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1、双基限时练(六)Unit 10Grammar 2.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Its good for us _ (read) English aloud in the morning.答案to read2Dont forget _ (lock) the door.答案to lock3The teacher asked us _ (read) English in the morning.答案to read4Tell them not _ (play) in the street.答案to play5When is the best time _ (plant) vegetables?答案

2、to plant6I intended _ (call) you, but I forgot to.答案to have called7_ (get) there on time, we set out at five oclock in the morning.答案To get8They want their TV set _ (fix) right now.答案to be fixed9I really dont know which one _ (choose)答案to choose10Its an honour for me _ (ask) to speak here.答案to be as

3、ked11The man has made _ a rule never to regret and never to complain.答案与解析itit是形式宾语,后面的不定式never to regret and never to complain作真正的宾语。12George returned after the war, only _ (tell) that his wife had left him.答案与解析to be told句意:George战后回来,却被告知他妻子已经离开了他。only后跟动词不定式和现在分词都可以作结果状语,但是“only不定式”作结果状语时,表示的是出乎

4、意料的结果,通常是一种令人绝望的后果。13 How did you know the surprising news? I happened _(cover) the event then.答案与解析to be covering句意:你怎么知道那个令人吃惊的消息的?那时我碰巧正在报道那件事。happen to do sth.意为“碰巧做某事”,依据题意可知要用不定式的进行式,表示动作正在进行,强调与谓语动词同时发生。14Many people watch the news on television _ (save) themselves the trouble of reading the

5、newspapers.答案与解析to save句意:很多人通过电视看新闻以免去读报纸的麻烦。此处为动词不定式作目的状语。15He hurried to the booking office only _ (tell) that all the tickets had been sold out.答案与解析to be told“only不定式”作结果状语表示出乎意料的结果。依据题意可推断出he是tell这一动作的承受者,故用不定式的被动形式。16 Would the Smiths go abroad this summer? No, they finally decided _(not)答案与解

6、析not todecide后接不定式充当宾语,有时不定式中的主要动词可以省略,只保留不定式符号to。17_ (improve) his spoken English, Wang Lin works harder.答案与解析To improve第一空为不定式短语作目的状语。18This machine is very easy _(operate). Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.答案与解析to operate句意:这台机器很简洁操作,任何人都能在几分钟内学会使用它。这里用“主语be动词形容词不定式”结构,此时不定式用主动形式表示被动含

7、义。19_(be) a teacher, one must first be a pupil.答案与解析To be此处动词不定式放在句首作目的状语。句意:要想成为老师,首先你必需作一个同学。20Lets hurry so as not _ (be) late for the meeting.答案与解析to be不定式作状语表目的。.同义句转换1The old man is so old that he cant work.The old man is too old _ _.答案to work2His father said to him, “Listen to the teacher car

8、efully.”His father told him _ _ _ the teacher carefully.答案to listen to3I dont know how I can get to the TV factory.I dont know _ _ _ _ the TV factory.答案how to get to4He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box.He is strong _ _ _ the heavy box.答案enough to carry5Does he say anything for himself at

9、 the meeting?Does he have anything _ _ for himself at the meeting?答案to say.完形填空I still remember my first job in the city center. The _1_ was large, dark and old _2_ the physics lecture room was on the second floor. _3_, it wasnt a lecture room at all, it was an ordinary room, but it had “LECTURE ROO

10、M” on the _4_. The students were sixteen or seventeen years old, _5_ several years younger than me. _6_, some of them looked and acted _7_ older than me sometimes. The room was directly _8_ the street, and had the window looking out over the street and many houses. One day, I was _9_ some words on t

11、he blackboard when I heard a sudden change in the noise behind me. There was a man standing in the room with _10_ an apple in his hand. He looked _11_. “Who threw this?” he asked, looking round the class. “I beg your pardon? What is the matter?” I said. “ _12_ threw this apple out of the window,” he

12、 said. “It _13_ on my car.” “Who threw an apple out of the window?” I _14_ to the class. There was no answer.“I _15_ the fellow who threw this.” said the man. “I will be _16_ outside for you.” And then he left, closing the door behind him. _17_ was silence and I continued with the lesson. At the end

13、 of every lesson, usually the class were all _18_ before the bell finished ringing, leaving me saying “Thats all for today” to an empty _19_. This time, when the bell went for the end of the lesson, no one _20_. “Thats all for today,” I said. “You go first, sir,” said one of the boys. It made a nice

14、 change, I being out first.1A. roomB. buildingC. floorD. city2A. andB. asC. soD. but3A. HappilyB. LuckilyC. ProperlyD. Actually4A. floorB. groundC. doorD. window5A. overB. onlyC. upD. almost6A. In factB. In the endC. After allD. As a result7A. moreB. lessC. veryD. even8A. on B. aboveC. belowD. in9A.

15、 gettingB. makingC. takingD. putting10A. hardlyB. almostC. halfD. such11A. angry B. kindC. sorryD. happy12A. AnyoneB. OneC. WhoD. Someone13A. hit B. defeated C. landed D. arrived14A. asked B. said C. talked D. told15A. hate B. find C. get D. want16A. waiting B. looking C. finding D. seeing17A. It B.

16、 There C. This D. That18A. walked B. left C. gone D. ended19A. lesson B. class C. room D. lecture20A. heard B. finished C. spoke D. moved答案与解析1B从下文的“the physics lecture room was on the second floor”可知,此处应当是有“教室”的那一座大楼。2A前后为顺承关系,并列连词用and。3D事实上,那根本不是一个教室,只是一个一般的房间,但门上挂的牌子上写着“教室”。4C依据常识可知,一般状况下,牌子应当挂在门

17、口那个位置。5B此句意为:同学们十六、七岁,只比我小几岁。此文讲的是作者的是第一份工作,他应当是刚毕业,因此,比同学也就只大那么几岁,符合常情。6A与上句呼应,说明老师与同学年龄差距不大,事实上有时候某些同学的长相和行为显得比老师都要大。7D这是依据上文进展来的一种关系,表示一种递进的语气,意思是“甚至”。8B从下文的“looking out over the street and many houses”及“threw the apple”可知,这间教室不是在街道上,这里指的是教室“比街道的位置要高”,所以“苹果才会扔下去,打在车上”。on/in the street“在街上”;above“

18、指位置高于”;below与above正好相反,表示位置低于。9D此处的短语“put some words on the blackboard”表示“在黑板上写一些字”。10C这是依据大事发生的情形推断出来的答案,苹果吃了一半后扔出去了,其他选项意义上都不通。11A依据后文可知,苹果砸在了他的车上,因此,这种“生气”的心情是很自然的。12D此处选someone表示“有人把这个苹果扔出了窗户,落在了我的车上”。13Chit为及物动词,后不用介词;defeat指“击败,战胜”;arrive常与at /in连用,表示“到达某地”。land“着陆,登陆”,用在此处表示,“落在了我的车上”比较合理。14B

19、此处的意思是“对着某人说话”,用say to,而不是“与某人谈话(talk to)”。15D此处的want意思是“要(见)”。此处句意为:我要见那个扔苹果的家伙。16A此句的意思是“我会在门外等着你(找到那个扔苹果的人)”。look要和for用在一起才表示“查找”,find“发觉,找到”,find强调的是结果,look for强调的是过程;see“看到”,强调结果。17B用“there be”句型来表示一种存在的状况。当老师问“是谁把苹果扔出窗外的?”教室里一片安静。18C此题的“be gone”disappear,意思是“消逝了”。19C依据上句,同学已经都跑了,所以是对着空空的房间说“下课

20、”。lesson是指老师上课时讲授的内容;class可以指班上的同学,也可以指一节课;lecture可以表示授课内容,也可以指演讲。20D本句说的是与平常相比的反常现象,“这一次,下课铃响的时候,没有一个人动”。.阅读理解Most high school students depend on their parents for money.Your parents may give you some money as a reward for getting good marks at school as well as some students think that is just som

21、ething teens should do and they dont want to be paid in this way. Take a look at society. It is surprising to see that there are many ways to earn your own money.A simple and practical way is to sell things. You can collect old newspapers, beer bottles and soft drink cans from around the house and s

22、ell them to people who deal with them.Whats more, if you have a lot of things you dont need or like any more, you could also consider selling them. These may include toys, tapes, CDs, computer games, comic books, clothes and so on. You can try to sell them to your classmates.If you have the time and

23、 interest, you could try to sell things on the Internet! Ebay. com and Taobao. com are two websites where you can use to start a small business.However, please be careful not to sell anything that is important to you or someone else in your family. You wouldnt want to sell your grandfathers watch.1T

24、he passage mainly tells about _.A. why to ask parents for moneyB. how to ask parents for moneyC. why to get more moneyD. how to get money答案与解析D文章叙述了如何去挣钱,供应了挣钱的几种方式,故D项正确。2How should you do if you want to earn your own money according to the passage?A. You may ask your parents for money by getting h

25、igh marks.B. You can get money by selling old newspapers, beer bottles and soft drink cans.C. You can selling everything to your classmates and businessmen.D. You may get money by taking part in a parttime job outside of class.答案与解析B文章叙述了一个简洁有用的赚钱方法,就是去卖家里不用的旧报纸、啤酒瓶或饮料瓶。3What must you pay attention

26、to when selling things?A. Try not to sell things on the Internet.B. Dont sell valuable and useless things.C. Dont sell your grandfathers watch.D. Remember not to start your business.答案与解析C由文章的最终一段“However, please be careful not to sell anything that is important to you or someone else in your family

27、. You wouldnt want to sell your grandfathers watch.”可知C项正确。4What do we learn from the passage?A. We learn how to make money by selling things.B. We learn how to work hard in our society.C. We learn how to communicate with others.D. We learn how to do business with others.答案与解析A文章主要叙述了如何去挣钱,叙述了一些适合同学的方法,如卖东西,故选A项。

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