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1、2021高考英语完形填空、阅读理解通用练习(1)及答案完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。At four I was diagnosed with PDD, a type of autism (自闭症). A year later doctors told my parents that I would 31 graduate from high school and I would never 32 athlete everyone in my family did sports when they s

2、tudied in college. They said I would have no 33 of graduating from college. And the last thing was that whenever I was done with school I was going to be 34 into a group home with other autistic children for the rest of my life.I was told this 35 on my first day of high school, which became my motiv

3、ation to 36 they were wrong. I worked hard at 37 , my social life and my school. And I had a lot of 38 from my close friends, my community and my family because as a kid I had to 39 bullying and being made fun of.I graduated from a high school on time and I 40 a full-ride scholarship to Grand Valley

4、 State University for basketball. Things didnt 41 there because some of my coaches didnt understand me, 42 I decided to transfer(转移)to another place where I always dreamed of playing, and that was 43 coach Tom and his basketball program in Michigan. I worked harder than before and I won two Big Ten

5、Championships, a Big Ten Tournament title and a Final Four. 44 these, I got my college degree in hand contrary to all 45 . So far I think it is the 46 moment of my life and always will be.Today I am a motivational 47 going around the country and telling my story of hope, 48 , as well as doing anti-b

6、ullying campaigns. My slogan is Let Yourself Dash because what I want to tell people is never to 49 and to know that theres hope whatever step they 50 and wherever they are.31. A.probably B. seldom C. hardly D.even32. A.turnB.develop C.makeD.work33. A.senseB.chance C.pointD.sign34. A. classifiedB.di

7、vided C.forcedD.placed35. A.experienceB.story C.traditionD.order36. A.admitB.prove C.judgeD.predict37. A. subjects B. challenges C. activitiesD. sports38. A. support B. praise C. criticism D.respect39. A.compete withB.deal with C. combine withD.agree with40. A. discovered B. offered C. earnedD.found

8、41. A. set off B. take up C. carry on D.work out42. A.andB.so C. butD.or43. A.amongB.with C. forD.about44. A. Apart fromB.Far from C. According toD. Regardless of45. A. expectationsB. hopes C. attentions D. desires46. A. truestB.proudest C. fondest D.biggest47. A. speakerB.host C. actor D.writer48.A

9、.patience B.luck C. encouragementD.faith49.A.give off B.give up C. give awayD.give out50.A.move B.walk C. chooseD.take完形填空【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者自小患自闭症,尽管医生们认为他今后无法完成很多事情,然而他却刻苦努力,最终用自己的成功证明医生们的说法是错误的。【重点词语链接】be/have done with sth.做完,结束(某事)If youve done with that magazine, can I have a look at it?假如你已看完 那

10、本杂志,给我看看行吗?31. C【解题思路】依据下文中的I would never 32 athlete可知,and前后的内容是并列关系,此处表示医生认为作者将不行能高中毕业。32. A【解题思路】依据空后的athlete及everyone in my family did sports可知,此空填turn成为,后面跟名词时,假如是单数可数名词,则名词前不用冠词。33. B【解题思路】依据第三段中的I got my college degree in hand contrary to all 45 可知,他们说作者将不行能高校毕业。have a chance of doing sth.意为(做

11、某事)有成功的可能性,符合语境。34. D 【解题思路】依据下文中的with other autistic children for the rest of my life可知,即使从学校毕业,作者在剩下的日子里也会跟其他患有自闭症的孩子一起被安置在教养院. place sb. into.意为 把某人置于某处。35. B【解题思路】依据第一段的内容可知,上高中的第一天,作者就被告知这些事情。所以答案选B项。36. B【解题思路】依据空后的they were wrong和 I worked hard at 37 ,my social life and my school.可知,作者打算用自己的实

12、际行动证明医生们说的是错误的。所以答案选B项。37. D【解题思路】依据第一段中的athlete sports及第三段的内容可知,作者进入高中后,格外刻苦地学习,进行体育熬炼,并与其他人交往,故此处填sports。38. A【解题思路】依据下文中的because as a kid I had to 39 bullying and being made fun of可知,作者小时候受到别人的欺侮和赞扬,但他从家人、好友及社区得到了很多支持(support)。39. B【解题思路】依据空后的bullying and being made fun of可知,dea with处理,应付,符合语境。co

13、mpete with竞争,对抗; combine with与.结合 ;agree with同意。40. C【解题思路】依据空后的a full-ride scholarship可知,作者获得了全额奖学金,故选C。41. D 【解题思路】 依据空后的because some of my coaches didnt understand me可知,此处应选work out表示成功地进展。42. B【解题思路】由于有些教练不理解作者,所以作者去了另外一个地方。43. C【解题思路】作者打算转移到另外一个地方是为了 Tom教练及他在密歇根的篮球课程,所以答案选C项。44. A【解题思路】依据下文中的I

14、got my college degree可知,此处应选A表示除之外。45. A【解题思路】依据第一段中的They said I would have no 33 of graduating from college. 可知,作者获得了高校学位。contrary to expectations出乎意料,为固定搭配。46. B【解题思路】因此,作者认为这是他一生中最引以为豪的时刻,所以填 proudest。47. A【解题思路】依据空后的going around the country and telling my story可知,作者是一个演讲者,周游全国,叙述自己的故事。所以答案选A项。48

15、. C【解题思路】结合上文内容可知,作者的故事是关于期望、鼓舞以及反欺凌运动的。所以空格处填encouragement。49. B【解题思路】作者告知人们:永不放弃,并且要知道无论实行什么措施无论身在何处,总会有期望。50. D【解题思路】参见上题解析。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。There are many rights to make sure that people will be treated fairly when they are suspected or accused of a crime. Sometimes these right

16、s are called due process of law. In using these rights, a person should have the help of a lawyer.You have a right to protect against unreasonable searches and seizures. The police generally may not search you or your home, or take things you own, without a warrant. A warrant is a paper which states

17、, very exactly , the place to be searched and the things to be taken. Sometimes, however, the police will not need a warrant to search you or your property. If an officer sees you committing a crime, or if he has a good reason to believe you have committed a serious crime, he may arrest you and sear

18、ch you and the area right around you without a warrant.If you invite a police without a warrant to come into your house and he finds proof of crime, the evidence may be used against you in court. If you do not want an officer to search you or your home and he does not have a warrant, tell him that y

19、ou do not give him the right to search. However, if the officer will not listen, do not try to stop him. It is dangerous to resist and it may be illegal to do so. Any evidence which a policeman gets during an unlawful search and seizure cannot be used against you.来源:Z.xx.k.ComPolice officers must ac

20、t reasonably and fairly at all times. They should use physical force only when it is needed to arrest someone to enforce a law. They may not use physical violence to teach someone a lesson.43.According to the passage, a warrant is_. A. an identification card B. an access cardC. a special license D.

21、an official written order【参考答案】43-46 DACB完形填空五大高效解题步骤 1. 细读首句,猜想主题 “完形填空”所选短文第一句往往是全文的关键句或是主题句。它是文章的“窗口”,通过它,可以大致了解全文的概貌与作者的立意。所以,细读首句,重视首句,正确理解首句是解题的关键,是正确猜想的基础。要细心阅读,客观分析,理性思考,以期挖掘出更多的有用的潜在信息,为后面的解题打下坚实的基础。 2. 跳读全文,领悟大意 要学会跳读技巧。借助首尾句所给启示,捕获文中关键词的词义信息,跳过空格,快速把短文从头到尾通读一遍,或许了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构、情节进展、前因后果

22、、论点论据等,进一步从整体上理解短文大意。同时对空格估量填什么词可作摸干脆的猜想,为下一步选择答案做好预备。切忌急于求成,看一句填一空。若一开头就忙于填空,势必无法把握文章中心,造成顾此失彼,错误百出的不良结果。3. 通读全文,试选答案 依据大意,以全文为背景,以上下文为依托,选取语法上正确,文义上贴近的词语填入,初步完成空格。试填选项时,确定要留意在语境理解上下工夫,要抓住上下文的内容联系和规律关系,进行多角度、全方位分析。可先读所要填词的句子,复读上一句,兼顾下一句,即“瞻前顾后”。在阅读全文时,不要忽视连接词、代词、插入语、转折语等的作用。由于这些词往往是转变语境的关键词,具有因果、让步

23、、递进、转折、指代、列举、承上启下的特殊功能。4. 细读全文,推敲难题 有些空格在初步完形时就可以定局,可部分空格答案还不明朗。做到这一步,我们将短文中被挖去的词“复位”了一些,对语境的了解更清楚,更精确了。我们要充分利用这一有利条件,联系上下文,依据常识,运用规律推理,结合语境和已选答案所供应的信息,对候选项再次进行认真推敲,缜密考虑,选出最佳答案。 5. 复读全文,调整答案 在完形空格后,要把全文再扫瞄一遍,认真检查一下你选的答案是否能使文意上下连贯、前后照应,规律顺畅,能否自然地融入语篇。既要检查语境、语法、惯用法的正确性,也要考虑内容和规律的合理性。对感觉有问题的地方,要认真揣摩,精确

24、定夺。 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Rainforest is home to around two-thirds of all plant and animal species found on landin addition to millions of people who depend on them for survivalour remaining ancient forests are some of the most diverse ecosystems known to science. They are also vitally

25、 important to the health of our planet, especially when it comes to regulating the climate. But ancient forests around the world are under attack. Protecting rainforests is on the global agenda (议事日程) in a big way. Governments now recognize the importance of protecting tropical forests in order to a

26、void dangerous climate change, and there is now much debate. As governments try to thrash out the details of a new international agreement, expected to be signed at the end of 2009, they are discussing how best to include measures to save rainforests, and therefore address one of the major causes of

27、 climate change. Worldwide, forest destruction causes more greenhouse gas emissions (排放) each year than do all the trains, planes and cars on the planet. So if we are to deal with global warming, there is an urgent need to find ways to reduce the 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions caused by fore

28、st destruction each year, and to keep the remaining forests standing. We need to protect the planets remaining forests not only to stop climate change from getting worse, but to ensure that we can stand the impacts of global warming. Healthy forests absorb and store quantities of carbon, helping to

29、regulate temperature and generate rain. When they are destroyed, this carbon is released into the atmosphere. Thus keeping forests standing is both a critical part of regulating climate change and of adapting to a warmer world. To date, most of the talk has focused on how to pay for reducing defores

30、tation (滥伐森林), rather than on how to actually go about doing it. We believe governments need to support local people to protect their environment, as we have been showing for 20 years can be a very effective way of saving rainforests. 1. The best title for the passage is. A. Rainforest and Climate C

31、hange B. Strategies on Protecting RainforestC. Serious Deforestation to Rainforest D. Present Situation of Rainforest2. From the first paragraph we can infer that. A. we have little rainforest left until now B. the ancient forests are being destroyedC. rainforest control the planet in many waysD. Ra

32、inforest is home to all plants and animals on earth3. The underlined part “thrash out” in the second paragraph means. A. try to understandB. come up withC. hide away D. have a thorough discussion4. Greenhouse gas emissions caused by forest destruction. A. are the same amount by transport on earthB.

33、take 20% of global greenhouse gas emissionsC. can be avoided by setting measures onlyD. have nothing to do with climate change5. From the text we can learn that healthy forest. A. can keep us healthy and happyB. can increase the effect from global warmingC. can be helpful in adjusting the temperature D. can give out large amounts of carbon【参考答案】15、ABDBC

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