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1、US-CHINABUSINESSTHE NEXT HUNDRED YEARSCHINA BUSINESS CLIMATE SURVEY REPORT中国商务环境调查报告 The American Chamber of Commerce in the Peoples Republic of ChinaChairmans Message.2主席致辞Executive Summary.4概 述2021 Survey Methodology.162021 年调查方法Section I:Performance Snapshot.21第一部分:绩效速览Section II:Business Operati

2、ons and Goals.31第二部分:商业运营和经营目标Growth Outlook and Opportunities.33增长前景与机遇Investment Outlook.36投资前景Section III:Business Environment .54第三部分:投资环境Business Challenges and .56 Regulatory Environment商业挑战和监管环境Human Resources.70人力资源Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights.78创新和知识产权Section IV:Impact of Bil

3、ateral Relations.90第四部分:中美关系的影响CONTENTS目录1Chairmans MessageThis 23rd annual edition of AmCham Chinas China Business Climate Survey Report captures the performance and sentiment of the American business community throughout 2020.A year defined globally by the COVID-19 pandemic with unexpected disrupt

4、ions to day-to-day business operations,a new environment characterized by remote and online work,global travel restrictions,and uncertainty due to global economic contraction and in which US-China tensions only escalated.While many member companies took financial hits and necessarily adopted new str

5、ategies,commitment to the Chinese market remains strong.With China leading in economic recovery and the new US administration in place,our members are cautiously optimistic regarding business growth in China and simultaneously maintain hope that the bilateral relationship will improve,yet remain kee

6、nly aware that certain bilateral tensions will continue to create business challenges.Notwithstanding the challenging situation,the Chamber in our 102nd year remains committed to enhancing US-China commercial relations for the“Next 100 Years”and will continue to act in ways that reaffirm our role as

7、 an essential“bridge”between the US and China.Some of the key themes highlighted in this years report include:2020 was a difficult year for companies financially,with record lows in revenue and profitability and COVID-19 a key contributor to this downturn.That said,experiences vary by sector(as furt

8、her detailed throughout the report),and compared with companies global operations,the outlook for future economic growth in China is in fact positive.Bilateral trade tensions were overwhelmingly cited as the top business challenge in 2020,displacing rising labor costs and inconsistent regulatory int

9、erpretation and enforcement.On the regulatory front,the proportion of members who feel they are treated the same as their domestic counterparts continues to grow and a majority believe China remains committed to further opening its markets to foreign investment.Despite this confidence,members expres

10、s high levels of uncertainty regarding how key regulations,from the Foreign Investment Law to the Unreliable Entity List,will impact their operations in practice.Members are more optimistic about bilateral relations going into 2021,particularly following the US presidential election,which took place

11、 early on during our survey period.A majority consider positive bilateral relations as extremely important to business growth.Looking forward,our members are most hopeful for a clear timeframe for further market openings,actions to foster a more level playing field,and a more stable bilateral relati

12、onship that is not characterized by aggressive rhetoric and tit-for-tat actions,and actual broad market implementation of policies more closely tailored to the policies stated intent.Indeed,as the bilateral relationship undergoes a needed calibration,we hope that both countries will work to craft a

13、mutually beneficial,stable,equitable,and sustainable relationship over the long-term.Despite the challenges,AmCham China looks forward to fostering open and candid dialogues for both governments and advocating for a better operating environment for American businesses in China.While there are areas

14、of seemingly unsolvable contention in the bilateral relationship,there is also a sizeable list of areas in which both countries can collaborate.With the big tasks that lie ahead,we hope that the data found within this report can help provide both governments with a clear baseline understanding of th

15、e challenges and opportunities that American companies are facing in China.Greg Gilligan Chairman,AmCham China March 2021 2主席致辞中国美国商会(简称“商会”)第 23 期中国商务环境调查报告反映了 2020 年美国企业的在华运营情况。过去一年新型冠状肺炎病毒疫情(简称“疫情”)席卷全球,日常商务运营遭受意外中断,形成了以远程办公和在线办公为主的新常态,各国纷纷实施隔离措施,全球经济萎缩造成了不确定性,而与此同时,中美紧张局势仍不断加剧。虽然诸多商会会员企业在财务上遭受了重

16、创并采取了新的战略,但它们依然对中国市场仍信心满满。随着中国经济的强劲复苏和美国新一届政府的上台,商会会员企业对在华商业增长持谨慎乐观态度,并同时对双边关系改善抱有希望。但他们亦清醒地认识到中美紧张关系将继续带来商业挑战。目前在华美企所面临的形势依旧严峻,商会将一如既往地致力于改善中美商贸关系,帮助两国和会员企业携手“迈向下一个百年”,并将继续通过各种渠道加强商会作为中美沟通的“桥梁”作用。今年报告的主要发现包括:受到主要来自疫情的影响,2020 年不少会员企业陷入财务困境,收入和利润均创历史新低。尽管如此,各行业的情况亦有所不同(详见报告),与全球业务相比,中国未来经济增长的前景仍然乐观。2

17、020 年,中美经贸紧张局势取代了人工成本上升及法律法规解释执行不一致明确等问题,成为在华外企面临的最大挑战。在监管方面,越来越多的会员企业认为他们与国内本土企业待遇同等,且大多数会员企业对中国将进一步开放市场满怀信心。然而,它们对外商投资法、不可靠实体清单等中国重要法律法规将对其业务造成的实际影响仍有疑虑。踏入 2021 年,特别是在美国总统大选(于本报告调查期间举行)结束之后,会员企业对中美双边关系持有更加乐观的态度。多数会员企业均认为,积极的双边关系对它们实现商业增长至关重要。展望未来,会员企业对中国政府明确进一步开放市场的时间线,并采取行动创造更公平的竞争环境寄予厚望,同时希望中美两国

18、政府能建立更加稳定的双边关系,不再针锋相对,并且确保政策的执行更好地符合其制定的初衷。事实上,在中美关系经历必要调整的过程中,商会希望两国能够努力形成长期的互利、稳定、平等、可持续的关系。尽管困难重重,商会将继续致力于促进两国政府进行更加开放且坦诚的对话,倡导为在华美资提供更好的营商环境。诚如双边关系中存在着似乎无法解决的争议领域,但也有大量可以开展合作的领域。面对未来的艰巨繁重的任务,商会希望本报告中的数据能够帮助两国政府更好地了解美国企业在中国面临的挑战和拥有的机遇。葛国瑞 中国美国商会主席 2021 年 3 月 3Executive Summary2020 was a challengi

19、ng year for many foreign businesses operating in China,battered by US-China trade tensions and the global pandemic.This years China Business Climate Survey Report,conducted in late 2020,details both the challenges and opportunities our member companies faced following the signing of the Phase One Tr

20、ade Deal,the global spread of COVID-19,and heightened tensions between the US and China throughout the year.Despite significant challenges,the overall outlook among foreign businesses in China remains relatively positive,especially when compared with the business environment in other parts of the wo

21、rld in which our member companies operate,due to the Chinese governments relatively early and stringent response to the coronavirus outbreak within its borders.While bilateral tensions soared in 2020,members are more optimistic about the direction of US-China relations going into 2021,in anticipatio

22、n of a more predictable policy environment.How does the estimated 2020 revenue of your China operations compare with 2019 results?2020 年贵公司在华业务的经营收入预计与 2019 年相比有何变化?%Down下滑 Comparable (2%)持平(2%)Up增长201720182019202064287622612463321353134Technology&other R&D-intensive industries 技术和其他研发行业Consumer 消费行

23、业Resources&Industrial 工业和资源行业Services 服务行业5130202019633020184635192019662311201834363020195626182018323334202020203837252620542020 5727162019672588201849262520204概 述受中美贸易摩擦和全球疫情的影响,2020 年对于在中国运营的许多外资企业而言充满挑战。2021中国商务环境调查报告中的数据于 2020 年末收集,全面地介绍了在中美两国签署第一阶段经贸协议后,以及在疫情全球肆虐、双边关系全年持续高度紧张的背景下,商会会员企业所面临的各种

24、挑战和机遇。尽管困难重重,由于中国政府在疫情爆发之后积极应对并采取严格措施控制病毒扩散,尤其与会员企业运营所在的其他国家相比,外资公司在中国的发展前景仍总体向好。虽然去年中美双边关系的摩擦急剧升级,但出于对美国新一届政府的期待,许多会员企业均对 2021 年中美关系的走向较为乐观。2020 年在华外企总体营收和盈利状况受疫情影响均出现大幅亏损2020 年,疫情给全球经济带来巨大冲击,不出意料,在华外企的全年总体营收和盈利均出现创纪录的低值,受访企业中只有 56%在 2020 年有所盈利。另外 34%的受访企业表示去年营业额降低,20%的受访企业则出现一定亏损。此外,较 2019 年,表示在华息

25、税前利 To what extent do you expect 2020 revenue results to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?预计 2020 年经营收入受新冠肺炎疫情影响程度如何?13%13%12%11%10%10%6%6%6%5%4%2%1%No expected impact 预计无影响Decrease by 10-25%下降 10-25%Decrease by 5-10%下降 5-10%Increase by 10%or more 增长 10%或以上Increase by 5-10%增长 5-10%Decrease by 5%

26、下降 5%Too soon to tell为时过早Increase by 5%增长 5%Decrease by 50%or more 下降 50%或以上Decrease by 25-35%下降 25-35%Decrease by 35-50%下降 35-100 million to 500 million大于 1 亿,小于等于 5 亿Director/functional leader of other department其它部门总监/职能领导More than 2,000多于 2,000 人500 million to 1 billion大于 5 亿,小于等于 10 亿Other其他Mor

27、e than 1 billion大于 10 亿Number of employees员工数量Revenue(2020 USD estimate)预计收入(2020 年,美元)Respondents position受访者职位41%20%10%30%28%24%17%7%24%58%23%12%8%17Which of the following options most accurately describes the customers your business primarily serves with its China operations?贵公司的在华业务主要服务哪些客户?Wher

28、e does your company have a legal presence?贵公司在哪个国家设有法律实体?18%3%1%12%61%5%48%49%3%Customers in China中国客户 Both customers in China and outside of China中国和其他国家/地区的客户 Customers outside of China中国以外的国家/地区的客户China only中国 China+US中国和美国 Global(China+US+Outside China and US)全球(中国、美国和其他国家/地区)China+Outside China

29、 and US中国和中国、美国以外的和国家/地区 US only美国 US+Outside China美国和除中国以外的其他国家/地区 Outside China and US中国、美国以外的其他国家/地区What percentage of your global revenue is China expected to account for in 2020?2020 年贵公司的在华业务在全球营收中占多大比例?11%5%6%51%26%10%10-25%25-35%35-50%50%or more 多于 50%18What is your companys main business mo

30、del in China?贵公司在华的主要商业模式是?58%19%14%3%6%Produce or source goods or services in China for the China针对中国市场,在华生产或提供产品或服务 Produce or source goods or services in China for the US market针对美国市场,在华生产或提供产品或服务 Produce or source goods or services in China for markets other than the US or China针对中美两国以外的市场,在华生产或

31、提供产品或服务 Import goods or services into China出口产品或服务到中国 Other 其他Technology&other R&D-intensive industries 技术和其他研发行业201920202115263 3551371 1832 Resources&Industrial 工业和资源行业201920201217144 4560225 5555 Services 服务行业201920202627537 73 3995358 Consumer 消费行业2019202017916204 44 4545764 19Survey respondents

32、 were segmented into four main categories将受访企业所属行业分为四大类别 Aerospace航天航空 HealthcareProducts(e.g.,Pharmaceuticals,MedicalTechnology)医疗产品(如制药、医疗器械)Technology/TelecommunicationsHardware科技/电信硬件 Technology/telecommunicationsServices科技/电信服务 ConsumerProducts消费品 RetailandDistribution零售与分销 HealthcareServices医疗

33、服务 Education教育 MediaandEntertainment媒体与娱乐 HospitalityandTravel&Leisure酒店、旅游与休闲 Social&PublicSector/Nonprofit(includingIndustryAssociations)社会与公共事业/非营利机构(包括行业协会)Other(e.g.,Environmentalservices,ThinkTank)其他(如环保服务、智库等)FinancialServices(e.g.,Banking,Insurance)金融服务(如银行、保险)RealEstateandDevelopment房地产和开发

34、TransportationandLogistics运输与物流 Investing(e.g.,PrivateEquity,VentureCapital)投资(如私募股权、风险投资)OtherServices(e.g.,Law,HumanResources,Accounting,Marketing,AdvertisingandPR,Research,Consulting)其他服务(如法律、人力资源、会计、市场营销、广告和公关、调研、咨询)Agribusiness农业 Automotive&TransportationVehicles汽车和运输车辆 Machinery,Equipment,Syst

35、ems&Controls机械、设备、系统和控制 Oil&Gas/Energy石油&天然气/能源 OtherIndustrial(e.g.,Chemicals,Mining,Paper&Packaging)其他工业领域(如化学品、采矿、造纸与包装)Technology&other R&D-intensive industries 技术和其他研发行业(n=73)Consumer消费行业(n=85)Resources&Industrial 工业和资源行业(n=81)Services服务行业(n=97)Other其他行业(n=9)20Performance Snapshot 绩效速览21Preface

36、The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the global economy in 2020.Although China was the only major economy to post a GDP expansion in 2020,its reported growth rate was the lowest in 44 years.More than half of survey respondents reported a negative impact on their revenue in China,with general profitability

37、hitting a record low in 2020 and 20%of respondents reporting financial losses.In addition,the earnings before interest and tax(EBIT)margins of members China operations dropped 16pp from 2019.Some 58%of respondents who cited“deteriorating”EBIT attribute this loss to the pandemic.The Consumer sector w

38、as hardest hit,with 63%of respondents reporting negative EBIT.However,these 2020 margins were reportedly higher for respondents China operations compared with their companys other global operations due to the Chinese governments COVID-19 policy responses,which led to a comparatively quick restoratio

39、n of economic activity.前言2020 年,疫情给全球经济带来巨大冲击。尽管中国是唯一在 2020 年实现GDP 增长的主要经济体,但却是 44 年来增速最低的一次。超过半数的受访者表示,其 2020 年在中国的收入受到负面影响,总体盈利能力在 2020 年创下历史新低,20%的受访企业出现了财务亏损。此外,会员企业在中国的 2020 年息税前利润与 2019 年相比下滑了 16 个百分点。表示息税前利润下滑的受访者中,58%归因于疫情。其中消费行业受影响最为严重,表示息税前利润下滑的占比高达 63%。然而,这些受访者表示由于中国政府采取了有效措施应对疫情并相对迅速地恢复了

40、生产生活秩序,2020 年其在华业务的息税前利润要高于其他国家。22Revenues down in 2020,with the steepest decline in the Consumer sector;Technology fared best2020 年消费行业经营收入下滑幅度最大;技术行业企业表现最好How does the estimated 2020 revenue of your China operations compare with 2019 results?2020 年贵公司在华业务的经营收入预计与 2019 年相比有何变化?%Down下滑 Comparable (2

41、%)持平(2%)Up增长201720182019202064287622612463321353134The proportion of respondents reporting flat or growing revenue continues to decrease,falling 13pp from 2019.This trend was most noticeable in the Consumer sector,where 54%said revenue decreased,compared with only 20%in 2019.2020 was a comparatively

42、 better year for those in technology,with the highest proportion of respondents reporting revenue growth in 2020.That said,R&I was the only sector to record a greater propertion citing growth in 2020 vs 2019.表示收入持平或增长的受访者比例持续下降,与 2019 年相比,下降 13 个百分点。这一情况在消费行业表现得最为明显,其中 54%的受访者表示收入下降,2019 年这一比例仅为 20%

43、。2020 年,技术行业是四个行业中收入增长最多的,但工业和资源行业是唯一一个表示 2020 年收入增长比例较 2019 年上涨的行业。Technology&other R&D-intensive industries 技术和其他研发行业Consumer 消费行业Resources&Industrial 工业和资源行业Services 服务行业5130202019633020184635192019662311201834363020195626182018323334202020203837252620542020 5727162019672588201849262520202327%of

44、respondents say the pandemic had a positive impact on 2020 China revenues;15%report revenues declined by 25%or more due to COVID-1927%的受访企业表示疫情对其 2020 年在华的经营收入产生了正面影响;15%的受访企业表示其 2020 年的经营收入因疫情下降 25%或以上To what extent do you expect 2020 revenue results to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?预计 2020

45、年经营收入受新冠肺炎疫情影响程度如何?13%13%12%11%10%10%6%6%6%5%4%2%1%No expected impact 预计无影响Decrease by 10-25%下降 10-25%Decrease by 5-10%下降 5-10%Increase by 10%or more 增长 10%或以上Increase by 5-10%增长 5-10%Decrease by 5%下降 5%Too soon to tell为时过早Increase by 5%增长 5%Decrease by 50%or more 下降 50%或以上Decrease by 25-35%下降 25-35

46、%Decrease by 35-50%下降 35-50%Unsure 不确定Other 其他 Fifty percent of respondents say their 2020 revenues were down due to various impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic,with 15%citing declines of 25%or more.Conversely,27%primarily composed of R&I respondents said the pandemic had a positive impact on their 2

47、020 revenues.As one of the first countries to emerge from lockdown,Chinas industrial sector is recovering faster than others,and its trade surplus is at an all-time high.疫情导致 50%的受访企业在华业务收入下降,其中 15%表示收入下降至少 25%。然而,27%的受访企业,尤其是工业和资源行业企业,表示疫情对其 2020 年在华业务的经营收入产生了正面影响。作为第一个解除封锁的国家,中国的工业行业正以比其他国家更快的速度复苏

48、,其贸易顺差更是达到历史最高水平。Increase 增长 No expected impact预计无影响 Decrease下降 Too soon to tell/unsure为时尚早/不确定 Other 其他24To what extent do you expect 2020 revenue results to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?(by industry)预计 2020 年经营收入受新冠肺炎疫情影响程度如何?(按行业划分)Increase 增长 No expected impact预计无影响 Decrease下降 Too soon t

49、o tell/unsure为时尚早/不确定 Other 其他Technology&other R&D-intensive industries技术和其他研发行业Resources&Industrial工业和资源行业Consumer消费行业Services服务行业 36%10%6%48%32%17%9%41%1%1%16%6%10%65%1%1%29%14%9%45%1%1%25Profitability hit a record low in 2020,with 20%of respondents reporting financial losses;79%of R&I respondents

50、 say their China operations are profitable20%的受访企业表示 2020 年财务亏损,盈利创历史新低;79%的受访工业和资源行业企业表示 2020 年在华实现盈利How would you characterize your companys financial performance in China in 2020?2020 年贵公司在华业务的盈利状况如何?47943252932291222292098281579212 25353233745861647357Technology&other R&D-intensive industries 技术

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