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2、主,虚词为辅,突出词汇语境化出词汇语境化”。实词中偏重于对。实词中偏重于对动词动词和和名词名词考查,考查,同时也兼顾对同时也兼顾对形容词、副词形容词、副词以及其它词类考查。试以及其它词类考查。试题以题以情境意义选择为主情境意义选择为主,纯语法性选择近年已趋近,纯语法性选择近年已趋近于零。于零。第第2页页ClozeClozeGuessing the words 广东高考完形填空题终究考什广东高考完形填空题终究考什么?怎么考?请看以下研究结果。么?怎么考?请看以下研究结果。命题揭密命题揭密完型填空特点:完型填空特点:(1)(1)首句不设空:首句不设空:因为首句是文章窗口,不设空有利因为首句是文章窗


4、后几句或上下段落,甚至整必须了解前后几句或上下段落,甚至整个篇章,才可选出正确答案。个篇章,才可选出正确答案。轻语法,重逻辑轻语法,重逻辑第第3页页ClozeClozeHow to get high scores?1.正确答题步骤正确答题步骤 2.必要答题技巧必要答题技巧 3.适量实践训练适量实践训练第第4页页ClozeCloze1.1.重视首句,浏览全文重视首句,浏览全文,掌握大意。掌握大意。a.a.应用阅读技能应用阅读技能,进行缺词阅读进行缺词阅读.b.b.注意首段和末端以及每个段落首句注意首段和末端以及每个段落首句.2.2.重视语境,瞻前顾后重视语境,瞻前顾后,试填答案。试填答案。a.a

5、.先填上固定搭配与习惯表示先填上固定搭配与习惯表示,基本句型等较轻基本句型等较轻易空格易空格.b.b.对语境和语义还不太明朗空格要重复推敲对语境和语义还不太明朗空格要重复推敲,力力争突破难点争突破难点.3.3.通读全文通读全文,检验查对检验查对.确保最正确。确保最正确。解题步骤与策略解题步骤与策略第第5页页ClozeClozehospital nightno/littleWarming-up:请依据前后文填词,使句子逻辑一致请依据前后文填词,使句子逻辑一致1.Mr Black is a doctor,he works in the _.2.A nurse not only works in t

6、he day,but also works during the_.3.He is rather busy,so he has _ time to have lunch at home.第第6页页ClozeCloze4.We have an English test this term,its very easy,most students can _this test.5.The whole class went to the zoo yesterday,they were very tired _happy.pass butWarming-up:请依据前后文填词,使句子逻辑一致请依据前后文

7、填词,使句子逻辑一致第第7页页ClozeCloze第第8页页ClozeCloze In New York,on a Friday night,a young artist stood at the gate of a train station.He was playing his _1_.His music was so great that many people put money into his hat.The next day,the young artist came to the same place,and played the violin as usual.1.A.pia

8、no B.guitar C.violin D.saxviolinviolin第第9页页ClozeClozeSkill 1:context(上下文、语境)(上下文、语境)Once a king was walking around a pool with his ministers(大臣)(大臣).Suddenly,he came up with an idea.He asked,“How many baskets of 2 are there in the pool?”.as big as the pool,there is one basket of water2.A.fish B.flow

9、ers C.water D.applesbasket of waterwaterbaskets of第第10页页ClozeCloze When we talked,I discovered(发觉)(发觉)some differences in school life between the US and China.For example,each class lasts fifty minutes in the US.It is a little _3_ than that in China.We usually have forty-five minutes in each class.3

10、.A.shorter B.longer C.earlier D.laterfiftyforty-five第第11页页ClozeClozeSkill 2:logic(逻辑推理)(逻辑推理)My mother often asked me,“What is the most important part of the body?”I thought sound was very important to us as humans,so I said“My 4 ,Mommy”She said,“NoMany people are deaf(聋)(聋)4.A.ears B.eyes C.body D.

11、headsounddeaf第第12页页ClozeCloze When two people are in a conversation,the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time,in order to make sure that the listener pays attention 5 what he or she is speaking5.A.for B.of C.with D.topays attentiontoSkill 3:regular collocation(固定搭配)(固定搭配)pay atten

12、tion to 注意注意第第13页页ClozeClozeSkill 4:words analysis(词义辨析)(词义辨析)6.But by using literary texts(文学文本文学文本)alongside other texts,teachers can 6 students improve their reading skills.6.A.want B.help C.get D.ask第第14页页ClozeClozeSkill 5:background knowledge(背景知识(背景知识:包含生活及文化方面)包含生活及文化方面)But we run so fast tha

13、t,afterwards,we had trouble 7.7.A.speaking B.moving C.sleeping D.breathingrun so fast第第15页页ClozeCloze1 1、context(上下文、语境)(上下文、语境)3、regular collocation(固定搭配)(固定搭配)2、logic(逻辑)(逻辑)Skills of Cloze Tests(完形填空解题技巧完形填空解题技巧)4、words analysis(词义辨析)(词义辨析)5、background knowledge(背景知识)(背景知识)第第16页页ClozeCloze1.1.Mar

14、tin Luther King was an important Martin Luther King was an important 1 1 of black of black people in American.He believed that black people and people in American.He believed that black people and white people should have equal rights.In 1963,Dr Kingwhite people should have equal rights.In 1963,Dr K

15、ing led a march in Washington D.C.A lot of Americans led a march in Washington D.C.A lot of Americans went there to take part in the went there to take part in the 2 2 .They wanted the .They wanted the government to government to 3 3 the laws that were unfair to black the laws that were unfair to bl

16、ack people.Dr King believed in gaining equal rights for all people.Dr King believed in gaining equal rights for all people through peace and not force.When he was killed people through peace and not force.When he was killed in 1968,the United States in 1968,the United States 4 4 a great leader.a gre

17、at leader.1)A.runner B.singer C.leader D.teacher1)A.runner B.singer C.leader D.teacher 2)A.crowd B.war C.group D.march 2)A.crowd B.war C.group D.march 3)A.sign B sell C.pass D.change 3)A.sign B sell C.pass D.change 4)A.lost B.found C.bought D.died 4)A.lost B.found C.bought D.died leaderleadermarchma

18、rchthat were unfair tothat were unfair towas killedwas killed第第17页页ClozeCloze Tess was eight years old when her parents talking about her little brother,Andrew.All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money.Only a very costly 1 could save him now and no one wanted to 2 them the money.S

19、he heard Daddy say to her Mother 3 ,“Only a miracle(奇迹)can save him now.”Tess got all the change she had and 4 her way to the drug store.1.A.surgeon B.companion C.protection D.operation2.2.A.borrow B.lend C.make D.leave3.A.happily B.proudly C.angrilyD.sadly4.A.made B.took C.sailed D.passedmake ones

20、way to朝朝走去走去 第第18页页ClozeCloze5.A.doubtful B.bad C.puzzling D.unlucky6.A.buy B.purchase C.sell D.share7.A.looked B.ran C.came D.rolled “What do you want?”the clerk asked.“A miracle.”Tess answered.“My little brother has something 5 growing inside his head and my dad says only a miracle can save him no

21、w.”“We dont 6 miracles here,little girl.”The clerk said.The clerks brother was a well-dressed man.He 7 over and asked the little girl,“What kind of miracle does your brother need?”come over走近,走过来走近,走过来 look over仔细检验仔细检验 run over撞倒撞倒,跑过去,跑过去 roll over翻滚;翻身翻滚;翻身 第第19页页ClozeCloze8.A.replied B.allowed C

22、.accepted D.expected9.A.tired B.deaf C.nervous D.sick10.A.wait B.beg C.pay D.apply11.A.high B.low C.loud D.excited “I dont know,”Tess 8 with tears in her eyes.“I just know hes really 9 ,but my dad cant 10 for a miracle,so I want to use my one dollar and eleven cents”.Tess answered in a 11 voice.第第20

23、页页ClozeCloze12.A.exact B.same C.proper D.reasonable13.A.spending B.waste C.charge D.tip14.A.achievement B.success C.medicine D.miracle15.A.devotion B.faith C.trust D.patience “A dollar and eleven cents-the 12 price of a miracle for a little brother.”smiled the man.That well-dressed man was Dr.Carlto

24、n Armstrong,a surgeon.The operation was completed without 13 and it wasnt long before Andrew was home again and doing well.That surgery is a real 14 .It costs one dollar and eleven cents,plus(加上)the 15 of a little child.第第21页页ClozeClozeSummary(总结)2 _the answers according to the passage is a good way

25、 to do a cloze.Guessing1 You should_the passage,then you may find the answer is just in the passage.read through3:Chose the best answers.第第22页页ClozeCloze详细解题步骤详细解题步骤1 1、抓抓住住首首尾尾,了解短文了解短文2 2、通通读读全全文文,把握脉络把握脉络3 3、瞻瞻前前顾顾后后,上下求索上下求索4 4、再再读读文文章章,核查答案核查答案勾勾划划、研研读读首首句句尾尾句句以以及及有有汉汉字字注注释释单词单词,打开答题窗口打开答题窗口,了解

26、全文。了解全文。跳跳过过空空格格,速速读读全全文文,把把握握大大意意。注注意意文文中中语语篇篇标标志志,和和句句中中连连词词,捕捕捉捉关键词汇。关键词汇。前前后后联联络络,先先易易后后难难。利利用用解解题题策策略略从从句句子子、段段落落、语语篇篇层层面面解解题题,划划出出语篇标志,找准关键词、定位词语篇标志,找准关键词、定位词。代代入入答答案案,再再读读全全文文,重重复复检检验验 争争取取做做到到:结结构构正正确确+语语义义通通顺顺+逻逻辑辑合合理理。少于少于1分钟分钟约约5分钟分钟约约2分钟分钟约约2分钟分钟第第23页页ClozeCloze尤其提醒:尤其提醒:第第24页页ClozeCloze

27、三、解题误区三、解题误区1、单纯求快单纯求快忽略语篇了解忽略语篇了解,只看局部词义辨,只看局部词义辨析、搭配和语法结构,试图用语言知识处理全析、搭配和语法结构,试图用语言知识处理全部问题。部问题。正确做法是在整体了解语篇基础上结合语境正确做法是在整体了解语篇基础上结合语境选择。选择。2 2、时间安排不妥时间安排不妥,在几个选项上过分纠缠,追,在几个选项上过分纠缠,追求完美,造成许多本能够做出题来不及做。求完美,造成许多本能够做出题来不及做。正确做法是由易到难,合理分配时间。正确做法是由易到难,合理分配时间。第第25页页ClozeCloze 按照解题步骤,利用解题技巧组按照解题步骤,利用解题技巧组中考中考模拟题,保留解题痕迹。模拟题,保留解题痕迹。首、尾句及文章中心句:首、尾句及文章中心句:关键词,提醒词:关键词,提醒词:完形填空推荐圈点勾画符号:完形填空推荐圈点勾画符号:第第26页页ClozeCloze Close tests are interesting and challenging,though difficult.第第27页页

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