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1、流通领域合同范本五篇*合同范本一:买卖合同*中文:甲方(买方):_身份证号:_联系地址:_联系电话:_乙方(卖方):_身份证号:_联系地址:_联系电话:_鉴于甲方愿意购买乙方所出售的物品,经双方友好协商,就以下事项达成如下协议:一、物品名称:_ 型号:_ 数量:_ 单价:_ 总价:_二、付款方式:甲方应在_天内以现金/银行转账等方式支付全款给乙方。三、交付日期:乙方应在收到全部款项后_天内将物品交付给甲方,并提供相应的发票和保修卡等相关资料。四、物品质量:乙方保证所售物品为质量合格产品,如在保修期内出现质量问题,乙方应承担维修或更换责任。五、违约责任:任何一方违反本合同约定,应承担相应的赔偿责

2、任,并支付违约金_。六、其他约定事项:_七、本合同自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效,本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份作为资料存档。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文:Party A (Buyer):_ID Number:_Contact Address:_Contact Number:_Party B (Seller):_ID Number:_Contact Address:_Contact Number:_Whereas Party A is willing to purchase the item sold by Party B, after friendly negotiati

3、on, the two parties have reached the following agreement on the following matters:1. Name of Item:_ Model:_ Quantity:_ Unit Price:_ Total Price:_2. Payment Method: Party A shall pay the full amount to Party B within_days in cash/bank transfer, etc.3. Delivery Date: Party B shall deliver the item to

4、Party A within_days after receiving the full payment, and provide relevant documents such as invoice and warranty card.4. Quality of Item: Party B guarantees that the item sold is of satisfactory quality. If any quality issues arise within the warranty period, Party B shall be responsible for repair

5、 or replacement.5. Breach of Contract: If either party violates the terms of this contract, they shall be liable for compensation and pay a penalty of _.6. Other Agreed Matters:_7. This contract shall come into effect upon signature (chop) by both parties, in duplicate, with each party holding one c

6、opy for record keeping.Signature of Party A:_ Date:_Signature of Party B:_ Date:_*合同范本二:租赁合同*中文:甲方(出租方):_身份证号:_联系地址:_联系电话:_乙方(承租方):_身份证号:_联系地址:_联系电话:_鉴于甲方同意出租给乙方下述物品,经双方友好协商,就以下事项达成如下协议:一、出租物品:_ 规格:_ 使用期限:_ 租金:_/(单位:天/月)二、租金支付:乙方应在每个_交租金给甲方,如逾期支付,需支付罚金_。三、使用方式:乙方应按照使用规定进行合理使用,不得私自转租或改变出租物品的结构。四、维护保养

7、:乙方负责对出租物品进行定期维护保养,如有损坏需及时通知甲方进行维修处理。五、违约责任:如乙方未按时支付租金或超出使用期限,甲方有权解除合同并要求乙方返还出租物品,并赔偿损失。六、解除合同:如需解除合同,任一方须提前_天书面通知对方,并协商处理相关事宜。七、本合同自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效,本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份作为资料存档。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文:Party A (Lessor):_ID Number:_Contact Address:_Contact Number:_Party B (Lessee):_ID Number:_Contact Addres

8、s:_Contact Number:_Whereas Party A agrees to lease the following item to Party B, after friendly negotiation, the two parties have reached the following agreement on the following matters:1. Item for Lease:_ Specifications:_ Duration of Use:_ Rent:_/ (per day/month)2. Rent Payment: Party B shall pay

9、 the rent to Party A on the _ of each month. In case of late payment, a penalty of _ shall be incurred.3. Usage: Party B shall use the item in accordance with the regulations, and shall not sublease or alter the structure of the leased item without permission.4. Maintenance: Party B is responsible f

10、or regular maintenance of the leased item. In case of damage, Party B shall promptly inform Party A for repair.5. Breach of Contract: If Party B fails to pay rent on time or exceeds the duration of use, Party A has the right to terminate the contract, demand the return of the leased item, and seek c

11、ompensation for losses.6. Termination of Contract: In the event of contract termination, either party must provide written notice to the other party _ days in advance, and negotiate the resolution of related matters.7. This contract shall come into effect upon signature (chop) by both parties, in du

12、plicate, with each party holding one copy for record keeping.Signature of Party A:_ Date:_Signature of Party B:_ Date:_*合同范本三:劳务合同*中文:甲方(雇主):_统一社会信用代码:_地址:_联系电话:_乙方(劳务人员):_身份证号:_联系地址:_联系电话:_鉴于甲方拟雇用乙方从事_工作,经双方友好协商,就以下事项达成如下协议:一、工作内容:乙方应按照甲方安排的工作任务认真履行职责,确保工作质量。二、工作时间:乙方应遵守工作时间,不得迟到早退,如需请假应提前通知甲方,并取得同

13、意。三、薪酬及福利:甲方支付乙方工资_元/月,支付方式为_,提供_天带薪年假等福利待遇。四、劳动保护:甲方应保证乙方在工作期间的劳动安全,如有工伤事故应依法承担相应责任。五、保密义务:乙方应对公司商业机密及个人信息保密,不得泄露给他人,如有违反,应承担法律责任。六、解除合同:如有解除合同的情况,任一方应提前_天通知对方,并协商解除事宜。七、本合同自双方签字之日起生效,本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份作为资料存档。甲方签字(盖章):_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文:Party A (Employer):_Unified Social Credit Code:_Address:_Contac

14、t Number:_Party B (Employee):_ID Number:_Contact Address:_Contact Number:_Whereas Party A intends to employ Party B to perform the duties of_, after friendly negotiation, the two parties have reached the following agreement on the following matters:1. Job Description: Party B shall diligently perfor

15、m the duties assigned by Party A, ensuring the quality of work.2. Working Hours: Party B shall adhere to working hours, not arrive late or leave early. In case of leave, Party B shall inform Party A in advance and obtain approval.3. Salary and Benefits: Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of

16、_ yuan, with payment method of _, and provide _ days of paid annual leave and other benefits.4. Labor Protection: Party A shall ensure the labor safety of Party B during work. In case of work-related accidents, Party A shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.5. Confidentiality: Party B s

17、hall keep the companys trade secrets and personal information confidential, and shall not disclose to others. In case of violation, Party B shall bear legal responsibilities.6. Termination of Contract: In the event of termination of the contract, either party shall notify the other party _ days in a

18、dvance and negotiate the termination matters.7. This contract shall come into effect upon signature by both parties, in duplicate, with each party holding one copy for record keeping.Signature of Party A (Seal):_ Date:_Signature of Party B:_ Date:_*合同范本四:借款合同*中文:甲方(出借人):_身份证号:_联系地址:_联系电话:_乙方(借款人):_身

19、份证号:_联系地址:_联系电话:_鉴于乙方需要向甲方借款,经双方友好协商,就以下事项达成如下借款协议:一、借款金额:_ 借款用途:_ 借款利率:_%/年 借款期限:_(年/月/日)二、还款方式:乙方应在借款期限内按照以下方式还款给甲方:_三、利息计算:借款利息按年计算,复利计算,计算公式为_。四、提前还款:如乙方提前还款,应提前_天通知甲方,并支付相应的提前还款费用。五、违约责任:如乙方逾期未还款,应支付逾期违约金_。六、保密条款:甲、乙双方在借款及相关事宜过程中应保守商业秘密,不得泄露给他人。七、本合同自双方签字之日起生效,本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份作为资料存档。甲方签字:_ 日期:_

20、乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文:Party A (Lender):_ID Number:_Contact Address:_Contact Number:_Party B (Borrower):_ID Number:_Contact Address:_Contact Number:_Whereas Party B needs to borrow money from Party A, after friendly negotiation, the two parties have reached the following loan agreement on the following matte

21、rs:1. Loan Amount:_ Purpose of Loan:_ Loan Interest Rate:_% per annum Loan Term:_ (years/months/days)2. Repayment Method: Party B shall repay Party A within the loan term in the following manner: _3. Interest Calculation: The loan interest is calculated annually, with compound interest, according to

22、 the formula _.4. Early Repayment: In case of early repayment, Party B shall notify Party A _ days in advance and pay the corresponding early repayment fee.5. Breach of Contract: In case of default on repayment by Party B, a penalty of _ shall be incurred.6. Confidentiality Clause: Both Party A and

23、Party B shall keep the loan and related matters confidential, and shall not disclose to others.7. This contract shall come into effect upon signature by both parties, in duplicate, with each party holding one copy for record keeping.Signature of Party A:_ Date:_Signature of Party B:_ Date:_*合同范本五:服务


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