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1、北京版教材三年级下Lesson 25教案学科:英语学段: 中段 三年级UNIT 7 Will you take football lessons?LESSON 25学校:朝阳区星河实验小学Lesson 25 第一课时一、教学内容: 1.主题课文:I want to be a football player. I like swimming. I want to be a swimmer.Will you take football lessons? I will.Will Lingling take any lessons this summer?No, she wont. She will

2、stay at home and write stories. 2.功能句型: I want to be a Ill take lessons.3.词汇:四会单词:lesson, story理解词汇:take lessons, wont, stay at home二、 教学目标:(一)知识与技能目标:1.在规划将来职业话题的大背景下,学会用I want to be a/an, I will take lessons.来与同伴交流,并在理解课文过程中感悟、会读、会用lesson, story, take lessons等词语,并领悟、会说关于职业的补充词。2. 能够正确流利地朗读对话,理解课文内

3、容,并能初步表演对话。3. 能够根据自己的喜好,真实的表达出自己将来想从事的职业,并为实现这个目标制定要学习的课程。(二)过程与方法目标: 1通过自我介绍与学生共同复习已有的知识I like You like,为本课生成新知做好铺垫。2. 通过Listen and answer, Read and act的活动,学习新词汇、获取文本信息,学习新语言。3通过Find friends,Watching time; Your dream,等活动,拓展职业话题内容,丰富学生的文化储备,实现真实语用。(三)情感态度价值观目标: 通过本课关于职业的学习,激发学生对自己将来职业取向的初步思考与规划,并为达到

4、此目标,努力学习相关课程。通过交流更加关心、了解身边的同学和朋友。渗透给学生职业无贵贱之分。三、教学重难点:(一)重点: 1. take lessons 的正确运用 2. 学生能够根据自己的喜好,规划将来的职业,并计划学习相关课程。(二)难点: 学生能够根据自己的喜好,规划将来的职业,并计划学习相关课程。四、技术准备:教材配套资源:电子书、单词卡自主创新资源:Power Point演示课件、节选的影音材料、职业图片五、教学过程: 教学过程(文字描述)IWarming-up (2)活动1:Introduce my self教师预设语言:T: You know my name is Wendy.

5、Do you want to know my hobbies? I like reading, singing, dancing. Whats your hobby?S: I likeT: We all have many hobbies. You know now Im a teacher. When I was a child, I want to be a doctor. (贴图片teacher doctor) What do you want to be?S: I want to be a/an(随着学生说出的内容,将准备好的职业的图片贴在黑板上)设计意图: 通过教师自我介绍,复习旧知

6、,主要回顾所学过的关于职业的词汇,为新课的学习做好铺垫。IIPresentation 活动1:Learn the dialogue整体呈现文本,体验中感受新知,学习课文。通过四次分别听录音来获取信息的体验,引导学生理解课文内容。T: T: Lets see our friends Yangyang and Guoguo. What do they want to be in the future? (出示主题图)Q1: What does Yangyang want to be?第一次听录音,整体感知有关职业的相关内容,同时感知新语言。教师预设语言:T: Does Yangyang want

7、to be a pingpong player? A football player or a basketball player?S: He wants to be a football player. (贴图卡 player, 板书:a football player)T: Yangyang wants to be a football player. How about Guoguo?Q2: How about Guoguo?第二次听录音,提取有效信息。教师预设语言:S: Guoguo wants to be a swimmer. (板书:swimmer)T: She likes swi

8、mming. Do you remember Yangyang wants to be a What lessons will he take?Q3: What lessons will Yangyang take? (板书:takelessons)第三次听录音,提取有效信息。教师预设语言:S: He will take football lessons. (板书:football )T: Thats right. How about Lingling? 第四次听录音,提取有效信息。Q4: What does Lingling do? 教师预设语言:S: She is a writer. T:

9、 What will she do this summer?S: She will stay at home and write stories. ( 如果没有填出空来,可以再听一遍录音。) a story设计意图:学生通过听以及问题的牵引,将本节课的重点信息提炼出来,发展了学生的听力和提炼有用信息的能力。活动2:I can actRead the dialogue, Role play角色扮演。 活动3:I can tell you Try to say something about Yangyang and Guoguo.(根据板书,从喜欢做的事情;将来想从事的职业;和想要培训的课程,来

10、描述Yangyang和Guoguo) 设计意图:学生通过板书内容的牵引,将本节课的信息及所学的知识内容内化、整理然后输出,最终达到用英语与他人交流的目的。III. Practice 活动1:I can say: Learn the phrase: take lessonsStep1: T: I know, many of you have many lessons to take, try to read out them. (take English/math/music/basketball/tennis lessons; take singing/ swimming/drawing/co

11、oking lessons)T: Try to use “Ill ” to say out the phrases. S: Ill take English lessons. Ill take singing lessons Step 2: Compare the two groups, Whats the difference?学生归纳总结 take+名词+lessons take +动词ing +lessons设计意图:通过教师PPT内容的设计,机械操练句型Ill take lessons. 并能够理解、正确运用。活动2:Find friends实施方法:共有10张写好句子的纸条,让9位同

12、学分别抽取教师手中的纸条,教师留一张,然后教师读出手中纸上的句子,如: I like cooking. 教师询问:Who takes the sentence: I will take cooking lessons. 让拿到这句话的同学大声读出句子。以此类推。共进行两组:Group 1:A: I like playing pingpong. B: I will take pingpong lessons.A: I like dancing. B: I will take dancing lessons.A: I like swimming. B: I will take swimming l

13、essons.A: I like playing the piano. B: I will take the piano lessons.Group 2:A: I love Lin Dan. B: I want to be a badminton player.A: I like playing with children. B: I want to be a teacher.A: I want o help others. B: I want to be a doctor.A: I like singing. B: I want to be a singer.设计意图:在教师的引导下,让学生

14、通过此活动,机械操练I like I will take.lessons, I want to be 为后面学生生成语篇夯实基础。IV Production活动1:Watching time通过观看一段姚明的视频,对职业名称有更丰富的了解。涉及到了:a bellman, a driver, a policeman, a farmer, a trainer, a reporter a drummer, a waiter教师语言预设:T: Now I introduce you a new friend, he is very tall, he likes playing basketball,

15、he played in NBA beforeS:Yaoming. T: Yes, he is Yaoming. Here is a short video about Yaoming, He tries many jobs, Lets watch, try to remember the jobs. S: A bellman T: Ok, lets see them clearly.S: Read and learn the jobs clearly by the pictures.设计意图: 通过视觉的体验, 探讨学习更多的职业名称,从多围角度丰富了学生的职业词汇为真实的语言输出做好铺垫。

16、活动2:Your dream通过一段听力内容,拓宽学生谈论关于自己职业规划的广度和深度,为能够流利地用英语表达自己的想法提供了范例文本。教师语言预设:T: Yaoming tries so many jobs in this video. But I just remember he is a basketball player. Do you like him?S:Yes, we are.T: My son likes him very much, and he has a dream, listen, what is it? Step 1:I like Yaoming, I like pl

17、aying basketball. Yaoming is my idol(偶像). I want to be a basketball player, too. I take basketball lessons every morning. Playing basketball is good for my health. I hope I can play basketball in NBA one day.Step 2: Read it again together.设计意图:通过一段文字的听和读,让孩子能够感受一下从喜欢做的事,引申到对将来职业的规划,以及从现在开始将要参与的课程学习。

18、通过文本的师范,使学生认识到如何从这三方面对自己进行描述。Step 3: T: Thats my sons dream. Whats your dream? (板书: You?)出示PPT: Your dreamI like(swimming, singing, dancing )I want to be a/an(swimmer, singer, dancer )I will takelessons.(swimming, singing, dancing )Part 1:Your dreamI like (Yaoming, drawing, animals, to help people)

19、I want to be a/anI will.(often play basketball, draw a lot, take lessons, study hard)Part 2:设计意图: Part1, 是通过PPT的引导,针对本课主题,为学生提供了语言支持,激发学生发散思维,自然地运用所学语言和知识,来真实表达自己的喜好,将来想从事的职业,和想学习的课程。Part 2:是针对基础较好的学生,搭建更广阔的语言表达平台,挖掘这些学生的潜能,刺激这部分学生更强烈的表达自我,展现自我。通过倾听别人的梦想,学会关心他人。VSummary:1. T: Today we review and lea

20、rn a lot of jobs names, we think what about we want to and the lessons well take.2. T: Try to remember. What ever you want to be in the future, from now you should study hard, and try to take some lessons you like, I think youll be a useful person in your life.3.T: I hope your dreams come true.设计意图:

21、帮助学生重新梳理本课知识点,展示所学知识,并要记住,无论想要将来做什么职业,都要从现在起努力学习。VI. 板书设计: Lesson 25 Will you take football lessons? YangyangGuoguoYou?likeswants to bewill takelessonsVII.作业处理:1. After school, talk with your parents about your job in the future, and the lessons you will take.2. Surf the internet, try to know the jobs youre interested in, and talk about them in English.

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