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1、整合管理试题1。 In the initiation phase of your project, it is apparent that different departments of the clientscompany hold different views on project structure and project deliverables。 What is the bestaction for you?A。 Ask the client when they will finalize their requirements。B。 Work with leaderships f

2、rom each department to collaboratively engineer a mutuallyacceptable solution。C。 Make sure the terms and conditions of the contract are clear.D. List the consequences of changes in the contracts requirements section.在项目的启动阶段,客户公司内部各部门关于项目结构和可交付成果明显存在不同观点,你的正确行动应该是B:A. 询问客户什么时候能够达成一致性需求B。 与客户各部门领导合作,

3、策划一个相互都能接受的解决方案C。 确保合同条款清楚D。 在合同要求条款中列明变更的后果2. You have been assigned to upgrade the companys IT infrastructure. Specifically, your teamhas been asked to implement a corporate general ledger system, improve accounting and realestate process, develop a lease tracking system, and implement HR and payr

4、oll system。 Yourproject team has already completed all the initiating/planning activities and receivedsign-off/approvals on the project charter, project scope, and detailed work packages。 Your projectteam is in the process of completing all the work packages。 However, you have just received achange

5、request to add additional reporting functionality to the lease tracking application。Fortunately, you have already determined that this functionality has no effect on the componentsof the “triple constraints”. Which of the following is the BEST action to perform NEXT?A。 Implement the change request a

6、s it has little impact to the project and is easy to implement。B。 Investigate options on how to implement the change requests with minimal impact to theproject。C. Review the change request with the change control board.D. Evaluate the impact of the change request on the other project constraints.你被任

7、命去负责更新公司的IT设施,具体来说,就是要带领你的团队实施公司的财务总帐系统,改善会计和房地产流程,开发租赁追踪纪录系统,并实施人力资源和工资单系统.你得团队已经完成了启动/计划活动,并获得了项目章程、项目范围和具体工作包的批准.你的团队正在完成所有的工作包,但是你收到一个变更请求,要求你为租赁追踪纪录系统增加额外的报表功能。幸运的是,你判断这一功能对“三重约束中的要素没有影响.接下来,哪一个选项是你的最佳行动?CA。 既然对项目的影响很小,也很容易实施,就实施这一变革更请求B。 就如何实施这一变更请求调查可选方案,使它对项目的影响降至最低C。 让变更控制委员会审核这一变革更请求D。 评估这

8、一变革更请求对项目其他约束条件的影响3。 A list of approved configuration identification, status of proposed changes to the configuration,and the implementation status of approved changes, is recorded and reported in which of thefollowing item?A。 Configuration identificationB. Configuration definitionC。 Configuration s

9、tatus accountingD. Configuration verification and auditing关于已经批准了的配置识别,配置的建议变更的状态,和批准变更的事实状态,形成一个列表进行记录和汇报,属于下面哪一项?CA。 配置识别B. 配置定义C. 配置状态记录D。 配置核实和审计4. You have just taken control of a project in the middle of execution and need to learn who hasapproval authority for revisions in scope。 Which docume

10、nt provides this information?A. Resource assignment matrixB。 Change control systemC. Project charterD。 Client organization chart在一个项目的实施过程中,你接管这个项目.你需要了解谁有权力批准范围的修订,从哪个文件中可以获得这一信息? CA。 资源分配矩阵B。 变更控制系统C. 项目章程D。 客户组织关系图5. You have just finished most of the work on a new systems integration project whe

11、n the sellercomes to you with detailed procedures for closeout of the contract。 The contract has alreadyincluded a set of closeout procedures. What should you do?A。 Get a change order firstB。 Revise the closeout procedures after getting managements approvalC。 Create new procedures that are more comp

12、leteD. Assess the quality of the sellers new detailed procedures and if they are better than the currentprocedures, use them一个新系统集成项目的大部分工作就要完成的时候,发包方交给你一套完整的合同收尾程序.而合同中已经包括了一套收尾程序,你应该:BA。 首先让他提交变更单B。 获得管理层批准后再修改收尾程序C。 建立一套更加完善的收尾程序D. 评估新程序的质量,如果更好,则予采用6. During activity definition, a team member id

13、entifies an activity that needs to be accomplished。However, another team member believes that the activity is not part of the project as interpretedby the project charter。 What should the project manager do?A. Try to build a consensus of the team。B。 Make the decision by herself about whether to incl

14、ude it or not.C。 Talk to the end user。D。 Talk with the project sponsor.在活动定义期间,一名团队成员确定了一项需要完成的任务.但是,另外一名团队成员认为按照项目章程理解,该活动不是项目的组成部分.项目经理应该如何做?AA。 试图在团队成员之间达成共识B。 自己决定该活动是否包括在内C. 与最终客户进行商谈D。 与项目发起人商谈7。 Schedule revision are a special type of project schedule updates。 Elements of changing aproject sc

15、hedule include all of the following EXCEPT:A。 Obtain the appropriate levels of approval。B. Submit the appropriate change requests.C。 Evaluate the impact of a change to the schedule.D。 Adjust the project end date to the schedule variance。进度修订是一种特殊类型的项目进度更新。变更项目进度的要素不包括下列哪一个:DA. 获得适当层面的批准B. 提交适当的变更请求C

16、. 评估变更对进度的影响D. 根据进度偏差调整项目完工日期8。 A KEY activity in closing out a project is to:A。 Disseminate status reports and risk assessment。B。 Disseminate information to formalize project competition.C。 Monitor the specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant qualitystandards.D. Transfer a

17、ll the project records to the project owners.项目收尾时的一个关键活动是:BA。 发布状态报告和风险评估B. 发布消息以正式确认项目完工C。 监控具体的项目结果以确定其是否符合相关质量标准D。 把全部项目记录转移给项目所有人9。 You are the project manager on a project that has met all deliverables on schedule and onbudget. What MUST be done to ensure all work was completed correctly and s

18、atisfactorily?A. Obtain formal approval from the contracts manager.B. Perform product verification。C。 Perform scope verification.D. Perform a procurement audit。你是项目经理,所有的交付成果都符合进度和预算。要保证所有工作的正确和满意完成,你必须:AA. 获得合同经理的正式许可B. 执行产品核实C. 执行范围核实D。 执行采购审计10。 During the project execution where schedule and cos

19、t performance were satisfactory, you arenewly promoted as the PM for the project。 What is the most important thing before you attend theintroduction meeting?A. Setting proper project goal sB。 Introduction of team members to stakeholderC。 Checking communication planD。 Making sure that you have obtain

20、ed the Project Charter项目执行期间,进度绩效和成本绩效均令人满意。这时你被任命为这个项目的新任经理,你在出席见面会之前最重要的是什么?DA。设定恰当的项目目标B。向项目干系人介绍小组成员C。检查沟通计划D.保证获得项目章程11. Your company has just presented its new fiveyear strategic plan。 You have received a newproduct request from a customer that is in line with the previous five-year strategic

21、plan, but itdoes not meet the objectives of the new plan。 The product description seems to have a validbusiness driver and to help company development。 As project manager, what is the BEST courseof action?A。 Perform a cost benefit analysis of the project and submit it for management approval.B。 Subm

22、it the product to management for review and approval before proceeding。C。 Inform the customer of the change in corporate direction and ask him/her to take another lookat the project.D. Request a project charter from management and begin a WBS.你的公司正在执行新的五年战略计划.你接到客户的一个产品需求,该产品符合前一个五年战略计划,但不适合新五年计划的目标

23、。产品描述好像具有有效的商业驱动,并有利于公司的发展.作为一个项目经理,什么是最佳行动?BA。 进行项目成本/效益分析并提交管理层批准B. 在行动之前提交管理层审核和批准该产品C。 把公司方向的改变通知客户,并要求他/她对项目是否再考虑一下D。 向管理部门要求一个项目章程,开始制定一个WBS12。 You are performing administrative closure for the project execution phase of the project。Upon completion of this step, you will have project archives,

24、 formal acceptance, andA。 Project reports.B. Lessons learned.C. Performance measurement documentation。D. Statement of work updates。你来负责项目执行过程中的最后行政结尾工作,为了完成这项工作,你将建立项目档案、正式验收、和BA。 项目报告B. 经验教训C。 绩效衡量文件D. 工作说明书的更新13。 A team member notifies you he had added extra functionality to the project. He tells

25、you therewas no impact on the cost or schedule。 What should be done as a result of this change?A。 Implement change control processes to track the change.B。 Understand what functionality was added in order to determine course of action。C. Notify the functional manager that scope changes are not appro

26、ved。D。 Make sure marketing is aware of the change。一个团队成员告诉你,他已经给项目增加了额外的功能,他说不会影响项目的时间和成本,针对这样的变更,你应该做什么?BA. 实施变更控制过程,跟踪这个变更B。 了解他增加了什么功能,再采取行动C。 通报职能部门经理,不许范围变更D. 确保市场部门知道这个变更14。 Change control is necessary because projects seldom run exactly according to the projectmanagement plan。 During the exec

27、ution of a project, many minor changes are made to the project。What should the project manager do now?A。 Wait until all changes are known, print out a new schedule, and revise the baseline。B。 Make changes as needed, but maintain a schedule baseline.C。 Make only the changes approved by management.D。

28、Talk to management before any changes are made.项目很少严格按照项目管理计划运行,所以变更控制很重要。在项目的执行过程中,项目发生了许多变更,项目经理现在应该怎样做?CA。 等到所有变更都清楚了,再发布一份出新的时间进度表,修订基准B。 根据需要做出相应变更,但仍保持进度基准C. 只有管理层批准的变更才能实施D. 在任何变更之前先与管理层交谈15。 The work authorization system can be used to:A。 Control who does each taskB。 Control who does each ta

29、sk and when it is doneC。 Control what time and sequence the work is doneD。 Control how much resources each task spends工作授权系统可以用于:DA. 控制谁完成每项工作B。 控制谁以及何时完成每项工作C。 控制何时以及以什么顺序完成每项工作D. 控制完成每项工作花费的资源16。 You are the seller to develop the software needed for your clients new product. The project isin execu

30、tion when you discover that the client is going to make a major change。 This change willdramatically change the software requirements。 What is the BEST thing to do?A。 Stop work on the software and await instructions.B。 Inform the client of the impact to the project of making such a change。C。 Ask the

31、 client when the change will be finalized and manage the project accordingly。D. Stop work on parts of the project that will not change。你是承包商,为客户新产品开发软件.项目正在实施时,你发现客户准备进行重大变更。这将极大的改变软件的需求.下列哪个选项是最应该做的?CA。 停止软件的开发,等待指示B. 将这个变更对项目的影响通知客户C。 询问客户这个变更什么时候将被最后确定并相应的管理这个项目D。 停止项目中那些没有变更部分的工作17. The followin

32、g is most true:A。 Historical records are generally of little value to future projects given that each project isunique and technology is constantly evolving。B. Todays projects will make use of a good automated PMIS (Project Management InformationSystem)。C。 A project is not complete without a lessons

33、 learned completed by the project team。D。 A good Project Manager will do his or her utmost to ensure no changes creep into the project.下列陈述最正确的是:CA。 历史记录通常对未来项目没有多大价值,因为每个项目是独特的,而且技术也不断的进步。B。 今天的项目将会使用良好的自动化的项目管理信息系统。C。 如果项目团队没有完成经验教训总结,项目就不能说它完成了。D. 一个好的项目经理会尽他/她最大努力保证没有变更蔓延到项目中去。18. In the middle

34、of the project, a seller tells you that he cannot get the resources to complete theproject。 Generally, what is the BEST thing to do?A。 The contract has been breached. Contact your lawyer.B。 Try to help uncover more resources, but continue the project.C。 Remind the seller of the penalties for not mee

35、ting the next deliverable due date。D。 Move the project into closure and begin closure activities。在项目中期,一个承包商告诉你他因为没有资源而不能完成项目。通常最应该做的事情是:A。 合同已经撕破,联系你的律师B。 除了继续项目外,帮忙寻找更多资源C. 提醒承包商如果不能按期完成将受到惩罚。D。 开始收尾活动19。 The engineering department wants the project objectives to be a 10 improvement in output。The

36、information technology department wants no more than 5 of its resources to be used on theproject. The sponsor, who is your boss, wants the project team to decrease tax liability。 The BESTthing you can do is:A. Put a plan together that meets all the objectives。B。 Have these people get together and ag

37、ree on one objective。C。 Include the engineering and information technology objectives but hold further meetingsregarding the sponsors objectives.D。 Include only thee sponsors requirements。工程设计部要求项目目标是提高10%的产出,信息技术部要求项目所使用的资源不能超过该部门的5.而发起人,也就是你的老板,要求项目团队来降低项目税额。你的最佳做法是:A。 制定一个满足所有目标的计划B。 把所有人召集起来,达成一

38、个目标C。 先制定满足工程部和信息部目标的计划,关于发起人的目标,再另行安排会议讨论.D。 只满足发起人的要求。20。 Another project manager in your company is having difficulty managing his project。 Youhave found that he has not used a project charter and that is probably the cause of the problem.How can you help?A。 Provide him with a copy of an article

39、about project chartersB。 Work with his boss to get him a mentorC。 Develop a draft charter for his useD。 Talk to him about his project and offer help in creating a project charter你公司里的另外一个项目经理在管理他的项目时遇到了困难,你发现他没有使用项目章程,而这可能是问题的原因.你如何帮助他?A. 给他提交一份关于项目章程的文章复印件B。 和他的老板给他一个辅导C. 给他起草一个项目章程D。 跟他交流一下项目并帮助他建

40、立一份项目章程21。 A project should be terminated for all of the following reasons except:A。 Lack of team synergy necessary to achieve top quality.B. The project no longer meets the companys objectives。C. The resources are not available to complete project activities。D. Project funding has been significantl

41、y reduced。一个项目在以下原因时应当终止,但不包括:A。 缺少实现最高质量的团队凝聚力B。 项目不再符合公司的目标C. 没有完成项目活动的资源了D。 项目资金大大减少了3322. You recently completed a major environmental remediation project involving the disposal ofhazardous waste from a local power plant. You client accepted the work, and your company hasbeen paid. The project h

42、as been closed officially for more than 6 weeks, now you are working ona new project that happens to be located at the same local power plant。 While working on the newproject, you discovered a possible flaw in the disposal system that was delivered for the earlierproject. You reviewed drawings for t

43、hat project and discovered that they are incomplete。 No oneelse has confirmed your concerns。 You do not believe any problems will be apparent for about 5years, if ever。 In this situation, you should.A。 Do nothing because the project is complete and the customer accepted the work based on itsown inde

44、pendent inspection。B。 Contact the customer directly and inform it of the potential problem so that it can modify yourcontract to correct the problem。C。 Alert your management to the situation, both orally and in writing, and request that someoneelse confirm your findings.D. Enhance your quality assur

45、ance and project review system immediately for future projects.最近你完成了一个处理发电站有害废物的环保项目,项目已经通过了验收,客户和公司也进行了交接,项目已经正式结束6个多星期了。现在你从事的新项目正好还是在同一个发电站进行,在实施新项目的时候,你发现前一个已交付使用的项目中可能存在缺陷。你重新查看了原来那个项目的图纸,发现它确实是不完善的,但没有人在意你的这些担心,而你认为在5年之内也不会出现什么明显的问题。在这种情况下,你应该:A。 什么也不做,应为这个项目已经结束了,而且也通过了客户的验收。B. 直接同客户取得联系,告诉他

46、们有哪些问题存在,这样可以修改原来的合同以纠正这些问题。C。 同时以口头和书面两种形式向你公司的管理人士报告这种情况,并找人来检查你发现的这些问题是否属实。D. 在未来的项目中继续完善项目质量保证和项目审查系统。23。After a large amount of effort, the project team has finally determined the specifications for amajor scope change to the project. In light of this, what should the project manager do FIRST?A

47、。 Look for other changes.B。 Notify the stakeholder about the new scope.C。 Gain sign off on this change。D. Calculate the risks associated with this change。在投入大量精力之后,项目团队才最终确定了项目的一项重大范围变更的规格.接下来,项目经理首先应该:A. 寻找其他变更B. 通知干系人新的项目范围C。 获得变更的批准D。 计算与该变更相关的风险24.When managing a project, which of the following is the BEST order to deal with problems thatarise?A. Go to the team, go to management, go to resource managers。B。 Go to resource managers, go to management, go to the customer.C。 Handle it yourself, go to the custom

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