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1、汉译英练习精品文档1.作为一个中国人,我为中国灿烂的古代文明而骄傲. (as)As a Chinese, I am proud of the ancient culture of China. As a Chinese,I am proud of the ancient culture of China.2.听到那个消息,他们激动的哭了. (hear)They were excited and cried when they heard that news. They were excited and cried when they heard that news.3.看见父母再人群中招手,我

2、快速的跑向他们. (when)I run fast to them when I saw my parents waved in the crowd. I run fast to them when I saw my parents waved in the crowd.4.再全国人民的关注下,翟志刚完成了太空行走. (in)in the attention of the whole poeple, Zhai zhigang finished the spacewalkIn the attention of the whole people,Zhai zhigang finished the

3、spacewalk5.如果时间允许的话,我再走之前会拜访几位老朋友. (permit)If time is permitted, I will visit several old friends of mine before I leave.If time is permitted,I will visit several old friends of mine before I leave.6.玛丽是我校唯一出席那次会议的学生。(only)Mary was the only student in my school who attended that conference.Mary was

4、the only student in my school who attended that conference.7.这个国家在人口数量上相当于那个国家的二分之一。(population)Tne population of this country is about half of that one. The population of this country is about half of that one. 8.树上结了许多苹果,其中一部分都熟了。(bare)The tree has bared many apples, part of which are ripe. The tr

5、ee has bared many apples,part of which are ripe.9.那天汤姆在这一直等到我回来为止。(till)That day Tom had been waiting till I came back. That daY Tom had been waiting till I came back.10.昨天我们正要回家,这时天下起了大雨。(the moment)It rained yesterday the moment we were about to go back home. It rained yesterday the moment we were

6、 about to go back home.11.人的一生中总是有很多机会,重要的是如何抓住这些机会。(catch) There are many chances in a persons life, but the more important is that how to catch these chances. There are many chances in a persons life but the more important is that how to catchThese chances.12.毫无疑问,政府将采取一切措施来防止这种疾病的蔓延。(take measure

7、s) Without inhibitions, the government will completely take measures to prevent the spread of this diseaseWithout inhibitions,the government will completely take measures to prevent the spread of this disease.13.你觉得有没有必要把高中未毕业的孩子送到国外留学?(study abroad) Do you think its necessary to send children under

8、graduted from junior high school for studying abroad? DO YOU think its necessary to sent children undergraduted from junior high school for studying abroad?14.人人生来平等,因此我们决不能看不起那些出身贫寒的人。(look down) Everybody is equal when they bore, so we mustnt look down the people who have low class origin. Everybo

9、dy is equal when they bore.so we mustnt look down the people who have low class origin.15.日语常常被认为比英语容易学,但事实并不是这样。(consider)Japanese is considered more easily study than English, but to tell the truth, it isnt like that. Japanese is considered more easily study than English,but to tell the truth, it

10、isnt like that .16.这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality)Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly,the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly,the qualities of some citizens are still nor satisfactory.17.无论何时何地有紧急状况,可

11、以拨打110求救。(there is)Whenever and whoever there is emergency,you can dial 110 for help.Whenever and whoever there is emergency,you can dial 110 for help18.我有过这样好的一次经历,我会永远记住。(such)I had such a good experience that i will never forget it.I had such a good experience that I will never forget it.19.他停了一会

12、儿,这样学生就有时间来思考他的问题。(so that)He stopped for a while, so that the students could have time to think his question over.He stopped for a while,so that the studedts could have time to think his question over.20.望着五星红旗升起,运动员们激动得热泪盈眶。(raise)Watching zhe five-star red flag being raised, the athletes were so

13、excited that tears came into their eyes.Watching zhe five-star red flag being raised,the athletes were so excited that tears came into their eyes.21.他们为了看得更远正在攀高。(view)Theycare climbing higher in order that they canget a better view.Theycare climbing higer in order that they canget a better view22.多

14、带些衣服以防天气转冷。(in case)Take more clother with you in case the weather turns codl.Take more clother with you in case the weather turns codl23.有志者事竟成。(where)Where there is a will, there is a way.Where there is a will,there is a way.24.既然你知道你错了,你最好承认。(since)Since you know you are wrong ,youd better admit

15、it.Since you know you are wrong,youd better admit it.25如果你不告诉其他人这个秘密的话,我就告诉你。(if)I will tell you the secret if you dont tell anyone else about it. I will tell you the secret if you dont tell anyone else about it .4回答者: beryl_crystal新视野英语教程 读写教程 一 UNIT 10 1. 等他到机场时,飞机已经起飞了。(by the time)By the time he

16、 went to the airport, the aircraft has taken off.By the time he arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.2. 在校园(campus)里,车速被限制在每小时30英里。(be limited to) On campus, The speed is limited to 30 miles per hour.On the campus, the car speed is limited to 30 miles per hour.3. 这对双胞胎姐妹(twin sisters)之间的不

17、同之处在于:一个依赖父母,另一个却很独立。(on ones own)This difference between the twin sisters is that: a dependent parent, the other is on her own.The difference between the twin sisters is that one is dependent on her parents, and the other is on her own.4. 一方面汽车有用,可另一方面它们也造成污染(pollution)。(on the one hand. on the oth

18、er hand)On the one hand a useful vehicle, on the other hand they can cause pollutionOn the one hand, cars are useful, but on the other (hand), they cause pollu1. On average, males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and problem-solving skills. 一般情况下,男性在测量数学

19、推理,机械能力,解决问题的能力的方面得分高!一般而言,男性在测试数学推理、机械能力和解决问题技能的考试中得分较高。2. It is the left side of the brain that strongly influences a persons ability to use words, to spell, and to remember.左脑强烈的影响着一个人的用词、拼写和记忆能力。对一个人用词、拼写和记忆力有重大影响的正是左半脑。3. As a result, it is easy to understand why little girls often perform scho

20、ol tasks better than boys, especially if the task requires sitting still, obeying orders, and accepting the teachers ideas.因此,很容易理解为什么小女生完成学校布置的任务要比比小男孩好,尤其是当任务需要长时间坐的时候,服从命令,接受老师的思想。结果,为什么小女孩往往较小男孩能更好地完成学校的功课就很容易理解了,尤其是如果这些功课是要求坐端正、听从命令和接受老师意见。4. Girls, therefore, are often limited to getting high

21、marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, instead of being allowed to question without fear like boys.二UNIT 1 A. Translate the following into English. 1. 房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。(in danger of)The house was on fire and people inside were in danger of losing their lives.2. 他买不起这么好的房子。

22、(afford to do)He cannot afford to buy such a nice house.3. 这个主意听起来也许有些怪,不过还真有点道理。(make sense)Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense.4. 约翰看起来是个好人。即便如此,我还是不信任他。(even so)John seems (to be) a nice person. Even so, I dont trust him.B. Translate the following into Chinese. 1. Even though

23、 the first McDonalds restaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries, it still became acultural symbol.虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成为了一种文化象征。2. These people are angry that the building is now in danger of being destroyed, along with theirmemories.这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆将一起被摧毁,感到很气愤。3. They are using the earthqu

24、ake as an excuse.他们在利用那次地震作借口。4. Some think that McDonalds real reason for wanting to close down the restaurant has nothing to dowith money.有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关。UNIT 3A. Translate the following into English. 1. 如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away from)If he starts talking about the past, youll ne

25、ver get away from him.2. 冬天失业率有上升的趋势。(tendency)There is a tendency for job losses to rise in the winter.3. 在我不断地要求下,父亲终于同意和我一起去澳大利亚了。(frequent)Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.4. 他把老店卖了,开了一家新店,以便赚更多的钱。(make money)He sold his shop and opened a new one t

26、o make more money.B. Translate the following into Chinese. 1. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; its awhole way of living.迅速变化的不仅仅只是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式。2. In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly woman appeared in a TV advertiseme

27、nt in which she lookedat a very small hamburger and complained loudly, Wheres the beef?比如,1981年,一位名不见经传的老妇人出现在一个电视广告里,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢?”3. Although clothing designers influence fads in fashion because they want to make money, this desirefor money doesnt explain fads in other areas, such as lan

28、guage. 尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言。4. However, in the United States, there is an additional reason for fads: most Americans seem to feelthat something is wrong if there isnt frequent change in their lives.但是,在美国,时尚的发生另有原因:大多数美国人似乎觉得,如果他们的生活没有发生频繁的变化,那一定有什么地方不对劲了。2010-4-18Tears coursed down her face. 她泪流满面。 The future looks very doubtful. 前途看来难以预测。At the moment, he preferred not to think about the future. 此时此刻,他宁愿不去想未来的事情。所以,女孩常常因为记住老师传授的东西而取得高分成绩,而不像男孩那样被鼓励去大胆提问。收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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