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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语18模块重点词汇讲模块重点词汇讲解(一)解(一)1.inform(P16,M1):We regret to inform you that our library will be closed nextWednesday,Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.informUsage1:inform+obj.+(that)/wh-e.g.:(1)I informed him that I would not be able to attend the meeting.我告诉他说我不能参加会议了。我告诉他说我不能参加会议了。(

2、2)Could you please inform me how to go about contacting a lawyer?你能告诉我如何联系一位律师吗?你能告诉我如何联系一位律师吗?Usage 2:inform+obj +(of/about)e.g.:(1)I wasnt informed of the decision until too late.等我得到通知时已经太晚了。等我得到通知时已经太晚了。(2)Why wasnt I informed?为什么没有人告诉我?为什么没有人告诉我?扩展:扩展:keep+sb.+informed of sth.让某人了解某事的发展动态让某人了解某

3、事的发展动态e.g.:They are kept informed of the development of IT.他们一直了解信息工业的发展动态。他们一直了解信息工业的发展动态。_ what is happening in hisown country,he watches TV and readsnewspapers every day.A.To inform B.Informing ofC.To be informed of D.Having informed of扩展:扩展:information【U】informative adj.增长见识的,增益增长见识的,增益 的;有教育性的的

4、;有教育性的e.g.:Children should be encouraged to watch more informative TV programs.2.approve(P18,M1):He approved the idea,and two years later I am the oldest student member of the radio club.approveUsage 1:vt.,to agree officially to 批准;通过;认可批准;通过;认可e.g.:(1)The city council approved the building plans.市议

5、会批准了这些建筑计划。市议会批准了这些建筑计划。(2)The equipment must be bought from a supplier approved by the company.设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购买。设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购买。Usage 2:vi.(of),赞成,同意,支持赞成,同意,支持e.g.:(1)I dont approve of smoking in bed.我不赞成在床上吸烟。我不赞成在床上吸烟。(2)You can join the class if your mother approves.如果你母亲同意的话,你可以加入这个如果你母亲同意的

6、话,你可以加入这个 班级。班级。扩展:扩展:approval【U】e.g.:(1)I hope that the arrangements will meet with your approval.我希望这些安排能够得到你的赞同。我希望这些安排能够得到你的赞同。(2)We cant start building without the councils approval.未经委员会批准,我们不能动工。未经委员会批准,我们不能动工。其反义词其反义词:disapproval 3.require(P18,M1):When I attended the first meeting,I was requ

7、ired to write a poem and I had to read it out to the group.requireUsage 1:require+obj.+to-v.要求;命令要求;命令e.g.:All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都被要求出示车票。所有乘客都被要求出示车票。Usage 2:require+that 要求;命令要求;命令e.g.:The regulations require that all students shall attend at least 90%of the lecture

8、s.规定要求所有学生的听课率至少要达到规定要求所有学生的听课率至少要达到90%.Usage 3:require sth.of sb.要求;命令要求;命令e.g.:Silence is required of all examination candidates.应试者都要保持安静。应试者都要保持安静。Usage 4:require sth./doing sth./that 需要需要e.g.:(1)This suggestion will require careful thought.这建议需要仔细考虑。这建议需要仔细考虑。(2)To carry out this plan would req

9、uire increasing our staff by 50%执行这计划需要增加执行这计划需要增加50%的人员。的人员。(5)The urgency of the situation requires that we(should)make an immediate decision.形势紧急,需要我们立刻做出决定。形势紧急,需要我们立刻做出决定。insist,order,command,suggest,advise,propose,require,demand,request,ask 等动词等动词常与虚拟语气连用的动词常与虚拟语气连用的动词e.g.:(1)The expert insist

10、ed that the dam (should)not be built over the river.专家坚持要求这条河道上不能建设堤坝。专家坚持要求这条河道上不能建设堤坝。(2)Can you suggest how we (should)do it?该如何做这件事,你能给点建议吗?该如何做这件事,你能给点建议吗?(3)It is asked that they(should)be allowed to leave.有人请求准许他们离开。有人请求准许他们离开。(4)It is advised that we(should)take more vegetables and fruits.有人

11、建议我们多吃蔬菜和水果。有人建议我们多吃蔬菜和水果。order,command,suggestion,advice,proposal,idea,requirement等名词等名词常与虚拟语气连用的名词常与虚拟语气连用的名词e.g.:(1)The proposal that the hospital should be closed was rejected by a large majority.关闭医院的提议遭到大多数人的拒绝。关闭医院的提议遭到大多数人的拒绝。(2)My idea is that we should wait for another hour.我的想法是我们应该再等一个小时

12、。我的想法是我们应该再等一个小时。e.g.:(1)The latest figures suggest that business is improving.最新的数据表明生意正在好转。最新的数据表明生意正在好转。特别提醒特别提醒:suggest 和和 insist(2)He still insists that he was not there at that time.他还坚持说当时自己不在场。他还坚持说当时自己不在场。扩展:扩展:其名词其名词 requirement:sth.that is needed or that is demanded as necessary 必需品;必需品;要

13、求之物要求之物requiremente.g.:(1)The refugees main requirements are food and shelter.难民们的主要需要是食物和住所。难民们的主要需要是食物和住所。(2)Can this computer handle the requirements of the wages department?这台计算机能够处理工资部门的需要吗?这台计算机能够处理工资部门的需要吗?(3)Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not be admitted to the Universit

14、y.未能满足要求的应考生不能上未能满足要求的应考生不能上 这所大学。这所大学。4.spare(P38,M1):Then when I have some spare time and want to be alone,they call me selfish and unloving.spareUsage 1:adj.,多余的,剩下的;多余的,剩下的;备用的;备用的;空闲的空闲的e.g.:(1)a spare tyre 备用轮胎备用轮胎 (2)Have you got a spare moment?Id like to discuss.你有空吗?我有事与你商量。你有空吗?我有事与你商量。(2)

15、What do you like doing in your spare time?你空闲的时候喜欢干什么?你空闲的时候喜欢干什么?Usage 2:vt.,(把多余不用的人或物)拨(把多余不用的人或物)拨 出,腾出,抽出,让给出,腾出,抽出,让给e.g.:(1)Were so busy that no one in the office can be spared for any other work.我们办公室里的人都很忙,腾不出任我们办公室里的人都很忙,腾不出任 何人去干其他任何事。何人去干其他任何事。(2)Can you spare me five minutes?你能给我五分钟的时间吗

16、?你能给我五分钟的时间吗?(3)-Have you got enough?-Yes;weve got enough and to spare.-你们够吗?你们够吗?-够了,绰绰有余。够了,绰绰有余。Usage 3:vt.,节约,节省,节约,节省,舍不得,爱惜舍不得,爱惜 (一般用于疑问句和否定句)(一般用于疑问句和否定句)e.g.:(1)No trouble was spared to make sure the guests enjoyed themselves.为使宾客尽情欢乐而不遗余力。为使宾客尽情欢乐而不遗余力。(2)No expense was spared in providing

17、 the food and wine.为提供酒食而不惜成本。为提供酒食而不惜成本。Usage 4:spare+obj.(i)+obj.(d)使使 某人免受不受欢迎的某人免受不受欢迎的 事;省掉,免除(某人的事;省掉,免除(某人的 需要或麻烦)需要或麻烦)e.g.:(1)It was a horrible accident Ill spare you the details.事故很惨,我就不跟你讲细节了。事故很惨,我就不跟你讲细节了。(2)Use the telephone and spare yourself a visit.打电话吧,免得跑一趟。打电话吧,免得跑一趟。5.search(P2,

18、M2):Police in America have stepped up their search for a 15 year old boy who went missing two days ago in Dover.searchUsage 1:noun,搜查,搜索;寻找搜查,搜索;寻找e.g.:(1)They police conducted a long search for the lost child.警察对那个失踪男孩进行了长久警察对那个失踪男孩进行了长久 的搜索。的搜索。(2)I went off in search of a garage where I could buy

19、 some petrol.我动身去寻找加油站,希望在那里我动身去寻找加油站,希望在那里 可以买到汽油。可以买到汽油。Usage 2:vi.,search(through sp.for sth.)e.g.:(1)He searched through his pockets for a cigarette.他翻遍口袋寻找香烟。他翻遍口袋寻找香烟。(2)Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.科学家还在寻找治愈普通感冒的良方。科学家还在寻找治愈普通感冒的良方。(3)She searched desperately f

20、or some reason to stay.她拼命寻找留下的理由。她拼命寻找留下的理由。Usage 3:vt.,search sp./sb.(for sth.)e.g.:(1)The police searched the suspect but found no weapon on him.警察搜了嫌疑犯的身,但没有在他身上警察搜了嫌疑犯的身,但没有在他身上 找到武器。找到武器。(3)They searched the woods for the little boy.他们搜查了小树林,寻找那个小男孩。他们搜查了小树林,寻找那个小男孩。(4)Ive searched my conscien

21、ce and I still think I did the right thing.我扪心自问过了,我扪心自问过了,还是认为自己还是认为自己 做得是对的。做得是对的。扩展扩展:searching adj.,sharp and thorough;anxious to discover the truthe.g.:She gave me a searching look,as if doubting what I said.她锐利地看着我,似乎在怀疑我所说的话。她锐利地看着我,似乎在怀疑我所说的话。扩展:扩展:searchlight 探照灯探照灯 search party 搜索队,搜索队,救援队

22、救援队 search warrant 搜查令,搜查令,搜查证搜查证convincing6.convincing(P3,M2):We will not give up until we find convincing evidence.convincing 令人信服的令人信服的e.g.:Youre not a convincing liar.你的谎言难以让人信服。你的谎言难以让人信服。convince sb.(of sth./that)使某人信服使某人信服e.g.:(1)I managed to convince them that the story was true.我设法使他们相信故事是真

23、实的。我设法使他们相信故事是真实的。(2)We finally convinced them of her guilt.我们最终使他们相信她是有罪的。我们最终使他们相信她是有罪的。convinced(of)信服的,坚信的信服的,坚信的e.g.:(1)We are all convinced of his innocence.我们深信他是清白的。我们深信他是清白的。(2)I felt convinced that they were right.我深信他们是正确的。我深信他们是正确的。(3)Molly agreed,but she didnt sound very convinced.莫莉同意了

24、,但好像不太信服。莫莉同意了,但好像不太信服。扩展:扩展:amuse,annoy,amaze,bore,confuse,convince,excite,embarrass,frighten,puzzle,surprise,shock,tire +sb.(sth.be)amusing,annoying,amazing,boring,confusing,convincing,exciting,embarrassing,frightening,puzzling,surprising,shocking,tiring(sb.be/get)amused,annoyed,amazed,bored,confu

25、sed,convinced,excited,embarrassed,frightened,puzzled,surprised,shocked,tired7.charge(P22,M2):Listen to me young man remember the day when we left you in charge?charge Usage 1:【U】,主管,掌主管,掌管,责任管,责任e.g.:(1)Student nurses should not be left alone in charge of hospital wards.实习护士不可被单独留下照顾病房。实习护士不可被单独留下照顾

26、病房。(2)She took charge of the family business when her father died.她父亲去世后,她接管了家族的企业。她父亲去世后,她接管了家族的企业。Usage 2:【C;U】(货物或劳(货物或劳务的)务的)价钱;费用价钱;费用e.g.:(1)The admission charge is 5.入场费是五美元。入场费是五美元。(2)Is there any charge for having the goods delivered?送货要收费吗?送货要收费吗?(3)The faulty part was replaced free of cha

27、rge.有瑕疵的零件被免费替换了。有瑕疵的零件被免费替换了。Usage 3:【C】:控控告;罪名告;罪名e.g.:(1)The police brought a charge of murder against him.警察控告他犯有谋杀罪。警察控告他犯有谋杀罪。(2)She faces two charges of theft.她面临着两宗偷窃罪。她面临着两宗偷窃罪。Usage 4:vt./vi.,要,要价价,(向(向)收费;收费;索取(金额)索取(金额)e.g.:(1)How much do you charge for a double room?一间双人房要多少钱?一间双人房要多少钱?

28、(2)They tried to charge me80 for a night!一个晚上要我一个晚上要我80英镑!英镑!(3)They charge a heavy tax on imported wine.他们对进口酒收取高额税。他们对进口酒收取高额税。Usage 5:vt.,charge sb.with =accuse sb.of 控告;指控控告;指控e.g.:He was charged with the robbery.他被控告犯有谋杀罪。他被控告犯有谋杀罪。Usage 6:vt./vi.,(使)充电(使)充电e.g.:(1)His mobile phone is being cha

29、rged.他的手机正在充电。他的手机正在充电。(2)If the red light comes on,it means that the battery isnt charging.如果红灯亮了,如果红灯亮了,就意味着电池没有充就意味着电池没有充 上电。上电。8.reach(P38,M2):He described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together,snow-capped mountains reached to the sky,and fields of long grass covered the earth.r

30、eachUsage 1:vt./vi.(东西或地方)(东西或地方)大得足以及到;伸展,延伸大得足以及到;伸展,延伸e.g.:(1)The ladder wont quite reach (as far as)the window.梯子够不到窗户的高度。梯子够不到窗户的高度。(2)The garden reaches down to the lake.花园一直延伸到湖边。花园一直延伸到湖边。Usage 2:vt.,到达,抵达,到达,抵达e.g.:(1)After several changes of plane,we finally reached London on Tuesday.经过好几次

31、转机之后,我们终于在星期二到经过好几次转机之后,我们终于在星期二到达了伦敦。达了伦敦。(2)Have you reached the end of the book yet?这本书你有没有看完?这本书你有没有看完?(3)The news only reached me then.我那时才得到消息。我那时才得到消息。(4)Shes reached the age of 50.她已她已50了。了。(5)Our sales to Japan have reached record levels.我们对日本的销售额已达到创纪录水平。我们对日本的销售额已达到创纪录水平。(6)The two sides

32、failed to reach an agreement after several hours of discussion.经过几个小时的讨论,双方未能达成协议。经过几个小时的讨论,双方未能达成协议。Usage 3:vi./vt,伸出手臂,伸出手臂 伸手触及;伸手去取,伸手递给伸手触及;伸手去取,伸手递给e.g.:(1)He reached across the table and picked up the book.他伸手越过桌子去取那本书。他伸手越过桌子去取那本书。(2)reach for stars 伸手摘星(比喻难以实现的愿望)伸手摘星(比喻难以实现的愿望)(3)Are you t

33、all enough to reach the apple on the tree?你够得着树上的苹果吗?你够得着树上的苹果吗?(4)We could see nothing but houses as far as the eye could reach.放眼望去,除却房屋,什么也看放眼望去,除却房屋,什么也看不到。不到。(5)I reached down the childs cap from the hook.我从挂钩上取下了孩子我从挂钩上取下了孩子 的帽子。的帽子。(6)Could you reach me the book from the top shelf?可否把顶层架上的那本书

34、取给我?可否把顶层架上的那本书取给我?Usage 4:vt.,与,与联络联络e.g.:You can usually reach him on this phone number.通常打这个电话通常打这个电话 可以与他取得联系。可以与他取得联系。Usage 5:U,(手、能力、手、能力、智力、影响等智力、影响等)可及之范围可及之范围e.g.:The medicine was put out of the childs reach.药被放在孩子够不着的地方。药被放在孩子够不着的地方。Usage 6:(江、河的江、河的)一段流域一段流域;地带地带;大片地区大片地区 Ce.g.:the upper

35、reaches of the river 河的上游地区河的上游地区 9.claim(P38,M2):In September 1977,the government in Yunnan Province claimed that Zhongdian is where Shangri-la is in Hiltons story.claimUsage 1:(尤指面对反对意见)断言;尤指面对反对意见)断言;声称;主张;认定声称;主张;认定e.g.:They claim to have discovered/claim that they have discovered a cure for the

36、 disease,but this has not been proved yet.他们声称已经发现了一种能够治愈这种疾病的他们声称已经发现了一种能够治愈这种疾病的良方,但这还未得到证实。良方,但这还未得到证实。Usage 2:vt./vi.,(根据权利而),(根据权利而)(对(对)提出要求;索取;认)提出要求;索取;认 领;声称有领;声称有的权利的权利e.g.:(1)Did you claim on the insurance after the accident?事故之后,你有没有向保险公司事故之后,你有没有向保险公司 索赔?索赔?(2)Old people are entitled to

37、 claim a special heating allowance from the government.老年人有权向政府领取一笔特殊取暖津贴。老年人有权向政府领取一笔特殊取暖津贴。(3)If no one claims the lost umbrella,the person who found it can keep it.如果无人认领这把雨伞,拾到者可保留之。如果无人认领这把雨伞,拾到者可保留之。Usage 3:vt.,夺去生命,夺去生命e.g.:The flood claims hundreds of lives.洪水夺去了数百人的生命。洪水夺去了数百人的生命。Usage 4:vt

38、.,值得;需要,值得;需要e.g.:The problem claims our undivided attention.这个问题需要我们不断的关注。这个问题需要我们不断的关注。pay off10.Pay off(P45,M2):All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off!Usage 1:vi.,to be successfule.g.:Did your plan pay off?你的计划成功了吗?你的计划成功了吗?Usage 2:pay sth.off:还清欠款还清欠款e.g.:Ive paid off the

39、balance on the dishwasher.我已经付清了那台洗碗机的余款。我已经付清了那台洗碗机的余款。Usage 3:pay sb.off:付清工资解雇某人付清工资解雇某人e.g.:Two hundred workers have been paid off.Usage 4:pay sb.off:to pay sb.to keep silent about sth.illegal or dishonest扩展:扩展:pay for:to receive punishment or suffering for 为为而受惩罚,为而受惩罚,为而吃亏而吃亏pay fore.g.:(1)The

40、se people must be made to pay for their crimes.这些人必须为他们的罪恶受到惩罚。这些人必须为他们的罪恶受到惩罚。(2)He paid dearly for his unfaithfulness to her.他因对她不忠而付出了很大的代价。他因对她不忠而付出了很大的代价。(3)We are paying for the fine summer with a wet winter.我们过了一个晴朗的夏天,却换来一个我们过了一个晴朗的夏天,却换来一个 潮湿的冬天。潮湿的冬天。(4)Ill make him pay for ruining my chan

41、ces.他毁了我的好机会,我要他为此吃苦头。他毁了我的好机会,我要他为此吃苦头。Usage 1:偿还欠款偿还欠款e.g.:(1)Ill pay you back tomorrow.我明天还你。我明天还你。(2)They cant pay back the loan.他们还不了贷款。他们还不了贷款。(3)Have I paid you back the 10 I borrowed?借你的借你的10磅,我还你了吗?磅,我还你了吗?pay backUsage 2:向向报复报复e.g.:Ill pay him back for what he did to me.他这样对待我,我一定要报复的。他这样对待我,我一定要报复的。

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