理站,广西 南宁 530222)【摘 要】目的:探讨血液辐照仪类放射源退役,为放射源退役、放射性物品运输、放射源应用场址无限制开放等项目的辐射安全管理与防护工作提供借鉴与指导。方法:以某血站血液辐照仪类放射源退役项目为例,对运输货包与运输车辆及周围开展辐射环境监测,评估人员受照剂量;对辐照室及周围监测,评估场址放射性污染水平,达到开放的目的。结果:该运输车辆周围各监测点的最高辐射剂量率为 7.77 nGy/h103 nGy/h,血液辐照仪退役后的辐照室及周围的辐射

2、剂量率为84.8 nGy/h115 nGy/h,、表面污染均低于最低探测限(0.02 Bq/cm2,0.14 Bq/cm2);结论:项目退役过程中,放射源货包专用运输车辆周围的辐射剂量率低于 GB 118062019 的有关要求;在放射源启运后,原辐照室及周围环境的监测结果未见异常,表明场所未受到放射性污染,能够达到满足开放的要求。【关键词】血液辐照仪;放射源退役;辐射剂量率;表面污染;辐射防护【中图分类号】X591 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-1151(2022)12-0014-04 Monitoring and Analysis of Decommissioning Radia

3、tion of Class Radioactive Sources of Blood Irradiators Abstract:Objective:To explore the decommissioning of class II radioactive sources of blood irradiators,provide reference and guidance for radiation safety management and protection of projects such as radioactive source decommissioning,radioacti

4、ve material transportation,and unrestricted opening of radioactive source application sites.Methods:Taking the decommissioning project of class II radioactive sources of blood irradiators in a blood station as an example,the radiation environment monitoring is carried out on the transportation packa

5、ges,transportation vehicles and surrounding areas,and the exposure dose of personnel is evaluated;the radiation room and surrounding areas are monitored to evaluate the radioactive pollution level of the site,to achieve the purpose of opening.Results:The maximum radiation dose rate of each monitorin

6、g point around the transport vehicle is 7.77103 nGy/h,irradiation room and surrounding area after the decommissioning of blood irradiator radiation dose rate is 84.8115 nGy/h,the surface contamination of and is lower than the minimum detection limit(0.02 Bq/cm2,0.15 MeV)和 发射体S.北京:中国标准出版社,2008.3 GB 1

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19、和国生态环境部.2016 年全国辐射环境质量报告R.北京:中华人民共和国生态环境部,2017.7 中华人民共和国生态环境部.2017 年全国辐射环境质量报告R.北京:中华人民共和国生态环境部,2018.8 中华人民共和国生态环境部.2018 年全国辐射环境质量报告R.北京:中华人民共和国生态环境部,2019.9 中华人民共和国生态环境部.2019 年全国辐射环境质量报告R.北京:中华人民共和国生态环境部,2020.10 中华人民共和国生态环境部.2020 年全国辐射环境质量报告R.北京:中华人民共和国生态环境部,2021.11 奚月明,张巍,袁海容,等.PET/CT 机房及周围辐射环境监测与评价J.大众科技,2021,23(5):17-20.

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