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1、企业培训合同范本两篇第一篇:企业培训合同范本中文版:【甲方】:_(以下简称甲方)法定代表人:_,职务:_;地址:_,电话:_,传真:_。【乙方】:_(以下简称乙方)法定代表人:_,职务:_;地址:_,电话:_,传真:_。鉴于甲方需要对员工进行培训,乙方有能力提供相关培训服务,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条 服务内容1.1 乙方将为甲方提供包括但不限于员工技能培训、管理培训等相关服务。1.2 甲方需在培训开始前提供所需的培训资料、场地等必要条件。第二条 服务费用2.1 甲方应按照培训服务内容支付约定的费用,具体金额为_。2.2 乙方应在培训结束后向甲方提供详细的开票信息,甲方需在收到发票后

2、15个工作日内支付全部费用。第三条 培训时间和地点3.1 培训时间和地点双方另行商议确定,并在培训开始前提前告知对方。3.2 若有不可抗力因素导致培训无法如期进行,双方应及时协商调整培训时间和地点。第四条 保密条款4.1 双方在履行本协议过程中可能涉及到的商业秘密和机密信息,应承担保密义务,未经对方许可不得向第三方透露。4.2 保密期限为本协议终止后的三年。第五条 违约责任5.1 若一方未按约定支付费用或未履行其他义务,应承担对方因此造成的一切直接损失。5.2 若由于一方原因导致培训无法继续进行,应承担违约责任。第六条 协议变更和终止6.1 双方如需变更协议内容,应经书面协商达成一致意见并签订

3、书面变更协议。6.2 协议终止后,双方应完成未完成的义务,并进行结算。第七条 争议解决7.1 因本协议引起的争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,应提交至_仲裁委员会仲裁。7.2 仲裁裁决是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。第八条 其他事项8.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至服务结束或终止时终止。8.2 本协议一式两份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章):_ 日期:_乙方(盖章):_ 日期:_英文版:Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Legal representative: _, Title: _;Address: _,

4、Phone: _, Fax: _.Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Legal representative: _, Title: _;Address: _, Phone: _, Fax: _.In view of the training needs of Party As employees and Party Bs capability to provide relevant training services, the two parties have reached the following agreement throu

5、gh friendly negotiation:Article 1 Service Content1.1 Party B will provide services including but not limited to employee skills training, management training, etc., for Party A.1.2 Party A shall provide the necessary training materials, venues, and other conditions before the start of the training.A

6、rticle 2 Service Fee2.1 Party A shall pay the agreed fee for the training services according to the training content, with a specific amount of _.2.2 Party B shall provide detailed invoicing information to Party A after the training, and Party A shall pay the full fee within 15 working days after re

7、ceiving the invoice.Article 3 Training Time and Location3.1 The training time and location shall be determined through separate negotiations between the two parties and notified in advance before the training begins.3.2 If the training cannot be conducted as scheduled due to force majeure factors, t

8、he two parties shall promptly negotiate to adjust the training time and location.Article 4 Confidentiality Clause4.1 During the performance of this agreement, both parties may involve commercial secrets and confidential information and shall assume confidentiality obligations, and shall not disclose

9、 to third parties without the permission of the other party.4.2 The confidentiality period shall be three years after the termination of this agreement.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 If either party fails to pay the fee as agreed or fulfill other obligations, they shall bear all direct lo

10、sses caused to the other party.5.2 If the training cannot continue due to reasons attributable to one party, they shall bear the liability for breach of contract.Article 6 Amendment and Termination of Agreement6.1 If either party needs to change the agreement, they shall reach a consensus through wr

11、itten negotiations and sign a written amendment agreement.6.2 After the agreement is terminated, both parties shall fulfill unfinished obligations and settle accounts.Article 7 Dispute Resolution7.1 Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between the pa

12、rties; if negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the _ Arbitration Commission for arbitration.7.2 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 8 Other Matters8.1 This agreement shall take effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties until the terminati

13、on of the service.8.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): _ Date: _Party B (Seal): _ Date: _第二篇:企业培训合同书范本中文版:一、培训团队及要求甲方:_ 是_公司人事总监,与乙方:_ 公司签署本培训合同。乙方提供的培训师资均为具备相关资质的专业人员,并能够根据甲方的需求,开展多样化、全方位的培训服务。二、培训时间及地点本次培训的时间为_至_,


15、露。保密期限从本合同终止之日起计算至_年。七、风险免责正常培训中如发生因不可抗力造成的情况,包括但不限于自然灾害、政府行为等,造成未能按合同履行的,免责方不承担违约责任。八、争议解决因本合同引起的争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,应提交至_仲裁委员会仲裁。仲裁裁决将是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。九、其他事项本合同自双方签字盖章后生效,至培训结束后终止。未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决,并签署书面协议。甲方(盖章):_ 日期:_乙方(盖章):_ 日期:_英文版:1. Training Team and RequirementsParty A: _, the HR Director of _ co

16、mpany, signed this training contract with Party B: _ company.The trainers provided by Party B are professionals with relevant qualifications and able to provide diversified and comprehensive training services as per the requirements of Party A.2. Training Time and LocationThe training will be conduc

17、ted from _ to _ at _ (detailed address).In case of special circumstances requiring a change in training time or location, both parties must reach a written agreement in advance.3. Training ContentParty B will provide various skill training and professional development training services to Party As e

18、mployees as per Party As requirements.The specific training content includes: _, _, etc.4. Training Fees and Payment MethodThe total training fee for this session is _ (in words) RMB, and Party A is required to make the full payment to Party B before the training commences.The payment method is _.If

19、 an invoice is needed, please provide the invoicing information and relevant documentation.5. Training Effect Evaluation and ImprovementBased on the evaluation after the training concludes, Party B will collaborate with Party A to formulate further improvement plans to maximize the training effectiv

20、eness.Both parties are required to actively cooperate and complete the training effect evaluation and improvement work together.6. Confidentiality ResponsibilityBoth parties shall maintain the confidentiality of any commercial secrets and confidential information involved in this cooperation and sha

21、ll not disclose it to any third party without the written consent of the other party.The confidentiality period shall be calculated from the termination of this contract to _ years.7. Risk DisclaimerIn the event of circumstances caused by force majeure during normal training, including but not limit

22、ed to natural disasters, government actions, etc., resulting in the inability to fulfill the contract, the non-defaulting party shall not be held liable for breach of contract.8. Dispute ResolutionAny dispute arising from this contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation between the parti

23、es; if negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to _ Arbitration Commission for arbitration.The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.9. Other MattersThis contract shall come into effect after being signed and sealed by both parties, and shall terminate upon the completion of the training.For matters not covered, both parties may negotiate separately and sign a written agreement.Party A (Seal): _ Date: _Party B (Seal): _ Date: _

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