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1、.常考句型【句型1】For these reasons,I.“由于这些理由,我。”仿写:由于这些理由,他认为在中国接受高校训练是明智的。For these reasons,he thinks that receiving college education in China is wise.【句型2】In conclusion,.To sum up,.“总而言之,”仿写:总而言之,市民应当遵守交通规章。In conclusion,citizens should abide by traffic regulations.To sum up,citizens should abide by tra

2、ffic regulations.【句型3】Therefore,we should realize that.“因此,我们该意识到”仿写:因此,我们该意识到学英文不能没有字典。Therefore,we should realize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.完形填空体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率夹叙夹议师生关系teacher16分钟/20In 1972,I returned to Miami Beach High School to speak to the drama class.Afterward

3、 I asked the drama teacher 1 any of my English teachers are still there.Irene Roberts,he tells me,is in the class 2 down the hall.I was no one special in Miss Roberts classjust another student who did okay work.I dont recall any one special bit of wisdom she passed on.Yet I cannot forget her 3 for l

4、anguage,for ideas and for her students.I 4 now,many years later,that she is the perfect example of a 5 teacher.Id like to say something to her,I say,but I dont want to 6 her from a class.Nonsense,he says,shell be 7 to see you.The drama teacher 8 Miss Roberts into the hallway where stands this 32year

5、old man she last saw at 18.“Im Mark Medoff,” I tell her.“You were my 12thgrade English teacher in 1958.” She 9 her head to one side and looks at me,as if this angle might remember me in her 10 .And then,though armed with a message I want to 11 in many words,I cant think up anything more memorable th

6、an this: “I want you to know,” I say,“you were 12 to me.”And there in the hallway,this lovely woman,now nearing 13 age,this teacher who doesnt remember me,begins to weep;and she encircles me in her arms. 14 this moment,I begin to sense that everything I will ever know,everything I will ever pass to

7、my students,is an inseparable part of a legacy(遗产) of our ancestors.Irene Roberts holds me 15 in her arms and through her tears whispers 16 my cheek,“Thank you.” And then,with the briefest of looks into my forgotten face,she 17 back into her classroom, 18 to what she has done thousands of days throu

8、gh all the years of my 19 .On reflection,maybe those were, 20 ,just the right words to say to Irene Roberts.Maybe they are the very words I would like to speak to all those teachers through my life,the very words I would like spoken to me one day by some returning student: “I want you to know you we

9、re important to me.”【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者回母校任教时去看自己的老师,结果发觉当年的英语老师还在校,就去见她,可是几近退休的老师已经认不出他来了,不过他对老师说了一句最重要的话:“我想告知您,您对我来说很重要。”这句话让老师很感动,也同时激励了作者将成为怎样的老师。1A.that Bif Cas Dwhen解析考查连词。句意:“之后我问戏剧老师以前教过我的英语老师还在不在学校”。if表示“是否”,故选B。答案B2A.just Balmost Cnearly Dabout解析考查副词。句意:“他告知我,艾琳罗伯茨老师正在大厅那头的教室里上课。”A项为“正”,B项为

10、“几乎”,一般在否定词前面,C项为“将近”,一般加数词,D项为“关于”,依据句意答案为A。答案A3A.kindness Brespect Cfriendship Dlove解析考查名词。句意:“然而,我也忘不了她对语言、对观点以及对她的同学的敬重。”由于她是个语言老师,所以对于三者的理解,A项为“好意”,B项为“敬重”,C项为“友情”,D项为“爱”,尤其是对于观点这个内容,B最合适。答案B4A.know Blearn Crealize Dbelieve解析考查动词。句意:“很多年之后的现在,我意识到了,她就是无私老师的典范。”选realize表示多年后的意识。答案C5A.selfish Bse

11、lfconfidentCselfconscious Dselfless 解析考查形容词。句意同4,A项为“自私”,B项为“自信”,C项为“自我意识”,D项为“无私”,作为老师的评价应当为D。答案D6A.call BdragCpush Dpull解析考查动词。句意:“我不想把她从教室里叫出来。”A项为“呼叫,打电话”,B项为“顺着地面拖或者强行拉拖某物体或某人”,C项为“推”,D项为“拉,拽”。由于老师在教室里上课,所以用生硬的拉出来会比较合适,故选D。答案D7A.upset BdelightedCinterested Dannoyed 解析考查形容词。句意:“胡说,”他说,“见到你她兴奋还来不

12、及呢。” A项犯难过的,B项为兴奋的,C项为有爱好的,D项为苦恼的。由于师生久别重逢,一般都是很兴奋的,所以选B。答案B8A.brings BtakesCfetches Dintroduces解析考查动词。句意:“戏剧老师将罗伯茨老师带到了门厅”。A项为“带来”,B项为“带去”,C项为“去取”,D项为“介绍”。由于是把老师带到我在的地方,所以为“带来”,选A。答案A9A.bows BraisesCrises Dputs解析考查动词。句意:“她将头微微偏向我看着我。”A项为“鞠躬”,B项为“抬起”,及物动词,C项为“上升”,不及物动词,不行选,D项为“放在”,依据常识,一般为抬起头来端详面前的曾

13、经的同学,所以用及物动词raise,故选B。答案B10A.thought BbrainCattention Dmemory解析考查名词。句意:“好像通过这个角度能够唤起对我的记忆。”A项为“想法”,B项为“大脑”,C项为“留意”,D项为“记忆”。依据句意为,在记忆中搜寻对我的印象,故选D。答案D 11A.announce BspeakCdeliver Dtell解析考查动词。句意:“然后,尽管我想用华丽的辞藻向老师传达一条信息,但搜肠刮肚我只说出了这句最值得回味的话语。”A项为“宣告”,B项为“说”,C项为“传递”,D项为“告知”,依据句意为传递信息,故选C。答案C12A.useful Bim

14、portantChopeful Dbeneficial解析考查形容词。句意:“我想告知您,您对我来说很重要。” A项为“有用的”,B项为“重要的”,C项为“有期望的”,D项为“有益的”,依据句意该选B。答案B13A.retirement BenjoymentCemployment Dhappiness解析考查名词。句意:“这位几近退休的女老师”。A项为“退休”,B项为“享受”,C项为“雇佣”,D项为“欢快”,所以该选A。答案A14A.Reminding BExplainingCRemembering DForgetting解析考查非谓语动词。句意:“将这一刻牢记于心的时候,我开头意识到我将要知

15、道的一切,我将要传递给我的同学的一切都是我们生生不息的传承中不行分割的一部分”。A项为“使回忆”,B项为“解释”,C项为“记住”,D项为“遗忘”,依据句意该选C。答案C15A.happily Bstraight Ccalmly Dbriefly解析考查副词。句意:“艾琳罗伯茨将我简短的拥在怀中”。A项为“欢快地”,B项为“直接地”,C项为“冷静地”,D项为“简短地”,由于老师是从课堂上出来的,所以只能简短的拥抱一下,且下文有类似的句子“with the briefest of looks into my forgotten face”,故选D。答案D16A.against Bwith Coff

16、 Dbeyond解析考查介词。句意:“透过泪水贴着脸颊对我轻声说了句感谢你。”A项表示“靠着”,B项为“伴随”,C项为“离开”,D项为“超越”,而against ones cheek属于固定用法,故选A。答案A17A.escapes BgathersCdisappears Dfails解析考查动词。句意:“然后,她用最快的速度看了一眼我那被遗忘的面孔就从我的视线里消逝了”。A项为“逃离”,B项为“聚集”,C项为“消逝”,D项为“失败”。依据句意为C。答案C18A.longs BcontinuesCgoes Dreturns解析考查动词。句意:“回到了教室,连续她数十年如一日的工作。”A项为“渴

17、望”,B项为“连续”,C 项为“去”,D项为“回到”,依据句意该选D。答案D19A.absence BclassCwork Dtask解析考查名词。句意:“消逝在视线中,回到了教室,连续她数十年如一日的工作。”当然,这么多年的工作,我都不在现场,所以用absence,选A。答案A20A.or rather Bin additionCas usual Dafter all解析考查介词短语。句意:“现在回想起来,或许,那就是我对艾琳罗伯茨老师该说的话;或许这些话,归根到底,也是我对全部伴随我一生成为我的一部分的老师们想说的话;或许,那就是我期望某一天听到回到学校的同学对我自己说的话:我想告知您,您对我来说很重要。”A项为“更精确地说,倒不如说”,B项为“此外”,C项为“跟平常一样”,D项有“终究,终归,到底,归根结底”的意思,用排解法即可。答案D

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