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1、2021高考英语一轮课下限时训练及答案(人教新课标选修7Unit 3)Unit 3Under the Sea.单项填空1(2022浙江五校联盟一次联考)I enjoyed a very good weekend in the countryside._.AIts a pleasureBCongratulationsCOh,Im glad to hear thatDThats very nice of you2(2022湖北荆州中学质检)There is no need for you to go on a diet;you are only slightly overweight_your h

2、eight.Ain case ofBin relation toCin return forDin response to3(2022宝鸡二检)Mr Smith,can I take on the job?Im afraid not.It is a sort of work_rich experience and great patience.Ataking up Blooking forCmaking up Dcalling for4(2022郑州一检)We do not need to wait in line for hours for a ticket this year becaus

3、e we can use the website or hotline to_tickets and then pick them up at railway stations or ticket agencies.AreleaseBrelieveCreserveDreview5(2022江苏五校质量调研)I want some information on_package tour to Thailand.OK,it costs $400,including_accommodation.A/;theBa;anCthe;anDthe;/6(2022宁海高三质检)Whenever you get

4、 into trouble,let me know and I will do everything I can_you out.Ato helpBhelpCthat helpsDhelping7(2021吉林试验中学模拟)We are now enjoying the cool air in the room._,the farmers are harvesting crops in the hot sun.AThereforeBBesidesCAs a resultDIn the meantime8(2022潍坊高三模拟)There she was,standing exactly_I h

5、ad left her,crying bitterly.AwhenBthatCwhereDin which9(2021湘潭市二模)I_in a small company for two years and then I went abroad to seek my fortune.Ahave been workingBwas workingChave workedDworked10Mikes disappointment was shared by several players who were present,_were so upset that they shouted at the

6、 judge.Asome of themBsome of whichCsome of thatDsome of whom11(2022天津卷)Parents and children should communicate more to_the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.AopenBnarrowCwidenDleave12(2022辽宁六校联考)Why didnt Mr Smith arrive on time for the meeting?He must have been_on his w

7、ay here in the traffic jam.Aheld up Bput upCtaken up Dgiven up13(2022甘肃部分示范学校高三调研)The Chinese lunar New Year usually_two records:the worlds most widely watched television gala show,and its busiest telecommunications network.Adevelops Bwitnesses Cestablishes Dlaunches14(2011福建卷)Nowadays,there is a_in

8、crease in childrens creativity,for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents.AsharpBslightCnaturalDmodest15(2022日照模拟)Tomorrow is a public holiday,_our child should get close to nature.But Im afraid she will have to attend a special training course.AwhereBwhichCasDwhen.完形填空建议用时15(2021四川省绵阳

9、市第三次诊断)On June 17,2022,my daughter gave me a new wallet as a Fathers Day present.It was a perfect gift considering that my purse used for nearly a decade was much_1_.I took the opportunity as well to_2_some cards,notes,or small pieces of paper in it that were no longer needed.As I_3_out the old wall

10、et,I was amazed at how much it_4_.Carefully I went through its_5_piece by piece and_6_them to their new home.As I was looking at them,I_7_the organ donor card (器官捐赠卡) that I had signed nine years ago._8_,it hadnt yet been called into use.Still,it felt good knowing that_9_something should happen to m

11、e,I would be able to give another person a second chance of_10_.As I_11_the card into my new wallet,I started thinking about all the_12_things we can donate to help others today.We can donate our time,our talents or our wisdom.We can_13_ our kindness.We can_14_ our light into the darkness.We can don

12、ate every bit of love and joy inside of us.And the greatest thing of all is that when we do,we_15_that we have even more to share than when we start.Maybe you wish to_16_an organ donor card so you can give something after you_17_.But dont be afraid to give something now while you are still _18_.Be a

13、 donor.Make your entire life a(n)_19_to others.Donate all your _20_things to make this world a better and brighter place.1.AbeautifulBsmall Cworn Dexpensive2A.keep backBput asideCget through Dthrow away3A.sortedBemptied Cwiped Dhanded4A.calculated BheldCowned Dsold5A.papersBbelongingsCpockets Dconte

14、nts6A.attachedBfixed Cmoved Dcontributed7A.came across Bgot throughCwent over Dbrought about8. AUnexpectedly BThankfullyCRegretfullyDUnfortunately9A.unlessBthough Csince Dif10A.risk BwillClifeDlength11A.placedBdipped Cpushed Dturned12A.spareBother CvitalDleftover13A.performBaffordCcast Dgive14A.shin

15、eBidentifyCexploreDseek15A.findBpredict Cguarantee Dstress16A.purchaseBwrite Cmake Dsign17A.agree BreturnCdie Dretire18A.energeticBaliveCfaithfulDreliable19A.option Bload Cgift Daward20A.wonderful BplainCdreadful Ddisgusting.阅读理解(2022江西六校高三联考)Most people will answer a ringing phone.Usually you dont

16、know who is phoning or how urgent their business is,so a ringing phone is difficult to ignore.In one experiment,a researcher wrote down the numbers of several public phones in stations and airports.Then he called the numbers.Someone nearly always answered.When he asked why,people usually said,“Becau

17、se it rang.”A few years ago in New Jersey,a man with a rifle killed 13 people.Armed police surrounded his house but he refused to come out.A reporter found out the phone number of the house and called.The man put down his rifle and answered the phone.“What do you want?” he said,“Im really busy right

18、 now.”Imagine you are at work and the phone is ringing in someone elses office.Do you answer it or not?In one survey on telephone use,51% of participants told researchers that they did.We cant ignore the phone and for that reason,it forces its way into our life.It interrupts what we are doing and on

19、 top of that,the caller is often someone we dont really want to talk to.However,in the survey,58% said they never took the phone off the hook,and 67% didnt mind if someone called during a television programme.For 44% it wasnt a problem if someone rang during a meal,while only 28% were annoyed or ups

20、et.If someone phoned in the middle of the night,40% told researchers that they got nervous or frightened,while around 30% got angry.Of course,when someone is really annoying,you can choose to hang up on him/her.This is in fact one of the rudest things you can do on the phone,but 79% said they were p

21、repared to do it in some cases.Only 6% told researchers they never hung up on people.1In the experiment,people answered the researchers phone_.Ain order to help him gather the data Bfor fear that it was urgentCto test the function of the phone Dto show their interest in the survey2The gunman answere

22、d the phone because_.Ahe decided not to give up his resistance to the policeBhe intended to be friendly with the mediaChe wanted to tell the reporter that he was too busy to offer any informationDhe tended to answer a ringing phone3According to Paragraph 3,most people_when they were doing their work

23、 or watching television.Arefused to answer the phone in someone elses officeBcouldnt ignore the phoneCminded the ringing of the phoneDkept the phone ringing4What is implied by the sentence “79% said they were prepared to do it in some cases”?AThey also agreed to hang up on others regardless of ruden

24、ess.BThey were prepared to punish those rude callers.CThey were annoying rude callers.DThey were going to hang on annoying phones.5The purpose of the survey is to find out_.Ahow the phone interrupts peoples workBwhat role the phone plays in peoples livesCwhy people mind a ringing phone sometimesDwhe

25、n the phone communication is more welcome课时作业(三十三).单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。句意为:我在乡下度过了一个很快乐的周末。哦,我很兴奋听到这个消息。答案:C2解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:你没有必要节食,相对你的身高而言,你只是略微超重。in relation to意为“相对而言”,符合句意。答案:B3解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:史密斯先生,我能担当这份工作吗?生怕不能。这是一份需要丰富阅历和极大急躁的工作。take up开头从事,占据;look for查找;make up补上,编造;call for需要。答案:D4解析:考查动词辨析。句

26、意为:今年我们不需要排队几个小时等待购买一张火车票了,由于我们可以用网站或热线来预订,然后在火车站或火车票代售点取票。release释放;relieve缓解,减轻;reserve预订;review温习,检讨。依据句意可知,应选C项。答案:C5解析:考查冠词。句意为:我想询问跟团去泰国旅游的信息。好的,包括住宿在内要400美元。package tour为固定搭配,意为“跟团旅游”,此处用the特指去泰国的跟团旅游,accommodation为不行数名词,表示“住处”,前不需加冠词。答案:D6解析:句中I can是定语从句修饰everything,can后省略了do,故作目的状语的to help

27、you out与can无关。句意为:无论何时你有困难,给我说一下,我会尽我所能挂念你摆脱逆境。答案:A7解析:题中前后两句表达不同的意思,没有因果关系,故可排解A和C项。其次句话也不是对第一句话的补充,故可排解B项。in the meantime与此同时,符合题意。答案:D8解析:考查状语从句。句意为:她就站在我刚才离开她的那个地方哀思地哭。where I had left her是地点状语从句。答案:C9解析:考查时态。句意为:我在一家小公司工作了两年,然后出国想碰碰运气。此处表示过去发生的动作且已经结束,故用一般过去时,D项正确。答案:D10解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非

28、限制性定语从句,且先行词players是人,故此处应选D。答案:D11解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:为了削减家长和孩子之间的代沟,他们应当多沟通,以便他们更好地相互了解。依据句意可排解 A、C、D。答案:B12解析:考查动词短语。答语意为“他确定是在来这儿的路上被交通堵塞耽搁了”。hold up表示“延迟,阻碍”。后三项分别表示“建筑,张贴”“从事,占据”“放弃”。答案:A13解析:考查动词辨析。此处表示“中国新年通常会见证两项纪录”,故选witnesses,表示“是发生的时间,见证”。develop进展;establish建立;launch发动,放射。答案:B14解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:

29、当今,孩子的制造力急剧提高,由于他们被鼓舞去进展个人才能。故选sharp急剧的。slight略微的;natural自然的;modest虚心的,中等的。答案:A15解析:考查非限制性定语从句。句意为:明天是公休日,孩子应当(趁此机会)接近自然。但是生怕她明天要去参与一个特殊的训练课程。第一句为非限制性定语从句,public holiday为先行词,when是关系副词引导从句,在从句中作时间状语。答案:D.完形填空语篇解读本文通过作者的亲身经受告知我们一个道理:人们在活着时也可以捐格外特的东西,让这个世界成为一个更奇怪、更光明的地方。1解析:考虑到“我”用了将近十年的钱包格外旧了,这是一个完善的礼

30、物。worn陈旧的,符合语境。答案:C2解析:“我”也利用这个机会扔掉(throw away)旧钱包中不需要的物件。答案:D3解析:当“我”倒空(emptied)旧钱包时,“我”惊异于旧钱包竟然能装那么多东西。答案:B4解析:参见上题解析。hold容纳,符合语境。答案:B5解析:“我”认真地检查旧钱包中的小物件,并把它们移到新钱包里。contents所容纳之物,符合语境。答案:D6解析:参见上题解析。move移动,符合语境。答案:C7解析:当“我”查看钱包中的小物件时,“我”偶然发觉(came across)九年前签的器官捐赠卡。答案:A8解析:庆幸的是,它还没用过。thankfully庆幸地


32、开头的时候相比,我们有更多的东西可以与别人共享。答案:A16解析:或许你想要签(sign)一张器官捐赠卡,这样你死(die)后就可以捐献某些东西。第一段中的“the organ donor card(器官捐赠卡)that I had signed nine years ago”是线索提示。答案:D17解析:参见上题解析。答案:C18解析:但是现在在你活着的时候也不要可怕捐赠物品挂念他人。alive活着的,符合语境。答案:B19解析:做一个捐赠者。让你的整个一生对别人来说是一个礼物。gift礼物,与文章开头女儿给“我”的礼物相呼应。 答案:C20解析:捐出你全部奇怪的东西,让这个世界成为一个更奇

33、怪,更光明的地方。wonderful令人赞美的,奇异的,符合语境。答案:A.阅读理解语篇解读本文是一篇调查报道。试验发觉,大多数人都会接听正在响着的电话,由于他们想知道是谁在打电话或者担忧有什么紧急状况。1解析:推理推断题。依据文章第一段第一句可知,人们接听电话是由于他们想知道是谁在打电话或者担忧有什么紧急状况。答案:B2解析:推理推断题。依据文章其次段内容并结合文章大意可知,那位杀人犯之所以接听了电话,是由于他和多数人一样,不能不理睬正在响着的电话。答案:D3解析:细节理解题。依据文章第三段第四句“We cant ignore the phone and for that reason,it forces its way into our life.”可知,多数人在工作或看电视时,当听到电话响了会去接听。答案:B4解析:句意理解题。依据文章最终一段内容可知,当接听了电话后,假如对方令人厌烦,你当然可以挂断他或她的电话。虽然这是在打电话时很没礼貌的行为,但79%的人说假如遇到类似状况他们也会那样做。答案:A5解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文的写作目的是为了调查人们为什么会去接听正在响着的电话的缘由。答案:C

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