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1、Txt / 509 ords Tme foreadi: 3、5 intes /Te European misinsaid on Thrday twoltoughete regltn eicalevceas a result o concern rised by rest impant proced bythe defunct Frech panyI, ven as acnfi cexrt rviw it odre concluded heewa urrently “isuffi ient eiece”that women usng it pructs facegreatrhealt sk th

2、a others、Jhn lli,health andconsm pocy misione, pldd t exminesurveace anoperation ofthe “ntii ed bodthat srutinis medicalvices acrossthe EU in a crrent revieof legislaton, tessin:“The cpaty to detect ad minimie eriskoaudmus beinceaed、Hi mts folow an ffi cial rort laed Wednsday in Fance tataed frnaina

3、lad EUwde cooertio includin ranm inspectio ad samplng of medic dvceso pevet a reeat heaudlent use f sbstandarnodicalgrde sico b PP iiplatssol t up o 400,00wmaroud t world、Xavier Betrnd,Fanes minste of helt, called or enhancd acini France and aossEuroe i thewake of thestudy, hh ghlighted hat Afssp, t

4、eFrenc medial regultor,dint inse PI from 2 utla ip-of led ofical inspect and lose wn hpanyn2010、 ean-laude as, ts for, sud police instigatfonslaughter、Mr、ertrandhs pd to hirerhealhinspectosand unertae rndom chek onmedicaldevie panies follonggrong onrn oveit regatory systemighlghte by widspread se of

5、PIP ubsanad breast mlant、 Frenchdecision ae nd f lst yea offeral omenfree emovl PIPmplns triggesmilar propsals in th UK,Grmn and ecRepbian has elpe par a reh deaeovertugher EU egulatin of medial device, whch ae subject t farles scrutiny than phamcuicls、owever, a rview released onTusday bhe U own Sci

6、etifi citte onEmergngnd Newy Idntiid Heath Rsks concluded:“retiplants ca fai, eadle fmanufacrer,and the pobbiliyof filure increass with time sice iplatatn、 n most ces,bastimpla fiur pperstoe itout identifi ble halth consquences frhe patintwith teexceptionof ossible loaplicaton、”I tressethatlimitedat

7、a metthat whie hee as no ink between brast imn andancer, therews eedfo uhe workto unerstand h specifi c rsks f the PIP rodct、Mr、 rtnd hasendosedcals fr a pariamentarynqiyn Fane lla a rpr fromtheountrysocial ffairispecrt, mrroring siilar movs that ed to togh wrequrementsf te harmaeutical indutry itru

8、cdastyear n thewe o cncens bouSevierug Mdor、Medcadevce manuacurersve clled fr reform to ensuretat the natonal“ntii ed bodie”wi di tequalitofheirroduts cros Euro r o a cositenyhgh standrd, while autoningtt tog nw reglatryrument culd har te spetve vnage、The Fenhty swed hatsaps had eve muile warnngs or

9、 thereativyhighilure rteof PP imlants pae with thsede by ohr pn, evn huh hoverallpprtio reme modest、om Finacialimes, ebruary2, 2121、 _ s he mnufctr of e breas impants unde crutin、A、 Eoean mison B、 PP C、Afsaps 2、 Accordng to the pasage,“notii e bodie” i Paraga are rsonsibl for _、A、prosing lgislation,

10、mementin decsions i EuropeanUninB、prucing and mreting the medcal eices ross the EUC、 roding om sientifi c advic to th uroeamsionD、 aessig whether a podut mees certin reorind tadas3、 Whhf flwing stateens i NCOEC ccodng o e assage?A、 Wmnuing te brest ilants facedreate heahri、B、 e cpact t detet heris o

11、f fraud soud be icrase、C、 Anoffi ialrpot calefo coopeatin iFrnend i otherparofU、D、Frace mnist o health has pedged to ie oe heat inspctos、4、 Which thefollwing cunris have oal roose to fer women freereoval fI mpans?A、 Frn, Germny, UK B、 Gerany, U,Czech C、 U,Germny, Cec 、Germany,Fan,Cze5、 Which of e fl

12、lwing statement is acodngt tpsag?A、 here i acoensus onthe EU egulation o meial dvics i the Euran Unin、Al rst implant falu apear te withutdenti ble el cosequces、Tu ne regulatry reirmens cou a th s etiiveadvantge、D、 he verall poportonof he mplan failureis relativelyigrd withot、答案解析:答案:、 试题分析:本题为细节题。根据

13、第一段“、reat implnt rodued by tedunt FrencnyPP”可知B正确。答案:2、 D试题分析:本题为语义题。根据第二段“、otifebodis tat rutiise dicaldevcs、”与倒数第二段“otiied odies hich audi te quty of heipoduct、可知D正确;A就是European mssion得职责;B就是制药公司得职责;就是Senifi c mttee onmrinand Nwl dentfi d HelhRisks得职责.答案:3、 A试题分析:本题为概括题。根据第一段“tere wacuelyinufficie

14、nt eince hatwme ing it poductsfacdgrater hlth rss than thrs可知A错误;根据第二段“h api to detect and mnmise the is fraums beicreased”可知B正确;根据第三段“、an of cial reort 、tha cald for atnl and Eidecooprai、”可知正确;根据第五段“Mr、 Bertrnd has pldgedtohror elth npecorsand、”可知D正确。答案:、 C试题分析:本题为细节题.根据第六段“A rench deison atheend o

15、lastyearoffrGrman andthe zch Republic可知提出这项建议得国家为Fane,UK, Germny an Cz。全文都在讲EU,没有提到S。故错误。答案:5、 C试题分析:本题为概括题。根据第六段“sparkafresdebate over togh euatoofmedical evies可知A错误;根据第七段“et implnt failue appeas t ewthoutidtifible hlth oequeces for the paientwit th excepin psibleocalplicaions”可知错误;根据倒数第二段“hilcauto

16、ng that touhneweglatoy rqureenscould arm h EUs petitve advntae”可知C正确;根据最后一段“even houhthe overal proprtionmied modest”可知D错误。Tet / 55 Wors Time r rain: 4 muts/Halth Minite Nicla oxs lastopoaltat paentsbe allocated otors na listbasisstraigh out f the playook of BriansNtioal Heath Serice、Lts think about

17、 ths fom thpaties oint o iew、Some octs e better than otrs, he ssome lumber aebettr thn others、 e reo ma b bete bdside anner;i mayeheyar rpetn; i may be ust thttere is asimple personi ls-it majs beta, at mes,the patnt wats a scondoinio、Or ittethat th patien has a otetialebrasinoblem thatheor she des

18、no want to discuss wthhis or her regula ner practtinr、Somepeople h ari-uited t th carer choierealwys gointoslip throuhhesystem、In oter wods, f you are allcateda doctoy nt lkeo wh sa d, youare lielyobe tuck withh、 Of ouse, he govemt willmakesome ses abut “freo of chice”;but i te en,a dt who han uphis

19、 single an scceeds orfls aordng o theqalityofservice he offes is oing rvide a beterquait osrethn a ublicemloye、Now,all docors,ncuding generl pcioners, st be mebers of te appropriae ofessinalbo, wiccrdits thm sqlifi ed pracitioer、Thi man tey mu firstinishmdical schoantn lify assrgns, picians, optamog

20、ists opsyciatiss、Thi postrua taingisrdous nd pensve, anpraitioners atuayexc a eo ter ivesttof ime,enegy andmoeythe vrage medica grauteisleft ittens o thusands ofdollars in uiversty fees、Muh ismade othtop resinal ho e milions,but he veage GP is rnig aprtce that ges hma bry aequaertrn n s invstmnt rof

21、essiona dvlpe、Inded, many GP plnhey revualy govrnme emplyees elyion Mdicare o payther lls, bthe “vtully”is imprtan、Tey reminnpendnt profeionas who suceedrfil accrdng othservce ey povid、The reen mvesto wiehe scop f nursprctitionrs oncrn manyGP、 hle rse racttioersmay hve roe in isoated area, a nurse s

22、 nta sustiute for a generlratonr,ha ear o undrgaduteandpotrte raining n amiy mdicie、Expading te roe ofnursepatitioers maysimplybenetowiel aai thecentnemy,h faiy GP、 an nurses havespciaist traning, whicmaks themndispesable in the meicasystm; utnurse s not sbiutefo professiollytrained genera actitoner

23、 wth ers me educationbein hem、inisterRoxonovo cut Meicre payments for aaract srer gan fl ies n thfaceof ety、 Onhefceofit,it maeem lausiblebettertechnlogyequls cheaper pics、Ithe Frd ollow oundaton can do catarat sugy for $25, why canta Atralinohthalmoogis? erea ishata Australineye-doctr is runinga pr

24、actice、 He has to ayreetinist, an accountnt, rent for is rom nd so onin other wors,he has fixed cots,ich means tmoe goesio a o o pocket ap frm is wn、 n fac, he cantbsorbhcost cs tat the govrnment is askng hi accet、 ro Nes Weekly, Novembe2, 20091、 Wha did the Heath Misterpropose?A、 to ut e eial rofes

25、i alloverhe counry B、 tallocatte paint to ctoso lit basC、 to cres theicnivs f th diclworkers 、 to reise hepoli on h medaproesion2、Te tient may thin soe docs are bettr tn other NOTbecae_、A、soe os rmoe peten 、 thee is smple pesnlty clas、 theyv moredffi cult roblms D、 teysometmeswant ecnd opini3、 Whend

26、octor fi nished choo, they my o qulifa _、 surgons B、 physicias C、 optician D、 yciatrsts4、 Wi of the folwngstatments aout nursepacttiners isNOT tru?A、 They my av ole nsome isotedaes、 B、Thear o asubstitute forgea rtionrs、C、 Thy aelesseducaion backgroud than、D、Ty e t am family gneral pratitiner、5、 ccri

27、ng tothe passg, wih of th follwinstentsis cect?A、 People ot elsuied totheir carer chiceare goigtoslip thruhthe ytem、erage is ivnabundnt rer o his nvstment in pfessionaldevloment、C、Mos ofh gerl practitionerse woin for the oenmnt-control serice、D、 Auraln ohthalmlogts avei ed osts sohey canno caaa surg

28、ey、答案与解析:答案:1、试题分析:本题为细节题。根据全文第一句“alth Mnister ica Roxo latestproposal that ptents be allated t tos a listbass is、可知应当选。答案:2、 C试题分析:本题为概括题。根据第二段可知原因可能就是“meoctorsave a betterbside mannr”,“they are more petent,或者病人“thee asimpeprsnalit lash,“wants seod onion,“ha a oentiallyebrrasngprobe tha he hedoes n

29、ot wan toiscus it is rhe egulargenralpraioner”.只有C没有提到。答案:3、 试题分析:本题为细节题。根据第四段“Ts meanshey ust firsinish dical schlan he qualifys sugeons, pysins,ophhalmologitso psyciatrits、”可知只有C选项opas(眼镜商)没有提到。答案:、 D试题分析:本题为概括题。根据第七段“ure ractioners ay hve a re n ioaedas”,“a nure is not substitute f ageel praioner

30、”,“ nurs isnota substte fr、geeral pratitners h yearmre edtonehindthm可知A、B、都正确,而根据本段内容nurse citoner又不同于famiy G(家庭全科医师),故选。答案:5、试题分析:本题为概括题。根据第三段“oe poe wo are ill-suiedoeicarercoice ae awas ig toslp trug thesyst”可知A正确;根据第六段“the average P、tha ives a barely dequat retrn on hi invetmnt iposioa dvelopt”可

31、知错误;根据第六段“hey remain depentpfesias”可知C错误;根据最后一段“Ifte re Holw Fouioandocaarc sur fo25, hy cnt an ustralian optamoloit?”无法判断澳大利亚眼科医生无法做白内障手术,可知D错误。012 年英语专业四级阅读理解 et ASayin “thank you” is probay thefirst thi ostof us lean o do i aoreign anuage、Aftr ll,wrebrouht upto beolte, ndt i imnt to mea goo imres

32、io uponohpeleseciallyacrss nioa dide、 So, ht xctly re yosposed to s wen “thnk yo”i onlyhe 20h tpoplarwy to expres gritude? Acordig o ren suey,1 othe ay f xprsing apreciaiofnishehead f “han yo” n a ol of 3,00 pople、Polsers oudalost hf of tose skd preferred he more infrma“ce”, whie oherslike to sech e

33、xpressions as“a”,“at” and“ice one、S、 jswht is th ppopatefm ords toexpres you han?Fotuatel, the cluei in te lanuage itself、 “Cheers”, dspi its populrit,s ondered infra wy to sythay-an th s a efi nt cle as o when yo a bst us i、For instanc, hen goinfor adink wihries, asleand a“hers”by way tas isnotolya

34、propiate o thesitation, iisalsultuallyacuat、“”, originatedfro the Dnis word“tk”, ws theseco-mot popularepresso ofthanks, and aso mol useininfl sittions, alon wih rass such as“nceoe”,nd“brilian”、 teretingly, one od ht didnt make it ith to 20 as“thanks”、 Tanyousshorter, minfoml ouin、“Tanks”an be usful

35、, as i is abl to bride the dvid bwee t fralityof “thank youan twnright rexed“ceers”、Cetin oa doue a an exesionf thans as el as deigh、Agai, the wordshemsves offr th cle as to when bst o use them、exae, wrs like“wome”,“bilat” nd“o sa” etuedhihl in he ew pollandthey an hinat bo your pleaure at soones at

36、o, as well s ervng t expr yurank、 f you r on the receiin f a“nethank you,yuan epon ith a mple“nproble”, or“sure”、O corse, i etinircusce,a simple wve, no or smie ay beapropriae,For intance, if car driverslos dn to let you cros the oa,implyrsing your andknowlegment s enog oshothatu preciate th drver o

37、nsideraio、Somte,fmlity i necessar,and“thak you”isstill t bestchoiein su situtions、Bu tudentsshould orry bout h exctlyouse certanxpressios、Mny pople iWestecotrs are oried tha good manners ren eclin、 People areireo eeing heir acs o kindnesandsvcepass without mt、 So dont thi that ou“thnk youws clumsy or akardly for、 he

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