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1、定时训练(7).专题特训(形容词与副词)1What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is _ it is long.Ahalf not as wide as Bwide not as half asCas wide as not half Dnot half as wide as解析考查倍数表达法。倍数表达法为:倍数as.as.,A、D项大体符合该挨次;再由句意可知,应当是“不到两倍(not half)”,故选D项。答案D2John intended to be a famous singer;_,he has a long wa

2、y to go now.Atherefore BmeanwhileChowever Dotherwise解析考查连词。句意:约翰想成为一名歌手,然而,他还有很长的路要走。however“然而”;therefore“因此”;meanwhile“在此期间”;otherwise“否则”。答案C3The Yellow Mountain is _ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. Asuch well known a Ba so well knownCso a well known Dsuch a well kn

3、own解析考查句型。such(a/an)adj.名词soadj.a/an名词。此处用so应表达为so well known a。答案D4Are you content with Ang Lees new film Life of Pi?Not a little. It couldnt be _Aany better Bany worseCso bad D. the best解析考查形容词用法。由答语“Not a little.”可知,后者格外宠爱电影少年派的奇幻漂流,认为再也没有比它更好的电影了。比较级用于否定句时表示最高级含义。故A项正确。答案A5In order to keep fit,

4、people eat _ vegetables per person today as they did two years ago.Aas many twice Btwice more than Ctwice as many Dmore than twice 解析倍数表达法。twice as many as.是的两倍。答案C6As the idea of low carbon life is now _ accepted, more and more people travel by public transport.Amainly Bslightly Cwidely Ddeeply解析考查

5、副词辨析。句意:现在随着低碳生活的理念被广泛地接受,越来越多的人乘坐公共交通工具出行。mainly主要地;slightly轻轻地;widely广泛地;deeply深深地。答案C7Cheer up! No matter how _ you progress, you are ahead of those who never tried.Aslowly Bquickly Cbravely Dwillingly解析考查副词。句意:振作点!无论你进展多么缓慢,你肯定比从未尝试的人强。由句意可知,选A项。答案A8Just a month before the earthquake the school

6、practiced an emergency drill showing the children how to _ find their “safe place”Acalmly BregularlyCautomatically Dspecially解析考查副词辨析。句意:地震前一个月,这个学校举办了一次应急演习,告知同学们如何镇静地找到自己的平安位置。calmly“镇静地”;regularly“规章地”;automatically“自动地”;specially“特殊地”。依据语境可知,答案选A。答案A9With more and more farmers moving to cities,

7、an inadequate labor force is _ becoming a major factor affecting the countrys grain output.Aautomatically BoccasionallyCabsolutely Dgradually解析考查副词词义辨析。句意:随着越来越多的农夫搬到城市,劳动力不足渐渐成为影响这个国家谷物产量的主要因素。automatically意为“自动地,机械地,无意识地”;occasionally意为“间或,间或”;absolutely意为“确定地,完全地”;gradually意为“逐步地,渐渐地”。依据语境可知,空格处表

8、示的是一种过程,gradually的词义与此相符。故答案选D。答案D10Language learning is much _ for children.Yeah, I quite agree. Their minds are more flexible.Aeasier BeasyCthe easiest Dthe easier解析考查形容词的比较等级。句意:语言学习对孩子来说更简洁。对,我很赞成,他们的头脑更机敏。much后跟形容词比较级。故答案选A。答案A11I cannot thank you _ much. I might never have been admitted to suc

9、h a famous university but for you.Aquite Bthat Ctoo Dvery解析考查副词。句意:我怎么感谢你都不为过。没有你,我可能不会考入这么有名的高校。cant.too/enough意为“再也不为过”,符合语境。故C项正确。答案C12Having been told _ where he lived, I had no difficulty in finding Peters address.Aexactly BapproximatelyCappropriately Dextremely解析考查副词词义辨析。句意:被告知了精确的他所住的地方,我没费劲就

10、找到了Peter的地址。exactly 精确地;approximately 大约地;appropriately恰当地;extremely极其地。依据句意可知选A项。答案A13Two victims of the car accident, who have gone _ from their loss of blood, have been sent to hospital.Afascinated BawkwardCunconscious Daware 解析考查副词词义辨析。句意:两个在交通事故中因失血过多而失去知觉的人别送进了医院。此处unconscious失去知觉的。fascinated着

11、迷的;awkward笨拙的;aware意识到。答案C14Hello!Friendship Hotel. Can I help you?Do you have a room with a double bed _ for Saturday?Aavailable Bempty Cpossible Duseful解析考查形容词辨析。句意:您好!友情宾馆,请讲。你们那还有双人间吗?周六入住。available可用到的,可利用的;empty空的,表示容器或房间没有任何东西和人,在本语境下是不合规律的。依据题意可知选A项。答案A15Yesterday I was walking downstairs wh

12、en I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious,_Aeven Beither Cthen Dthough解析考查副词辨析。句意:昨天我下楼时踩空了,摔了一跤,但不严峻。此处though意为“虽然,但是”。答案D16Peterson used to work in a remote mountain village school, which is only _ on foot.Areliable Baccessible Cavailable Dconvenient解析考查形容词辨析。句意:彼得森过去在一个遥远的山村学校工作,而且只

13、适合步行去上班。reliable牢靠的;accessible可行的;可接近的;available有效的;可利用的;convenient便利的。依据题意可知选B项。答案B17We need a(n) _ team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder.Aconsiderable BcautiousCdynamic Dconventional解析考查形容词辨析。句意:我们需要一个有活力的能够真正地激励成员更加努力工作的团队领导。considerable相当的;cautious谨慎的;dynamic有动力的,有活力的;co

14、nventional传统的。答案C18China needs to strike a balance between maintaining a _ fast and stable development and economic structural adjustment. Arelatively BseeminglyCapproximately Denvironmentally解析考查副词词义辨析。句意:中国需要使维持相当快速的、稳定的进展和经济结构调整相平衡。relatively想当地;seemingly表面看来;approximately大约; environmentally有关环境方

15、面的。依据句意可知选A项。答案A19The boy _ five only had three _ notes in his wallet. Aages;five dollars B. aged;five dollarsCaged;fivedollar Daging;fivedollars解析考查形容词用作后置定语及合成形容词的用法。句意:这个五岁的男孩口袋里仅有三张五美元的钞票。本题中的aged岁的,是形容词,aged five作后置定语修饰the boy;fivedollar是由连字符连接的多词性合成的形容词,用语修饰名词note。名词修饰名词时,修饰的名词常用单数形式,man和woman

16、例外。故选C项。答案C20How can we get to the airport,Jane? Its too far and too expensive to take a taxi.Dont worry.There is a _ bus service to the airport.Ageneral Bregular Cnormal Dusual 解析考查形容词词义辨析。a regular bus service班车,regular指(时间上)“定期的;有规律的”。答案B.完形填空 体裁:寓言故事话题:人生感悟时间:15分钟Long long ago,in a forest there

17、were thousands of tall and beautiful trees.They were happy,but _1_ of themselves.Among them there was also a(n) _2_ tree whose branches were badly crooked(弯曲的)All the trees made _3_ of that ugly tree.“How are you,hunchback(驼背)?” the other trees always _4_ and their laughter made the ugly tree feel _

18、5_But,he never raised a voice _6_ them.The ugly tree thought,“I wish I were as beautiful as the other trees._7_ did God do this to me? Neither can I provide _8_ for travellers nor can I have birds make their nests on my branches._9_ needs me.”One day,a _10_ came to the forest.He took a look at the t

19、rees and said, “These trees are lovely.I must cut them.” As soon as he _11_ his axe the trees became frightened.“Chop! Chop! Chop”went the woodcutters axe and one by one the trees started to _12_“None of us is going to be spared,” screamed one of the beautiful trees.Soon that tree was also brought t

20、o _13_ by the woodcutters axe.And then,the woodcutter came near to the ugly tree.He had just raised his axe when he suddenly _14_ how crooked the ugly tree was.“Hmm! This crooked tree seems to be _15_ for me.I cannot make long straight logs of this ugly tree,” he thought,_16_ he moved towards anothe

21、r beautiful tree.The ugly tree sighed with relief.He _17_ that by making him ugly,God had _18_ done him a favour.From that day the ugly tree never _19_He was happy with his crooked branches.He never _20_ how he was spared from the woodcutters axe,only because he was crooked and ugly.【语篇导读】本文是一则寓言故事。

22、一棵树因其丑陋的外形而受到其他树木的称赞,但也因其丑陋的外形而免遭砍伐。这个故事告知我们任何事物都有其两面性。1A.fond Bproud Caware Dashamed解析考查语境理解。下文中提到这些外形秀丽的树称赞外形丑陋的树,从而可推断出他们很傲慢自大,所以选用proud。be fond of “宠爱”,be proud of“以为骄傲”,be aware of “意识到”, be ashamed of “对感到惭愧”。答案B2A.short Bhonest Cugly Dstrong解析考查上下文呼应。本题是对后置信息的考查,依据下文中反复提到的“ugly tree”可知答案为C。答案

23、C3A.use Bfun Csense Djoke解析考查动词短语。make use of“利用(以谋私利等)”,make fun of“嘲弄,取笑”,make sense of “理解,弄懂(不易理解的事物)”,make a joke of“以某事为笑柄”,且joke前要加冠词a,依据语境可知选项B符合题意。答案B4A.replied Bquestioned Cthought Dshouted解析考查语境理解。由前面的话语和后面的laughter可以推断出其他的树喊叫着称赞丑陋的树,所以选D。答案D5A.sad Brelaxed Cnervous Dexcited解析考查语境理解。由于受到其

24、他的树的称赞,丑陋的树感到很难过,所以选A。答案A6A.for Bwith Ctowards Dagainst解析考查介词的用法。依据语境可知丑陋的树从没有提高声音进行抵制,against“反对,抵制”,故答案为D。答案D7A.How BWhat CWhy DWhen解析考查语境理解。依据上下文可知丑陋的树发生了这样的疑问“为什么上帝会这样对我呢?”,所以选C。答案C8A.shade Broom Cwood Dwater解析考查生活常识。树木可以为旅行者供应树荫也可以让鸟儿在其树干上筑巢,此处表示丑陋的树认为自己既不能为旅行者供应树荫也不能让鸟儿在其树干上筑巢,所以选A。答案A9A.Someb

25、ody BAnybody CNobody DEverybody解析考查不定代词的用法。依据上文中的语境可以看出丑陋的树觉得自己一无是处,没有人需要他,所以选C。答案C10A.guest Bvisitor Ctraveller Dwoodcutter解析考查上下文呼应。本题是对后置信息的考查,接下来故事围围着伐木工砍伐树木开放,所以答案为D。答案D11A.cut up Bpicked up Cset up Dgave up解析考查动词短语辨析。cut up“切碎”,pick up“举起,拿起”, set up “设置,设立”,give up“放弃,抛弃”,依据语境可知此处表示拿起斧头砍树,故答案

26、为B。答案B12A.fall Bstand Cfight Descape解析考查语境理解。语境表示树被砍倒了,所以选A。答案A13A.car Bash Cground Dstove解析考查语境理解。树木被伐木工用斧头砍倒在地,所以选C。答案C14A.saw Bnoticed Cwatched Dobserved解析考查动词用法辨析。这四个词都有“看”的意思,但依据前面的suddenly可知这里要表达的是“(突然)留意到”,故B项符合题意。答案B15A.useful Bvaluable Cfearless Duseless解析考查形容词辨析。useful“有用的”, valuable“贵重的,很

27、有用的”,fearless“大胆的,无畏的”,useless“无用的”,依据下文可知在伐木工看来这棵弯曲的树没有什么用,所以选D。答案D16A.so Bfor Cas Dbut解析考查连词。由主从句之间的规律关系和语境可以推断出这是一个由so引导的结果状语从句。答案A17A.admitted Bneglected Crealized Dregretted解析考查语境理解。由上下文可知丑陋的树生疏到了上帝让他长得丑陋其实是给他的恩惠,所以选C。答案C18A.actually Bgradually Cinstantly Dhardly解析考查副词的用法辨析。actually“实际上,事实上”,gr

28、adually“渐渐地”, instantly“马上”, hardly“几乎不”,依据语境可知答案为A。答案A19A.spoke Blaughed Cexplained Dcomplained解析考查语境理解。文章其次段叙述了丑陋的树在受到称赞后的埋怨,但后来他也生疏到正是由于丑陋他才免遭砍伐,所以他从那以后不再埋怨了。答案D20A.recalled Bforgot Cconsidered Dworried解析考查语境选词。recall“回忆起”, forget“遗忘”, consider“考虑到,认为”,worry“苦恼,担忧”,依据语境可知此处表示他永久不会遗忘他是如何免遭砍伐的,故答案为

29、B。答案B.阅读理解 体裁:谈论文话题:历史探究时间:6分钟If you and your friends wish to share a secret,you can write it in code,and no one else will be able to read it.Codes are one way of writing in secret.Ciphers(暗码)are another.In a code each word is written as a secret code word or a code number.In a cipher each letter is

30、 changed.Codes and ciphers have played an important role in the history of the world.Julius Caesar,the Roman ruler who defeated almost all the countries in Europe about 2,000 years ago,used a cipher when he sent secret messages to his troops.During the American Revolution,George Washingtons spies us

31、ed a kind of code to send his information about the enemy before his military action.In World War ,the Americans“broke” or figured out Japans most important navy codes and got enough information to destroy a powerful Japanese fleet.Storekeepers use codes to mark their goods.The codes show how much i

32、s paid for the goods or when they are added to the stock.Businessmen use codes to hide plans from their business enemies.Sometimes personal letters or diaries are written in code.Many people enjoy figuring out codes and ciphers simply as a hobby.In the 16th century,codes and ciphers were very popula

33、r among scientists.They wrote messages to each other in code so that no one else would learn their secrets.Geronimo Gardano,an Italian astrologer(占星家),mathematician,and doctor,invented the trellis cipher.He took two sheets of paper and cut exactly the same holes in each one.Then he sent one sheet,wh

34、ich he called a trellis,to a friend and kept the other for himself.Whenever he wanted to write a message,he put his trellis over a clean sheet of paper and wrote the secret message through the holes.Then he removed the trellis and filled the rest of the paper with words that would make sense.When hi

35、s friend received it,he put his trellis over the writing and read the secret message.【语篇导读】密码和暗码有效地爱护着隐秘;由古至今,无论是在战火纷飞的前线,还是在没有硝烟的商场,它们都功不行没。有人甚至把它当作个人爱好,其乐无穷。1The best title of this passage would be _ACodes and ciphersBDifferences between codes and ciphersCHistory of codes and ciphersDInventors of

36、codes and ciphers解析主旨大意题。文章第一段点明白本文的中心话题,密码和暗码是有效爱护隐秘的两种方式,故选A。答案A2Which of the following statements is TRUE?ACiphers can be broken or figured out more easily than codes.BYou could read some words in Geronimos letter without his trellis.CThe first person who ever used a cipher in history was Julius

37、Caesar.DFondness of using codes was the hobby of the scientists in the 1600s.解析推理推断题。依据最终一段倒数其次句Then he removed the trellis and filled the rest of the paper with words that would make sense.(Geronimo拿掉框架,然后在纸张的空白部分填满讲得通的内容。)可推知没有框架也可以读他的信件。答案B3According to Geronimo Gardano,a trellis is _Aa piece of

38、paper with many small holesBa secret message with a lot of small holesCa letter with unreadable words and sentencesDa sheet of paper with groups of Arabic figures解析推理推断题。最终一段的第四、五两句提到他将两张纸剪成同样的框架,然后把其中一张寄给他伴侣,这样对方就可以利用这张框架来套读信件的内容,故选A。答案A4It is NOT mentioned in the passage that codes and ciphers are used for the purpose of _Amilitary affairs Bcommercial secretsCscientific achievements Dpersonal enjoyment解析细节理解题。其次段提到密码和暗码的军事作用,第三段提到了其在爱护商业隐秘和作为个人爱好方面的作用,文章中没有提到其在科学成就方面的作用。答案C

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