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1、1.Brian told you that there wasnt anyone in the room at that time,_?A.was thereB.wasnt there C.didnt he D.did he2.I dont think he could have done such a stupid thing last night,_?A.did he B.could he C.do I D.hasnt he3.There used to be a church in our school,_?A.used there B.did there C.usednt there

2、D.wasnt there4.Whether well hold the sports meeting depends on the weather,_?A.wont weB.shant we C.doesnt it D.wont it5.If you dont study hard,youll regret,_ you?A.wontB.dontC.will D.do6.Alice,you feed the bird today,_?But I fed it yesterday.A.do youB.dont you C.didnt you D.will you7.Be sure to get

3、there on time,_ you?Of course,we _.A.will;will B.wont;shall C.dont;do D.can;must8.Oh,Rose._ you gave us!Really?A.How a pleasant surprise B.How pleasant a surpriseC.What pleasant surprise D.How pleasant surprise9.Not everyone likes everyone else,_?A.does one B.does everyone C.do they D.dont they10.My

4、 hometown has taken on a new look._!A.Great changes have been taken place B.What great changeC.How it has changedD.How great it has changed11.He was lucky in the accident,but his _ car is under repair.A.hurt B.damaged C.destroyed D.ruined12.Not that Im unwilling to lend you a hand,_ Im too busy for

5、the moment.A.because B.but that C.but D.however13.Come and sit down by the fire.Your hand _.A.feels so cold B.is felt so cold C.feels so coldly D.is felt so coldly14.In some parts of the world,tea _ with milk and sugar.A.is serving B.is served C.serves D.served15.In order to prevent the fire spreadi

6、ng,some of the houses nearby _before the firemen arrived.A.have been pulled down B.have pulled downC.had been pulled down D.had pulled down16.I need one more stamp before my collection _.A.had completedB.completes C.has been completedD.is completed17.Neither of the young men who had tried to get the

7、 job in the company _.A.has been accepted B.have been acceptedC.was acceptedD.were accepting18.If the building project _ by the end of this month is delayed,the construction company _ fined.A.will be completed;is to be B.to be completed;will beC.being completed;will be D.completed;was19.The air poll

8、ution of the city _ by 20 percent thanks to the strict measures taken by the government.A.has been fallen downB.has been increasedC.has been reduced D.has been risen20.Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may _ run over by a car.A.have B.get C.become D.turn21.I feel it is your

9、husband who _ for the spoiled child.A.is to blame B.is going to blame C.is to be blamed D.should blame22.The silence of the library _ only by the sound of pages being turned over.A.has been broken B.breaksC.broke D.was broken23.Take care!This kind of glass _ easily.A.is broken B.was broken C.breaks

10、D.has been broken24.When we returned from the ball,we found that our house _ and many things _A.has broken into;has been stolen B.has broken into;had been stolenC.had been broken into;stolen D.had been broken;stolen25.He _ the heavy rain when he was on the way to school.A.had caught in B.was catchin

11、g C.caught by D.got caught in26.Now,children,its time you _.A.washed and dressedB.are washed and dressed C.will wash and dressD.were washed and dressed27.I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs,but _.A.I was not invitedB.Im not among the invited C.I had not been invited D.I have

12、 not been inviting28.In 1960,this was the longest bridge that _.A.was ever built B.had ever built C.has ever been built D.had ever been built29.Its up to you to decide whether to _ physics or chemistry.A.take off B.take on C.tale in D.take up30.I suppose reading this book will _ your taste for music

13、.A.add B.add up C.add to D.add up to31.Now he has been used to _ early for morning exercise.A.get up B.getting up C.got up D.going to bed32.Zhong Nanshan is a famous expert who has _ to _ the origin of SARS.A.devoted;studying B.been devoted;studyingC.devoted;study D.been devoted;study33.Do you know

14、the girl _ just now?A.to who I nodded B.I nodded toC.I nodded to her D.that has been seen34.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics_ nowA.has been completedB.has completedC.will have been completed D.will have completed35.None would have dreamed of there _ such

15、a beautiful place.A.being B.be C.to be D.is36.You seem to have had that car for years.-Yes,I should sell it _ it still runs.A.before B.during C.until D.while37.-Excuse me,is this Mr.Browns office?-Im sorry,but Mr.Brown _ works here.He left about three weeks ago.A.not now B.no more C.not still D.no l

16、onger38.Early _ the morning of May 1,we started of _ the mountain village.A.in;for B.in;toC.on;to D.on;for39.He has been caught _ the rain and is wet _ the skin.A.by;to B.in;toC.in;through D.with;in40.We need fifteen more people _ our team to do the job.A.butB.except C.as well D.besides41._ my finis

17、hing reading the novel,you shall have it immediately.A.On B.AtC.ForD.With42.She looks quite young _ her age.A.at B.by C.forD.to43.Books are the most important records we keep_ mans thoughts,ideas andfeelings.A.up B.of C.for D.on44.My daughter comes home from school and then spends an hour on the pho

18、ne talkingto the very people she has been at school _ all day.A.forB.on C.不填 D.with45.He is _ China Daily.In other words,he works _ China Daily.A.on;for B.for;on C.in;atD.at;on46.How far is it to the railway station?Its only three miles _ my house.A.out of B.to C.away D.beyond47.When I handed the re

19、port to John he said that George was the person _.A.to send B.for sending it C.to send it to D.for sending it to48.You can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from _ the lake.A.across B.through C.on D.in49.This room is fifteen feet long _ twelve feet wide.A.to B.of C.by D.in50.Our countr

20、y has a _ history of 4000 years.A.recording B.recorded C.record D.records51.When shall we meet again?Make it any day you like;its all _ to me.A.similar B.the same C.different D.the right52.I dont feel _ about it.How can I go to sleep?A.strange B.worried C.easy D.interested53.It wasntlong before they

21、 found that there was much trouble _ the plan.A.to carry out B.carrying outC.with carrying outD.to have carried out54.Have you got any books _ problems with children?A.treat B.to treat C.that treat D.what treat55.If we want to succeed we must _ what we do and who we are.A.believe in B.believe C.trus

22、t D.believe about56.Ill do everything in my _ to help you out.A.energy B.power C.right D.reach57.If only he _ in time tomorrow,Ill take him along to Beijing.A.will arrive B.is going to gelC.arrives D.is about to reach58._ quickly and soon his resignation(辞职)became the talk of the town.A.Words spread

23、 B.Word spreadC.The word was spread D.A word spread59.I hear our manager wants to hire a new secretary._?A.Whats up B.Who does he think he isC.Does he have anyone in mindD.Does he have anything on his mind60.There is a small group of words which even some native speakers and writers of English find

24、_.A.puzzling B.to be puzzled C.to puzzle D.puzzle61.Ill come and see you _ I go to Hong Kong.A.when B.while C.before D.the moment62._ the rain has stopped,lets start again.A.Because of B.Now that C.For D.That63.I went to bed very late that night,_,early the next morning.A.or rather B.at least C.at m

25、ost D.in a word64.How long did you do your homework?_.A.Before it struck 10B.Since supper timeC.So long as I stayed upD.Until 10 oclock65.My mother bought me a new pair of boots on my birthday _she had promised.A.which B.what C.with D.as66.We liked the oil painting better _ we looked at it.A.as B.wh

26、ile C.the moment D.the more67.Through English we will be able to communicate_ part of the world we come from.A.in which B.even if C.whatever D.wherever68.This photo of mine was taken _ stood the famous high tower.A.which B.in which C.where D.there69.Come early,_ youll miss the film.A.or else B.else

27、C.however D.and otherwise70.It is often said that an American starts speech with a joke,_ a Japanese has an apology to make.A.asB.when C.which D.while71.She had to _ from school for a week to take care of her sick mother in hospital.A.keep away B.leave away C.stay away D.take away72.You must be stri

28、ct with your children _.A.in the future B.in future C.from now D.ever since73.John got the first prize in the speech competition,and he was so excited _us _theatre.A.to treat;toB.that he treats;toC.as to treat;for D.as to treat;to74.It is necessary for us to learn _ second language _ our mother tong

29、ue.A.the;besides B.a;except C.the;except D.a;besides75.Hu Mei,_ daughter of a teachers family,was made _ monitor of the class at the meeting.A.the;a B.the;不填 C.a;the D.the;the76.Standing on the top of the hill,I would not do anything but _ the smog around me.A.enjoy B.enjoying C.enjoyed D.to enjoy77

30、.Dont forget:itll be the first time _ in public.A.Ive spoken B.I shall speak C.Ill speak D.I speak78.Therere few pieces of electronic equipment _to raise fears regarding future employment.A.likely B.more likely C.possibly D.more possibly79.I promise that she _ get a nice present on her birthday.A.sh

31、ould B.must C.would D.shall80.He _ without saying good-bye to them,for he always has good manners.A.mustnt have left B.may not have leftC.shouldnt have left D.cant have left81.He was not brave.He _ jump down from the roof.A.dare not B.dared not C.dares not D.dare not to82.Is your mother still a teac

32、her?_.A.Yes,she was B.She didnt use to C.No,but she used to D.No,but she used to be83.Shall I go and buy two more bottles of beer?No,Ive already bought twenty.That _ be enough for us two.A.can B.may C.ought to D.might84.Did you visit the museum?No,we _ it,but we spent too much time shopping.A.could

33、have visitedB.must have visitedC.cant have visitedD.shouldnt have visited85.Crusoe had to stay in cave,_ go out,even for food.A.daring not toB.not daring toC.not daring D.daring not86.If you want to borrow a football after school,your student _ here.A.has to leaveB.must leaveC.has to be left D.must

34、be left87.Since she is angry,we _ her alone.A.had better to leave B.would rather to leaveC.might as well leaveD.should as well leave88.At that time she _ sit here like that for hours.A.will B.would C.had to D.shall89.Jack,dont worry.You _ get the textbook tomorrow.A.shall B.will C.may D.can90.The tr

35、avel costs _ 2,000 dollars.A.reach as many as B.are added up to C.come toD.add up91.The man didnt choose _ of the suits and went away without looking at _ third one.A.both;a B.any;the C.neither;the D.either;a92.Will$200 _?Im afraid not.We need at least 50 more dollars.A.count B.satisfy C.fit D.do93.

36、The husband gave his wife _ every month in order to please her.A.half all his incomeB.his half all income C.half his all incomeD.all his half income94._,I have never seen anyone whos as capable asJohn.A.As much as I have traveled B.Now that I have traveled so muchC.Much as I have traveled D.As I hav

37、e traveled so much95.The waterfall can be seen _ _.Its sound may be heard _ two miles.It looks even more beautiful_.A.at a distance;in a distance of;from a distanceB.from a distance;in the distance of;at a distanceC.in the distance;from a distance;at a distanceD.in the distance;at a distance of;from

38、 a distance96.After the war,a new school building was put up _ bad once been a theatre.A.in which B.where C.where it D.where there97.The most of his time is _ to prepare for the college entrance examination.A.used B.spent C.taken D.made98.The other day,my friend John drove his car down the street at

39、 I thought was a dangerous speed,and _surprised everyone in the car.A.which;that B.which;it C.as;which D.what;that99.-How did you pay the workers?-As a rule,they were paid _.A.by hour B.by the hour C.by hours D.by an hour100.Several years later he _ writer.A.become B.turned C.become a D.turned a101.

40、_ U.S.A.lies on the other side of _.A.The;Pacific B./;Pacific C.The;the Pacific D./;the Pacific102.Beyond _ stars,the astronauts could see nothing but _space.A.the;/B./;the C.the;the D./;/103.He is _new comer to _ chemistry but he has made a few important discoveries.A./,/B.a,/C.a,the D.the,the104.M

41、any animalshave little connection with _ animals of _ different kind if they dont kill them for food.A.the;a B./;a C.the;the D./;the105._ youngest though she is,she is _ wisest.A.the;the B./;/C./;theD.The;/106.September 10th is _ Teachers Day.A./B.aC.the D.an107.Later,the chance to enter _ came and

42、he took it.A.into college B.to collegeC.into the college D.college108._ Mr.Jones called while you were out.He was in _ very bad temper.A./;a B.A;/C.The;the D.A;a109.Many _ scientist wants to be _ second Newton.A.a;the B.a;aC./;aD./;the110.When _ New Years Eve arrives,I can still remember the wonderf

43、ul night in _winter of 2002.A./;theB.a;the C./;a D.the;the111.When it comes to bringing up children,some people say _ discipline produces _ _ happy,well-behaved child.A./;aB.the;a C.a;/D.a;a112.She thought it _ great experience as she enjoyed the beauty of _ nature.A.a;/B.a;the C.the;/D.the;a113.Wha

44、t _ of blood does Jack have?A.sort B.type C.category D.kind114.Deer_ mainly on grass.A.live B.lives C.feed D.feeds115.Whydidnt you come?Havent you _?A.allowed B.promised C.invited D.agreed116.This dictionary is _ to my reading,but that one is _.A.great help;helplessB.a great help;of no useC.importan

45、t;of few importance D.very helpful;of no any use117.We can hope _ the best but we must prepare _ the worst at the same time.A.for;forB.for;/C./;forD./;/118.Professor White has received a letter _ to give a lecture in Peking University.A.to be invited B.being invited C.invited D.inviting him119.The _

46、 in these villages has to get its water from well-spring.A.people B.villagers C.peasants D.population120.Where is your Chinese teacher from?Im not sure,but his Chinese _ Hebei.A.listens B.suggests C.hears D.sounds121.The birds flew _ the direction of the south.A.for B.inC.to D.towards122.Soon came t

47、he bad news _ the ship sank when it sailed _ the coast.A.that;off B.which;on C.that;away D.which;along123.I was disappointed with the film I had expected _ to be much better.A.that B.one C.this D.it124.Strangely the story _ is popular _ the young.A.made up;withB.made up;toC.made up of;withD.made up

48、of;to125.The cat _ Mimi belongs to _.A.named;the Greens B.named;the GreensC.named by Green D.whose name was;the Greens126.You shouldnt stand there _ the milk _ over.A.watching;boiled B.watching;boiling C.to watch;boiling D.to watch;boiled127.I remember _ him _ the bike needed _.A.to bear;say;to repa

49、irB.hearing;saying;repairingC.hearing;say;repairingD.to hear;saying;to be repaired128.When he came in,I happened _ on the bed _.A.lying;and read B.to lie;reading C.to be lying;reading D.to have lain;reading129.Anything _?Yes,Something as _,two coffees,one bottle of beer and some fruit.A.following;fo

50、llowing B.to follow;followed C.to follow;follows D.followed;follows130.How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.A.to solving;making B.to solving;made C.to solve;making D.to solve;made131.The meeting _ o

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