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1、 关于减肥的英语情景对话【A】John:Can swimming help me lose weight?游泳能帮我减肥吗?Lily:It can help you stay in shape by targeting all areas of your body.游泳能让身体全部部位都活动到,使你保持均匀的身材。John:Does swimming have other advantages?游泳还有其他好处吗?Lily:It could also help you increse vital capacity.还可以帮你增加肺活量。 【B】 Adam :I want to lose som

2、e weight!我要减肥!Lily:So do I!我也是!Adam :I have a yoga class tomorrow, want to come with me?我明天去上瑜伽课,一起去吗?Lily:No, it”s too expensive for me. I”ve decided to try working out on my own.不了,太贵了。我打算自己做运动。Adam :What are you going to do?准备怎么做?Lily:Run around the track.去操场上跑步。【C】Anne:What”s your hobby, Jimmy?吉

3、米,你有什么爱好?Jimmy:My hobby?Of course it is to eat much food.我的爱好?固然是胡吃海喝啦。Anne:Then what food do you like best?那你最爱吃什么?Jimmy:Hamburgers. They are so delicious!汉堡包。实在是太好吃了!Anne:But you are too fat to eat hamburgers.可你都这么胖了,不能吃汉堡了。Jimmy:Never mind,Anne. I never care about my weight.没事,Anne。我从不关怀自己的体重。Ann

4、e:But it is bad for your health to eat too much .You ”d better lose some weight.但暴饮暴食对身体不好。你减肥。Jimmy:Maybe you are right.I ”m getting tired easily these days.或许你是对的。这些天我很简单疲惫。Anne:Take more exercises and eat less food, Jimmy.少吃多动,吉米。Jimmy:I think I will. Thanks.我想我会的。感谢。 【D】 Mary:wonder what we shou

5、ld have for dinner this evening.我们今日的晚餐该做什么吃呢?Bob:Are you asking me?你在问我吗?Mary:Yes, I am. I really dont feel much like cooking, but the family must eat.是的。我真不太想做饭,但全家总得吃饭吧。Bob:Well, you know me. I can always eat pizza or spaghetti.哦,你是知道我的。意大利饼和实心面条我是吃不厌的。Mary:So Ive noticed. Youre putting on a little weight, arent you?这我已经留意到了。你胖了不少,是吧?Bob:I know. Dont remind me. Im starting a new diet the day after tomorrow.这我知道,用不着你提示我。后天我要重新节食。Mary:Its about time.你是该节食了。

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