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1、2021高考英语单项选择精英定时训练题(24)及答案【黑龙江省大庆一中2021三模】单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. -How about camping, just for a change? - OK, _ A. who cares? B. whatever you say. C. whats up? D. its nice of you.22.I cant remember when turning point occurred exactly, but it might be _ summer morn

2、ing when I was in New York.A不填;aBa; aCthe; aDa; the23. -You seem to be familiar with Daqing. -I _ here for three years. Its great to be back.A. have worked B. worked C. had worked D. work 24. _the phenomenon of bystander effect in the Yueyue event, most Chinese strongly believe that there still exis

3、t love and warmth in peoples heartsAIn spite of BIn addition to CBecause of DOn behalf of25.- I seldom watch TV, but surf the Net a lot. -_. A. So do I B. Neither do IC. So have ID. So it is with me26.Generally, convenience foods _ are already prepared for cooking are _ in grocery storesA . where; a

4、ccessible Bwhich; available C. that; enjoyable D. what; approachable27.The young girl had to drop out of school and the responsibilities that most parents take after her parents were killed in an accident. A. take on B. take in C. take off D. take down28. -If_, some terrible diseases would spread in

5、 the stricken-areas after the terrible earthquake in Lushan, Sichuan Province-So people there were in_ need of medical teamsA. dont controlled; urgent Bnot controlling; greatC. not being controlled; pressing Dnot controlled; desperate29. -Jack said you got a unique watch for your birthday. -Yes. May

6、be it is not to the taste of , but I like it. A. anyone B. none C. everyone D. nobody30. -How was your trip to Qiqihar last week?-Wonderful!I only felt sorry that I_ Zhalong, the nature reserve of red-crowned cranes, but the weather was awful A. could visit B. could have visited C. might visit D. mi

7、ght have visited31. It can be hard for even a trained doctor to _the symptoms of lung cancer. A. stareB. stateC. spotD. share32. When you go by train, please see to _ that you take an express, _ that stops only at big stations. A. that , oneB. it, the oneC. that, itD. it, one33.Im afraid we cant inc

8、lude the item you suggest, as it does not _ the rest of the program. A. go with B. deal with C. refer to D. adapt to34. The students were busily decorating their classroom, where a party_.A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held 35. According to a study carried out by an A

9、merican university, when you eat has _ on your mood as _ you eat.A. much of as an effect; what B. much of as an effect; whichC. as much of an effect; what D. as much of an effect; which【参考答案】单项填空21-25BCBAD 26-30 BADCB 31-35 CDAAC281. The shop_ its summer stock to be ready for the new winter goods. A

10、. sold out B. sold down C. sold off D. sold short282. I think they have gone to the airport to _ their daughter _. A. see.over B. seeoff C. seethrough D. seeto283. We love peace and_ peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedomA. seek B. seek after C. seek for D. seek out.284. Unexpectedly, M

11、aggie came out of the cage and _ the letter from her and began to read aloud. A. held B. seized C. snatched D. grasped285. The monitors election gave him such an opportunity to shine. Which of the following cant replace the underlined part? A. to turn up B. to show off C. to show himself D. to be sh

12、owy286. - Can you _ the hole in my trousers ? - Yes , of course. I learned to _ at school. A. sowsew B. sew up sew C. sew sew up D. sow up sew up287. The thief drove as fast as he could in an effort to the pursuing police car.A. shake off B. shake with C. show off D. show up 288. His beard was fresh

13、ly and it seemed that he would go to an important appointment.A. shave B. sharing C. shaving D. shaven289. Her experience _ how easily young women can _ trouble abroad. A. showget into B. showsget in C. showget in D. showsget into290. The little girl _ of her own face in one of the shop windows and

14、she felt countrified(土里土气) by herself. A. caught sight B. caught sigh C. looked D. looked into.291. I have no bench to _, so I have to stand there _ TV for a while.A. sit on watch B. sit on watching C. sit watching D. sit watch292. The newly-built Information Centre is siuated at the suburb of our c

15、ity. Which of the following cannot replace the underlined part?A. stands B. occupies C. lies D. is located293. Yesterday it was too late to get back, so I at my aunts.A. slept out B. slept over C. slept back D. slept on294. Charlie thinks money will _ all his problem, but as a matter of fact he is m

16、istaken.A. work out B. solve C. provide D. supply295. Your actions soiled our class fame. The underlined word means _. A. damaged B. achieved C. snatched at D. established296. Can you_ that new word _ for me, Jack?A. spellover B. spellout C. writein D. writewith297. Just make a decision and _ it.A.

17、stick B. stick to C. persist D. insist298. If you go to see a doctor, the doctor will have your temperature _ at first. A. checkB. examine C. takingD. taken299. Heal(治愈) _ , rescue _, practise humanistarianism(人道主义) is the sacred duty of all the doctors and nurses. A. wounded . dyingB. the wounded .

18、 dying C. wounded . the dyingD. the wounded . the dying300. Britain trades with many European countries. This word trade means Britain _.A. buy or sell thingsB. borrowC. lendD. purchase参考答案281285ABCCB286290BCDDA291295BBBBA296300BBDDA 单项填空1Could we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon?Sorry,lets

19、 make it_time.Aothers Bthe otherCanother Dother解析:选C。句意:“我们今日下午300见面好吗?”“对不起,还是另外约个时间吧。”没有others形式;the other剩下的;another(同类中的)另一个;other形容词,意为“其他的”,后接名词、代词。只有C项符合题意。2(高考大纲全国卷)As he reached _ front door,Jack saw_ strange sight.Athe;不填 Ba;theC不填;a Dthe;a解析:选D。句意:当杰克到达前门的时候,他看到了一幕惊异的景象。第一个空表特指,用定冠词the;a

20、strange sight一幕惊异的景象。3My neighbor asked me to go for_walk,but I dont think Ive got_energy.Aa;/ Bthe;theC/;the Da;the解析:选D。go for a walk“出去闲逛”,为固定用法;而此处energy则特指前面闲逛所需的能量,其前应用定冠词the。4According to_World Health Organization,health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent_spread of AIDS.Athe;/

21、 Bthe;theCa;a D/;the解析:选B。the World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)属于“the一般名词”构成的专出名词;the spread of AIDS属于特指,表示AIDS的集中,of AIDS作定语,故spread前应加the。5(皖南八校联考)Beyond_stars,Fei Junlong,the Chinese astronaut,saw nothing but_space.A/;the Bthe;/C/;/ Dthe;the解析:选B。考查冠词的用法。句意:除了星星,中国宇航员费俊龙在太空中什么也看不到。这里的stars指的是太空中的

22、星星,属于特指,所以要用the stars;space作“太空”讲时,不用加冠词。6(2022福建质检)After her sons death,the old lady_often sit at the window,deep in thought.AcouldBshouldCmight Dwould解析:选D。句意:儿子死后,老太太总是坐在窗前,陷入深思。would表示过去习惯性的动作,符合句意。7(2022南昌调研)On her way home she_a slice of honey cake at the bakers.Aused to Bused to buyCis used t

23、o buy Dused to buying解析:选B。used to表示过去习惯性的动作,意为“过去经常(曾经)”,符合题意。be used to do是被动语态,意为“被用来做”;be used to doing“习惯于做”。8(2022潍坊检测)He_a waiter,but now a taxi driver.Awould be Bused to beCcould be Dshould be解析:选B。依据题意可知他过去是个侍者,而现在不是了,因此要用used to be。9Mother_us stories when we were young.Aused to tell Bused

24、to tellingCwould tell Dwill tell解析:选C。本句中有确定的时间段when we were young,因此要选C。would描述过去经常发生的动作;used to do sth.强调与现在对比。10When he was there,he _ go to the coffee shop at the corner after work every day.Awould BshouldChad better Dmight解析:选A。依据句意,此处表示“过去的习惯”,和现在无关,故选A。【齐齐哈尔市试验中学2021高三英语综合训练(3)】其次部分 英语学问运用(共两

25、节,满分45分)第一节 语法和词汇学问(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项填入空白处。1. Of all the subjects, I like _ physics best because it gives us _ useful knowledge of things in science. And I long to turn _ scientist in the future.A. the ; a ; a B. / ; an ; / C./ ; a ; / D. the ; / ; /2. - Is it for two mon

26、ths _ they have stayed here? - No, it is only three weeks_ they arrived here. A. that; since B. that; when C. when; that D. that; before3. - I would like a pen which _ well. - Will this one _? A. writes; help B. writes; do C. is written; work D. is written; help4. Having walked in the desert for sev

27、eral days, we felt exhausted, but we had to find a pool before the water we had A. ran out of B. ran away C. gave out D. run out5. - Are you still busy? - Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long. A just finish B have just finished C am just going to finish D am just finishing6. -There are so many th

28、ings to learn today! -Dont worry. You neednt trouble _ them all. A. to remember B. remembering C. of remembering D. remember7. If it were not for the fact that he _ the managers nephew, he _ the post last month.A. is; wouldnt get B. were; wouldnt get C. is; wouldnt have got D. were; wouldnt have got

29、8. _ himself to childrens charity work, the famous actor missed _ from a terminal disease. A. Devoted; being saved B. Devoting; being saved C. Devoted; to be saved D. Devoting; to be saved9. Michelle asked a fellow teacher to _ her so that she could attend the conference Aaccount for Bsubstitute for

30、 Csend for Dmake up for10 -Lydia, what did our head teacher say just now?-Every boy and every girl as well as the teachers who to lead the group asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning. Ais; is Bare ;are Care ;is Dis ;are11. He always did well at school having to do part-time jobs.

31、A. in spite of B. regardless of C. on account of D. in case of12. _ visited the Shanghai World Expo is sure to tell you the place is worthy _ twice. You can say that again. A. Those who have; visiting B. Whoever has; visitingC. Those who have; to be visited D. Whoever has; to be visited13. The man s

32、hould be excused because he caused the damage _. A. deliberately B. unintentionally C. meaningfully D. determinedly 14. Canada is a country _ many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population. A. making up of; occupied with B. consisting of; making

33、up C. made up of; consisting of D. consisted of; taking up15.Mr. Wang is a man of few words, but quick in mind. , you know. A. A single flower does not make a spring B. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds C. A still tongue makes a wise head D. A great talker is a great liar【参考答案】21-25 CABC/DD 26-30 ACBBC 31-35 ADBBC

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