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1、阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Mention the terms Italian Culture and Renaissance Art and one is immediately reminded of the mysterious smile of Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa. The renaissance period had a deep effect on European culture development. Having its beginnings in Italy, by the 16t

2、h century, it had spread to the rest of Europe. Its influence was felt in different fields such as philosophy, literature, religion, science, politics, and, of course, art. The scholars of the renaissance period applied the humanist method in every field of study, and wanted human emotion and realis

3、m in art. Renaissance scholars studied the ancient Latin and Greek texts, searching the monastic(修道院的)libraries of Europe for works of ancient times that had become obscure, in their hunt for improving and perfecting their worldly knowledge. This was completely different from the religion that Chris

4、tianity(基督教)stressed. However, that does not mean that they refused Christianity. In fact, much of the greatest works of the renaissance period was devoted to it, with the church supporting a lot of the works of renaissance art. However, there were slight changes in the manner in which the scholars

5、began to treat religion, which affected the cultural life of the society, which in turn influenced the artists of that period and therefore was reflected in their art. In Raphaels School of Athens, for example, some well-known people were described as classical scholars, with Leonardo da Vinci being

6、 given as much importance as Plato in his time. Giotto di Bondone, 12671337, a Florentine, who is regarded as the greatest Italian painter just earlier than the renaissance period, is thought to be the first artist who treated a painting as a window into space. However, it was only after the writing

7、s of Filippo Brunelleschi, 13771446, who is considered the first great builder of the Italian Renaissance, that perspective was formally accepted as an artistic technique. 【文章大意】文章介绍了文艺复兴的发源地意大利在当时的背景下的文化特色和相关艺术家在这个时期的作用。1. What makes Italy stand out in a way in world history? A. Its artists during

8、the Renaissance were numerous. B. It was the center of the European countries. C. It had Leonardo da VincisMona Lisa. D. It was the home to the Renaissance. 【解析】选D。推理推断题。其次段其次句话的beginnings in Italy, by the 16th century, it had spread to the rest of Europe说明意大利正是文艺复兴的发源地, 从而影响整个欧洲。2. The underlined w

9、ord“obscure”in Paragraph 3 most probably means“”. A. meaningless and hard to recognizeB. clear and meaningful to guide peopleC. unclear and difficult to understand or seeD. easy to understand but having little meaning【解析】选C。词义猜想题。该题依据语境结合选项进行猜想。句中的the monastic说明这些资料的来源, 和宗教有关的应当是较难理解的, works of anci

10、ent times也说明白这一点。3. When was perspective officially received during the Renaissance? A. After the completion of Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa. B. After Leonardo da Vincis being compared to Plato. C. After Giotto di Bondones paintings were respected. D. After Filippo Brunelleschis completing his writi

11、ngs. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。最终一段的强调结构里的被强调部分就是本题的解题线索。4. The passage aims to tell us. A. Italys renaissance art and artistsB. the famous artists in Italys historyC. Italys influence on the world in cultureD. the hardships during the renaissance in Italy【解析】选A。主旨大意题。文章是围围着意大利在文艺复兴中的文化进展和相关的艺术家开放的。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的

12、四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The Cave Crawler mining robotWhy do human beings still risk their lives under ground and doing one of the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs in the world? Its an increasingly urgent question,given the recent high-profile(引人注目的)mining accidents in Sago, W. Va., and Huntington, Uta

13、h. A small group of engineers and robotics experts envision(展望)a day in the not-too-distant future when robots and other technology do most of the dangerous mining work.One of the first mining robots was developed five years ago at Carnegie-Mellon Universitys Robotics Institute. It was called Ground

14、hog and it looked like a golf cart. It used lasers to “see” in dark tunnels and map abandoned minessome of the most dangerous work in the business. The latest prototype is called Cave Crawler. Its a bit smaller than Groundhog, and even more advanced. It can take photos and video and has sensors moun

15、ted that can detect the presence of dangerous gases. Incredibly, the robot has a real sense of logic. If it comes across an obstacle it gets momentarily confused, it has to think through the process and where to go next, and sometimes it throws a fit just like a real person. The biggest obstacle, th

16、ough, is cost. The original research project was federally funded, but that money has dried up, and its not clear where future funding will come from. Partly for that reason, and partly because of advances in safety, mining is not nearly as dangerous as it was in the past. Since 1990, fatalities hav

17、e declined by 67 percent, and injuries by 51 percent, according to the National Mining Association.Some experts predict that robots in mines will serve much of the same function that they do in the automotive industry. The robots do the most repetitive and dangerous jobs, but dont eliminate the need

18、 for human workers. 1.The latest robot is more advanced than Groundhog mainly because . A. it can map abandoned mines B. the robot has a real sense of logic C. it can see in the dark tunnel D. its a bit smaller than Groundhog2.We can infer from the last paragraph that . A. the mine robots will have

19、a very bright future B. robots in mines will serve much in the automotive industry C. there will be no need for human workers in mines D. robots in mines have a long way to go3. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A. High-profile mining accidents in America. B. The developme

20、nt of robot.C. Could robots replace humans in mines?D. Cave Crawler, the latest robot.【参考答案】BAC阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Every year many students went to the college bookstore to purchase the different textbooks that they need for their classes. Little do these students realize that, in doi

21、ng so, they are throwing good money away. It may sound unbelievable but textbooks, in some cases, actually cost as much as, if not more than, college fees.Many people think that college bookstores are the most convenient source for textbooks. Titles are usually kept and students may purchase new tex

22、tbooks or choose to buy second-hand books and save money. But the money saved by purchasing second-hand textbooks from college bookstores is small compared to the amount they could save by shopping online.More and more online booksellers have begun selling textbooks at heavily discounted prices. Onl

23、ine second-hand bookstores are another source for college books as they keep a large number of textbooks, which means sizable savings for students. Students should avoid purchasing their textbooks at the first store that they surf online since there are so many unreal booksellers on the Net. Price i

24、snt the only factor to consider when making an online purchase. Students should also consider shopping costs and delivery time when making their decision.Online auctions(拍卖) are another option for students seeking a bargain. This option, however, has its pros and cons. A plus is that students can ge

25、t incredibly cheap books. One problem is that while online bookstores have a system in place that ensure you receive your order within a reasonable amount of time, with an auction purchase, however, you must depend on the auction sellers timetable. One way that students can really save is by getting

26、 books for free. Project Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable. Here students can legally download a huge collection of classic novels. In the past students needing help with their studies would often have to spend a lot of money buying expensive study guides. Today that

27、 is no longer the case. Cash-strapped students can now visit the website SparkNotes for free downloadable study guides as well as classics. 31. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?A. Learning to Save on TextbooksB. Why Buy TextbooksC.Online Shopping D. Tips for Buying Secondhand

28、 Textbooks【答案】A【解析】标题归纳题。本文主要讲在线购书比去学校书店买更节省,最终一段还介绍了一种能免费获得教科书的节省的方法。所以本文主要讲在教科书方面怎样省钱。故选A.32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source to obtain textbooks ?A. College bookstores.B. Online used bookstores.C.Online auctions.D. Second-hand bookstore centres.【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题。第一段讲到A.College b

29、ookstores。第三段“Online second-hand bookstores are another source for college books .”提到了B(在线二手书)。第四段讲C.在线拍卖。但始终没提到D。33. The underlined expression “pros and cons” (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to _.A. professionals and conservativesB. joy and sadnessC.advantages and disadvantagesD. processes and

30、conditions【答案】C【解析】词义猜想题。“pros and cons” 指“正反两方面”,即“优点和缺点”。与C意思相同。34. According to the passage, Project Gutenberg is probably _.A. a government project aimed at helping English majorsB. a project to help poor students get free learning materialsC. a website for English majors to get the guides from

31、language expertsD.a website for students to get free sources for English learning【答案】D【解析】推理推断题。文章最终一段“Project Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable. Here students can legally download a huge collection of classic novels.”说明 “Project Gutenberg”是英语专业同学认为格外贵重的资源,同学可以在这儿合法地

32、下载大量经典小说保藏。因此它是一个同学可以为英语学习猎取免费资源的网站。故选D。35. From the passage, we can learn that_.A. the cost of textbooks in college is low compared to the amount spent on tuition B. online auctions are perfect for students seeking text booksC. students should visit many websites before buying their booksD.students

33、 should consider shopping costs and delivery time above all else when making their buying decision【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。文章第一段“It may sound unbelievable but textbooks, in some cases, actually cost as much as, if not more than, college fees.”说明听起来可能难以置信,但在某些状况下,教科书的费用即使不比高校学费多,也是持平的。故A不对。文章第四段“Online auction

34、s(拍卖) are another option for students seeking a bargain. This option, however, has its pros and cons.”说明在线拍卖也是有利有弊的,而不是完善的。故B错误。第三段“Price isnt the only factor to consider when making an online purchase. Students should also consider shopping costs and delivery time when making their decision.”说价格不是网

35、购唯一考虑的因素,同学在做打算之前也要考虑购物成本和交货时间。能看出同学在作出购买打算之前应当首要考虑购物成本和交货时间,但不是首要考虑的。故D错误。第三段“Students should avoid purchasing their textbooks at the first store that they surf online since there are so many unreal booksellers on the Net. ”说明同学应当避开在他们搜寻到的第一个店购买教科书,由于网上有太多不真实的书商。所以在买书之前应当看很多网站,故C正确。4.短文改错Snow came

36、a bit later this year than usually. After school, we took a bus to go back home in noon. On the way, we were attracted by the amazing scenery trees, houses, and even cars were covered with purely white snow. How desperately we want to play in the snow! However, when we got off the bus, we immediatel

37、y ran to a square nearby to enjoy the very spirits what the snow brought us. Despite the cold weather, we had a great fun playing with the snow. Many passer-by watched us laughing and playing, with smiles on his faces. Occupying with our study every day, we would like to regard it a refreshing exper

38、ience for us all.【参考答案】4.Snow came a bit later this year than usually. After school, we took a bus to go back usualhome in noon. On the way, we were attracted by the amazing scenery trees, houses, atand even cars were covered with purely white snow. How desperately we want to play wantedin the snow!

39、 However, when we got off the bus, we immediately ran to a square nearbyThereforeto enjoy the very spirits what the snow brought us. Despite the cold weather, we had thata great fun playing with the snow. Many passer-by watched us laughing and playing, 去掉 passers-bywith smiles on his faces. Occupyin

40、g with our study every day, we would like to regard their Occupiedit a refreshing experience for us all. as5.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线(_),并在该词下面写出修改的词。留意: 1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11

41、处起)不计分。We are going to take the College Entrance Exams in more than two months. Therefore, many students still dont know how to balance their study, rest and physical exercises while preparing for the Exams. They usually devote too much time to go over their lessons, what results in poor health and

42、low efficiency of learning.As the proverb goes, early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Wed better leave us enough time to rest and sleep since it enables us learn our lessons more efficient. Whats more, a strong and healthy body is the base for our further study, future

43、 work and creative activities. In brief, as we are preparing to the Exams, dont forget that rest, exercise and study were equally important.【参考答案】5.We are going to take the College Entrance Exams in more than two months. Therefore(However), many students still dont know how to balance their study, r

44、est and physical exercises(exercise) while preparing for the Exams. They usually devote too much time to go(going) over their lessons, what(which) results in poor health and low efficiency of learning.As the proverb goes, early to bed and early to rise make(makes) a man healthy, wealthy and wise. We

45、d better leave us(ourselves) enough time to rest and sleep since it enables us (加to)learn our lessons more efficient(efficiently). Whats more, a strong and healthy body is the base for our further study, future work and creative activities. In brief, as we are preparing to(for) the Exams, dont forge

46、t that rest, exercise and study were(are )equally important.6.短文改错下列文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 留意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Many teachers worried about the effects of television on young people

47、According to studies, any children spend more time watching television than they spend in school Because so much viewing, children may not be develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves No one worries much about the radio pro;ram young people listen to, although radios can be very

48、noiseTeachers also wonder about the effects of television commercials On one year the average child will see 25,000 television commercials, all planned and written by grown - ups to make children to want things that they dont real need【参考答案】6.Many teachersworried /about the effects of television on young people.According to Worry/are worr

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