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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Period 2 Section A(3a-3c P 27)总第 20 课时执笔审核课型新课课时Period2 授课人授课时间姓名总课时20【课题】Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A 3a-3c【学习目标】1.本节课的重点单词短语学习2.完成 3a,3b,3c 任务3.进行阅读强化训练;阅读内容复述训练。【学习重点难点】1.熟记重点单词短语。2.进一步掌握 used to并运用【学法指导】复习-讨论-阅读-理解-巩固【教学过程】一、导入(启发探究3 分钟)

2、学习目标1 本节课的重点单词短语学习2 完成 3a,3b,3c任务3 进行阅读强化训练;阅读内容复述训练。二、自学(自主探究6 分钟)1、拼读单词、记忆含义。background n.背景interview v.采访;面试 n.面试;访谈Asian/eisn/adj.亚洲的;亚洲人的n.亚洲人deal with 对付;应付dare v.敢于;胆敢private adj.私人的;私密的guard/ga:(r)d/n.警卫;看守v.守卫;保卫require v.需要;要求2、单词运用Dont trouble him,he ha s a great b ackground.“What do you

3、think of it?”We are i nterviewing the brave girl.Mo Yan is an A sian novelist.How did you d eal with your old toys?“What?How d are you”These days there are more and more p rivate cars driving on【教学过程】the road.“You can t enter in unless the owners agree.”The guard says to the visitor“Next time you mu

4、stnt let him in!”the boss requested 3、勾画 3a里的重点短语,翻译并背诵1、19-year-old Asian pop star 2、in front of 3、dare to do 4、appear to others 5、take up开始从事6.deal with 处理;对付7.not.anymore 不再8.all the time 总是;一直9.get tons of attention得到太多的关注10.give up放弃11.fight on 继续奋斗/战斗12.a number of 许多.4、勾画文中的重点句子,朗读并翻译。I get t

5、ons of attention everywhere I go I don t have much private time anymorethere are always guards around me give up your normal life You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is Many times I thought about giving up,but I fought on 三、交流(合作探究10分钟)课文学习与交流1、听磁带一次,感悟语音语调、句群停顿。2、跟读磁带一次,模仿语音语调、句

6、群停顿。3、快速阅读课文,归纳段落大意,完成3a。4、再次阅读课文,读背短语,翻译课文并同桌交流。5、仔细阅读课文,找出Candy 的变化,完成 3b 任务。6、默读课文,理解课文内容,判断正误。()The writer interviewed 19-year-old Asian rock star Candy Wang.()Candy told the writer that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her fear.()Now Candy is not shy anymore and loves

7、singing in front of the whole school.()Candy did not use to be popular in school,but now I get too much attention everywhere she goes.()Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for Candy now because there are few guards around her.()You have to be prepared to give up your normal life if you wan

8、t to be successful.7、假设你是采访者,你准备推出哪些问题,同桌交流,完成 3c。8、默读课文,努力记住课文内容,填空复述课文。From Shy Girl to Pop Star For this months Young World magazine,I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.As she got better,she

9、dared to sing in front of her class,and then for the whole school.Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.I asked Candy how life was different after she became famous.She explained that there are many good things,like being able to travel and meet new people all the time.“I did

10、nt use to be popular in school,but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.”However,too much attention can also be a bad thing.“I always have to worry about how I to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do.And I dont have much private time anymore.Hanging out with friends is

11、almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.”What does Candy have to say to all those young people who want to become famous?“Well,”she begins slowly,“you have to be prepared to give up your normal life.You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.Many times

12、I thought about giving up,but I on.You really r require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”四、总结(引深探究15分钟)1、形容词+ness变成名词(写出下列名词的形容词)1 bitterness,2.tiredness,3.cleverness 4.newness 5.happiness 6.goodness;7.kindess,8.carefulness,9.witness 10s

13、weetness 11.illness 12.laziness 13.sadness 14.weakness 15.politeness 16.rudeness 17.friendliness 18.selfishness 19.shyness 20.ugliness 2、dare的意思是“敢于”、“冒险”,它既可作普通动词,又可作情态动词。1)Dare作普通动词用时,有各种时态形式的变化,第三人称单数现在时要加s,可以和带 to 或不带 to 的不定式连用。例如:He dares to go to Africa alone 他敢独自去非洲。Does he dare to tell her?他

14、敢告诉她吗?He doesnt dare(to)tell her他不敢告诉她。He dared to go there 他敢去那儿。He didnt dare(to)take the risk他不敢冒这个险。2)作为普通动词,dare也能表示“挑战”的意思。例如:He dared me to my face 他当面向我挑战。3)作情态动词用时,一般只用于疑问句和否定句中,第三人称单数现在时不加s,无各种时态形式变化。例:Dare he tell you the truth?他敢不敢对你说出事实来?He dare not tell me that sort of thing 他不敢把那种事告诉我

15、。4)作为情态动词,dare又有以下用法:How dare he speak so rudely?他怎么敢说话如此无礼?I dare say(daresay)there are mistakes there 我认为在我看来这里面有错误。5)dare not和 do not dare to 同义,都表示“不敢”之意,前者是书面用语,后者是口头用语。在现代英语中,缩略后一般都用 He doesnt dare to go的句式,而不用He darent go的句型。3、初中阶段容易考-ing 的情况总结如下:一、一些动词后要接动名词作宾语1.Everyone enjoys_(watch)TV in

16、the evening.2.Please finish_(draw)the picture after school.3.The students practice_(read)English every morning.【解析】动词 finish,mind,enjoy,practice,keep,miss,hate,consider,continue,Imagine,suggest,advise 等后接动词,要用动名词形式作宾语。Answers:watching;drawing;reading.二、一些介词后面要加动名词作宾语1.He is good at _(write).2.We are

17、 looking forward to_(see)you.3.They are interested in_(listen)to music.4.You can drink a lot of water without_(get)fat.【解析】介词后跟动词,要用动名词形式作其宾语。如下列结构中的介词:thanks for doing sth.,think about doing,be good at doing sth.,do well in doing sth,succeed in doing,How/What about doing sth?,instead of doing sth,k

18、eep sb from doing sth.,stop sb from doing sth,look forward to doing sth,be used to(习惯于)doing sth,devote to doing sth,pay attention to doing,prefer doing to doing,make a contribution(贡献)to doing sth答案是:writing;seeing;listening;getting.三、一些固定结构要加动词的ing 形式1.He spends half an hour_(do)his homework every

19、 day.2.They are busy_(prepare)for the coming test.3.We have a great time_(talk)to each time at lunchtime.【解析】在一些固定结构中要求使用动词-ing 形式。如:have some problems(difficulty,trouble)doing sth,spenddoing sth,be busy doing,have fun doing sth,have a great time doing sth,prevent sb.from doing sth.,feel like doing,

20、give up doing,find sb.doing,cant help doing,put off doing,keep on doing,be worth doing,end up doing,go shopping/swimming/reading/,do some/the cleaning/speaking/,No smoking/parking.答案是 doing;preparing,talking.四、动词 doing 可以用作状语,表示时间、原因、方式和伴随情况1.The old woman took a baby in her arms,_(look)at the blue

21、sky.2.There is a dog _(lie)on the ground.3.,_(laugh and talk)they went into the room.4.All night long she lay awake,_(think)of the problem.【解析】此处为分词短语作伴随情况的状语。Answers:looking;lying.Laughing and talking,thinking Please turn off the lights before _(leave).【解析】此处为分词短语说明时间。答案是:leaving Being sick,she sta

22、yed at home.(说明原因)4.can(能,会,可以)与 be able to(有能力做某事;会做某事)的辨析be able to(1)可以用于各种时态,有人称和数的变化;(2)可以用于情态动词之后。_can_(1)只有一般现在时和一般过去时的用法;(2)除表示能力外,还可表示请求、许可或猜测。如:我可以穿得更随意些。I will be able to dress more casually.练习:1.I could swim when I was seven years old.=I _was_ _able_ _to_ swim when I was seven years old.

23、2.五年后人们将能够破解这个难题。People _will_ be_ _able_ _to_work out the problem in five years.3.-我能问些问题吗?-当然可以。-_Can_ I ask you some questions?-Certainly.5.from time to time 时常;有时,和 sometimes,at times是同义表达。常见的 time 短语有:what time 几点;for the first time 第一次;all the time 一直,总是;at times 不时,有时;in time 及时;on time 按时,准时

24、;at the same time 同时;have a good/great/wonderful time 玩得开心;6.Imagine 后跟动词时,动词须用动名词的形式。eg.Try to imagine being on the moon.设想一下在月球上的情形。I cant imagine lying like that.I would go crazy.She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them.他想象着自己走进办公室并告诉每个人她对他们有何看法这样一幅情景。Can

25、 you imagine me my being so stupid?你以为我如此愚蠢吗?imagine 是及物动词,后面可跟名词,代词,动名词和从句作宾语。例如:You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty.We never imagined that John would become a doctor.我们从来没有想象过,约翰居然会成为一个医生。I can t imagine what was happened.我无法想象出了什么事。You can t imagine how I missed the bird.

26、7.deal with 和 do with 都表示“对付;应对”,但 deal with 多和 how搭配,do with 多和 what 搭配。你知道怎样处理这个问题吗?Do you know how to _deal_ _with_ the problem?上周那钱你是怎么处置的?What did you _do_ _with_ the money last week?8.a number of与 the number of a number of 表示“许多;大量”,修饰可数名词。a number of 结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。the number of 表示“的数量”,修饰可

27、数名词。the number of 结构作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。我们班学生的数量是50。The number of students in our class _is_ fifty.大多数是男生。A number of the students _are_ boys.五、练评(包含“考点链接”应用探究6 分钟)单项选择1.Our life _A_ a lot in the last ten years.A.has changed B.have changed C.will change D.changed 2._D_ do you surf the Internet?Twice a we

28、ek.A.How much B.How long C.How soon D.How often 3.Whatever happens,we shouldnt _D_ our hopes.A.put up B.cheer up C.keep up D.give up 4._A_ my teachers help,I began to catch up with my classmates.A.With B.Under C.In D.To 5.Dont smoke any more.Its bad for your health.Im trying to C Its really hard,you

29、 know.A.turn it on B.put it off C.give it up D.take it out 根据短文内容,完成已给出首字母的单词,使短文内容通顺完整。We are very g a ld_ that Wang Ming has made great progress.He used to b e late for schoo1 and didnt 1isten to the teachers c a r e fully in class.After schoo1,he 1iked p laying computer games and watching TV.He d

30、idnt do his homework So his 1essons were bad.He f ailed in many subjects.Li Ping is a good boy.He is g o o d at his lessons.He makes friends with Wang Ping.He helps him with his 1essons and helps him w ork out problems.Now,with Li Pings help,Wang Ming has become i in his lessons.He studies hard and finishes his homework on time.Besides,he gets on well with his classmates.From this,we know that its i mportant for us to help and 1earn from each other.教学反思

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