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1、Competency Guide Hotel Employees 员工级Team Focused 关注团队 developing the talent, process and capability for our current and future needs为我们目前和未来的需求发展人才、制定程序和发挥能力。Teamwork团队合作Demonstrates cooperation and trust with colleagues, supervisors, teams and across departments。 Participates as a team player and e

2、stablishes strong working relationships to deliver positive results。能与同事、上级、团队及其他部门精诚合作相互信任,且以团队一员的身份参与,建立良好工作关系以获得积极的结果。Developing Self自我发展Continually seeks to improve performance through individual efforts and with the assistance of others。 Seeks feedback on performance and focuses on areas of sho

3、rtfall。 Maximises opportunities for selfdevelopment.通过个人努力和他人的协助不断改进提高.寻求反馈, 关注自身不足. 最大限度地为自我发展提供机会。Action Oriented 行动导向 ensuring that visions and strategies are translated into specific deliverables in order to get results确保将愿景和战略转化为可以传达的具体事物来获得结果Adaptability适应力Is open to new ideas and is willing t

4、o make changes in the job and routine as required。 Is able to cope under pressure at busy times and responds positively to changes in the workplace。善于接受新观念以及工作上的变化. 能够承受紧张时间的压力,对工作的变化做出积极响应Reliability可靠性Ensures that work quality meets the standards required and completes tasks in a timely and thorou

5、gh manner with minimum supervision。 Follows standards, policies and procedures。 Meets required attendance and grooming standards.保证工作质量达到所需标准,认真及时地完成工作。遵循标准、政策、程序。达到考勤及仪容仪表标准.Passionate热情 creating an environment where there is a relentless commitment to success营造一个全力以赴奔向成功的环境.Taking Responsibility承担

6、责任Strives for constant improvements and takes responsibility for their own performance。 Takes additional responsibility and responds well to situations as they occur without supervision。不断争取进步,为自己的行为负责。 在没有监督的情况下, 也能够视情况肩负起相应的责任.Savvy知识技能 understanding the market, the business and customers in order

7、 to create competitive advantage理解市场、生意和客人以便创造竞争优势。Customer Focus客人第一Builds and maintains relationships with internal and external customers. Understands and anticipates customers needs, takes action to address customer needs and strives to exceed customer expectations与内部和外部客户建立并保持良好关系;理解并预知客户需求;采取行

8、动满足客人需求并不断超越客人期望。Cultural Awareness 文化意识Understands and takes into account the global nature of the business. Works effectively with colleagues from different viewpoints, cultures and countries。 与来自不同国家拥有不同文化和观点的员工高效地工作Understanding My Job了解本职工作Understands the job requirements and has the skills and

9、 knowledge required to perform the job well。理解工作需求,有更好工作表现的技能和知识。Range StatementsTeam Focused关注团队Teamwork 团队合作Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds Expectations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expecta

10、tions 未达期望 Shows commitment to team objectives by collaborating with the team 承诺通过团队合作为团队的目标做出贡献 Works with co-workers to achieve department/team results能够与同事合作共同达到部门/团队目标 Does not contribute a fair share of effort to the teams work 对团队工作不能够全身心投入 Acknowledges the contributions of all team members, u

11、sing active listening skills积极聆听技,能认可团队成员贡献 Encourages team members to work together 鼓励团队成员一起合作 Prefers to work alone; makes little attempt to involve others 选择独自工作,很少愿意他人参与 Contributes a fair share of effort to teams work; delivers on commitments to the team in a timely and efficient manner 对团队工作及时

12、、有效地做出贡献 Responds quickly and fully to the requests of others 迅速回应和满足他人的要求 Disregards the opinions of others and makes decisions independently 漠视他人的意见,独断专行 Develops effective working relationships with people from other departments; involves and acknowledges the contribution of other departments 与其他

13、部门人员发展有效的工作关系;对其他部门的贡献认可并参与 Readily shares information with team members 愿意与团队成员分享信息 Withholds information that could benefit others 不能分享有利他人的信息 Enjoys the participation and involvement of team members 乐意于其他团队成员的参与 Maintains positive working relationships with all departments与所有部门保持积极的工作关系 Alienates

14、 self from the team; fails to cooperate with other departments疏远团队,拒绝与其他部门合作 Acknowledges the skills of other team members 认可团队成员的技能 Respects equipment and supplies of others 尊重他人的设备和用具 Fails to return or respect the resources of others 拒绝归还或不尊重他人资源Team Focused关注团队Developing Self 自我发展Range Statement

15、s范围陈述Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds Expectations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Seeks feedback to improve performance on an intermittent basis 为提高工作表现不断地寻求反馈 Looks for opport

16、unities to learn new skills 寻求机遇学习新的技能 Does not see the benefit of developing existing skills or learning new ones 不愿在现有技能基础上有所发展,学习新技能 Listens to feedback and attempts to incorporate changes in behaviour 聆听反馈并尝试在行为上有所改变 Asks others for feedback and acts on the responses 询问他人反馈并有所行动 Does not accept

17、feedback and/or fails to take action to respond to it 不接受反馈或对反馈无动于衷 Accepts responsibility for own mistakes 为自身的错误承担责任 Acknowledges areas of development and takes action to improve them 认可需要发展的方面并采取行动提高 Expects others to provide development for them 期待他人为其提供发展 Accepts opportunities to increase job k

18、nowledge when offered 抓住机会增强工作知识 Shows an interest in areas outside their immediate job 除本职工作外,对其他工作方面有兴趣 Does not look for opportunities to develop beyond their day to day job requirements 不在日常工作需求基础上寻找新的发展机会Action Oriented行动导向Adaptability 适应力Range Statements 范围陈述Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds Expect

19、ations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Adapts to change, maintaining adequate standards of performance during times of uncertainty 在不断变化的情况下,适应变化、保持足够的工作标准 Willingly adapts

20、to changes in direction, priorities or work environment 愿意随工作重点及方向的改变而改变 Reacts negatively when faced with changing priorities or a shift in work environment 面对工作重点的变化或工作环境的变化采取消极对待的态度 Suggests areas for change and ideas that may help improve current processes 对可以提高现行程序的想法和革新提出建议 Maintains standards

21、 of performance and cooperation during periods of change or uncertainty 在变化及不稳定状态下,保持工作标准和合作精神 Is resistant to change and reluctant to consider differentApproaches抵制改变或不考虑不同解决方案 Is co-operative and supportive of alternative ideas given by others in the team or in other departments 在本团队或其他部门所提出的其他建议,

22、采取合作和支持的态度 Handles changing plans and customer requests effectively and positively 有效、积极地处理客人要求和计划的变动 Slow to respond to changes in work requirements 在工作中对变化反应缓慢 Recognises and takes responsibility for own mistakes; seeks feedback to improve performance 能够勇于承认自身的过失并承担责任并寻求反馈意见以提高工作表现 Works construct

23、ively under time constraints and pressure, remaining calm and composed 在有限的时间和压力下保持沉着和冷静地工作 Has difficulty maintaining productivity during times ofstress and pressure在压力下保持高效工作有困难Action Oriented行动导向Reliability可靠性Range Statements 范围陈述Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds Expectations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds

24、 Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Personal presentation and attendance is a role model for other employees 个人仪表和出勤率是其他同事的表率 Adheres to company attendance and grooming policy 严格遵守酒店的出勤和仪表的标准 Does not a

25、dhere to attendance and grooming policies 不能严格遵守酒店考勤仪容仪表标准 Exceeds timelines and required standards on work priorities 在工作中超出工作标准和时间期限的表现 Stays focused and follows through on work priorities 总是能够抓住工作重点并能将工作落实下去 Fails to take responsibility for their work or actions 对自身工作或个人行为不能承担负责 Completes work wi

26、th energy and enthusiasm 充满热情和精力地完成本职工作 Completes work as assigned in a timely and consistent manner 及时一贯地完成所分配的工作 Fails to complete work as assigned in a timely and consistent manner 不能及时完成所派工作或工作表现不稳定 Demonstrates a sense of urgency 有紧迫感 Applies the appropriate level of speed in completing tasks 对

27、完成任务的速度把握较好 Does not appreciate the importance of tasks or completion 没有意识到完成工作的重要性 Encourages and helps others to complete tasks to a higher standard 鼓励并帮助他人完成高标准的工作任务 Ensures tasks are fully completed to the standards required 能够确保任务完成的标准 Produces work that is inconsistent with standards and fails

28、 to check for errors工作质量不稳定且不能检查并发现问题Passionate 工作热情Taking Responsibility 责任心Range Statements范围陈述Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds Expectations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Ho

29、lds self and others accountable for achieving results 对自身及他人负有实现目标的责任 Takes accountability for own performance and delivers work to required standard 对自身工作表现承担责任,并且达到标准所要求 Fails to take responsibility for own mistakes 在出现过失时,无法承担责任 Takes responsibility for actions and consequences 对具体行动及其结果负责 Takes

30、initiative and responsibility for own actions 对自身行为采取主动与负责任的态度 Appears slow or late in completing assigned tasks 完成被指派工作时表现拖沓 Takes responsibility for keeping things running smoothly with limited supervision 在较少监督下,对工作的正常良性运作承担责任 Works independently and is confident in taking day to day job related

31、decisions 可独立工作,作与工作相关之决定时具有信心 Seeks assistance rather than attempting to find a solution 寻求他人帮助,而无法主动找寻解决方案 Demonstrates willingness to take on additional responsibilities 有承担额外责任的愿望 Takes on additional responsibilities from time to time as required 不了在需要的时候可以承担额外责任 Reluctant to take on additional

32、responsibilities 不愿意承担额外责任Savvy 知识技能Customer Focus客人第一Range Statements范围陈述Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds Expectations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Conveys an understanding

33、of customers current needs 准确传达客人当前需求 Understands who their customers are and their current needs 理解客人状况及其需求 Shows a limited understanding of customers and their current needs 对客人的需求了解有限 Works effectively to meet commitments to customers/clients; looks for ways to improve customer service 工作高效实践对客承诺

34、;不断寻求提高服务质量 Seeks information from customers to better understand their needs 由客人处获取信息,以便更好地理解他们之需求 Makes decisions without the full consideration of the customer 未对客人有足够了解的基础上做出决定 Periodically seeks customer feedback directly and attempts to use feedback to meet customer needs 定期直接获取客人的反馈,并有效利用以上信息

35、,以满足客人需求 Exceeds agreed upon levels of customer service and customer expectations 超越客人需求 Inconsistently meets customers needs and expectations 对满足客人需求和期望上缺乏持续性 Consistently meets commitments to customers 始终实践对客承诺 Performs duties with the customers perspective in mind 将客人的认知或需求紧记于心 Does not perform d

36、uties with customer perspective in mind 疏忽对客人方面认知或需求的了解 Develops effective working relationships with key internal customers; works closely with others to meet expectations 与内部客人发展有效的工作伙伴关系;与他人紧密协作以实现期望 Listens to customers, responds quickly and follows through to ensure guest satisfaction 为确保客人满意度,

37、倾听客人需求,做出快速反应,并跟进到底 Fails to take ownership of customer issues 在对客过程中缺乏主人翁精神,推卸责任 Works to resolve customer problems; when asked, works independently to correct problems 致力于解决客人问题;若被要求时,可独立解决或修正问题 Consistently exhibits appropriate customer interaction behaviours (i.e. greeting guest, eye contact, us

38、ing guest name)始终保持与客人之间恰当的互动行为(如:问候客人,目光交流,使用客人姓名) Does not exhibit appropriate guest interaction behaviours (i。e。 greeting guest, eye contact, using guest name) 无法始终保持与客人之间恰当的互动行为(如:问候客人,目光交流,使用客人姓名)Savvy 知识技能Culture Awareness 文化意识Range Statements 范围陈述Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds Expectations 始终超出

39、期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Is aware of global events and understands how they may impact the business 关注全球重大事件,知晓他们可能会对企业所造成的影响 Tries to anticipate cultural issues that are

40、 likely to impact own work 对可能对工作产生影响的文化因素有所预计 Fails to take cultural issues into account that would have avoided problems 不考虑由文化因素所造成的问题 Tries to adapt behaviours when working with people from different cultures or environments 与来自不同区域、拥有不同文化背景的同事相互合作时,尽量调整行为习惯 Shows an understanding of global even

41、ts and recognises the impact these might have on the hotel 对全球重大事件表示理解,认识到他们可能会对酒店所产生的影响 Is unaware of global events or takes a narrow, country view 不关注全球重大事件或是具有狭窄的国家地域观念 Generally keeps local cultural knowledge up-todate when this is needed 根据需要,随时更新当地的文化信息 Adapts behaviour appropriately when work

42、ing with people from different cultures and countries 当与来自不同区域、拥有不同文化背景的同事相互合作时,可以适当的调整自身行为习惯 Does not modify behaviour when working with people from different backgrounds 当与来自不同区域、拥有不同文化背景的同事相互合作时,不愿调整自身行为习惯, Takes cultural issues into account when doing own work and addresses problems as they aris

43、e 处理本职工作和解决问题时,考虑文化差异造成的因素 Treats people from diverse backgrounds with respect and acknowledges their views 尊重拥有不同背景的员工,并关注他们的观点 Shows little appreciation for different views, customs or approaches 极少对不同的观念、习惯和处理方法表示认同和欣赏Savvy 知识技能Understanding My Job 理解本职工作Range Statements范围陈述Strong强劲Consistently E

44、xceeds Expectations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Broadly understands the organisations mission, strategies, strengths and weaknesses; is receptive to information when it

45、is given 清楚地理解、知晓并尊重组织的目标,策略,优势和劣势 Clarifies own job responsibilities and looks for opportunities that will increase skills and job knowledge清楚自己的工作职责,并随时寻求机会提高工作技能和知识 Makes little attempt to increase skills or job knowledge 没有提高工作技能和知识的意愿 Has an understanding of how the business is run and has a gr

46、asp of some of the key business drivers 清楚地了解企业是如何运作的并掌握主要的运作要素 Understands how their role fits with others and contributes to the success of business 知道如何同他人相互合作,为企业成功做出努力 Fails to acknowledge impact of own performance and behaviour on others or the business 不能知晓自己表现和行为对企业或他人产生影响 Broadly understands the impact of external events on the organisations plans 清楚理解外部环境对组织计划的影响 Understands the hotels facilities, products and services 了解酒店设施、产品和服务 Lacks knowledge of hotel services, facilities and promotions 酒店设施、产品和服务知识匮乏 Has an understanding how own role fits in the wider context of the busines

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