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1、岳麓山英文介绍精品文档岳麓山风景名胜区概述岳麓山风景名胜区面积35.20平方公里,包括麓山景区、天马山景区、橘子洲景区、桃花岭景区、石佳岭景区、寨子岭景区、后湖景区、咸嘉湖景区等八大景区。规划在风景名胜区范围以外的外围保护区面积22.68平方公里。目前,已经建成的有麓山景区和橘子洲景区,天马山景区景观建设已基本完成。橘子洲景区和麓山景区分别于2001年和2002年被正式评为国家AAAA风景名胜区。2012年1月,岳麓山风景名胜区成功晋级国家AAAAA旅游景区。 岳麓山风景名胜区位于国家首批历史文化名城长沙湘江之滨,依江面市,现有麓山景区、橘子洲景区、岳麓书院、新民学会四个核心景区、景点,为世界

2、罕见的集“山、水、洲、城”于一体的国家AAAAA级旅游景区、全国重点风景名胜区、湖湘文化传播基地和爱国主义教育的示范基地。 岳麓山因南北朝刘宋时南岳记“南岳周围八百里,回雁为首,岳麓为足”而得名。景区内现有植物174科559属977种,并有大量珍贵的濒危树种和年代久远的古树名木。岳麓山四季风景宜人、秀美多姿,而“万山红遍、层林尽染”的独特红枫秋景,更是古今闻名。位于湘江中心的橘子洲,介于名山城市间,浮袅袅凌波上,四面环水,绵延数十里,站在洲头极目楚天,令人心旷神怡。春天,明光潋滟,沙鸥点点;秋至,橙黄橘绿,清香一片;深冬,凌寒剪冰,江风戏雪,橘子洲是宋代潇湘八景之一“江天暮雪”的所在地,被誉为

3、“中国第一洲”。 岳麓山风景名胜区不仅拥有“山、水、洲、城”的独特自然景观,更因其深厚的历史文化底蕴而蜚声中外。始建于北宋的岳麓书院至今已有一千余年历史,有“千年学府”之称;有“汉魏最初名胜,湖湘第一道场”之称的古麓山寺,距今已有1700余年的历史;景区内黄兴、蔡锷等名人墓葬林立,文物古迹众多;以“心忧天下、敢为人先、百折不挠、兼收并蓄”为精髓的湖湘文化,以毛泽东、蔡和森等伟人足迹为代表的名人文化;融儒、佛、道于一体的宗教文化在这里激荡弘扬,交相辉映,影响深远。 “惟楚有才,于斯为盛”。曾几何时,朱熹与张轼开创了岳麓书院会讲之先河;魏源、陶澍、曾国藩、左宗棠、胡林翼、郭嵩焘等近代名人受训于岳麓

4、山下,从这里意气风发地走向文明开化的前沿,担起救国图强的重任;太平天国起义军与湘军鏖战湘江,战鼓之声响彻历史的天空;毛泽东、蔡和森等革命历史伟人在此“指点江山、激扬文字”,演绎了历史的壮丽篇章。 近年来,岳麓山风景名胜区以长沙市委、市政府建设“资源节约和环境友好型社会”为契机,不断推进景区综合整治和提质改造,狠抓规范化管理和文明创建,着力打造“一流的规划、一流的景区、一流的管理、一流的服务”的优质景区,景区面貌焕然一新,整体形象和品位有了质的飞跃。景区已成为长沙城市对外开放的“窗口”和精品名片。登高远眺,岳麓山风景名胜区如一巨大的盆景,“山、水、洲、城”空间布局优良,湘江作带,岳麓为屏,橘子洲

5、静卧江心,漫江碧透,百舸争流,一派山光水色,清明灵秀,可谓天工造物,人间奇景!她正如星城长沙一颗璀璨的明珠,焕发出华光异彩和勃勃生机,向五湖四海宾朋尽展其无穷魅力!Covering an area of 35.20 km2,Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot consists of Mt. Lu, Mt. Tianma, Juzizhou, Taohualing, Shijialing, Zhaiziling, Houhu and Xianjiahu Scenic Spot. The protection area in the perimeter of Mt. Yuelu Sceni

6、c Spot is planned at 22.68 m2. At present, the construction of Mt. Lu and Juzhizhou scenic spot has finished while that of the Mt. Tianma is ongoing. Juzhizhou and Mt. Lu scenic spots were separately rated as national AAAA scenic area in 2001 and 2002. Located on the Xiang River in Changsha among th

7、e first batch of national historic cities, Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot is close to the river and faces the city. Now, Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot has four core scenic spots, including Mt. Lu Scenic Spot, Juzizhou Scenic Spot, Yuelu Academy, Xinmin Institute. Integrating water, mountain, islet, city, Mt. Yuelu S

8、cenic Spot is the national AAAA scenic area, the national key scenic, Hunan culture spreading base and patriotic education base. Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot not only possesses the unique natural landscape of water, mountain, islet, city, but also is well known for its profound historic and cultural backgr

9、ound. Dating from Northern Song Dynasty, Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot has a history of more than a thousand years and thus is called the one-thousand-year academy. Up to now, Ancient Mt. Lu temple has a over-1700-year history. In the Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot, there are the Mausoleums of Huangxing, Caie and ot

10、her celebrities and a great many culture relics. With the Huxiang culture, notable culture and religion culture gathering here, Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot has a profound and ever-lasting influence. In recent years, at the chance of building “energy-saving and environment-friendly society ” advocated by C

11、hangsha municipal committee and government, Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot promotes the comprehensive improvement and the quality reform, strengthens standardized management and civilization and trys to set up a high-quality scenic spot with excellent plan, top-class scenic area, standardized management and

12、wonderful service. The scenic spot takes on a new aspect. It has become the window and the excellent business card of Changsha to the outside world. 麓山景区岳麓山是南岳72峰之尾峰,海拔300.8米。麓山景区是岳麓山风景名胜区核心景区之一,面积5.28平方公里,位于湘江西岸,是十分难得的城市山岳型风景名胜区。 岳麓山是一个巨大的“植物博物馆”。景区共有植物种类174科,977种,以典型的亚热带常绿阔叶林和亚热带暖性针叶林为主,部分地区还保存着大片



15、其中正县级干部1人,副县级2人。景区机构按事业管理机构和产业管理经营机构两大块进行设置。事业管理机构设办公室、监察室、政工科、保卫科、文物管理科、事业发展部、财务中心、工会;产业管理机构设园林经营服务公司、行政后勤服务公司、索道经营服务公司、旅游经营服务公司和观光车经营服务公司。经过近60年的苦心经营,麓山景区发展提速,特别是经过2006年提质保护后,景区景观景点、景观环境和管理水平得到大幅提升。2009年6月1日,景区向市民免费开放,年接待游客达到300多万人次。Overview of Mt. Lu Scenic SpotMt.Yuelu is the last peak of 72 pea

16、ks of South Yue, with elevation at 300.8 meters. Located on the west coast of Xiangjiang River, Mt. Lu Scenic Spot with an area of 5.28m2 is one of the core scenic spots of Mt. Yuelu Scenic Spot, which is a very rare urban mountain scenic area.Mt.Yuelu is a huge Botanical Museum, in which there are

17、174 families, 977 species botanies, and the typical subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest and Warm sub-tropical forest of needle leaves are the main forests ,and part of which still conserves original evergreen broad-leaved forest.Mt.Yuelu is a propitious place with scenic spots around. There ar

18、e 15 cultural heritage units over the provincial level here. The quiet Aiwan Pavilion, profound Yuelu Academy, the old house of Yuelu temple and others are attractive. Besides, the Mausoleums of Huangxing, Caie and other celebrities look more solemn and serene among luxuriant cypresses and pines.Mt.

19、Yuelu integrates Buddhism , Taoism , Confucianism of Chinese ancient culture essences and Mt. Yuelus culture connotation were created by thinking giant, great monks, and famous writers. At the foot of Mt.Yuelu stands Yuelu Academy, which is listed as the first of chinas four ancient academies. Yuelu

20、 Academy has never stopped teaching for more than 1000years, fostering a larger number of the backbones of our nation. At the mountainside stands the Ancient Mt. Lu temple with a history of more than 1700years, which is the source and center of Buddhism of Hunan province. At the top of the mountain

21、is Yulu Tao palace, which is the 23rd paradise among 72 paradises of Taoism. Till now it has a history of more than 500 years. Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism coexist and integrate with each other, composing the epic of culture development of Mt.Yuelu. Party and state leaders such as Jiang Zemin, Hu

22、Jingtao, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Zeng Qinghong, Wu Guanzheng, Li Changchun, Luo Gan, Wu Yi and others visited Mt. Yuelu scenic spot many times and gave great care and encouragement to the development of Mt.Lu scenic spot. Now, Mt. Lu scenic spot administration established in 1951 is a public unit a

23、t the vice-county level. The approved personals in the scenic spot are 480, among which there are 44 administers at vice-section level, 1 at county level, 2 at vice-county level. For the administration part, the scenic spot has two agencies, the Regulatory Agency and Industry Management Agency. With

24、 the 60-year painstaking efforts, Mt.Lu scenic spot develops quickly, especially after quality-improvement conservation in 2006, the scenic spots, the landscape environment and the management level in the area improve a lot. The scenic spot was open to the public for free on June 1st, 2009 and are v

25、isited by over 3 million people annually.爱晚亭。爱晚亭始建于清乾隆五十七年(1792年),由岳麓书院院长罗典创建。与安徽滁县的醉翁亭(1046)、杭州西湖的湖心亭(1552)、北京陶然亭公园的陶然亭(1695)并称中国四大名亭。爱晚亭原名红叶亭,又名爱枫亭。后来由湖广总督毕沅,根据杜枚“远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”的诗句,更名为爱晚亭。爱晚亭几经沧桑,清同治、光绪、宣统年间均相继进行过修复。其中宣统三年秋,湖南学监程颂万先生主持修复时,把罗典所撰写的对联刻在亭柱上,“山径晚红舒五百夭桃新种得,峡云深翠滴一双驯鹤待笼来


27、秋红枫似火,晚霞增辉;隆冬绿树银妆,妩媚多姿。Ai wan PavilionDating from the 57th year during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of Qing dynasty (1972), Aiwan Pavilion was founded by the dean of Yuelu Academy and was listed one of Chinas four famous Pavilions. Its original name is Hongye Pavilion, another name Aifeng Pavilion.

28、 Later on, it is called Aiwan Pavilion. Aiwan Pavilion experienced many changes. It was repaired in succession during Tongzhi, Guangxu, Xuantong period in Qing dynasty. After liberation, party and the government had made five-time reparations. In 1952, when Hunan University was rebuilt, Li Da, the p

29、resident of Hunan University specially wrote a letter to Chairman Mao asking him to write inscribed tablet “Aiwan Pavilion”. In 1969, when Mt.Yuelu Park was restored, Chairman Maos Cursive script Qin Yuan Chun Changsha was engraved in Caisson, which added an extra luster to the ancient Pavilion. Aiw

30、an Pavilion becomes more and more popular through international exchanges. When Changsha was twinned with Luer diao in Japan, as the symbol of ancient Changsha, Aiwan Pavilion was replicated in Luer diao according to the regulation in honor of the long-term friendship between China and Japan.麓山寺。古麓山


32、番巍峨壮观之相。弥勒殿、大雄宝殿、观音阁依次排出,两厢为斋堂,再加上寺中匠心独具的绿化设计,与寺外古木参天的宜人景色交相辉映,更是引人入胜。麓山寺前两株苍劲的罗汉松护卫在观音阁前,一左一右,一大一小,就像武士把关,所以,它被人们称作“松关”,到现在已有1700多年的树龄了,人们称它为“六朝松”。 Lushan TempleThe Ancient Mt.Lu temple was built in Taishi four years of western Jin Dynasty. The Ancient Mt.Lu temple stele is called “Sanjue Stele”, w

33、hich is famous for its articles, calligraphy and carve and is also the most ancient stele existing in the Mt.Yuelu. The Ancient Mt.Lu temple suffered a lot and witnessed the past brilliance. Although hiding in mountains, it still suffered battles. It was destroyed many times and restored again by mo

34、nks. In recent history, it was bombed by Japanese airplanes, Grand Hall, Maitreya Hall and abstinence hall turned to relics. Only the Temple Gate and Guanyinge surprisingly survived. The present Grand Hall and Maitreya Hall was rebuilt according to the original appearance by Buddhist Association of

35、Hunan province and Mt.Yuelu Scenic Spot Management Agency. Built according to the mountains with few palaces, the Ancient Mt.Lu temple looks most majestic and impressive.云麓宫。云麓宫始建于明成化十四年(公元1478年),在这之前据传说有黄冠羽士慕此名山胜地作静修之所,但无文献可考。到明朝吉简王就藩长沙时始建有此宫,明嘉靖年间长沙太守孙复与道士李可经主持加修,道宫格局更趋完善,周围遍植松柏、桐,使峰顶景色更美。而隆庆年间即15

36、72年左右,直棣新安方士金守分、王守德来到这里主持道事,殿元张阳和拜访他们,金道长请张殿元再修道宫。一时道士们“振铎乞化于道”,化缘到材料,请来工人在原来的基址上修了三进殿堂,前为关帝殿,中为玄武祖师殿,后为三清殿,两厢为道众丹房,殿宇为石柱铁瓦。在宫旁还建有望湘亭,可在中秋赏月,九九重阳节登临远眺。可惜这么一个神仙所在的场所在明末毁于战火。直到清朝同治年间武当山太和宫道士向教辉来云麓宫主教事,召集道友募化捐资,按昔日规模重新修葺道宫,但始终无法恢复当年盛况,现在的云麓宫是文革后重建的。到了近代,抗日战争时期又遭日本飞机轰炸,只有三清殿幸免于难。Yunlu PalaceYunlu Palace

37、 dates from Chenghua 14th year in Ming Dynasty (1478), before that, it was said that Taoist considered here as a solitary retreat but without any evidence. When JiJian lord of Ming Dynasty took office in Changsha, Yunlu Palace was set up. During Longqing period, that is 1572, Taoist priests Jin Shou

38、fen, Wang Shoude came to Yunlu Palace. They hosted Taoism activities and built Taoism palace. However unfortunately, it was destroyed in the end of Ming Dynasty. Till the reign of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty, the Taoist Xiang Jiaohui from Mt.Wudang came to host Taoism activities in Yunlu Palace. He rais

39、ed money from his fellows and rebuilt the Taoism palace according to former scale but it was difficult to return to the former glory. The present Yunlu Palace was rebuilt after the Culture Revolution. In recent history, it was bombed by Japanese airplane and only Sanqing Palace survived.舍利塔。舍利,是梵文SA


41、隶书阴刻“隋舍利塔”,字迹俊秀。碑阴有“共建菩提”石刻,就是佛语“觉悟”的意思。DagobaSheli is a transliteration of SARIRA in Sanskrit. It means “body” that predicts the bone substance left after cremation. It is said that after Sakyamunis death, eight Kings from eight countries shared the relics and built Dagoba for consecration. The ori

42、ginal Dagoba had fell down. In the early days of Republic of China, Monks were ready to build pagoda on the original location. Ultimately the Dagoba was renovated totally in granite in the early days at the foundation of new China,. It consists of three floors, with appearance like a mitral. A stone

43、 tablet was built in the west side of the tower, with delicate words “Sui She Li Ta” engraved in the front. In the back of the tablet was engraved “Gong Jian Pu Ti”, meaning “awakening” in the Buddhist language.响鼓岭。响鼓岭雅名叫步虚岭。据新修岳麓书院解释,是因为“履之(脚蹬地)空洞有声”。响鼓岭地势高亢,怪岩林立,风光独秀,历代为佛、道两家所重视。佛教曾在此建法华塔,后来被毁。现建有

44、石亭,供游人歇憩,亭子由麻石建造,六条斜边使得亭子方正敞亮。亭旁的巨石上刻有今人周翰陶书“响鼓岭”三字,另一巨石上刻有“观枫台”三个字。亭的北侧有1941年7月7日竖立的“长沙会战碑”,碑高225米,宽1米。碑文记述了1939年9月国民党第九战区全体将士奋勇抗日的悲壮事迹。当时,日寇以18万兵力,分六路进攻长沙,经过将士的浴血奋战,歼敌3万,史称“第一次长沙会战”。碑阴刻有记事诗十首。Xianggu RidgeXianggu ridge is also called Buxu ridge. With the high terrain, strange rocks and unique land

45、scape, Xianggu ridge is considered important by Buddhists and Taoists. The huge stone beside the pavilion were carved “Xianggu ridge” by Zhou Hantao, Guanfeng platform carved on another huge stone. At the northern side of the pavilion stands “Changsha Battlefield Tablet” with 225m high, 1 meters wid

46、e. The tablet article tells the stories of the soldiers in the 9th battle region of Nationalist Party, which is called as “The Fist Changsha Battlefield”. In the back of the tablet, ten poems were engraved.禹王碑。禹王碑高1.84米,宽1.4米,字高约16厘米。碑文分9行,每行9字,未行空4字,共计77字。碑文有的象奔走的龙蛇,有的象团起身子的蝌蚪,字形独特,难以辩认。自明代以来,研究禹碑的

47、学者数不胜数,有人说是蝌蚪古文,也有人说是鸟文古篆或道家符篆。现在一般多采用杨慎的译文,大意为:禹奉舜嘱托,治理洪水,在外十三年,三过家门而不入。在登南岳时,梦见苍水使者,得到治理洪水的要领金简玉字书,刻于石山的高处。从此,改围堵为疏导,河流疏畅行通了,害人的禽兽蛟龙永远奔逃。碑亭左边是清乾隆年间岳麓书院山长欧阳正焕楷书大观,右边是刘汝楠题,张隶书夸神禹碑歌。这些名家石刻,更为禹王碑增添了几分神彩。1959年禹王碑被列为湖南省级重点文物保护单位。Yuwang tabletYuwang tablet is 1.84meters high, 1.4 meters wide with the hei

48、ght of the words 16 centimeters. The tablet inscription has 9 lines and there are 77 words in total. Every line has nine words and 4 words vacant in the last line. The fonts of the inscription, some like running dragons some like tadpole, is unique and difficult to recognize. Many scholars have stud

49、ied Yuwang tablet since Ming Dynasty, now the translation of Yang Shen is generally adopted. In 1959, Yuwang tablet is listed among the Key Cultural Relics under the province-level Protection萧劲光铜像。铜像广场占地面积230平方米,铜像高3.5米,神态自然祥和。萧劲光(1903-1989),岳麓山人,是杰出的无产阶级革命家、军事家、国家和军队的优秀领导人。1921年赴莫斯科学习,1924年回国,在安源煤矿从事工人运动,1925年任国民革命军第二军第六师党代表,参加北伐战争。大革命失败后,赴列宁格勒军政学院学习。1930年回国,历任闽粤赣军区参谋长兼政治部主任、中央军事政治学校校长。后调任红军第五军团政委。1933年,任建黎泰警备区司令员兼红十一军

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