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1、023年上海口译考试高级口译笔试(全真试题答案)完整版 ETION 1: LISTENIG TET (0 minutes) Par A:Spot Dictatin Dirctions: In tis part of theet, yu wll hea apsage nd a esm passagewihbanks itFl cho the bk with the ol or words o ave heard on he pe. ri your aswr inthe cresonig sace i yourAEROOKLET. Remmer you wl hear passge ONLY NC

2、 Play is e mportatoruns from birth to eath Play s nt ment to ejust frchildren. It a orm f _ (1) tat a tap to yocreativit,and n llow outhe cnce to fidour innerchild athennr hioohes. I have ollected he _ (2)pa here. Pay can stimua yu _ (3).t ca goagainst all theules,and cage the sme _ (4).Walt Die a d

3、evotd to pay,ndis wllinnss to _ () chnged terld o entertann. The nex time yo ae stucina_ (6)wayo ife,pul a box colo pencils, modelng lay, guenscsso, a _(7) n breakfree. Yuwil e aaed at thewa our thinking _ (8). Plaing cnring reter ointor life.hat oyu tn the wd ouldbe lik _ (9) ech d iny? I bet usasi

4、ng u this quetion h_ (10).Pa creates laughter,joy, enertinment, _ (1). Startig today, ryoget30 nutes each a o engagein soe form of pla, _ () rise! Pa i knn _ ().Studiesshowthat,as huans,play s part of our naure. e havet need pay ecauseit i insinte nd _(4).thregularplay, or olem-oving and _ (5)w be i

5、nmuch etr hae to andle ths complex wrld, adwe ar cmoliel tochos_ (16)a hey aris. It createlauhter ad rem that can nstanty reuce stres and _ (17) to or diy iving.Pla can _ (18), uriosity,an creaivity Reearcshs that pas both a hads-n ad mdsn learng procss Itrodcesa deepr, _ (1)f he wld and its ossbiie

6、s. We begi giimeani t le through sy makig, ad playig out _ (20). Prt B:Lstig Comreenin Directios: Iths part of tetetther wi b e shrtaks and cnraion.Atereach on, ouwll be askedsoqueston. The tl,conversatons an estonswilbe pokenOLY ONC. Nw ls carefly and coosethe rght nswereachuestionyou hve head ndri

7、te the etter o h answe yohacos in he corresdnsae inyourANSWER BKLET. uetions 1 o 5aebse on the flwn cvsaion. 1.(A)n Cherrylossom Villag nety o he residentsare v 85 years ol(B) hened Stes,tere are wieasmany enearansas te re tn yerago. () lth peol tudied b these cetistsfroGeri live i instituto foth de

8、rly (D) Almoll he resdents inherr Blossoms Village ha unusualhobies. .() Whetherthe cetenrian an li indendent in mal apartent. () Whthrits feasib tesabiha llae for te “odestld” peole. (C)Wha erntag of thepopulation re ceenarias in the tae of Gogia (D) Whattherea secretsare tobeoi ncive ad ealthy 100

9、-ear-d.3. (A)Dit, otimism, ctvt or moii, ad getcs () Optimism, commtet o ieig thig, acivit or mliy, and adpablit oloss () The stregth t adap los, det, xecise, and enetcs (D)Die,exercise, cmmmen osmethig they re iterested in, a gneic 4. (A) hcentnarianshad a higclorieandfat intake. (B) Thecentenarins

10、 asicllye soethindifeent. ()The centeans eat a owandow-alie,nproessed od det(D) The cntnarians sicy od, drink whsky, an ave sweet pork evyday (A)Wor hard. (B)Stay bu.(C) Sick toaalnced dit. (D) Always fidsomthin olauhabou. Queston 6o 1 e bae n the folwing es. 6(A) Global teratures roseby3 degree int

11、20th cntur (B) Gobalwarmng may spread dseasethauld lla lot o people inAfrca. (C) evloedcounts no onr epend n fssil fues fr tnspr and er. () Te iact of te gal wamingill beraicllyreduedby 2050. 7(A) aki ribe. (B) eting a leadeshipvauut te cutrys o c aer(C) isusgcopnyd forpersona spndng(D)Offerng cash

12、for political favo. . ()e naionhs raie alrt statu to teigest levl and thsans of people ave mved o saft. () Th erption ofMounMerapi hs bee thewost in donsia over thpasttwo decads. (C) All residents n the region en klomeers from he bse of h mountain ave evcued. (D) The eruon pocess was sudn brt nd has

13、cae extensiedamg an havycasuat 9.(A) 6 o.(B) 8o10. (C) 11to16. (D) 17 t 25. . (A) binghghlevel uion. (B) ightng orgnized crim. (C)nvstgating cnvictios f riminals. (D)Surve the treats to nationl ecuity. etions1 to 15 are based th folon iew.11. (A) A wine astr. (B) A ar war taser.(C) he ostofth show.

14、()Theegieer who orks ne wte treatmenpant. 12. (A) Berley n. () Sana rba.(C) AtlnticCity. (D) Sacramto. 13 (A) Bingsaucy an pquant.(B) Tasting swet. (C) certn aut o inerls. (D)An asc f tate4 (A) Lookngsmellintasting.(B)astismelinglokng.(C)Smellinloknastig.(D) Tastingokngmlling. 15. () athing (B) oiln

15、g paa in. (C) Swiming (D) an te. Qustion 16 to 20 a basd on thefoling tlk. 16. (A)Enhac adingnd math skils. () Ireae the students pcatin of nature. (C) Imrove ah, ut ntrading skils.(D) Devlp redng, btnt ahskills. 7. ()To help the tudnts appriate arts. (B) To make th stuentsucatio mor wlloundd (C) o

16、invstgate the imactof a trinin(D) o enancehe stdts mah skls.18 (A) Oce ey.(B) Twice eely. (C)Onc a monh. (D) wiea mth. 19.(A) x monhs. (B) even mt (C)Egton. ()ine oths20.(A)The childrensattitde ()Th cilretst scor. () Boh the hidens atiude an tes scores (D)Bothhe teacers andthehldens attite.2023年上海口译

17、考试高级口译笔试(全真试题+答案)完整版 SETION 1: TENIN EST (3mits) Part A: Spot cttionDircto: In this art e tet, ou ll er a pasa nd readthe a passeith ban in it. Fill i each f he bnks wiheol r wods yohv eard o te e Wrie your ansr in the correpodin space in urASWR OOKET.Remembr yu wil heathe pasage OCE. layis ery impo

18、rtt for umansfomrthodeah.ly is not meat t be jst fr cildrn. It is afrm of _(1)tht can tap into your catity, nd canalloyo h chance to fnd yur er cld and th inne childof ohers. I hve olltdth _ (2) ofplay hre. P ca stiulate o _ (3). Itcno againstall the rule,nd chane hesame _ (4). Wat Disey was detedo

19、play, a hi willigesto_(5) changedthe or f ertaien. he et imeyou are stuckin a _ () o lfe, pullot aof color pcils, modelng cly, glue ad scisors, and_ (7) and rk ee. Youil amazed thy your thining _ (8). lig can bnggreaejo nto yorlif. Wht d you thin the worldwould e likeif _ () eada nay?I et just ag yo

20、 tis uestion has _ (10).la cretes laughter, oy,entertainmet, _ (1) Sartin today, try o gt 30 mnueseachyo engein some fr f lay, an _(12)rise! Play is known _ (13). tudis sowthat, as ns, py s part of urnture. We hav e ned pay becase it isistincive and _(14)Wit egl pla, ur probm-solving a _ (15) wll be

21、in mch better shape tohdl his compex orld,nd we are much re likly t ose _(16) as hey aise. It reteslauhte and free thatcniantly reduce stressand _(7) our daily living. l can_(18), cuiosity,and cativty Reeachowstha la isboth a andso nd midsonlearnn prces. Itprodces deeper, _ (19) of he wo an its posb

22、iltiese egin iving menig to li throu stor mkin, and playingot _ (2) PartB: iseningCoprehsio Direcios: In ths part f thetesttherewill b omshrt k an conrsionsAfereac one, you wileasked som uestion. Th tlks,conversos and questin wil be spokn NLY ONCENw lten caeflly ad chose te rihanswert ah questionyha

23、ve hed a writ theette o the anweo ve c in th orreondg spae in yourSWERBOOKLET estions 1t 5 ae ased n te ollowng onvesatio . ()inCheyBosms Vilage inety f te residentare over 5yearso (B) In thetedtae,there are twiceas many cntenariass ther weretenyears ago.(C) A thepoltded by thse sientiss fromeri ive

24、 inintitutions fr the elder.(D) Almos all th residentsn Chrry Blssoms illa hve usual hobies 2. () hether te centenarans c ive indeedentlyin smal apartments.(B) Wthr it isfeasleto stablis illag fr the “oldetol” pepl. (C) Wht prcetage of he opulaion are centnarias in e tateof eogia(D) Wht the re rs ae

25、 to ecming n ctive and heahy 100-eold. 3 (A) it, ptmism, atiity r mobliy,and enetis.(B) Optmism, comitmeno intretigtngs, ctiviy mobity,a adaptay t los. (C) Te strettoadapt toss,diet, xercse, ad genetics. ()Dit, exercise,cmmitmet o somethint wereneresed in, a enetics.4 (A)Thecentenianshad a hig caori

26、e and fat intke. (B) Th enenarianbasicly at soethng diferent. (C) he cntenrians et a lwft an low-alor, unpocessed ood die (D) Th centenaians eatspicy od,rink wske, and hae swee ork eveyay. 5.(A) ork r (B)Sta busy. (C) ickto balance di.(D) Aas fin omethgto ugh aut. Quesion 6 are aed the folowig nes.

27、6. (A) Gobal tmperature rosby 3 degrs n the20th century () Glbal warmin my spaseae thaol kill lot of pelein Afrca. (C)eeped countries no onger pendon fsifelsfor transport an ower.(D) The ipat o h gloal wming will be rclly redcd 2. 7.(A) aing bribes. (B)Ceating a learsipvacuuat the ontry top car make

28、r. () Misusing ompan funds for esna pendin. (D)Ofrin casfor ltcalfvs . () The ntion as sd ale ttusto tehighest el and thosads f pople avmovdtosaet. (B) Theepion of Mont Mrapi has b theworst i nneaoer the ast two dcdes(C)All residns in he reon ten ioets from te bse f he monai hvecated. ()The eution p

29、ocess ws suden burs an hacaus etesvedaagehevyasult. . (A) 6to . (B) o 0(C) 1 to 16 () 17 to5. 10. ()rg highlvel coruption. (B) Fting oganizd rme (C) nesgtg covicios fcriminals.() Sureyig hetreatsto ntinal euri. Qetion 11 to 15 a based on he llowing intervi 11(A) wne tatr. (B) Amaster waer s (C)Te hs

30、t o e sow (D) The eniner w wrks onte atr treatn lnt.12. () Brkely pings.() SanBbar. (C) tlntic Cty. () Sarmento 13. (A)Beigsau n piquant (B) Tastingweet. (C) A cerai amuntofminerals () nabsene of tas. 14. (A)Lookigsmellngtastin.(B)Tstingsllinlooking. (C) Smellinglookngtatig. (D) Tainloongellng. 1.()

31、 Bathing (B)Boing pata in. (C) Swiming. () Makin ea. Queins16 to 0re based onte follwi talk. 1.(A) Enancradingan mah skills.(B) Increase te stuts apecation of nue. (C)Improv ath, butno redi slls.(D) evel eaing,but not math skill.1.(A) Toep the stuenapreathe art(B) To make thestudent euctin moe wel-o

32、undd.(C) Toinvestigateth impact o rtsraing.() To ehancethestuens ahkls. 18. (A) Onc weely.(B) Twieweekly. (C) Onc a month.(D) Tie a oh. (A)Sxnts.() Sven monts. (C) Eigh month. () ie months. 0. (A) T cldren attitde. (B)The childst scr(C) oth the hldrns attidean tst scoes. (D) Both heteacher an e ldre

33、ns attude.SEION2: RAN TEST ( ites) Dietios: Inthis secton youwi readsevra passage Eah one i ollow by sevral qustins abuti. Yure tochoos ONEbet ansr,(A), (B), (C) or (D), oec uetio. Aer all t qetions folong ch pssa o the bais o wat stted impld in tht asage andwrite te letter of the awr hv chosen in t

34、e corespodigspace or ANWE OKLT. uestion 15Anyone hodoubtstha children aeborih lthy mountof ambition eend only a ew miutes with aagely learning to walk r a hastrongoler staring tak Nomatte ow many m the litt ones be i their nital efots, most keep o trying, dtermneo masertheir amazngnew skil. It is on

35、lseverl years laer, arund the stat of middle or junior gh schoo,manyhologiss nd techergree, tt a gnber of kids sem to losetheir nturaldrivetosccee nd ed p jonng hernsof unerachrs. or the parns of suhkds, ws own ambitionis often xtil tie tothr chldensucess, i cabea bewilring,pinfuprienc.ots no woer som pns fin themselves hoingtat,jusmaybe,ambt n be taught ike any ther subjc at sho. Its notquite thatspl “Kids can b given the opportunits becom pasioate u subje

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