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1、话题:节 假 日 活 动【词汇积累】【佳句背诵】1.traditional adj.传统的2.festival n. 节日3.feast n. 盛宴4.observe v. 庆祝;遵守5.fireworks n. 烟花6.belief n. 信仰7.decoration n. 装饰8.honour n. 荣誉9.amusement n. 消遣10.activity n. 活动11.atmosphere n. 气氛12.arrange v. 筹备;支配13.enjoy oneself 过得快活14.dress up 盛装;装扮15.get together 聚会;联欢16.have a wond

2、erful time 过得快活17.family reunion 家庭团聚18.in memory of /in honour of 为了纪念1.The MidAutumn Festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, is a festival with a history of about 2,000 years.中秋节是在每年的农历八月十五,有着大约2 000年的历史。2. This is a time for relaxation and celebration when people usu

3、ally take this opportunity to reunite with their families or have a rest.这是放松和庆祝的时间,人们通常会趁此机会与家人团聚或好好休息。3. With the improvement of living standard,people begin to pursue a high quality of life.随着生活水平的提高,人们开头追求高品质的生活。【写作模板】中秋节The MidAutumn Festival falls on the fifteenth of the eighth month of our Ch

4、inese lunar calendar.As one of the traditional Chinese festivals,it is a chance to help us get together with our family.No matter how busy we are,on this day we will get back home to celebrate it with our family.Only on this occasion can we forget our busy work and life, staying with family members

5、and watching the moon as well as eating moon cakes.Besides these activities,we can also have more choices such as traveling and visiting our relatives or friends.Not only should we spend some time with our family during festivals but it is these festivals that remind us to have more time with our fa

6、mily.单词拼写依据词义写出英文单词。1_ vt.&vi.哄骗;作弊n. 骗子;欺诈行为2_ adj. 清白的,无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的3_ vt. 治愈;解决;n. 药物,疗法;对策4_ adj. 兴奋的,满足的;乐于(做某事)的5_ n. 评论,评价vi. 评论,谈论6_ adj. 心理的;思想的,精神的;智力的7_ n. 运动(为了某种目的而进行的一系列有方案的活动)8_ vt. 推广,宣扬;促销;促进,推动9_ n. 智力,才智;情报10_ vt. 询问;请教11_ vt. 推举;建议,劝告;介绍12_ vt. 购买,选购n. 选购;购买的东西13_ vi.&vt. 成倍增加,快速增

7、加;乘,乘以14_ vt.&n. 设计15_ vt.&n. 更新;供应最新信息;使现代化16_ n. 方面;层面17_ n. 廉价货;协议vi. 讨价还价18_ n. 目标;靶子vt. 瞄准;以为目标19_ adv. 个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自20_ vt. 敦促,力劝;竭力主见n. 猛烈的愿望,冲动答案:1.cheat2.innocent3.cure4.pleasedment6.mental7.campaign8.promote9.intelligence10consult11.recommend12.purchase13.multiply14design15.update16.aspe

8、ct17.bargain18.target19personally20.urge.单词拓展写出下列单词及其派生词。1_ vi.& vt. 做广告,宣扬;登广告_ n. 广告_ n. 登广告者;广告商_ n. 广告;广告业2_adj. 劝导性的;有说服力的_ vt. 说服;劝服 _ n. 说服;劝告3_n. 气息;呼吸 _ vi. 呼吸4_ vt.&vi. 使受益;得益于n. 好处;救济金;奖金 _adj. 有益的5_ vt. 确定,查明;打算;裁决_ adj. 坚决的;坚决的_ n. 决心6_ adj. 最新的_ adj.&adv. 晚的(地),迟的(地)_ adv. 后来 _ adv. 近来

9、7_ adj. 有毒的 _ n. 毒药vt. 毒害8_vt. 敦促,力劝;竭力主见n. 猛烈的欲望,冲动_ adj. 紧急的,急迫的 _ n. 紧急的事9_ vt. 询问;请教 _ n. 顾问10_ vi. 做出反应;回应_ n. 反应;回应答案:1.advertise;advertisement;advertiser;advertising2persuasive;persuade;persuasion3.breath;breathe4benefit;beneficial5.determine;determined;determination6.latest;late;later;lately

10、7.poisonous;poison8urge;urgent;urgency9.consult;consultant10react;reaction 1_ 说服某人做某事2_ 旨在,目的是3_ 知道,意识到4_ 虽然,即使5_ 哄骗某人做某事6_ 上的当,受的骗7_ 哄骗;戏弄8_ 涉及,关于;处理,应付9_ 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出10_ 吸引,引起爱好;呼吁11_ 把表达清楚12_ 由于,由于13_ 导致14_ 劝阻某人做某事15_ 死于答案:1.persuade sb.to do sth./into doing sth.2.be meant to/aim at3.be aware of4.e

11、ven if/though5.fool sb.into doing sth.6.fall for7.play tricks on8.deal with9.figure out10.appeal to11.get something across12.due to/owing to13.result in14.discourage sb.from doing sth.15.die from语境填词Actually, we have (1)_(与打交道) that company for many years.Meanwhile, we even hold a large number of (2

12、)_(份额) of them.However,a report of financial scandals of that company was issued last week.We are aware that we have been (3)_(欺诈) out of money over the past few years.Yesterday, we held an (4)_(紧急的) meeting,discussing what approaches should be taken immediately.Most of our staff (5)_(推举) stopping s

13、elling products or supplying any (6)_(服务)to that company.Eventually,we reached an agreement and all of us were quite satisfied with it.答案: (1)dealt with(2)shares(3)tricked(4)urgent(5)recommended(6)service1even if引导让步状语从句Even if an ad does not lie,it does not mean it is altogether innocent.仿写即使你一句话不说

14、,我们也能理解你。_a word,we can understand you.2When it comes to.“当谈及/涉及的时候”When it comes to advertisements,we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them!仿写一谈到交伴侣,你再怎么当心也不为过。_,you cannot be too careful.3Its time to do.“到了该做的时候了。” After you have decided who your audience is,it is time to decide

15、 what you want the audience to know or think about.仿写到了我们认真对待环境问题的时候了。_the environmental problem seriously.4why引导表语从句This is why we have chosen antismoking as the subject of our ad campaign.仿写李倩的车子在半道上坏了,所以她开会迟到了。Li Qians car broke down on the way;_ she was late for the meeting.答案:1.Even if you dont

16、 say2.When it comes to making friends3. Its time for us to take4.thats whyAdvertisements,which often use words and pictures to persuade people 1._ buying a product or service,or believing in an idea,play an important part in our lives.There are two main types of advertisements.One is called commerci

17、al advertisement,2._ someone has paid for to advertise a product or service.3._ they dont tell customers the complete truth.The 4._ one is called PSAs,5._ are made to use attractive and clever language to serve the public.They aim to teach us and help us lead 6._ lives.There are even PSAs to teach u

18、s 7._ to live healthy lives.Our government has been using them to educate people for many years.In my opinion,when 8._ comes to advertisement,we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them.答案:1.into2.those3.But4.other5.which6.better7.how8.it persuadevt.说服,劝告;使信服(教材P2)An advertisement us

19、es words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or service,or to believe in an idea.广告用文字和图画来说服人们购买产品或服务,或者信任某种观点。(1)persuade sb.into doing/to do sth.说服某人做某事persuade sb.with sth. 用说服某人persuade sb.out of doing(not to do) sth. 说服某人不要做某事persuade sb.of sth. 使某人信任某事(相当于convince sb.of sth.)persu

20、ade sb.that. 使某人信任(2)persuasion n. 说服,劝导(3)persuasive adj. 有说服力的(4)“说服某人(不)做某事”的表达还有:persuade sb.(out of)into doing sth.persuade sb.(not) to do sth.talk sb.(out of) into doing sth.reason sb.(out of) into doing sth.convince sb.(not) to do sth.She persuaded her husband not to get involved in gambling.

21、She persuaded her husband out of getting involved in gambling.她说服了她丈夫不再参与赌博。They failed to persuade the customers into buying their products.They failed to persuade the customers to buy their products.他们未能说服顾客购买他们的产品。He tried to persuade him with a persuasive speech, but failed.他试图用一次布满说服力的演讲来说服他,但却

22、失败了。温馨提示(1)persuade sb.to do sth.“说服某人干某事”,其结果是成功的;(2)advise sb.to do sth.“劝告某人干某事”,其结果可能是劳而无功(即“说”而未“服”);(3)try to persuade sb.to do sth.“尽力说服某人干某事”。与advise sb.to do sth.同义。【活用】用persuade的相关词语完成小片段The other day,my husband (1)_buy a coat as he thought it was too long.However,the assistant tried hard

23、to (2)_me _the good quality and fashionable style of it.Therefore,I couldnt help (3)_buying it.So you can see how easy it is (4)_a woman_ things that arent suitable for her.答案:(1)persuaded me not to(2)persuade;of(3)being persuaded into(4)to persuade;to buy/into buying benefitvi.& vt.受益;对有好处,有助于n好处;福

24、利,津贴(教材P3)All of these ads are meant to benefit the public,and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.全部这些广告都旨在使大众受益,遵循这些广告提出的建议,你往往可以学到很多东西。(1)benefit sb.使某人受益benefit from 得益于(2)have the benefit of 得益于be of benefit to 对有益 to ones benefit 对某人有利for ones benefit 为了某人的利益(3) benefic

25、ial adj. 有利的,有益的be beneficial to 对有益(2022高考湖南卷阅读理解)Without specific information,its hard to estimate the costs and benefits of making different choices.没有具体的信息,很难估量不同选择的成本和收益。(2021高考福建卷阅读理解)Kieran Hepburn,14,is one of a group of Banbury youth who has benefited_from the program so far.Kieran Hepburn,

26、14岁,他是目前受益于这个项目的Banbury年轻队伍里的成员之一。(2021高考天津卷阅读理解)Clearly,people enjoy the benefits of lighting their evenings,but some scientists think it can be harmful for humans,too.明显,人们宠爱照亮他们的黑夜所带来的好处,但一些科学家认为它也对人类有害。The new credit cards will be_of_great_benefit_to our customers.新信用卡将会为我们的客户带来很多好处。【活用】A用benefi

27、t的相关词语完成小片段I suggest you give up smoking (1)_your health.I believe that giving up smoking will (2)_you and it will also (3)_your family a lot.In other words,your family will (4)_your stopping smoking.Especially heavy smokers will find the experience even more (5)_them.答案:(1)for the benefit of(2)be o

28、f benefit/be beneficial to(3)benefit(4)benefit from(5)beneficial to【活用】B一句多译新规定对该地区最贫困的居民将大有好处。(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_答案:(1)New regulations will greatly benefit the regions poorest residents.(2)The regions poorest residents will greatly benefit from new regulations.(3)New regulations will be of great benef

29、it to the regions poorest residents.(4)New regulations will be greatly beneficial to the regions poorest residents. recommendvt.推举;建议;劝告(教材P9)I recommend that we should purchase 10 copies for the library.我建议我们应当为学校图书室购买10套。(1)recommend doing.建议做recommend sb.to do. 建议某人做recommend that sb.(should) do

30、建议某人做Its recommended that sb./sth.(should )do 有人建议 recommend sb.sth.recommend sth.to sb. 向某人推举某物recommend sb.for 推举某人为(2)recommendation n. 推举(信);介绍(信);劝告make a recommendation to 提出建议(2022高考北京卷单项填空)I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,which my classmates recommended to me.上周

31、我从图书馆借了本夏洛克福尔摩斯,这是我同学推举我看的书。The doctor recommended that he stay a few more days in hospital.医生建议他在医院再住几天。We strongly recommend buying a bicycle helmet.我们猛烈建议购买自行车头盔。I recommend you to think very carefully before you make any decision.我建议你在做任何打算之前认真考虑一下。温馨提示recommend后不行接不定式作宾语,但可以接不定式作宾语补足语。 【活用】用rec

32、ommend的相关词语完成小片段Our president asked us (1)_(向他推举一位总经理),so I (2)_(推举格林先生当此重任) because Mr.Green (3)_(受到高度赞扬) a man with strong determination,good temper and ability as well as rich experience.After Mr.Green came to his position,he (4)_(建议增加市场份额) by setting up a new sales department in China.答案:(1)to r

33、ecommend a general manager to him(2)recommended Mr.Green for the position(3)was highly recommended as(4)recommended increasing the market share determinevt.打算;确定;(使)下定决心;查明,裁决(教材P18)In order to determine your audience,you will need to do a little research and analysis in advance.你需要事先做些调查分析以确定你的广告群体

34、。(1)determine sth.确定某事determine to do sth. 打算做某事determine on sth. 就做出打算determine宾语从句 打算(2) determined adj. 有决心的;意志坚决的be determined to do sth. 坚决地去做某事;下定决心去做某事(3)determination n. 决心;坚决;坚决(4)decide to do sth. 打算做某事make up ones mind to do sth. 打算做某事decide sb.to do sth. 打算使某人做某事(2022高考江西卷阅读理解)There were

35、 numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them.在这个地区有很多潜水点,拉里打算把全部的潜水点游完。(2021高考湖南卷完形填空)Determined_to_solve this problem, he created an indestructible ball called the One World Futbol.他下决心解决这个问题,制造了一种无法破坏的球称为“同一个世界足球”。Mary is a very determined woman.玛丽是个格外坚决的女子。温馨提示

36、(1)decide后跟宾语从句时,其含义有时是“断定”。I decided that I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere.我断定我确定是在某处拐错弯了。(2)determine to do强调动作,不能与表示时间段的状语连用;be determined to do 说明一种连续状态,表示已经下了决心,可与时间段连用。【活用】用determine的相关词语完成小片段My sister Lily(1)_to go to Beijing University.She is a(2)_girl,so we know that once she (3)

37、_doing something,she will make her dream come true with great (4)_答案:(1)has determined/is determined(2)determined(3)has determined upon/on(4)determination urgevt.敦促,力劝;猛烈要求;极力主见n迫切要求;冲动(教材P19)If we can convince young people not to start,they might then urge their parents and other people to give up

38、smoking,too.假如我们能说服年轻人不开头抽烟,他们就可以敦促他们的父母和其他人也戒烟。(1)urge sb.to do sth.力劝某人做某事urge to do sth. 很想做某事urge sth.on/upon sb. 督促某人某事urge sb.on 激励某人;为某人加油urge that sb.(should) do. 劝告某人做(2)an urge to do sth. 做某事的猛烈的欲望,冲动(3)urgent adj. 紧急的urgency n. 迫切的事(2022高考江苏卷任务型阅读)A student whose friends are good at acade

39、mics may be urged to study harder and get good grades.假如他的伴侣都爱好学习,一个同学可能会被敦促更加努力地学习并取得好成果。(2021高考陕西卷信息匹配)We all have the urge_to possess something that has aesthetic(审美的)value,and this is why we treasure paintings or fine furniture.我们都有想拥有具有审美价值的东西,这就是我们为什么珍藏绘画或者好家具的缘由。The public urged the governmen

40、t to take immediate measures to prevent the forest fire from spreading.The public urged that the government should take immediate measures to prevent the forest fire from spreading.公众猛烈主见政府马上实行措施来预防森林大火集中。温馨提示以下句型中的谓语动词用虚拟语气。(1)urge that sb.(should)do sth.主见某人做某事(2)It is/was urged that sb./sth.(should)do.有人主见某人/某(物)应做【活用】用urge的相关词语完成小片段Mr.Zhang (1)_(极力主见女儿出国留学)When

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