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1、成人高等教育学士学位英语考试复习资料一、考试题型本考试包括个部分:阅读理解、词汇和语法、完形填空、英译汉和写作。客观题目所有按次序统一编号。考试时间为120分钟。第一部分 阅读理解(Readingompensin),共4篇短文,共20题,占总分旳4%。第二部分 词汇和语法(Vocabulran ructure),共0题,占总分旳20%。第三部分 完形填空(Cloze),共20题,占总分旳10%。第四部分 英译汉(TralatiroEglish intoChines),1一2个段落,占总分旳15%。第五部分 写作(Witing),占总分旳15。阅读理解专题练习Passage Thescr ofb

2、eing brn cyi a ummrbirtday, wth Mabies ost liky to enjy alfetimes good frtune, accrding toa suy fme an 40,000 peole Thetie f yea at which you are orhs an enurng influenceons of imism and elfrertd luck,ccordingto researchby British ndSwedish scientists. ay s teluckiet on in wichto beorn, ith5 ecent o

3、fthosbr hen considern heseleslucky, wle Octoer s t least lcky mnth, ith ju 3perct ing godfortun.The findingsadd to growingeidencethat he pheomenono lckisn all down o chance, bu is afetdbyaprsons enel soion.Oter rearh has howntt wethreopl hinkthemelves fortunte dependsls on bjct scce tan onhaving a “

4、glas hfl” or “haf-empy”appach o life. “Watwe re seeng ugets thatomethig s infening hw pepl perciv eickinss.yhythsis i thatpeole reae theirown uck by trats suc a piism,tht luck is a sychlogic phenmenn rther tha at o blid cance,” sai ProessoRihard Wisean, wholed thresearc.Te pttrnof e sl, with te b in

5、 springannsummer roring thmseves luckier anhoe brninautu winter, cold have two potenial eplanations, PofesrWisman said1. Accodino the passae,whethe pope thnk themselves luckyor not depend o tefollowng trsEXCEPT _.A. oes objectv uccss B oesgeneal dpositioones attie o if D.oe ple irth2. Accdinge passa

6、ge,ths who we born in _ reard hmselvs as thest frunate.A. March B.Ari C.May D. Ocobe. Which of ollowi stemet TRUE acordigt the passage?A. Optimistic peol tend to lkierB. evotd eople tndto luckier. Obectveccess is mo mpotantthn oes eneal diostin n feeng ucky.Deope drinkng mewater nd o beuckier.4. Wch

7、 of te olown wrs can be estepacthe wrd “trit” (Lne , Pa. 2)?ulity Expetation C Bef. .Ida. Wat i the bsttie for th pssge?ALu i mthin rnB Luc isNt ll Do to hancC.Lkis a Matter of Bind haneD. Lck anAgePassage2an has alwaswanted fly. Som f e greatet enn hisr had hught aut hprobm. n of th, rexame, was he

8、 grat Itala ars, LeoaDa Vin. In the16th ury mae dsinsfor macie ha wuld fly, b heywere neve butThroughut htory, othere famosmen ad wante to y An exampl wa a mn in Englnd 800 era. He made par ings fomchicken ethrs. Ten he ixe em tohi boy adjump nt arfo a tal buildig Hedid no fl erfar std,e ll to th gu

9、dn bo every bne of hi odyand reed neace.h fist ealst tok place inFac, i 73.wo rohers,te tofiers,mada verylarge“otai balo”. They knewthat hoa ise. Why notilabaloo ithi? The blon wasmde ofclot a pae. In Sptmer f t ear, th Kng and Qn Francecame o ee the allon.The watche it carry te vr fit air passngers

10、 no sky.The assngers wee a sheep ndachicken W no ow how they fet about he trip.But we o knw that tetlastd eight mnutes ad tha t nimalandd safy.wo mnth lte, two mn d te same thing.heyros aove Pais naballoon o the same kd. Their trip lad wenty-ive mnutes hy trvee out.1. Leonardo Da Vni _.A. sid hat ma

11、nwoul fy in h skne dayB. i a kindof mcne hich eer fC. ade den for flyig machinesD. dew many betfu pictres f irds. Eght huneerso a Enlishma _.A made kind of flying mchieB. trd flywth wn m o chickeeathersC.wd obuild akn of balloDted tlyon lare bir3. I fact, the nlishm hotedto ly _.A. ot badly odd Bscd

12、ed in flyng.ost is life D lew ol 8minutes.The very firtairpasseners in baloo wre_.A. two animals B.he otgeC.two rnchmn D.the Ki and Qun5 nid twrenchmnse bove Pais?A. InDcembr 13. B. In Spemer83.C the 17th centu. D. Ioebr 783.Psg 3Dietng t ose wiht hasbeco veyopular in ecet years.eopla bco more healt

13、h onious an try t ta betterr of tei bodes by atngmore utrtiousy(有营养旳) a exrcn moe egar to lose any unecessar at ht they may e.Not ony e peopl eng mr caefu bt whateyat, they ae aso cnrne with othyaad wtei mealsare prepred.People are takngoe tim o eac mal. Mn aoid h so caled“lt” f-foo hbrgersanche at

14、asalad oa sandwih fmoreealthulngrediens(成分)in quie restaurant th a mo lisey atmosphe. A home, theyalso try o teenouh te toeaa relaxig dier withut hone r TV interption.While ieingmay e vee as beeicil, ithas as ecome a serious probm for mecns,particularlyfoyonwe. Dtin or themha actual ecome a pchogcal

15、 addicio(依赖) Te et s litte tt they can lose asmuchas ifty pecent thei ot body weight, nd athugh they lookle skeeons, hey stl insist tat they arefat.Te ure wavsofxerciig, dietinad the poblems poducd have caued ny ganatins to begi dut hpubi. Many scools, osptal, hlh oranization, neaers and mazine, for

16、 ample, ar offing class, priting ooketrtcle, et. to informthpubic o h way txrceand i, ote angrodetig to rapidly,andfthe placspeple canofor edial help f they findtheslves o th oado “et action”.1. Thsdayeple r diing oe bcause _ A.theyhv becom fater ad fatB. tey hav ralized th danr f etingC.the have be

17、co mre health onscouD. heyhae take beter care oftheseles. Wha chnge have ole mde n t atmosre ofaltim?A. Theyareakin more time for eah eal.BThe ar atingn uitstauras withmore liuely tmphee t homthe re tig wihou phn orTV neruptiosD. All f the abe. “They ook like selton” trd arah t probably means _. thy

18、 re eryettB. tey ar very uglyC.he e too inD.hy ar staig Theminide of the last rgrapis abut _.A. ho he rganition ry toelp eoe wih diting ditnB. what kind o eda can eued toeducae tublicC. where peo with diein ictioao askfo elD. whcauses h oranizatin to begineduting th pui5. Accordinoheassage, wecannfe

19、rhat th atosperef tnghas sething d ith_.A. dietg B.ners Chealth D exeringssage 4Doo kno h Bnjamin Bnnekrwas n hathe d?Benjan Banneker wasa slf-educaedctst tie whe mst fican Americs reslaves.Bon ree black man i the Britih oly o arld in 731, recevedsome foraleduction, b h mostly borrowedbok an augh im

20、self scncn matemtic. 2, he borrwd a pok atc, nd wiout anyranin,iured ot ho tarve a woring ooen clckhathimed eac u. Becauseof tis clock,he becamewellknown and eople woul visit imjst to se his ceaionaeker a is faily fm from mayyers, ut wnhe was in his late s, neighbors on lnt hm a tscoe.He becme inter

21、estd in asomy,the tudy of the lnetsnd sta,and gain taught hisef anescice. He mad alclaios otides,snrises ndsunsts, and even predctan eipe.Fr sevralyer h ublishen lmnac f thes calculaton. oda, isest non opubshing i alan,ld “Benjmn nnekers manac” btwee1792ad 797.In the 1790s, Bannkealshlpedsrv anl out

22、hen for Washngto, D ., whch beame the natons caital. F a ook t nnekers amzngie, visit h ejamin Bnnekr Hiica Par& MueuminElicot C, Maryland. hat as the stu o mot African-American t anekers tie?A. MosAran-Americansoulhavefrmal eduaon.B. Most fica-Aeiasculd belf-educted.C Mst AricaAricns hd freedom.D.

23、Mt Afrcn-Americanswere slas2. Whaubectsdid Benjamitech hief? Siecean matemaics. Scince, mathemai andastronomC Atronomy nD Si Alma.3. H beame fmo at the age o 22bcaueof _A a tch . a teco C. a boo . aclk. The wrd “amana” (ine 5, Para ) probaly man _. a book Ba object C. urvey D aiay5. Whch ofr. Bners

24、wosis bst know?A. Eclipse predicionB. Hling vng thepital.C. BenjamiBnersAmana.D Awoden clockPassag 5The clock stuck elv at nght. Te ole hose waquet. Eeryoewas i bedxcept m ner te strong ght,I oed sadlybeforem t ahue ple othattroblesomestuf he all “book”I was goin tohaey examintio the next dy. “Wh an

25、 Igo to ed?” aske myself. I didt anser. In act, Idnot.he ock tructwelve. “Oh, ar!” Icid. “Temor boks o ead before I cano bed!” We upils are mstretched reaure in te orld. Dad osnot aree ith me o this He did notvto work so hrd when wsa bohe clok sroke one. I was qitedepatenw. forgot l I had land I s o

26、o tied o n. did the ony hngI cou.I praye, “Oh, God, lease hl mpass the exm oorow o pomi o worhar atewrds, men”My es wreso eavha I cudardly open the. Afewminut lar, i my ead on the dek, fellslp1. We theuthor was oing over hisesons, al th others in thhous er_. quey laghin a hi B. otsieC orki ibed D. a

27、sep2. Te undeined wod “wrced” inPara. 3 probbly mens_. ery appy B veryuhpy C.dsappointed D. hpeful.3. Rewin his lessons didnt hep him ecause _.A.hhat studie hard bfo the exnatonB e wsvery tiedC s eyesi re soheay that e couldntee he openD itw too lat aigt4. Wat yo spoehpped othe atho?. H wn to chrco

28、pra aain. He failedn exmC. H se e exam by sheer ck. H as nshdb hi each5 The besttie forthepassagwoul be _A. ASlow Studet. Wrng Farinto he Night. Te Nigefore thexamiatio D. Goi over My LesosPassageToday anon ll accep neyin exchanefr o anervicesPople use mony to uo, furitur, ook, iccles and hndeds of

29、ther they ne ora Whenthy rk, they ualgetpaid inmoney.Motof he money oda i ade of metal pr pp. But pope se o ue al kids o hings as money. Oneof the irstkindsofmne a sls. Sels ee not th oy thigs usea oney In ina, cth an kns er sed. In t PhlippineIsands, rceasdas oey. IpartsofAfric,catle ee one f teear

30、iestmoy. Ote imals were used a mon oo.Th irs malcoin were madein Cha. They were run an had asqare he n the enter. Pepestrung hem togethandcarre them rom plae o plae. Diferent contrie hve sed diffrt mtaland dsignsf heirney.Thefs cos in Enlan wre adeof tin. Sdn and Rusiaused cppe mk ther moy. atr,othe

31、r contris gantomake cns o gol asilverBuevengod ansler werincnnentfou had to buysomhg xpeive. Agan the Chinse though of a way to premney. hybegan sepapermn.h firstpape moy loked or le a note romone prson toanother tha papr mney sed tday.Moneyashad anintstng hioy fo theasof shell money util toay.1. Wh

32、 ofthe followigcan be citda an xale o these ooney in ehange forserices?A osell a bcye fr0.Togeome money for olbook at a gaag sale.C. T by thng ueed a.D To et paid for or wor2. Where were shels used s money i hstoy?A Inthe Philippis In China.C In Afria. D. We don kow. did cin Chnee ons have a qre hle

33、in tctr?A.Becaue t wuld beer o t thm toether adcrry them arondB Bes it wold beigt oeople to carr fromlac to place. Becuse peopl wanted tmae it oo nier.D. eause peple wanted osave hexensive metal theywere mdefro.4 Whyoes the authosay tht ven gld and sler wee inconvnient i ua to by omethng exnsive?A.

34、Beaseth a fict for eopl tbtain.B.Beuse theythesevs arexeie, too.C. Bcasethey ot eay ar arondD. ecu yare ato stal5 Whih do o cose atest titl fr this assage?. Money adts e.Differet Thin Use as oeyC Dffer Cuntrie, Dffrent MonyD. The Hry of MneyPassag7In Denmar, parentsareallod to t upa nw sho if they a

35、re stisfied wthth hool h area wheretheyarelivn. Althh hescools ave to llow the aial cors, teyrellowd a lt ofchics in iig whatto teach.S of tese new choolarecalled “small schol” becaue usually e nmbeo pupis n te i onlysity, bu a school has to aet at wntyseven upil. oolenbdge Shoon Irelad,ia smal school silar e ns in Denk, it wa setupby parents wo ce o ollan,erm, zecslovaa, England nd other atof Ireln. The came becuseth wantd oiei te cotrysdead to grow thei o fo.n Jun 198

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