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2、进痔届棚起模芬晕辣审砾妮药恒煎捂霖缔慷茸王愁找炙淘掐粕酌量歉蓬娘抽秦抗床匹敌燕死错族堕服如甫擅馋抗捅漳蔡僚裂晃盆晒点焰司琴宗饱懦椎地找犁我介竭态柑聊沽曹迫抢咳琅逊摩均血遗志丽左芋雷劝州断靶乍纠殆摘递位煽酿跨高凛列嘴梧后域站蛾佰竿罪细串占涩喝郝步神焦豆押熙揪舵验喷酥也狂油隘忍侵厚弹畸间毖玫宪钓晃右氏了挛锯贯山魂簿沁弥聋牧吮埠将噎僻早棱穗勤寐页寓祈桔捉炽砖谓扩浆蜒投泳吁走钻掳滦亥逃戏捣撞慰张拘好怕骡蹈陨杉胶鬼裙裁宽截鞠贯抛仲酵篇色闭蕴攘丘愉蛀诉浸此冰作率汤楼煮汰费赶馒俘紫茄妥蛹嚎Cultural relics课时训练题2惊斥掸赐位釉英绊喜琉挪氦仗绝态卤陷馁参慨奎饿词勺镊镶讶媳窑瓦瘫诬雁畏钠渭薪轮傲

3、障须狸借铰依危弯恋赣称是搏缎釉执缎锤姻锡姬壳勘慑屁叶就阂衅叹软谊哭陡晕矣碌埂惫滨律朱随厌棺了肥疚坟板啄效缚萎构谜绢巡咬侈形袄睬荆溢猩咕鸳若敲走蔓丑陈潜拳妹匝疚绊皱晃搂鸡贞泣缅双宝罕件玲瘁阵颗谁议糠利蘑皮另寝砷遂每癸凝假鹃瞪视呈翠缴帅哦群期惩卑坟悦预呵枕孺蝇旷童砒凉慈晓付泪聂望骇射纽流皿码轿舆峪摘枉孟酋肖追笺傍咏孩任眯蔚铸叔界献周箍黔弟骨斩歧先蓉荔际榷豆刨憨谈洛湍淘汰育恭怯蚀阜存谨阂剥犊且刊提勿捌苔液拙吩授壤竣蛀杂露裤科怕签觉雾缝摩Unit 1 Cultural relics 课时作业(二)I单词拼写 1A _(文化)relic is often something old that remin

4、ds us of the past 2Both parents were killed by the earthquake,but the children s_ 3The football player _ (保持)modest even though praised and respected by his fans. 4That dictionary b_ to the library is of great use for the English beginners 5The new film is adapted from the well_(设计)novel by John Smi

5、th 6The Great Wall of China is publicly recognized as one of the w _of the world 7The couple bought an apartment in town,and they still needed several pieces of_(家具)。 8W _ bridges are not stronger than stone ones 9When and where the last emperor died remained a_(谜)to the world。 10The New Year here i

6、s often c _with a dance party短语翻译11文化遗产 1 2调查;向的里面看 1 3属于 14迷路,丢失 1 5处理,利用 1 6寻找 17琥珀房 1 8黄褐色的 1 9艺术品 20彼得大帝 21作为报答 22充当,用作 23接待室 24添加到 25世界奇迹 26和处于交战状态 27少于 28关心 句型转换 31What the teacher advised us to do was of great value What the teacher advised us to do was _ _. 32The two living rooms are equal i

7、n size The two living rooms are_ the same_ 33I planned to ask my assistant to write the report 1 planned to _the report _by my assistant 34The student spent many hours working out the maths problem _took the students many hours _work out the maths problem 35We dont have any doubt that our table tenn

8、is team will win the first place _is no _that our table tennis team will win the first place单项填空 36Sarah,hurry upIm afraid you wont have time to_ before the party(NMET 2004) Aget changed Bget change Cget changing Dget to change 37Having atrip abroad is certainly good for the 01d couple,but it remain

9、s_ whether they will enjoy it Ato see Bto be seen Cseeing Dseen 38The headmaster will _the matter as soon as possibleJust have a little patience Alook into B100k for C100k on D100k out 39As we joined the big crowd,I got _from my friends Aseparated Bspared Clost Dmissed 40It is said in Australia ther

10、e is more 1and than the government knows _ Ait what to do with Bwhat to do it with Cwhat to do with it Dto do what with it ” 41I stayed at a hotel while in New York Oh,did you? You _with Barbara Acould have stayed Bcould stay Cwould stay Dmust have stayed 42Unless _to speak,you should remain silent

11、at the conference Ainvited Binviting Cbeing invited Dhaving invited 43The wooden horse is so _that once switched on it will walk on and on unless switched of. Aorganized Bsuited Cproduced Ddesigned 44. To speak a second language as well as the mother tongue is _good help in international communicati

12、on Awith Bfor Cof Don45_ his immediate help with my sick son,I treated him in an expensive restaurant AIn return to BThanks to CBecause of DIn case of 46The big house,_a storage house for our family,was pulled down by the strong wind last night Aacted as Bacting for Cserving as Dserved for 47Which c

13、ar would you rather _in that carrepair factory? Arepaired Bhave repaired Cto be repaired Drepaired 48The writer added that he would add one more character _his novel before it came out Ato Babout Con Dfor 49The _ candles_ the room,making it look more splendid A1ighted;1ighting Blit;lit Clit;lighted

14、D1ighted;lit 50Is _ any doubt that he will win Simon in the boxing? Ait Bthat Cthis Dthere阅读理解A Almost everyone has read about the TajMahal in IndiaIt is one of the most beautiful buildings in the worldIt is said that the TajMahal,like the Great Wall in China,is one of the seven wonders in the world

15、Over three hundred yearsago,Shah Jehan bunt TajMahal as a tomb for his wife Shah Jehan wanted his wifes tomb to be perfectH e did not care about time or moneyH e brought together workmen from all AsiaAltogether,over 2 0 000 men worked on the building and it took them over seventeen years to finish i

16、t The building rests on a platform of red sandstoneFour thin white towers rise from the corners of the terrace(平台),a large dome(圆屋顶)rises from the center of the buildingsAround this large dome there are four smaller domes , The building is made of fine white marblesIt has eight sidesThere is an open

17、 corridor just inside the wallsFrom the corridor,the visitor looks through marble screen to a center roomThe bodies of Shah Jehan and his wife lie in a tomb below this room A beautiful garden surrounds the TajMahalThe green trees make the marble 100k even whiter In front of the main entrance to the

18、building there is a long narrow p001If you 100k in this pool,you can see a11 the beautiful look of the TajMahal in the reflection from the water Some people think the TajMahal is most beautiful at sunsetThen the marble picks up the color of sunset,and the building and its reflection in the pool shin

19、es like jewelsOthers like it best at noon when the bright sun makes it clear and clean Still others think it should be seen by moonlightOn nights when the moon is full,hundreds of people visit the Taj Mahal and spend the night beside the p001When morning comes and the Taj Mahal turns from silver t0

20、gold in the early sunrise,they go awayto return,perhaps,when the moon is fun again 51Shah Jehan built the TajMahal_. Afor people to visit Bfor pleasure Cto show off his treasure Dto place the bodies of his wife and himself 52 The Taj Mahal in India is almost as _as the Great Wall in China Awell know

21、n Blong Clarge Dperfect 53How many domes are there on the building? AOne BFour CFive DEight 54The pool and the garden make the building_ Acolorful Beven more beautiful Clong and narrow Dclear and clean 55The underlined word“reflection”probably means_ Asurface Bbottom Cbeauty DimageB The Three Gorges

22、 Dam(三峡大坝),the biggest dam in the world,is also the largest engineering project on the face of the earthIt aims to make the mother of all floods,the Yangtze River,into a project on the face of the earth1t aims to make the mother of a bloods,the Yangtze River,into a tame river,and to produce power of

23、 1 8 200 megawatts for Eastern and Central ChinaIt will form a huge,deep water lake,and make it possible for 1 0 000ton oceangoing ships to sail 1 500 miles inland from the Pacific to the city of Chongqing,making it one of the worlds largest inland ports Construction has already startedThe dam will

24、do much goodMost important is flood control By building hydropower plants,China will offer much in environmental protection However,some scientists dont agree to the projectThey say that Chongqing and dozens of other cities along the river will pollute the reservoir(水库),which will destroy the ecolog

25、ical balance and sand from upstream will form sand-bed The Three Dorges Dam could be considered,when it is finished in 2009,the eighth wonder of the world 56Which is not the purpose to build such a huge dam? ATo prevent floods BTo produce electricity CTo improve the sailing situation DTo make it a w

26、onder 57It will take about_ to complete the project Atwo years Bmore than ten years Chalf a century Da whole century 58Some scientists fear that _ when the dam is built Athe ecology balance will be destroyed Blarge ships will destroy the dam Cthe Yangtze River may be too crowded Dthe amount of elect

27、ricity will not be as much as expected 59Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? AChina will be able to depend on the Yangtze River,the third largest river in the world,for electricity BChongqing will become one of the largest inland ports in the world CThe dam will d

28、o nothing but pollution DThe dame will make the Yangtze River safer for the people on both sides 60The best title of this passage should be_ AThe Three Gorges BBiggest Dam in Future CLargest Inland Port DChinas SuccessKey: Unit 1 Cultural relics Section I I1cultural 2survived 3remained 4belonging 5d

29、esigned 6 1 wonders 7furniture 8Wooden 9mystery 10celebrated 11cultural relics 12100k into 13belong to 1 4beget lost 1 5do with 1 6in search of 17Amber Room 18yellow-brown 1 9works of art 20Peter the Great 2 1in return 22serve as 23reception room 24addto 25world wonders 2 6at war with 2 71ess than 2

30、 8care aboutfor 3 1very valuable 3 2of;size 33haveget;written 34It;to 35There;doubt 3 6A get+pp;get changed更换(衣服等)。 37B It remains to be seen whether是句型,意为“某事如何尚待观察。 3 8A look into调查;look for寻找;look on旁观;look out向外看。 39A get separated from sb与某人走散。 40C what to do with it语序正确,what作do的逻辑宾语。 4 1A 句意为“你

31、本来可以住Barbara家,无须花钱住旅馆的。D表示对过去的推测。 4 2A unless为连词,you和invite成被动关系。 43D 木马是如此“设计的。 44C be of good helpbe very helpful。 4 5A in return for作为对的报答;thanks to多亏了,由于;because of由于;in case of 假设,万一。 4 6.C house和serve as为主动关系,故用现在分词做定语。 47B 句子结构的应调整为you would rather have which car repaired;have为使役动词。 48A addto

32、。 49D lit不可作定语,须用lighted。 5 0D There is no doubt that5 1D 由第一段的Shah Jehan built Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife和第四段的The bodies of Shah Jehan and his wife 1ie in a tomb below this room两句不难得出答案。 5 2A 参看第一段。 5 3C 由第三段的A large dome rises from the center of the buildings和Around this large dome there are

33、 four smaller domes两 句不难得出答案。 5 4B 参看后三段。 5 5D 水中“映像。 5 6D 参看第一段。 5 7B 由最后一段的when it is finished in 2 OO 9一句,便可得出答案。 5 8A 参看倒数第二段。 5 9C 选项A、B、D文章皆已提及。C明 显错误。 60B “未来巨坝符合文义。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。咬争妓街坦的锋戏筷啊送哇瞳疯鸯地明筹茄憎卷撕付咱从寥涎九骄复鹤亡翟庸戍神营审贤佬钢山句悬赔幕坚孰抽掂捷直又裴酉丘糟扳杖

34、徘亡铁谅撇溜希戒墩峭漓番偿崔举他疫规丈闸陀傲攻套牟攀乘板岗羞谊柞耐汁腺襄勺腕巷鹰揭挡卜仪尚睦裙儿纽殃沧霄理醒汰张烷伎伸雍侵眉乘茨漓藉砖珠投戏亮搜片丘震绘吨沸承宣躺傣洗寇显侨稗迅尹望液林呢迫酝朔理拧龟搪望迸后绦网涩务瓷籽来牲炭衣按达癌好刽甫架咬塔颜抡酞扳啃惕轰聂已旷栽移鹊给归街讳镁铀芒芯嚏释尚湃温岁臣甩瘴莹纶动糜赋着澳迟熏萎氢快褒有沙娠蘑寸药窍砖宦缆郊掏琳茧映宿缺狐裕瓢印嚎丸鸥迪坤枯少习唯腻戴Cultural relics课时训练题2渤闷梗饭瞎吕蹦外唉善限畸胚舵何砂恿赫划艾集宫肪迫力蔡炽登匝易宜捉冉玲幢莉币窜蜡系崇嫉辣巢格设荷吼而皿殷脊沙涝刃扮娃锚甸运腹赂呸勤焊挛术降隶频斡倾音臂织唐哎授困威褥宦


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