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1、必修1课时作业(一)Unit 1Friendship.用所给词的适当形式填空1_(suffer) such a heavy loss,the boss didnt have the courage to go on with his business.2The Chinese government has begun a campaign_(calm) the crazy housing market.3When he travels with his friends,his mother is always_(concern) about his safety.4I_(like) peopl

2、e who talk loudly in public places.I think its very impolite.5Its_(exact) the kind of work Ive been looking for.6What a beautiful sight!Wild flowers of different colors spread all over the hills and around the lake,_(add) to the beauty of the valley.7When first_(settle) down in Chengdu,Maria found h

3、erself unable to get used to the spicy food.8At first I_(agree) with his suggestion,but later I changed my mind and agreed.9I found a(n)_(dust) bag under the bed when I was cleaning up my room last night.10After he came into_,he didnt feel he was_.He even felt he was_when he couldnt protect his wife

4、.(power)答案:1.Having suffered2.to calm3.concerned4.dislike5exactly6.adding7.settling8.disagreed9.dusty10power;powerful;powerless.完成句子1Not until he_(经受了真正的困难)did he realize the love we have for our families is important.2Ye Shiwen_(仍耿耿于怀)failing to win a medal in the 2021 World Swimming Championships.

5、3Although Rosemary_(身患重病)for years,she lost none of her enthusiasm for life.4It is the first time that he_(对表示关注)the Diaoyu Islands Issue.5It took several minutes_(兴奋的足球迷才安静下来)6It was the first time that a female_(被选为总统)in that country.7The problem,_(假如不妥当处理的话),may lead to misunderstanding between t

6、he two sides.8_(多久之后才)the professor makes another visit to China?答案:1.went through real hardship2.is still very upset about3had suffered from a serious illness4.has shown concern about5.before the excited football fans calmed down6.had been elected president7.unless handled properly8.How long will i

7、t be before.阅读理解(2022全国新课标卷)Arriving in Sydney on his own from India,my husband,Rashid,stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.During the first week of his stay,he went out one day to do some shopping.He came back in the late afternoon to discover that hi

8、s suitcase was gone.He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers,including his passport.He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in a strange city,thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organised again from a distant count

9、ry while trying to settle down in a new one.Late in the evening,the phone rang.It was a stranger.He was trying to pronounce my husbands name and was asking him a lot of questions.Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can (垃圾桶) that had been left out on the footpath.My husband r

10、ushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents.Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers.Her parents had carefully sorted them out,although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents.At last they had see

11、n a halfwritten letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people.We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.语篇导读:本文是一篇记

12、叙文。主要介绍了作者的丈夫来到了一个生疏的城市,有一次他出去购物回来之后,发觉自己的手提箱不见了,里面有他全部的重要文件,包括护照。就在他很孤独无助的时候,一位生疏人打电话来告知他,他们的女儿捡到了他的文件。丈夫的东西最终失而复得,令作者一家很欣喜,这同时也让他们重拾对人们的信任。1What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?AGo shopping. BFind a house.CJoin his family. DTake a vacation.答案:B解析:细节理解题。依据第一段Arriving in Sydney on

13、his own from India,my husband,Rashid,stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.可知,作者的丈夫只身从印度来到了悉尼,住在旅馆里,同时给作者和孩子们查找房子住,因此选择B项Find a house.(找房子)。2The girls parents got Rashids phone number from_.Aa friend of his family Ba Sydney policemanCa letter in his pap

14、ers Da stranger in Sydney答案:C解析:细节理解题。依据倒数其次段的At last they had seen a halfwritten letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.可知,小女孩的父母是从作者的丈夫写给一位伴侣的信中得到了他的电话号码,因此选择C项a letter in his papers。A项指他家人的伴侣,B项指悉尼的警察,D项指悉尼的生疏人,这些都与文中提到的信息不符。3What does the underlined

15、 word“restored”in the last paragraph mean?AShowed. BSent out.CDelivered. DGave back.答案:D解析:词义猜想题。依据画线词后面的the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people以及全文是围绕作者丈夫的文件失而复得这一主线开放叙述的可知,gave back(归还,交还)是最佳答案。4Which of the following can be the best title for the tex

16、t?AFrom India to Australia.BLiving in a New Country.CTurning Trash to Treasure.DIn Search of New Friends.答案:C解析:标题归纳题。本题考查考生理解全文、提炼信息、概括总结的力量。本文主要记叙了作者的丈夫来到悉尼之后,有一天发觉自己的手提箱丢失了,里面有自己的像护照这样的全部重要文件。正值作者的丈夫一筹莫展的时候,一位当地的生疏人给他打来电话,告知他说他们的女儿在垃圾桶里捡到了这些文件,这些原来可能被当作垃圾扔掉的文件最终却回到了失主手中,这让作者一家很欣喜,同时也让他们重拾对人们的信任等,

17、所以这些都是贵重的财宝,因此选Turning Trash to Treasure,这正是本文的主题所在。.完形填空(2022全国大纲卷)Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.They reached the top_1_,but on their way back conditions were very_2_.Joe fell and broke his leg.They both knew that

18、 if Simon_3_alone,he would probably get back_4_.But Simon decided to risk his _5_and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope (绳)As they_6_down,the weather got worse.Then another_7_occurred.They couldnt see or hear each other and,_8_,Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁)It wa

19、s_9_for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up.Joes_10_was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice._11_,after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold,Simon had to_12_.In tears,he cut the rope.Joe_13_into a huge crevasse (裂缝)in the ice below.He had no food or water and he was in terr

20、ible pain.He couldnt walk,but he_14_to get out of the crevasse and started to_15_towards their camp,nearly ten kilometers_16_.Simon had_17_the camp at the foot of the mountain.He thought that Joe must be_18_,but he didnt want to leave_19_.Three days later,in the middle of the night,he heard Joes voi

21、ce.He couldnt_20_it.Joe was there,a few meters from their tent,still alive.语篇导读:本文是一篇记叙文。主要描写了两个伴侣成功地登上山顶后,在返回途中所发生的事。途中乔不幸摔断了腿,但西蒙并没有抛弃乔,而是冒着生命危急用绳子把乔顺下山。由于看不清也听不见,他不当心把乔顺到了一个峭壁边上。经过长时间的努力,西蒙不得不割断绳子。但掉下去的乔并没有摔死,求生的欲望支撑着他。凭借惊人的毅力,在三天之后,乔最终又回到了营地。1Ahurriedly BcarefullyCsuccessfully Dearly答案:C解析:依据空格前

22、面的Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande 和后面的on their way back可知,他们成功地(successfully)到达了山顶。hurriedly急赶忙忙地;carefully认真地;early早期地,均与语境不符。2Adifficult BsimilarCspecial Dnormal答案:A解析:but(表示转折)与前面的成功登顶形成对比,再结合后面的Joe fell and broke his leg.可知,回来的途中形势变得很困

23、难(difficult)了。3Aclimbed B workedCrested Dcontinued答案:D解析:从空格后面的alone,he would probably get back可知,他们两个人都知道,假如西蒙一个人连续(continued)走的话,他可能会回去的。4Aunwillingly BsafelyCslowly Dregretfully答案:B解析:依据空格前面的he would probably get back可知,西蒙可能会平安地(safely)返回营地。unwillingly不情愿地;slowly渐渐地;regretfully懊悔地,均与语境不符。5Afortun

24、e BtimeChealth Dlife答案:D解析:空格后面的and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(并试图用绳子把乔顺到山下去)表明,他要冒着生命(life)危急挂念伴侣回去,这也与前面的safely形成对比。6Alay BsettledCwent Dlooked答案:C解析:结合上一段最终一句话中的to lower Joe down可知,在他们连续往下走的过程中(As they went down),天气变得越来越糟糕。lie躺;settle定居;look看,均与语境不符。7Adamage BstormCchange Dtroub

25、le答案:D解析:依据下文的Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁)可知,由于看不清也听不见彼此,西蒙把乔顺到了一个峭壁边上,说明他们遇到了另外一个麻烦(trouble)。damage损害;storm暴风雨;change变化,均与语境不符。8Aby mistake Bby chanceCby choice Dby luck答案:A解析:从空格前面的They couldnt see or hear each other(他们看不清也听不见对方)和空格后面的Simon lowered his friend over the

26、edge of a precipice(峭壁)可知,西蒙由于失误(by mistake)才把乔顺到了峭壁边上。by chance偶然地,意外地;by choice出于自己的选择;by luck走运地,均不符合语境。9Aunnecessary BpracticalCimportant Dimpossible答案:D解析:结合空格前面的over the edge of a precipice(峭壁)和空格后面的for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up可知,乔再爬上来或者西蒙把他拽上来都不太可能(impossible)了。此句中含有重要句式:

27、It is/wasadj.for sb.to do sth.。10Aheight BweightCstrength Dequipment答案:B解析:依据空格后面的was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice可知,正是由于乔在峭壁下面悬着,因此他的体重(weight)也把西蒙往峭壁下面拖拽,即他们两个都有可能掉下峭壁而丧命。11AFinally BPatientlyCSurely DQuickly答案:A解析:结合空格后面的after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold和he cut th

28、e rope可知,经过在黑暗和冰冷中一个多小时的挣扎,最终(finally)西蒙作出了打算。patiently急躁地;surely确定地;quickly快速地,均不符合语境。12Astand back Btake a restCmake a decision Dhold on答案:C解析:依据空格后面的he cut the rope可知,西蒙没有方法了,最终作出打算(make a decision),割断了绳子,即让乔自己掉下去,否则两个人都将摔死。stand back退后;take a rest休息;hold on抓住不放,坚持住,均与语境不符。13Ajumped BfellCescaped

29、 Dbacked答案:B解析:结合上文的cut the rope和空格后面的into a huge crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below可知,由于绳子断了,因此乔掉下去了(fell)。14Amanaged BplannedCwaited Dhoped答案:A解析:空格前面的but(表明下文与前面的“不能行走”构成转折关系)和空格后面的to get out of the crevasse and started to.说明,他虽然不能走路了,但还是设法从裂缝中出来了(managed to get out of.),连续朝营地挪去。manage to do sth.为固定搭配,

30、意为“成功做某事”。15Arun BskateCmove Dmarch答案:C解析:依据上文的he couldnt walk和get out of the crevasse可知,他经过自己的努力,从裂缝中挣扎出来,并且连续朝营地挪去(move)。run跑;skate滑冰;march行军,均与语境不符。16Aaround BawayCabove Dalong答案:B解析:依据空格前面的towards their camp,nearly ten kilometers可知,离营地大约有10千米远(路程away)。17Aheaded for Btraveled toCleft for Dreturne

31、d to答案:D解析:结合空格后面的the camp at the foot of the mountain 可知,西蒙自己平安返回了(returned to)营地。head for动身,前往;travel to去旅游;leave for动身去,均与语境不符。18Adead BhurtCweak Dlate答案:A解析:依据上文“割断绳子,乔掉下峭壁”和空格前面的He thought that Joe must be可知,西蒙认为乔肯定死了(must be dead)。19Asecretly BtiredlyCimmediately Danxiously答案:C解析:结合空格前面的but he

32、 didnt want to leave可知,虽然认为乔死了,但是西蒙并不想马上(immediately)离开营地。secretly隐秘地;tiredly劳累地;anxiously焦虑地,均与语境不符。20Afind BbelieveCmake Daccept答案:B解析:依据空格前面的Three days later,in the middle of the night,he heard Joes voice.(三天后,在半夜他听到了乔的声音。)和后面的Joe was there可知,他简直不敢信任(believe)。.语法填空(2021黑龙江省哈三中一模)David and Jack ar

33、e talking about cyberrelationships in their dorm.David:Jack,you spend a lot of time on the Internet every day.What do you most frequently use it for?Jack:I usually surf _1_ Internet,read news and anything I am interested in,check emails or chat with other people.Sometimes I order online too.Maybe I

34、can find a girlfriend online like a fairy tale.David:Well,I see.Thats _2_ you are so stuck to it.Jack:I know dozens of websites provide dating service.Curiosity and the need for companionship make them a surefire business.I recommend that you _3_ (try) B.David:To be _4_,I really cant understand how

35、_5_ people depend on that way to make friends.Its kind of risky.Jack:Yes,but its also one of the easiest and fastest ways to meet new people.David:Sounds good.But it is full of traps on the Internet,and some people have really _6_ (please) experience about online dating.Jack:Its true,but some people

36、 did find their betterhalf through online dating.David:_7_,I wont try that way to make my girlfriend.Jack:Dont be so sure.If you happen_8_(meet) a girl online who is intelligent,kind,honest,and you get a good feeling of her,wont you have the desire to get to know her _9_ person?David:I wont have suc

37、h a chance in the first place,for I never enter the chatroom.Jack:Maybe_10_mans meat is anothers poison.David:Thats right.1答案:the解析:考查冠词。surf the Internet上网冲浪。2答案:why解析:考查表语从句。Thats why.那就是的缘由。3答案:(should) try解析:考查虚拟语气。recommend后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用should do形式,should可以省略。4答案:frank/honest解析:考查插入语。to b

38、e frank/honest为固定用法,意为:说实话。5答案:come解析:考查特殊句型。how come.?怎么会的?用来对令人惊异的事情所发生的缘由进行提问。此处作understand的宾语从句,故用陈述语气。6答案:unpleasant解析:考查词形变换。修饰名词experience要用形容词,依据上下文句意要用unpleasant。7答案:Anyway/Anyhow解析:考查副词。anyway/anyhow不管怎样。8答案:to meet解析:考查非谓语动词。happen to do sth.碰巧做某事。9答案:in解析:考查介词。in person亲自,亲身。10答案:one解析:考

39、查谚语。One mans meat is anothers poison.一个人的美食,可能是另一个人的毒药。one一个;another再一,又一(个)。.短文改错(2021哈三中高三验收)As is known,that it is interesting to teach children to swim while they are still babies.Most large town in Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for babies.The idea has quickly spre

40、ad to Europe which,in several countries,special courses were now offered to children who are from 7 to 24 months old.The first step is to have child get rid of the fear with water.Next,he is teaching to float in water.Once he can do that naturally and can swim with fear,the child can master the tech

41、nique and push him forward through water.答案:As is known,that it is interesting to teach children to swim while they are still babies.Most large in Florida and California have already run lessons for babies.The idea has quickly spread to Europe ,in several countries,special courses now offered to children who are from 7 to 24 months old.The first step is to have child get rid of the fear water.Next,he is to float in water.Once he can do that naturally and can swim fear,the child can master the technique and push forward through water.

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